I was playing around today with the XML, I've never really modded before. I got Mara Jade to work in the Galactic Conquest, but I also got her to flying a lone Z-95. I haven't heard of anyone doing this before, so I figured I'd post it. All her stats are unique, basically a slightly enhanced Z-95 with Slave One health.
The ZIP I put up has the XML files, so just copy those a la the instructions in the sticky up on the top of the topic list. This adds Mara jade and Kyle Katarn to most of the Galactic Conquest Maps(I got lazy), its easy to add them to the rest just add in starting units "Mara_Jade_Team" or "Katarn_Team"
Its cool to copy and use these as you want, it was not all that complicated, and most modders could probably do this fairly quickly anyways on thier own.