Alas we cannot import them yet. The converter has not been released yet...
Just to let everyone know, I have posted 3 members-only updates on the LoW forum. Textured Yoda is one of them. So if you're not a LoW Forum member and want to see them go register.
when is it going to be realsed
It'll be released when its released...
when is it going to be realsed
Well as of now, there are no modding tools for EaW. Their fore it is rather difficult to add models and such to the game. Until tools are released or made, there isnt much that can be done.
Don't the XML files call image/model/config files for all types of unit/structure/hero/etc.? I was looking through them and it looked like a lot of this stuff was there. I'll have to look again...maybe I'm wrong.
(Even if it is, I'm not saying it would be easy - just possible.)
There isnt a program that can convert models into the format EaW uses.
Hope someone comes up to it soon.
Re: the SSD model...
OK, I just watched RotJ again tonight, and the the Super Star Destroyer is HUGE. Larger than what I remembered before. It dwarfs an ISD the way an ISD dwarfs a Lambda transport shuttle. So on a current space map the SSD would stretch almost all the way across it - edge to edge - with no decent room to turn and maneuver.
But I know people are wanting bigger space maps too (and I'm one). Introducing an accurate-scale SSD model in this (or any other) mod would make that mandatory.
Well then the fight could take place above the SSD or the LoW guys could scale all models down to make it maneouverable.
True, but the former would make it nothing but a backdrop in a space battle - like the Death Star - and the latter would make other ships so small I'd have trouble clicking on them.
At 1920x1200, I already have trouble selecting corvettes. To see the smaller ships I'd have to start playing the game on my 11-foot home theater screen (which I have a PC connected to, so that is a possibility).
When we get the map editor we can make the maps bigger. We can also tweak the camera a bit to be better.