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[FIC] Star wars: Heart of the Guardian

Page: 4 of 5
07-14-2006, 9:36 PM
He's not jealous because JC won him over with his charming personality. I think Carth called him a sweet talker at one point. Oh and Jae, I guess I wasn't clear on his training. I assumed he was getting better but I have also heard that sometimes certain injuries continue to ache long after so I guess I got carried away. Still I'm glad you liked it and you'll see why Carth isn't jealous about their relationship.

@igyman: Thanks for your input. My family keeps telling me that I should get into professional writing.

@Pottsie: I haven't determined that amount yet but I can say that it may be at least 20.

Stay tuned. Another chapter will be up as soon as I can find my jump port.
 Jae Onasi
07-14-2006, 10:30 PM
Oh yeah, injuries ache a long time, sometimes forever. I broke my foot 10 years ago, and I still will get a bad ache in it during bad weather. And all those little old ladies who were convinced they could predict the weather with their joints who I thought were nuts were actually right. :D
07-15-2006, 1:56 PM
Ok everyone. Here is a new chapter. I think it is a bit mushy and dumb but other people seemed to like it so I am running with it. Here are some interesting tidbits and we get to see some old friends.

Chapter 4: Last Words and Departure
Two days of catching up and final training eased my temper and boredom with everything. Every free opportunity I had, I spent with Michaela and Tulre. We often went out for picnics or exploration trips around the forest. Kapu accompanied us as well but I put my foot down for T3 with the excuse that he was coming anyway. Those were some better days but it filled me with apprehension.

To all of Avalon, I was dead. That posed a problem to me seeing as I would find it difficult to explain how I was dead and now alive. Michaela solved that problem. She had old Petronius come over and sit and talk with me. He said that my two selves were the same person but I had to bring them together. He said that it was the very core of Bushida. Every warrior has opposites. To be a good one, one had to bring all that was opposite into balance. That brought back a memory of when I used to teach the Zherron children basic moves. It helped some but it didn’t solve the problem of explaining why I was alive when I was supposed to be dead.

It was on the last night before I left with Carth, Mission, Jolee and Juhani on their return to the front. No one sent for him but he came. Inkosi Kanji came to see me after fourteen years and all the way from Mikkado. He spoke to me in his tribal language and I replied back. I was surprised that I hadn’t lost the knowledge of the language since I hadn’t spoken it for over three years. I inquired politely as to why he had come. He replied that it was to guide the new warrior to the other side. To be honest, I had a pretty good idea why. I just wanted to be able to hear the old wizard talk.

I was brought to the warm memory of when I first met him and he sent me on my vision quest to discover courage when we sat at the indaba that night around the fire. Instead of being just me and him, for some strange reason he allowed Tulre to stay with me and he specifically asked Revan to stay as well. I know that Revan had no clue as to what he was saying. After two years, she had learned Avalonian but the specific dialects were an enigma to her. I couldn’t translate for her, as it would interrupt Inkosi Kanji’s chanting and spoil things. I tried sending her meanings through our bond and she picked up on it and took it on alone.

Inkosi Kanji was saying that the boy of Kirabaros had died the day he plunged into the abyss. Somewhere along the way, the man had gotten lost and hid behind the boy. As with courage, I was to go and find the man and become him. I had the spirit of the great tribal warriors in me and I had to find the one that I was meant to be. It was pretty solemn stuff.

Revan was holding Tulre who was quiet throughout the whole thing. Inkosi Kanji motioned for her to just sit and look at me and listen. Inkosi Kanji began his chanting and rattled his pocky grub seed rattles and spread the twelve shinbones in front of me. He held my gaze as he continued chanting.

Everything began to melt away as I closed my eyes. I could still hear his voice as I slowly opened them. I was in the middle of a battlefield but it was of a long time ago, possibly from the time of the Great Hyperspace War. I could see my people, mostly as Jedi fighting against the Sith.

My gaze drifted towards the top of a small hill that seemed relatively clear. I saw off to my left, for a brief moment, what looked like Revan but different. She looked like one of my people, dressed in Jedi robes. Next to her was a man who, upon a closer look, was my son. They were leading the way, or rather clearing the way to the hill. I felt compelled to follow. I could distinctly hear the chanting get louder as I approached closer. When I got near the top, two figures appeared, each drawing their lightsabers.

The one with the red lightsaber was one that I had seen before. He was in the eyes of the Blood King. I breathed the name quietly, Naga Sadow, or rather it was him taking over someone, another person who claimed the title of the Blood King. He waved his blade menacingly at the second figure. He spoke in Basic but the words were like a razor sharp knife on my ears. He said, “I have chased and hounded you and will continue to do so until you are dead. You cannot stop the power of the Sith.”

The other figure came into the light. I let out a gasp. He looked, no, was me! He twirled a bronze and orange blade in response. His reply was, “There will always be a Kirabaros. I am the first but not the last.” He then looked at me, waiting.

Naga Sadow/Blood King started to swing with his blade. Kirabaros defended and ended up ramming his blade through that darkness. He continued to look at me. ‘Revan’ and ‘Tulre’ were looking at me expectantly. I slowly approached Kirabaros. We looked at each other in the eye. I extended my hand in the warrior grasp and he took it in the same manner.

The image began to fade and I saw that my wrist was gripped by Inkosi Kanji and I was gripping his. We were looking at each other in the eye and he was smiling. It looked at the sky and saw that it was late into the night. Revan and Tulre were standing and looking at me. The old wizard knew I needed a guide and used my bondmates to get me there.

He said that I had found myself but in order for me to be who I am I had to embrace it. I had no clue as to how the old wizard knew of my reluctance to accept the name that Zoran had given me so long ago but I could sense the wisdom in his words. I nodded my understanding. He continued but switched to an archaic form of his language, He told me that the warrior woman with the honey eyes was my sister and that I should watch over her. He hinted at other things such as young ones need a mother and a father, things I already knew but he was driving it deeper into my mind.

He then stopped and looked at Revan and Tulre. He stoked gently Tulre’s cheek and muttered something. Revan looked at me blankly and I spoke in Basic, “Inkosi Kanji just gave you your Mikkades tribal name. He called you Manzibique. It means ‘Mother Courage’ and Tulre he called Kanamoto, meaning ‘Little Warrior.’” I smiled at her as it dawned on her. The old wizard just smiled and left. He gave his last words, “He lives forever,” and disappeared into the darkness.

Revan and I walked to the house with me carrying Tulre. I sensed that she wanted to ask what I saw but respected my need for privacy. Instead of going in, she wanted me to go to the gardens with her. I said that I would join her after I put Tulre to bed. She merely nodded. I passed Carth on my way to my room and said that Revan was in the gardens. He left to go be with her.

Tulre was asleep by the time I put him in his crib. Michaela was awake, sitting in her favorite rocker and packing my survival pack. I came up behind her and put my arms around her shoulders and placed my head to the right of hers and gave her a gentle kiss on the cheek. She turned her head and returned it. She then got up and went to the table to put my pack down. I wrapped my arms around her waist and just held her close. She leaned into my body and I held her. We spent a good deal of time looking at the night sky in that position until she went to sleep and I went to the gardens.

Nighttime at the gardens could make for a romantic scene, if the occasion called for it. I was walking down the paths when I heard Carth and Revan talking. I hid amongst the brush and used the Force to conceal my presence as I watched Carth hold Revan in a similar manner I had held Michaela. There was much more contrast as Revan was rather short but it looked peaceful. Revan was saying something that Lady Mara needed her help on the political end and Carth was asking if that was all right with her. A little more conversation and a kiss, Carth left her alone.

I came out of my hiding spot after he left and said softly, “I thought I was the one that was supposed to be keeping secrets.”

She turned to see where I was and turned back to gaze at the fountain. She replied, “This was one that I figured I should keep especially since it could affect whether or not Carth will come home alive.”

“I think he has a right to know that he’s about to become a father,” I replied not beating around the bush.

“I know. Believe me I’ve tried coming up with ways and the right time to tell him but…”

“With this major engagement coming up, you are worried about him keeping his mind focused,” I finished for her. I had the distinct feeling this was why Michaela never told me about Tulre until after he was born. It was obvious that Revan was going to do the same. It then clicked about the tidbit I had heard about Lady Mara. I then said, “That is why you asked if I was ready to train. It was because you needed someone to go in your place and you would stay here and get involved with politics.”

It didn’t make me angry at all. It was obvious that she was afraid I’d be angry given my bad temper. She thought I would ‘pull a Carth’ as she once put it. She replied as carefully as she could, “That is part of it and it was true about what Jolee said about you and…”

I smiled as I said, “I know, I know. I’m not mad. I am happy for you. How far along?”

Shyly she replied, “Two months.” Her voice then got serious, “Please Jacen, don’t say anything to Carth yet. I just want him to concentrate on getting through the battle and coming home.”

“I’ll do one better. I’ll watch out for him. Just for you Pretty Girl.” I had used the nickname I had said to her once before. It had the desired effect: she smiled.

She knew I would keep my promise and she made a similar one, “I’ll make sure Tulre doesn’t drive Michaela crazy.”

I chuckled a bit. Tulre was not the kind of child to get into scrapes, at least not until he got older. We had always been able to talk like confidants but my feelings for her were that of a protective big brother nature. Knowing this, I said, “Fine but Kapu will stay here and keep you company. That is a must or I might accidentally let something slip.” The last bit was to tease her.

She saw that I was teasing and said, “Fine. I’ll tell Michaela about that comment you made about her omelets.”

That lightened the mood as we headed back to the house. Well lots of surprises await people. That little chat relieved some of my apprehension about returning to battle. I was calm when I went to bed after I kissed a sleeping Michaela.

The farewells were rather dry-eyed though it was easy to see that tears were threatening. The ones that would be left behind, Revan, my family, Mission, after some persuasion, and Kapu gave a good sendoff. I said my goodbyes and sent a reassurance to Revan that I would keep her promise though I didn’t guarantee that I wouldn’t say anything to Michaela. I boarded our transport that would take us to the main fleet massing near Aztlan and went to the window to watch. I was thinking about the vision that Inkosi Kanji had sent me on and thought about my name.

I watched as the people I cared for became small figures on the ground. I thought about what was to come to the inevitable confrontation with the Blood King.
 Diego Varen
07-15-2006, 2:28 PM
I liked that Chapter. Naga Sadow and the Blood King part was very interesting and are the Zherron Children named after Zherron on TSL?
07-15-2006, 3:04 PM
Another great piece of work, JM12. I like how you go into details when it comes to describing the characters' thoughts and emotions. The name Zoran is also interesting to me, since it is a name used in my country.
07-15-2006, 3:34 PM
To answer your question Pottsie, I used the name Zherron because it seemed to fit. I honestly did not think about Zherron from TSL but in short, they are not related.
@igyman: Zoran I remembered from my book The Power of One and thought it to be a good name for his old friend. It kind of went with my theme of using different cultures of the world. As to descriptions, I tend to think that my audience is blind and I have to read the story to them. If I keep that in mind then I come out with good descriptions especially some of my fight scenes which are coupled by the fact that I watch a lot of war movies and martial arts and stuff.
Glad you guys liked it and I'll get the next chapter up soon.
 Jae Onasi
07-16-2006, 7:03 PM
Enjoyed the latest chapter as always. Could Revan be involved in politics, since she's only been on the planet/in the culture a few years? I wasn't sure how much the people would accept her. I certainly could see her staying back to train the other Jedi and fighters, too.
Can't wait to see the look on Carth's face when she tells him.... :)
07-17-2006, 12:59 AM
That was the official reason. She could just be an advisor to Mara since she helped rescue her and knew her. Like Kirabaros would aske her that. Like he mentions, he only invades if it is urgent. Right now there are bigger issues.
OK enough of that and here is another chapter until the master returns.

Chapter 5: Transport and Dealings
“If you stare at that glass any longer, a tach would eat you,” a voice sounded through the thick cloud of my brain. I was not even listening to it. I was just staring at my reflection in the water glass and examining my face. Ever since we had left Avalon, I had been doing that more often. I had to look and be sure it really was me and if I was the person I should be. Mostly I looked at my eyes. Within them, I was certain I could see a fire, a light or a glimmer. My staring often made it look like I was being mental, as Atton once put it.

I felt a shake on my shoulder but was still in tuned to the glass I was looking at. It wasn’t until I heard ‘inattentive whippersnapper’ that I realized that I had been tuning someone out. I turned to find Jolee giving me one of his famous frowns. Blast it! The Old Man never let me out of sight. I immediately apologized. He said, “At least you respect your elders sonny,” and he took a seat opposite of me.

I smiled and chuckled a bit. I was still holding the glass I was looking at and I reverted my gaze back to it and just looked but more attentive to Jolee. I said, “I know that you have a low tolerance for mouthy little things.”

Jolee snickered slightly at my comeback. If anything during the last two years, I picked up the habit of teasing him with his own words. He continued to watch me and asked, “Are you trying to change the shape of that glass or are you going to drink that water?”

We were sitting in the mess of the transport. I had come for a glass of water, strange since I could have used the refresher. I preferred the kitchette water. I had gotten a glass and found myself staring at my reflection when Jolee found me. I replied, “Eventually drink it,” and I continued to stare at it.

“You trying to drink it through the Force?”

“Nope. Just looking at my reflection,” I said rather quietly.

“What for? Your face doesn’t change every two seconds.”

“Just trying to see who I am.”

“Does this have to do with that wrinkled old coot that had you out late the night before we left?”

“Yes, and he’s not a wrinkled coot,” I replied. Then with a devilish smirk I continued, “You are.”

“Don’t insult your elders boy and don’t get started on me. I’m old dammit and I’m allowed to be insulting.”

I just smiled and started rotating the glass. I was still looking at myself as I was rotating it. I thought briefly at what I had seen in the vision and other things that had happened over the last two years. I watched the liquid slosh around and I felt a sudden wave of nausea from when I tumbled down the river. I stopped looking at the water and looked at Jolee. I said, “I’m just trying to see how I would fit in here. It’s something that had been bothering long before Inkosi Kanji came.”

“Wanna talk about it or are you going to ignore me?” Jolee was looking at me like he did when I was trying to hide something.

“Nope because I have my answer,” and I downed the glass of water and left the table. I left Jolee grumbling about my pushiness or something. I once had the nerve to compare him to Vrook and he nearly exploded at me. It was about ten minutes before he realized that I was teasing. Ever since then, he tried to catch me before I started. Sometimes it worked, sometimes not.

I went to the observation deck of the transport. We were to dock with the main ship within the hour. I needed time alone to think about what I was going to say to the generals and the like. I stood looking out the window at the stars. I thought more about what I had seen in the vision and myself. I vaguely recalled something that Tergis, or was it Cronus, had said. It circled through my mind, Sometimes we have to look at ourselves to find our core. Our core holds all that we are and must be brought into balance. You are two people, what you are and what you are meant to be. One day, they will meet and make you who you are.

It was more Avalonian philosophy than Jedi teachings. I chuckled at the memories of when I would countermand a teaching of the Jedi Order in front of the masters on Coruscant by using philosophy. I think Vrook turned purple once at my blatant disregard for some things that were tenants of the order. In my opinion I figured that while the Jedi Code is a basis, it was flawed. If anything I figured that control of oneself was the most important. It was complicated then and is now as I rifled through my memories.

I kept cycling back to that vision of my facing the Blood King and concentrated on the emotions that were playing. There was courage, determination and a calm, like a calm before the storm. The fact that I saw myself millennia ago was startling in of itself but nowhere near the ease I had felt when I grasped his wrist. I was so absorbed in my thoughts that I didn’t sense that Jolee had followed me. When I let go of everything I caught his presence and teased, “You never let up do you Old Man?”

“I know a thing or two sonny but a mouthy little thing like yourself won’t hear it unless you learn a bit of respect,” was the gruff reply.

“What do you want to know? That I look at myself in the mirror every morning just to see who I am in my eyes? To know that every time I do, I sometimes get confused? What then?” I replied calmly with as little edge in my voice as possible.

“Just want to know if there is anything you want to talk about.”

“A lot has happened Jolee. Some things I can explain, others I can’t. I sense a change in me. I think that is pretty evident considering that I once thought of my self as a nobody.”

“Who said you were a nobody?”

“I have. Every little thing that I have done, I always gave the credit to someone else. What do you expect when you have been tortured by your peers and called all sorts of vile names?” I turned to face him.

Jolee regarded me with a curious expression, as if he saw something. He then said, “I thought someone of your intelligence would have been able to move past that.”

“I thought I did. I guess falling into the river did me some good. I just had to let go. I know I can make a difference. Maybe that’s why I met up with you at Citadel and you bored me to sleep with your ramblings,” I finished with a smile.

“Hmm. Maybe. You do seem a bit off.” He was half teasing and half being serious. He continued, “I just noticed your eyes. They are not their usual green with dancing gold flecks. They look rather golden or something. What have you been doing, chewing on spice?”

I was perplexed. I frowned and my scar became noticeable. I said, “No. Never touch the stuff. All I have been doing was standing here and thinking about that business in the communication room back home and what I have seen in my dreams. Why?”

“I don’t know what to say. I’m an old man who doesn’t know anything anymore. What I can say is that things are going to happen and you seem to know what it is but it hasn’t come across your thick skull.”

I rolled my eyes slightly. Jolee’s manner could be unnerving if you weren’t used to it but I could sense the concern behind it. I said, “It’s the will of the Force.” What else could I say? I saw that it seemed to relax him a bit.

Deciding it was time for one of his little stories. He told me one concerning a serpent and a boy. He said something along the lines that the boy would help the snake by moving things out of his path all the way into the desert. The snake then struck the boy and as the boy was dying, the snake asked why he was following him and the boy replied that he thought he was leading him away from everyone else. I looked at him pondering a bit. A quick glance at the chronometer said that we would be docking soon with the ship. I said, “Well I could be the snake or the boy but that remains to be seen.” Jolee nodded rather impressed that I hadn’t asked what it meant.

I turned to head towards the door. I motioned for him to go first saying, “We’ll be docking in a few moments.”

Jolee looked at me and said, “Well, let’s hope things work out Jacen.”

As we were walking down the hall to the door where we would exit, I whispered in Avalonian, “Not Jacen, Jolee. Kirabaros is my name.”
07-17-2006, 5:48 AM
Another great display of your writing skills JM12. Other people said this before, but I'll repeat it anyway: the form of the narration is excellent. I beleive it is called the ''Ich'' form, (Ich=I, in German. I'm not sure if I've spelled it correctly, since I'm not German and I don't speak the language :) ).
 Diego Varen
07-17-2006, 11:04 AM
Another good Chapter JediMaster12. And igyman, Ich is German for I. I know this because I'm doing German at School.
 Jae Onasi
07-17-2006, 12:09 PM
So he's finally accepting his heritage, eh? Good for him. :)

You're weirding me out with the amber eyes thing. If he goes dark, I'll be so upset. :) But it's your story!!!

Anyway, I enjoyed the Jolee quips and JC's decision.
07-21-2006, 9:18 PM
Jae:That amber thing ties in with one of his descendants. Ashira from Broken Wounds- her eyes are amber. Other than that just keep reading.

The master returns once more. Here is the next chapter for your reading entertainment and I have something in there that sounds familiar. I'll give 10 cool points to see if anyone notices it. :)

Chapter 6: Announcements and Plans
Landing was uneventful except being met by those I had met when I ventured into Republic space. Darius greeted me with a hidden joy. He had rarely come during my two-year recovery as he was assigned to more dangerous fronts. Like Jolee, he looked at me peculiarly and with a puzzled look. I made a note to look and see what was so strange about me. I found comfort in talking to Zaalbar, the Wookiee who greeted me formally and I replied in his language, something I had picked up from Revan. I was getting uncomfortable with all the staring from everyone so I asked a stupid question, “Where’s the refresher?”

Seeing as I wasn’t going to get a response, I turned tail and headed for the nearest door that would take me anywhere but the hangar bay. I didn’t notice T3 had followed me until he beeped at me after I went through the door. I looked at the droid and asked a bit sharp, “What? Are you going to tell me that I look different like everyone else?”

I regretted what I said immediately after I said them but I did not like being looked at like I was a gizka in a zoo. T3 seemed to understand for he let out a series of beeps that sounded sad but a little firm. Imagine a little, top of the line astromech giving me advice. I think I began to understand why Revan liked droids and preferred them sometimes in place of sentient contact. I was the same way when it came to my talking with Kapu or any other animals. I apologized to T3 after his little speech. We then walked together down the corridors, me talking to him about nothing in particular until I finally found the refresher and was able to look at myself and find out what everyone was staring at.

Twenty-four hours later I was on a shuttle with Carth, Juhani, Jolee and Mandalore to touch down on the forest moon next to Aztlan. The droids were with us since I thought that we they would drive the fleet personnel crazy, especially HK. After apologizing for my behavior, everyone seemed a bit at ease. I was more understanding in that some had not seen me in two years, people thought me to be dead and on top of that, I looked slightly different. I sat in the co-pilot seat and was leaning back with my hands clasped behind my head and my eyes closed. I was thinking about what I saw in the refresher.

Everything looked as how I’ve seen myself before. The same scars, the same nose, the same mouth, the same stubborn locks but my brown hair seemed tinged with lighter streaks. If I were at the villa, I would have thought it as Mission’s idea of a joke. My eyes however were different. They had always been green with flecks of gold. My father once told me that they came from my mother. This time they did look different. The gold was more apparent. It didn’t drown out the green completely. If anything, it looked as if I had fire dancing in my eyes and it seemed to accentuate the green more. It looked unusual to me as I stared in my eyes. As I was looking I felt a subtle probing from the Force almost as if it were to nudge me in the direction I was to take, what I was to tell the people…

Carth was talking to me and I had not been paying attention. I snapped out of my thoughts and apologized. He just chuckled and said, “At least Jolee isn’t up here to tell you that you’re an inattentive youth.”

I chuckled and thought about my promise to Revan. When we were discussing the mobilization of the fleet, I suggested that Darius should direct the fleet or be in one of the fighter squadrons. Atton would pilot the Ebon Hawk and Visas could do, whatever a Miraluka could do. Bastilla was going to help with her Battle Meditation on the Sojourn. The rest would be coordinating ground forces with me. It was totally unorthodox of me to have an Admiral of the Republic fleet on ground forces but everyone trusted my judgment. No one really knew that it was because of a promise I had made. One that I was intending to keep.

I sat up and scanned the controls of the shuttle. I responded with a smirk, “Jolee’s never pleased with me. I insult his cooking too much.”

“I think everyone has done that.”

“Have you ever told him that you don’t want to mix salt with paprika if you are trying to not make your meat move?”

“No,” he was chuckling and trying to stifle the laugh, “I’ve never worked up the courage.”

“Not man enough?” I challenged.

“I’m too smart.”

I switched the subject when I saw the indicator light of the shuttle go on, “We’re coming up on the docking bay. Preparing for landing.”

The moon was bustling of life. It was originally a refugee moon for displaced tribes and the like after the initial attack but now is was a staging area for our plan of attack. The leaders of the tribes and the various warlords were gathered around as Mandalore was giving a run down of the plan. It was daring but it was the only way to end this war. We were going to attack Amshrey, the planet where the Blood King had established his fortress. The planet was in the region of space known as the Forbidden Stars. I wasn’t looking forward to it but I knew it had to be done, if not for me then for my wife, my son, my family. Before that, we were going to free Belos and restore the governorship.

I was surveying the leaders there. I saw Sigara but he didn’t recognize me. I think not one of them knew who I was. It didn’t bother me at first but after a few minutes, it began to hurt that no one I had helped and met even remembered me. I pushed these thoughts aside as Mandalore finished. One of the warlords questioned him by asking, “Just how are we going to get to Amshrey without the Rashikians turning on us and who will lead the armies?”

“Not a Mandalorian!” someone shouted.

“And you think you can?” someone else raised.

A shouting match began to ensure. It was just like conclave. I fought a headache that was starting to form. I heard Zaalbar growling about respect and Jolee and Juhani trying to bring order. I tuned it out slightly and found my way back to my vision. My mind focused on the warrior handshake and I kept that image. I raised my head and said loudly, “I’ll do it.” I had to repeat it louder and this time I spoke in Avalonian, “I’ll lead the forces to the fortress.”

Sigara managed to quiet everyone further by asking, “And who might you be?”

I closed my eyes and took a breath. Slowly I opened my eyes and I felt a slight charge. I replied, “I am Kirabaros.”

Everyone was looking at me in a stunned shock. I think they thought of Kirabaros as myself before the war. Here they were looking at a complete stranger who claimed to be Kirabaros, the Heart of the Guardian. I kept my eyes directed to the leaders not paying attention to the looks I was getting from my friends. The silence was broken by a warlord who responded, “You lie. Kirabaros was a boy. He’s dead now. How dare you claim his warrior name.”

I was going to respond when a young voice piped up, “He is Kirabaros. I know because he saved me when I was coming of age.”

I looked and saw a boy I hadn’t seen in two years or so. Caelos of the Zherron tribe and a padawan of the Academy was coming to my defense. He made his way to the front. He repeated himself, “He is Kirabaros.” He turned to look at me expectantly.

I spoke clearly, “What he says is true. Perhaps you remember the uprising of the tribes on the plains of Argon. I started a night school in the old enclave to teach what was necessary for the tribes to interact.” I then swallowed back the tears that threatened to surface. I then said, “The hunter named Zoran of the Lordes tribe gave me my name.”

That seemed to trigger a response. Sigara had come closer to peer at my face. He became convinced and shouted in Avalonian, “Heart of the Guardian! Kirabaros!”

I looked at Caelos and shot a look of thanks. He just came up and gave me a warrior handshake. I returned it in the midst of all the cheering of my warrior name, no my name.

“Why did you say you are Kirabaros, Jacen?” Juhani asked me around the campfire that night.

Everyone was still confused as to what happened except Jolee. I think he put everything together as far as my powers and my combat prowess went. Still I felt I owed it to them by explaining who Kirabaros was. Sigara and Caelos had joined us and were urging me to tell of the greatest of warrior among our people. I glossed a bit over his qualities and I told my story, the story of a boy growing up and helping people in spite of the hate that he felt for those that tormented him and his greatest accomplishment was aiding the tribes.

When I finished, they had a better understanding of it but I think they didn’t make the connection that I was the little boy in the story. Zaalbar surprised me though by saying [They were right in calling you Kirabaros. You have honor and you have courage. You stand against injustice].

I smiled a bit and allowed the silence to continue for a bit. The only noise was the occasional singing of the song of the Heart of the Guardian and it warmed my heart. It wasn’t pride but that feeling that I knew who I was. I had been debating how I was going to tell everyone my thoughts when Jolee interrupted by asking, “Look sonny, I’ll give you five credits if you stop opening and closing you mouth and tell us what’s on your mind.”

I chuckled a bit. I sighed and figured I might as well come out and say it. I began, “You know the rumors were true. Jacen did die in that fall two years ago. I had trouble these last two years coming to grips with myself. I would find myself looking at my reflection trying to look for someone I couldn’t find.

“Before we left Inkosi Kanji, that medicine man, came and sent me on a vision quest. It was to find who I was. Now I am here. I am Kirabaros. Jacen is dead.”

“I know Kirabaros,” Caelos responded. “My master told me that he knew that you would come back. You just had to find your way.”

“Look, uh, I may not understand much about your people, Ja-, er Kirabaros, but if that is what you want to call yourself, then, then I’ll respect that,” Carth replied.

I gave him a smile. One by one the others agreed saying that they will respect my wishes. I knew that my Republic friends couldn’t fully understand my words. I knew that they cared enough to respect my choices and they would voice their concerns if necessary but they weren’t Avalonians. In fact I had hard time myself believing it when I was younger but that was more from feelings of inadequacy. Seeing that my friends would support me, I turned discussion to the plans we had for Belos.
 Diego Varen
07-22-2006, 5:55 AM
Another good Chapter JediMaster12. Looking foward to more.
07-23-2006, 12:46 PM
OK here is the next chapter. Again I went off my eccentric streak and used another movie. Try to guess.

Chapter 7: Crash and Burn
Belos was in worse shape than I thought. When we arrived we had to stop short at one of the moons. My Republic friends and I and of course Caelos traveled on one of the few trade ships still allowed onto the surface. It was by some miracle of the Force that we were able to make it past the sensors at all. I was pretty sure that they had every single Force Adept attuned to any sign of the Jedi. I did my best to mask Caelos’ signature and mine since he didn’t know how to do that yet. I hid my relief as we touched down and disappeared into the crowds. Zaalbar was a problem since he was so tall and no one had seen a Wookiee before. They had to detain him and I thought he was going to bust out but I eyed him and he understood.

I kept Carth and Caelos by me as one of the tribesmen led our motley group to a safe house. Amazing what my name can do to people. Later I learned that it was going to create a problem for the people since they were harboring us. It was one of those things that would affect me profusely. At the safe house, I gave assignments according to everyone’s talents. My goal was to get outside the capital city Xao Lin and make contact with the tribes that had managed to evade the Rashikians. I took Carth, Caelos and T3 with me to scour the exit routes. HK I left with Jolee and Mandalore since I didn’t want to deal with his trying to shoot them.

It took me two months of wandering the grimy streets to gather the necessary information about Xao Lin. We had to get reconnaissance of all possible exits and the inner workings of the city. During those two months we had become acquainted with an underground resistance who gave us everything they knew about the security habits of the guards. Zaalbar went back with the ship and headed back towards the moon. Late at night when everyone else was asleep I would make plans for my escape from the city. I decided to send back some of my people and I had not heard the end of it so instead I made the painful decision that they remain in the city and coordinate the resistance. That and other things made me retch at night. I ended up losing my desire to eat for a while and would have ended up starving if Carth didn’t force me to eat. Mostly it stemmed from the fact that food sounded repulsive. That was nothing compared to the events that got me out of Xao Lin.

It happened one day when I was walking with my usual group through the market sector of the city. T3 was beeping me readings and the list of usual supplies we needed, which included food. I was glad at the moment that I was able to secure clothing for everyone that blended in. We were looking at a stall with fruit when a small boy was being dragged out by a small group of Rashikians. I could hear their language and they were saying that the penalty for thievery was death. The people in the square cleared a circle. They knew what was going to happen and they were powerless to stop them. I could sense Carth getting upset and he wanted to reach for his blasters but I stayed his hand. I muttered for him to tell T3 to get ready and I began to walk slowly towards the group.

The leader was muttering as saying, “Your people don’t play by the rules boy. Thieves don’t get caught. Perhaps he thinks he will get mercy you think?” The rest of the group began to laugh with the crowds looking on. He then said, “Hold him down.”

The one holding the blade had it raised when I said, “Halt.” Everyone turned to look in my direction. I guess they thought I was signing my death warrant since it meant death to contradict the local authority. I ignored the stares as I said, “What in the name of the Four Winds could make a creature so dangerous that it takes six men to kill it?”

“This doesn’t concern you Belosian trash. Be advised to keep moving,” was the response.

“Well have you captured a kataran beast? Let me see. Huh, a small boy, a truly dangerous animal,” I played with some humor.

“This boy stole from the caravan of the General.”

“You’re starving us. We needed the food,” the boy retorted.

“I advise you again core slime to move along or you risk imprisonment and eventually death.” The tensions were getting high. The Rashikians were getting angry.


“What did you say?”

“I said wrong. This is my home therefore you are out of line,” I said. I had such a straight face that if the situation weren’t so grave, it would have been funny. I had treaded into dangerous territory and I could fly or crash and burn.

The leader walked straight up to me and said, “You are the one out of line. I could have you disemboweled right here and now.” His eyes were burning. It looked like it was going to be a crash and burn.

I looked at him right in the eye. I said, “Oh I don’t think so.” With as much power I could muster, I used the Force to send him flying into one of the stands. I drew out the katana that I was carrying. I didn’t want to risk my lightsaber being seen. I twirled it and was ready when the rest of the group came at me. I used a series of blocks, strikes, punches and kicks to make my way to the boy. I yanked him off his feet and told him to run. I noticed a patrol coming down the alley. I took a run and a leap and ran up the walls and flipped behind them.

That move seemed to stun them and allowed for Carth to fire away. T3 let out an occasional stunner. I was glad that Caelos was back at the safe house that day instead of here. I led the fray with my blade as I made my way to a pair of draigons that were just waiting. I motioned to Carth who jumped on one and I jumped on the other and we took off running through the streets. T3 followed behind us as I led the way to the ruined portion of the city walls.

As we approached, I saw that T3 wasn’t going to make the jump so I slowed a bit and pulled alongside the little astromech. Using brute strength, adrenaline and the Force, I managed to lift the droid and held it at an awkward angle until we jumped the wall. I used the reins to tie the droid to the draigon as the thing kept running. I turned back to find a whole patrol following us. They were shooting arrows and an occasional blaster shot at us.

We ran across the plains and headed for the forest. We managed to hide in the Yanamoto Forest, one considered to be haunted. The Rashikians tried to tempt us out by calling us cowards and other vile names. I whispered to T3 to keep quiet as they kept taunting us until they realized that we were not going to come out. After they left, I let T3 down and examined the draigons, Carth and T3. Last I examined myself. I found bruises and blisters on my hands forming from the reins and from holding onto T3. My eyes traveled up my hands and I noticed on my shoulder a burn mark. I had been hit by a blaster bolt. I shrugged it off and went into a Force Heal. The pain was gone before I felt it. I spoke softly, “Well, I guess we found a way out of Xao Lin. Now we just need to find the tribes.”

“I’ll say. What were you thinking going up to that group and taking all six on? I thought the key was to lie low,” Carth responded.

“It was spur of the moment but it was a small boy Carth. I wasn’t going to stand by and watch,” I replied as I checked the lines on the draigons. “As I seem to recall, you weren’t going to stand by either.”

“That is true but do you have any idea what is going to happen to those people? They’ll be scouring the city trying to find more of us.”

I knew it was the truth and I discussed this with the resistance. They knew the risks. It overwhelmed my calm nature and I responded forcefully, “I know that and so does the resistance. They were willing to do what they needed to do. They want to take back their planet but in order to do that, we need to get the help of the tribes out here. It was a decision and I made it.” I straddled my draigon and held the reins of the second one out to Carth. “We now have but one choice, find a tribe. We have just crashed and burned.” I turned towards a snow-covered trail and started down it. T3 beeped and followed and then Carth.

It was a silent ride through the forest as we looked for signs of any of the free tribes that had settled around there. T3 would beep out any signs of animals and such but other than that, we were quiet. I could sense that Carth couldn’t believe at my decision or the outburst I had given him. I wanted to talk but I was being stubborn, too stubborn. My thoughts drifted off and my senses honed on my bond with Revan. It was faint considering the distance between us but I could sense her tiredness mingled with annoyance. I hoped Michaela was watching out for her. My thoughts were interrupted when Carth asked, “What did you mean by that we crashed and burned?”

Surprised that the stubborn man was going to talk to me, I didn’t respond right away. When I did I said, “What it means is that we are on our own. There is no way that we will be able to get back in Xao Lin or any of the other cities. They know what we look like.”

“I see. Did you even think about that when you calculated your plan?”

“Believe me, I didn’t intend on getting us locked out of the city. This was not according to plan.” My temper was starting to get the better of me and I struggled to keep it in check.

Carth tried a different track. “Since when has anything gone according to plan?”

“For Jolee it does,” I responded in a low voice.

“Jolee doesn’t conceive battle plans as well as the meatbag who is like a brother to my wife.”

“Taking vocabulary lessons from HK?”

“It grows on you.”

I chuckled, “Tell me about it.”

We both started to laugh. My temper smoldered and died out. I had a tendency to forget that Carth understood war. Heck he fought in two wars and fought in a battle over Citadel Station. He knew that some decisions never come easy. Some were clear and others were like a catch-22. I guess he realized that he had hit a nerve and he used his good humor to try and ease the tension in the air. It worked for I felt better.

A gentle breeze was beginning to blow as we continued down the trail and it was late in the afternoon. Nothing seemed to be turning up as we came to a river. It was a beautiful sight though I was hit with a slight wave of nausea. I forced it down as I slid off my draigon and went to the edge. I made my way across to find the shallow spots. I used my katana to poke down to the bottom. Carth was waiting while T3 was scanning the area around.

I had found the shallow end and risked frozen feet by stepping in it. The icy water came up mid shin making it suitable for the draigons to cross. I sheathed my blade and looked around. I heard T3 beeping something about a sentient or an animal nearby but I didn’t get a chance to process it through my brain. All of a sudden, my feet flew out from under and I landed hard on my back in the pool of water. For a brief moment, I felt a moment of terror from that memory of my fall but my anger took over as I struggled to get up.

Wet and cold I looked around until I heard a taunting voice from a woman. She was singing, “There was a rich man from Xao Lin who tried to cross the river. What a slug, he tripped on a rope. Now look at him shiver.” She smirked at me and called out, “Beg for mercy rich man!”

I rolled my eyes and started back towards the shore. I called back, “I am not a rich man.”

A general yell called out and a bunch of women and a few men came out of the trees and brush. They surrounded Carth, T3 and the draigons and grabbed a hold of them. I was still standing in the middle of the river and I was freezing my butt off. We had been searching for the tribesman and it looks like they found us and it looked like they weren’t happy to see us.
 Diego Varen
07-23-2006, 12:52 PM
Another good Chapter JediMaster12.
 Jae Onasi
07-23-2006, 3:08 PM
Cool. I like both chapters. I had a little bit of trouble with his nausea thing--I wasn't sure if that was a force bond thing sharing Revan's 'morning sickness' or if it was something he was experiencing as an angsty response to his new role and his approaching battle with the Blood king, or if it was just stomach flu/food poisoning. :)

And now you have to write another chapter and get that boy out of the water soon before he gets hypothermia. :D
07-24-2006, 2:02 PM
Oh I have up until the last battle. I am almost finished writing this story. Teehee! as to the nausea, it's a bit of both but more likely from the bad memories of tumbling down the river near death.
Well here is the next chapter and again involves a movie. You guys are pretty slow to guess but nevertheless I am glad you guys enjoyed the story.

Chapter 8: Duels and Alliances
The woman who had been taunting me came out of hiding. She was quite pretty with dark brown hair streaked with red and dark brown eyes. She wore a huntress outfit with a warm hide as a cloak. She came to the river’s edge and smiled in a know it all way and said, “Well. This here is our river and any man who wishes to cross, must pay a tax.” There were cheers of agreement from the rest of the group.

I looked at her and said, “I’ll pay no tax. As you can see, I’ve got nothing. Not even a gold piece.” I smiled an apology at her.

“Bantha crap,” a voice sounded. It was more deep and sounded very regal. It demanded attention. The voice belonged to a dark, honey-skinned woman with black hair and green eyes. She wore wolf fur rimmed clothing indicating her status within her tribe. She was carrying a staff and walking towards me. She continued, “Any man who travels with an astromech and a servant,” I cocked my brow at this, “and claims he has no money or anything to trade, is either a fool or a liar.”

The woman who tripped me called out, “He’s a liar!”

I ignored the jabs at me. I eyed the regal woman slightly warily and asked, “And who might you be?”

“Serena Lightstar. Queen of the Haida tribe and leader of the Confederation of Tribes.” The crowd responded to her title with respect and cheer.

I gave a polite smile and replied, “Well milady, you lead this rabble?”

“Yes I do stranger. If you three want to travel through this forest it will cost you that pendant and katana.”

I didn’t care about my sword but the pendant, my lifestone was another matter. I picked it up and rubbed it. I looked at her and said, “This is sacred to me,” and I smiled politely.

“It’s sacred to us too, Stranger. That stone will fetch a fine price to feed our people for at least two months.”

If I had any money I would have given it freely. I had no idea what kind of stone there was in my lifestone but it obviously was of great monetary value here on Belos. However it had value in that a friend gave it to me and I wasn’t about to let it be taken without a fight. I responded, “You’ll have to fight me for it, milady.”

“Love to Stranger,” and she tossed me the staff she had been carrying. She gave her cape to the boy that I had rescued earlier. He told her that I gave a beating to twelve of the Rashikians. Her manner reflected one of pleasure. I guessed she liked her opponents to have backbone.

I rolled my eyes slightly and I turned to look at the shore and saw that Carth, the draigons and T3 were being led away down a bit to watch the show. I watched as they were taken while twirling the wooden staff in my hand. I gave a sigh and turned around to face Serena. I was just about to get into position when she hit my left hand hard. Everyone was laughing at me as I clenched it to try and ease the pain. I could tell that this was going to be a dirty fight.

We exchanged blows with our staffs. I could feel her strength through her strikes and I could tell that she had rightfully earned her position as a leader. She was rather sly with her attacks as she was trying to catch me off guard. Some I recognized as trick moves that Cronus taught me long ago. I knew that I could not just settle into plain defense, as was my habit. Funny how I had not handled a staff since Jasilyn or so and yet the maneuverability returned like an old friend.

T3 was whistling in the background and the crowd was cheering. I was freezing but my blood was being warmed by the confrontation with this woman. I was determined to stay on my feet but in a quick move of hers, she pinned one end of my staff to the ground and with the other end of hers, she hit my back. She then ran her staff along the length of mine and rammed both fists into me and sent me into the pool below.

I almost wanted to pass out as it brought memories of my fall but I forced myself to stay conscious. There were cheers going on from everyone. I briefly heard someone saying that I was drowning. I felt around my neck and me fingers had came back red. She had ripped my stone off. I heard her say, “Lost something?” and she was dangling it in front of me. I reached for it and she snatched it away and smiled coyly at me and said her thanks for the taxes.

I was mad and sick at the same time. The bad memories of my fall were running through my mind but my temper was rising. I felt a surge of energy and warmth, a charge that had not been there before. I got up and grabbed my staff. I ran to catch up with her with an added speed that was not Force induced. I used my staff to trip her. I said, “I’m not through yet,” and I moved into her line of sight.

She got to her feet and smiled. “Alright Stranger. You want another good beating? You’ll get one.” She swung but I reacted. I took the attack to her and I increased my speed. The ends of our staffs would meet creating a clunks that sounded like hollow sticks. I keep increasing my speed sensing that if I could move faster, she wouldn’t be able to get her attacks in. It was working for she was having a heck of a time trying to defend.

I did a spin move and butted the end into her gut. With a deft twist, I knocked her feet out from underneath, making her fall into the water. I stole a glace at Carth who was just watching with a look of interest. In a fit of humor, I booted Serena in the rear and said, “Seems that I’ve made it past the gate Lightstar. Or should I call you Rena?” That seemed to make her mad and she swung at me hard and fast.

I countered with my speed matching hers. She swung at my feet and I jumped up and flipped over her head and attempted to butt her in the gut again. She anticipated it and blocked with one end and with the other she smacked me on the side of my head. It was hard enough for me to trip into the water. I got up and was greeted with the salty taste of blood in my mouth and my nose felt sore. I wasn’t going to waste time trying to heal it so I got up breathing heavily. The water made me feel heavy and it felt like my movements were slow and cumbersome. Once I got to my feet I took a breath and swung again. I felt rather heavy and slowed as if carrying a heavy weight on my back. I missed the last strike and she pinned my staff. She then said, “Swimming time again Stranger,” and she backhanded me, sending me into the pool of water.

The flow carried me over the small falls and I rolled into the pool below. I was not finished yet. Forcing myself to remain conscious, I swam under the water, holding my breath to the center of the pool I was in. I managed to pull the device that I had to breathe underwater and put it in my mouth. I used my body to stay under the water and reached out with my Jedi senses to see where she was. Carth later told me that the group was shouting to each other to see if they could see me.

My cue had come when I saw the end of a staff enter the water. I still had my own in my right hand. With as much concentration I could muster, I used the Force to propel my body straight out of the water. In midair, I did a flip and landed in front of her in a crouched position. I stood quickly and did a spin and butted her with the end of my staff and sent her into the pool. I did a dive in after her and grabbed her by the shoulder straps of her tunic. We both came to the surface and I dunked her and shouted, “Do you yield?”

She fought back with her hands. She shouted something about not being able to swim well or something. I maintained my grip and dunked her again. Again I shouted, “Do you yield?”

Her response, “In the name of the Four Winds, yes.”

I replied, “Alright. Just put your feet down.” The water was chest deep as she stood up. I just continued to have my knees bent overcome with the cold and weariness. I didn’t show it as I slowly stood. I demanded, “My pendant.”

“Give me your name first,” she replied smiling at the clever way she had been bested.

Still breathing heavily as I replaced my breathing device in my belt, I responded, “Kirabaros.”

The crowd became silent but I distinctly heard whispers coming from all directions. They couldn’t believe it that Kirabaros had returned or something. I was too tired and cold to care. Serena replaced my pendant on my neck and said, “Well Kirabaros, you’ve just bested one of the Haida women. You’ve got some moves.”

The camp was like the tribal village that I had lived in before the war. There were a few tents from the refugee tribes that banded with the Haida women and lots of women and children. I sensed the fear mingled in with the courage of these people as we entered their camp. Serena led me to her hut and offered me some dry clothes, clothes that belonged to her husband. She left me alone while she went to change herself. The clothes fit rather well. I buckled the belt and hung my lightsaber and katana from it. I went to the mirror and looked at my mangled face. I used the Force to heal the break in my nose and heal the cuts I had sustained. I couldn’t do anything for the welt on my cheek so I just let it be. I went into the main room where Carth and T3 were waiting along with Caelos.

Caelos told me that he had managed to sneak out of the city though help of the resistance when he heard that there had been trouble caused in the market that I had gone to. He had been stopped by the tribes and brought for questioning. I just smiled as best as I could since the bruise was painful on my jaw. Carth was giving me a cursory glance and I could tell he wanted to talk about that last move I pulled in the river. I was still freezing from the cold that had settled in my bones and was looking for a fire to sit next to.

Serena came out of her room and led us to a fire outside where the leaders of all the tribes there were gathered. She took her spot and motioned to where we were to sit. Caelos opted to stay with T3 on the outside. I sat slightly wincing from my jaw. Serena began first, “You impressed me Kirabaros. Had I known who you were before we fought, I would have been more harder on you.”

I managed a smile and replied, “Harder? You gave me everything you got and you still sent me swimming.”

The group laughed at my joke. I settled back against the tree branch. Carth remained sitting upright being polite. Serena had a rich sultry laughter. She stopped long enough to talk. She said, “We know that you have come to free our planet from the scourge of our worlds. We have seen it in the stars and through the Force. Still we would like to hear in your own words why you are here.”

I slowly stood and gave my reason for being here. It was painful on my jaw but I kept it up. They listened intently with their attention focused on me. The one who taunted me looked at me with a slight contempt. Carth told me that if cannon fire had struck, they still would have been sitting there listening to me. When I finished, I sat back down and was offered a jug of cider. I drank a sip out of politeness and passed to the woman who had been taunting me who skipped Carth entirely and was about to hand it to a male tribal leader. I voiced without looking at her, “Has Belosian hospitality changed so much in two years and a friend of mine is not welcome at this indaba?”

The woman was giving me a scowl. She didn’t hide her disapproval as she said, “He is Republic core slime. Nothing but a savage.” She had spit that last word out like it was something distasteful.

I responded, “Maybe so, but no more than you or I. So you may call me savage if you want.”

Serena handed the jug to Carth, who politely declined. I could sense a tension building and I could sense the distrust forming from the young woman. I later told Carth that her distrust made his seem like a make out session. I keep my gaze on the fire and watched the flames dance as I answered question after question about the other people on the other worlds. They asked me about how I got my name. I gave a brief run down of Zoran and such. When I got to the phrase, “When my home was attacked, I became a warrior like you,” I was interrupted by the woman sitting next to me. She said in hateful tones, “You are nothing like the Bushida warriors,” and she got up and left.

Serena apologized, “That’s Kiara Druga, the last member of the governor’s family of Belos and a sister of the Haida tribe. Don’t be offended. It’s been a difficult time since she lost her family.”

I nodded and my thoughts turned to her. I could understand the pain of loss. I kept it in mind as the leaders and I discussed about aiding the resistance and arming the city dwellers to retake Belos.
 Diego Varen
07-24-2006, 2:16 PM
Shame you are ending this so soon, but at least it was longer than the first part. Has this been reviewed yet? Anyway it was a good Chapter and I'm looking foward to the remaining Chapter.

Also, there is a certain new Fic of mine, I would like you to take a look at, if it is alright with you.
07-24-2006, 3:48 PM
Pottsie: This is not the end. I am slow posting me chapters. There is at least 20 for this part. No it hasn't been reviewed yet because I keep adding to it. Well Here is another chapter since I am quite slow.

Chapter 9: Understandings
The next month brought in change, some seasonal and some organizational. We managed to get the people most vulnerable of the tribes into the trees. The communication network improved between the tribes and the resistance as we sought to rally more people to take back Belos. The snows were starting to fall indicating that winter was near for Belos. There were still some things that needed to be worked on; one was my relationship with Kiara.

After learning that she was the last surviving member of the governor’s family, I sought different ways to get her to talk to me about her pain. She always managed to avoid me or if we did talk, it became a shouting match on her end. I just took the brunt of her frustrations even when some of those verbal exchanges became violent. She would often take a swing at me and I would dodge them. I had no desire to have another sore jaw so I would dodge and on occasion block them.

Serena seemed to notice this and would beseech me to leave her alone. Carth knew of my stubborn tendencies and tried to explain that to her. Seeing as she was getting nowhere with her lectures, she started sending us out together on missions. More often it was to ambush the Rashikian patrols that dared to wander through the forest paths. It was on one of these such missions that I finally made a break through with Kiara.

We were hiding in the trees over a camp of Rashikians. I was closer and my hearing was better so I could catch what they were talking about. Aside from the distasteful banter in their cursed language, they were discussing about plans from the head man to seek out the last of the governor’s family and kill the resistance, the same stuff we had been hearing for awhile. The difference this time was that they were getting ready to mobilize and destroy the resistance within a few days.

After hearing all that was important, I gave the signal and I lightly landed a few feet behind the group. I said, “Hello there.” They turned to see me and drew their weapons. Then Kiara jumped down from behind and started slashing with her blade. I drew mine and again went into battle. Kiara did whatever she did when she was angry and that was give it all she had. I on the other hand, wanted one alive. I actually did manage to get one and had my blood soaked tip pointed at him. I said, “You go back and tell your people that we will be waiting.”

I spoke in the warrior dialect, one used in reference to war poetry and the like. The Rashikian I think was more scared of Kiara than me or something of that nature for he readily agreed and took off running. Kiara gave me a glare. I swear the woman didn’t approve of anything I did. I didn’t say anything and neither did she as we continued our trek back to camp. It was going to be a long trek since we had been going down one of the older trails that led towards Gao-Lin, a small town to the east of Xao Lin. Kiara finally broke the silence with a terse query, “Why did you let him go?”

Knowing that nothing I said would please her, I decided to be honest about it. I replied, “There has been enough bloodshed for now. There will be more later.”

“They deserve to die. They deserve no mercy!”

I stopped to look at her. He intense hatred was strong, too strong. “You say that with such…hatred.”

“No matter. A spoiled little rich boy like yourself would never understand,” was the retort.

“Will you stop calling me that?” I said it rather firmly. “I am not rich. I took a vow of poverty.” I meant it as a joke but I was also mad at her.

“Yeah right. The great Kirabaros took a vow of poverty and yet he still manages to dress finely.” It was a reference to my robes from the Academy, which still looked fairly nice considering that I had gotten into a fair amount of scrapes.

“You know you have been entirely hostile to me ever since I gave my name and I just want to know what your problem is.”

“Forget it,” she said and stomped forward through the snow. She wasn’t watching her footing for she stepped in a mound and it gave way. She slid down the embankment, rolling with the snow and some debris. She came to a hard stop when she rammed into a tree. I called down that I was coming but she said for me to shove off. Little did she know until she moved that she had startled a lone female wolf who bared her teeth at her and was growling.

I could sense her fear as I slid carefully down the embankment, trying not to scare the wolf any further and provoke her to attack. I came up to Kiara who was trembling with fear but too scared and in too much pain to move. I slowly approached the wolf, looking at her in the eyes. I put myself in between her and Kiara and crouched down. I kept looking at her. The wolf continued to growl and snarl. I was whispering phrases for her to calm down and such. I slowly reached in my belt and pulled out a piece of jerky and held it out to her. The female sniffed and her growls subsided. Her eyes never left me as she took steady steps closer towards my outreached hand. With a quick move, she had the piece of jerky and she took off back to the woods.

Kiara was still trembling when I turned back to her and checked her ankle, which had been sprained in the fall, but the contempt was no longer there. She regarded me curiously as I applied some kolto medpacs to her ankle and as I helped her back up the embankment. Once I got her on a draigon I was able to call by whistling did she speak. She said, “Thanks.”

“Your welcome,” I replied as I led the draigon down the trail. It was even slower considering that she was injured but I thought that it was a good thing since now she wouldn’t have to lash out at me.

“You’re a Jedi Knight aren’t you?” The question broke the silence.

“What makes you say so?” I asked.

“The way you looked at that she-wolf. Some Jedi I have met have that affinity for animals.”

“Perhaps it has to do with the fact that I live with the Zherron tribe,” I replied. It was wrong not to say anything but I wanted her to be comfortable talking to me without it becoming a shouting match.

“I don’t think so. That move you did when you fought Serena, only a Jedi could do that. Besides if that’s the case, I should be asking for your forgiveness seeing as you deserve better treatment than I have given you.”

Now comes the tricky part. “I’ve had worse. Believe me there are plenty of my own people that dislike the Jedi.”

“I used to think that they cared for nothing of the people. I always thought that they let my family die even though I am not recognized by the family.”

“What changed your mind?” I asked.

“You did, when you just helped me. I thank you again, Master Jedi.” She smiled at me.

I decided to risk it. I spoke, “I was orphaned too. When I was seven. I never knew my mother because she died giving birth to me. My father was trampled by a bull kataran. I had no one except Master Tergis but even that was not the relationship a child wants from a parent.”

It was silent after I said that. I just continued to trudge through the snow leading the draigon. I stopped often to check the trail and to use the Force to make sure that we were heading in the right direction. It was easy to get lost and to be lost meant death especially in the snow anywhere on the five planets. Kiara broke the silence by saying, “My family was killed by Rashikians, not the royal one.”

I merely nodded my head. My intention was to allow her to continue which she did. She said, “So we are both orphans but under different circumstances.”

That last statement was more of a thought. I could sense her confusion and humility. She had anger against the Jedi but more so at the fallen ones. She had carried it for so long that she didn’t know how to react when a Jedi saved her. Her emotions troubled me but I could sense that she had a lot to give and would do it well.

We had stopped at the top of a hill when I heard a low growl and a moan. The she-wolf had been following us with a lone pup. We turned to look at her as she traveled a distance behind us, watching us. I turned my attention back to the road and smiled. I had a feeling that we would arrive back at camp all right.

True to my instincts, we rendezvoused back at camp with no problems. The she-wolf stayed at the boundaries eying everything warily. I gave Kiara over to the hands of the healers and Serena and went to my tent to warm up. It had been a cold journey and I was feeling the effects of it. I sat in front of the fire and stared into it as I warmed myself with some of my favorite tea. I didn’t notice that the she-wolf had followed me with her pup until she came into the tent. She nuzzled her pup towards me and with a look into my eyes; she turned and left heading straight for the forest. The pup whimpered and I picked him up and held him. He was falling asleep when one of the maidens brought me a datapad.
 Diego Varen
07-24-2006, 3:54 PM
That Kiara seems to have an attitude problem. Good Chapter. I think there was Kiara in my Fic, The Sith Lord too. I'll have to take a look.
07-24-2006, 5:22 PM
OF course she does. Her family was murdered and the Avalonian Jedi or any Jedi weren't around to stop it. How else would you feel?
07-24-2006, 5:48 PM
OK I was bored so here is another chapter for your viewing entertainment. Hope you guys like it because the ending had me pulling out my hair for this chapter and now it's shorter.

Chapter 10: Reclaiming
We had tough times but after that ambush on the last raiding party, we had enough information about the guards and their routines to free Xao Lin. The day we had chosen was one of their ‘demonstration’ days. Some of the handmaidens were to enter as spectators and position themselves along the city walls. Carth had managed to sneak back in with Caelos to rally the resistance, something that I was in two minds of but I saw no other way. T3 was to remain in the back unless called for along with HK.

On that day I entered the city as one of the many peasants required to attend. I admit that my appearance underneath the cloak would have gotten me killed on sight but I made sure that all the guard at the gate got was a whiff. I disliked the smell myself but draigon dung can be very effective at least in not getting noticed. I made it through the gate with little problems though I was afraid I would have to use the Force to persuade them at first. Once inside, I met up with Serena who handed me a small bundle, which I hid under my cloak. Before I left she muttered, “Nice smell.”

I said nothing but hurried to my spot just before the call was made to bring out the prisoners. I saw Kiara take her place within the square to cut them loose. Originally it was to be me but she was persistent, a bad habit if you ask me. She told me that my aim was dangerous and that I would be a good cover from the walls and that wasn’t referring to blaster fire. My watchful eyes were scouring the walls and the surroundings noting where my men were positioning themselves.

The call sounded and the crowd below me began to murmur. Some people were throwing old vegetables, not because they wanted to but because they were forced to. I could sense the reluctance and it invaded my senses. I could see that they felt hopeless even with the knowledge that the resistance was nearby. I brushed it aside as I watched as the prisoners were being forced to the platform. It looked like a hanging platform but it was going to be an off with their head platform. I repressed a wave of nausea as I pulled out a long wooden stick from within the staff I was carrying. I was not expecting what happened next.

For some reason, Kiara had been found out. By whom, I didn’t know but a loud ruckus was being sounded as I was prepping my first shot. I looked and saw Kiara being dragged by two burly Rashikians to the viewing platform. My attention was diverted to the viewing platform where the main person, the one in charge was none other than Lorien. I was slightly shocked when I saw him and I wondered if our plan was blown. I was thinking about this as I honed my senses to try and hear clearly what Lorien was saying.

Kiara was struggling until the whole crowd became silent when Lorien held up his hand. He then spoke, “Who is this?”

One of the burly Rashikians replied, “A handmaiden. The one we’ve been looking for.”

“Oh, the last of the royal family. Where have you been little one?” he asked and smiled rather menacingly.

“None of you damn business!” she responded hotly.

“Careful. That temper of yours will get you nothing but the short end of a blade.”

“I’d rather die just make my people free of you, you traitor.” She had gritted her teeth when she said that.

“Too bad that will never happen since your precious champion is dead. Bring her up here.” Then turning to the executioner he said, “Prepare the prisoners.”

I was torn. Part of me wanted to abandon my job to rescue her but the other part, a more authoritative part, told me that I couldn’t rescue her unless I gave the word to attack. I decided to change my position and I moved to an area with a clear view. I saw that Kiara was up there with Lorien and I could sense that she didn’t like it. I wrenched my mind away from that view to the one at the executioner’s platform. The drums were announcing that the blade was getting ready for the ‘demonstration.’ I took aim and as the blade came down, I released.

A collective gasp came from the crowd as my arrow knocked the blade out of the Rashikian’s hand. All eyes turned towards me as I stood holding my bow. I was looking right at Lorien who looked at me with contempt. He didn’t see Kiara struggle out of the enemy’s grip as I shouted, “NOW!”

A huge explosion sounded along the western wall of the city and thousands of soldiers and handmaidens appeared out of the crowd with their weapons drawn. They immediately began to attack the Rashikians. The people of Xao Lin reacted by attacking with whatever they could get their hands on. I shot arrows wherever I could to help. I was so busy that I didn’t notice a Rashikian coming up from behind until Kiara screamed as she was being pulled inside the palace, “Kirabaros!”

I turned and shot with the arrow I had. It landed right between the Rashikian’s eyes. I had turned just in time to see Lorien drag Kiara inside the palace. I dropped my bow and ran towards the palace. When I got to the palace wall, I loaded a small ascension gun and aimed it over the wall. It pulled me up and over the wall. I landed on my feet and continued to run into the palace.

The palace was a maze of passageways that could get someone lost. I called to T3 and told him to open the main gate through the comlink. I pause to let the Force guide me to the tallest of the towers where I was met with a barrage of armed Rashikians. I drew my katana and brandished it with a ferocity that would rival that of the Blood King, if I were fighting him. My only thought was to make sure that Kiara made it out alive. I didn’t tell anyone but I foresaw that she was to lead a long line of governors that would keep order for centuries. Strange what one sees at the strangest of times.

Plummeting through the Rashikians brought me to a solid door. I drew my lightsaber and thrust it through the bulkhead door. Using the Force, I concentrated on directing the energy to a single spot as I twisted the handle of the blade. I was distracted by two more Rashikians and the slamming of the blast door on the bulkheads. I withdrew my saber and took out the Rashikians. I was met up with Carth and T3, whom both managed to make it through the palace. I motioned for T3 to try and override the access codes and went to try to find another way in.

The battle below was fierce but it was hard to tell from where I was standing. I had managed to find my way to the roof, after fighting more Rashikians. I glanced over the edge and noted the people fighting. I gave a smile as my attention was diverted to one of the many banners still left hanging from the palace roof. I pulled two of them up and tied them together. My plan was to swing down and through the window of the tower. It was rather clichйd but there was no other way in.

I glanced one more time in the direction of the battle below. I located the window, took a deep breath and jumped. It was nothing like when I got pushed over the cliff. In fact my mind was far from that incident as I fell, hanging onto my makeshift rope. I crashed through the window and slid on the floor right in front of a struggling Kiara and Lorien. They had stopped when I crashed through the window and landed.

I slowly got up while watching Lorien warily. He gave me the same look as he shoved Kiara hard into the wall. He looked worse for wear than the last time I had seen him. His hand had been replaced by a mechanical one and his face bore many scars from the last battle he had fought in against Revan. Dressed in black, he made an imposing figure. He gave this impression as he spoke to me, “Do you mind? You’ve interrupted the most important thing, the end of the royal family of Belos.”

I just stood there. I then replied, “That is something that I cannot allow you to do.”

“Yes I can when I’m finished with you. And you are?”

“Kirabaros,” I replied and drew my lightsaber.

“Well, well, well. The great Kirabaros has returned. I thought for sure you were dead,” and he drew his lightsaber. It was not the purple I thought I saw the last time but a bronze one. It was the one that I lost. He continued, “Recognize this? It once belonged to you. Appropriate in my mind that I now use it to end your life as my master did to you the last time.”

“I’ll never fear the blade that I had built,” I replied and I flourished my blade.

“Really?” and with a quick move he slashed at me and nicked my left arm.

My reaction was that of a back step. It had hurt but my adrenaline was pumping and I easily brushed it aside. He then took a quick swing and I countered and fought back. It was hard work trying to work around the stone statues within the room. Kiara was trying to find a weapon to get in the fight but more often she was pushed aside by our collisions. My concentration was on Lorien. As much as I wanted to kill him, I couldn’t because I still remembered that he was Lord Trystan’s son and he was Lady Mara’s love.

At one point I had backed Lorien into a corner without his lightsaber. I had him at my mercy and he knew it. He began taunting me about it saying, “Go on. You know you want to kill me. Give in to your anger.”

I was beginning to have a hard time breathing. I was feeling so conflicted within myself that it was suffocating. Part of me was so angry with Tvark, the war, myself and everything around me that I wanted to kill everything. The other part of me wanted to try to save what little left there was of Eуmeros. I took a gasping breath and replied, “It doesn’t have to be this way.”

“Strike me down with all of your hatred and your journey towards facing my master will be near complete.”

I closed my eyes and opened them. “Eуmeros you don’t have to do this. There is still good in you.”

“That name no longer has any meaning for me.”

“It is the name of your true self. There is still good in you. Remember Mara?”

“You pitiful fool,” and he summoned his lightsaber and brushed mine aside. “You think that by bringing up memories would change anything?” He then used the Force to send me into the wall. I still had a grip on my lightsaber when I landed but it hurt bloody hell.

I slowly stood up and began to circle him. “No one is unworthy of redemption.”

“A fool’s words.” He then swung hard and I countered. “You know that woman that fought me last time was a more worthy opponent. Maybe she would turn instead of you.”

That nearly undid me. I kept my head and channeled the light side of the Force. I concentrated on my love of my family and friends. I felt a renewed strength as I swung my lightsaber. We went at it with a blinding speed, his governed by passion, mine, well, I couldn’t tell but it was a surging need to protect my family and friends. I managed to knock him down eventually and I ended up chopping off the hand I had cut off before. He fell with a groan of pain and I stood over him. I became dimly aware of what I had done and my breathing felt constricted.

Lorien held up his hand in surrender. I think he knew that he was defeated and I had him at my mercy. He said, “Just kill me.”

I deactivated my lightsaber and dropped in on the ground. I replied, “No. I know you can be saved.”

“Fool. Don’t you see that as long as I live my master will live?”

“Impossible. He has no control over you. Come back to the light and sever your ties to him.”

“I…I can’t.” His breathing was rather labored.

I was exhausted myself and Kiara was just frozen where she stood. I said, “Yes you can. You once told me that the difference between a friend and an enemy is that a friend will stand by you no matter what and that friend will always be there to catch you when you fall. Well I am here now to catch you.” I opened my arms to show that I was unarmed and not going to do anything. I whispered in his tribal dialect, “She still loves you.”

What seemed like an hour or so he said, “He is waiting for you at the ancient planet of Amshrey.” I kneeled close to listen. “He cannot be defeated unless…unless you…release the thing he fears the most.” He then fell silent. I reached out with the Force to ease his suffering. I ended up feeling slightly lousy. In trying to reclaim a city and a planet I helped reclaim a friend, but at what price? Harder to answer in a time of war.
 Diego Varen
07-24-2006, 5:59 PM
Another good Chapter JediMaster12. Looking foward to the next Chapter. This Part makes me think this is the dark ages right now.
07-24-2006, 9:44 PM
Yeah. The movie the last few chapters reflected was Robin Hood Prince of Thieves. I would thiink the bow and some of the dialogue, especially my little tune would get ya. Next chapter tomorrow or whenever I feel like it.
07-25-2006, 7:54 PM
Chapter 11: Law and Order
After Lorien, no, Eуmeros told me about the Blood King I looked at him with a tender look of brotherhood. I distinctly heard a slight whimper but it was very soft coming from the direction of Kiara. I think the whole ordeal unnerved her and with the decline of the adrenaline, it was releasing itself. I made Eуmeros comfortable and looked at Kiara.

She had a look of relief on her face but it was mingled with a curious look. I walked towards her to check on her when a loud cry sounded forth. From a hidden staircase, a Rashikian came out with a huge vibroblade. With a deft move of my hand, I summoned my lightsaber and I ignited it and sent it flying at the Rashikian where it lodged itself in his chest. I summoned it back and deactivated it. I looked at the body and felt a brief stint of disgust. I then walked to the main door and opened it to a surprised Carth and T3.

Outside the dusts of battle were settling as the handmaidens were herding the surviving Rashikians into the center of the main square of the palace. We were surrounded by the Handmaidens and the people of the city all in various degrees of weariness and injury. Kiara, Carth, T3 and I were standing on the main steps of the palace surveying the scene. Everyone was facing us as I gently nudged Kiara forward.

She stepped forward and announced to the people that Belos was once again free. A huge cheer emanated from the crowd. I checked my comlink and the reports were coming in: the other cities were successful in fending off the Rashikians now that Lorien’s hold no longer existed upon Xao Lin. I slipped off when the warriors were shouting for a new governor. It was Serena who suggested that Kiara take over as governor. As usual, proof was asked for her legitimacy. I watched from the shadows as Kiara described her family lines. I sighed a breath of relief, as they seemed to accept it. It was easier for her than me to convince the people.

I slipped further into the shadows to return to Eуmeros and get him the help he needed. After seeing him to the healers I disappeared to think. I needed time to think about what Eуmeros told me about the Blood King. I went back to the tower and climbed to a spot on the roof and sat there staring at the night sky. I read the stars like I did before I came home. It was comforting along with the sounds of celebration as the people celebrated their freedom.

Law and order was established within a month. There were still a few of the Rashikians wandering about and trying to hold on but Serena led the Haida women and the handmaidens after them and rounded them up. They resisted of course and they ended up being destroyed. I had no part in those events for I was busy making plans for Amshrey. Kiara was adjusting to her role as governor of Belos and she was doing fairly well in my opinion.

Eуmeros was in bad shape when I saw him to the healers and I did not and was not able to see him again. I didn’t know if he was alive or dead and I briefly wondered what I was going to say to Lord Trystan about his son. I did manage to have a holo sent to him with bits of the old lessons that he taught me when I came to live with the Zherron tribe. Often at night I would wander through the palace halls to a different part of the roof to sit and stare at the stars. Sometimes I would hoist the pup up with me but for the most part, he stayed with Kiara as I had been instructing him to do.

I was on one of my observations of the stars and watching as a gradual peace was overtaking the city when I was interrupted by a grunt of someone climbing onto the roof. I looked out of the corner of my eye, not moving my head, to find Carth climbing up to sit next to me. I moved over to allow him to sit and I adjusted the pup that was in my lap. I just continued to look at the sky as Carth settled next to me. He said, “I thought I was bad at staring into space.”

A smile toyed at the corners of my mouth. I replied, “Not staring, just thinking.”

“Looking at the stars?”

“Yep. That and just reading the stars.” My gaze never left the sky. My hand was absently petting Pup. We never called him by anything else so he just became named as Pup. His mother, whom I saw a few times, I personally called Aaka, which means ‘mother.’

“Mission told me that you could tell stories from the stars.”

I snickered slightly, “Stories eh? I guess I’m losing it. I’m supposed to say what the stars say.”

“I’m just joking. You’ve just been rather quiet ever since we met Serena. Something going on?”

I decided to be honest as far as my promises went. I replied, “Just everything that has happened within these past four months. Mostly I have apprehensions about meeting him again.”


“The one who pushed me off at Garanga.” It was the first time I addressed or even acknowledged what happened. For the most part, I evaded the question as best as I could. I found it then that it was easy to talk then. I continued, “He knows I’m still alive. He’s waiting for me. I have to face him, alone.”

Carth rubbed Pup’s head and replied, “That sounds familiar. I mean uh, Rev said the same thing about when she had to face Malak and when she left to come out here.”

“What, the fact that he knows I’m alive or the fact that I have to do this alone?”

“You know I mean the alone part. Revan thought she had to face her past alone and yet here we are helping her though why she is not here fighting is confusing to me. She never liked politics.”

He was dangerously close to wheedling out why Revan wasn’t here but he was trying to make a point. It didn’t dawn on me at first that he was making a comparison. My concern was that I had to cover myself in order to keep my word. I was a lot of things but one thing was for certain, I always keep my word. I responded, “Mara asked for her help. A woman thing I guess.”

“That’s not the point Kirabaros. The point is that you think you have to do everything on your own. You are keeping things from people, you keep your thoughts to yourself and it looks often that it eats you alive. You aren’t doing anyone a favor by keeping things a secret.” He looked he was upset but emotions spoke of his concern and his worry.

“You know,” I was being devious, “you can really go on a rant when you want to Onasi.” The point was made. I knew though that this was something that he couldn’t help me with. “I understand but this is something that I have to do. He has been seeking revenge on me ever since I killed his father for trying to kill me. His father was the Judge, my tormentor when I was a boy. Revenge is a dish that is best served cold and this is one dish that is five years cold.”

Carth just looked at me not knowing what to say. It was hard to look at his face because he was a good friend. I realized I had pushed him aside and shut him out within the last year when I started remembering that last battle. He replied, “At least you told me. Revan couldn’t do that at times. I guess it was too much for her to say anything.”

“She wanted to tell you but she didn’t know how. I guess it’s easier for men to share thoughts because we say it so bluntly.” I smiled to let him know that everything was all right. “I want to tell you that I have to go first alone. Everything will go according to plan but this is something I have to do.”

Carth looked like he wanted to argue but I guess something in my eyes told him not to argue. He just nodded. He added in a joking manner, “I guess someone should stay to keep some law and order.”

I grinned in agreement. “I guess we should get started.” I made a move and slid off the roof onto the platform with Pup in one arm. Carth followed rather slowly. “Man, Mission was right Onasi. You are an old geezer.” I grinned and turned tail at a quick pace. He just shook his head and followed.
07-26-2006, 12:31 PM
Chapter 12: Dangerous Living
Here I am on the forest moon of Amshrey, alone. I had left two days ago without saying anything to anyone. I was able to get past the Rashikian fleet without problems but that left a mark on my mind as I thought about why I was here. I was technically breaking my word to Revan but I knew she would understand. In my mind I was still keeping my word seeing as I was still watching Carth for her. I was a regular babysitter yet I held no rancor for it.

Amshrey is seductively beautiful, much like Duxn, except without all the malraas and cannocks. There were dangerous creatures but they mostly left you alone if you didn’t bother them and they liked to remain hidden within the forest. Still to play it safe, I kept to the branches of the trees, making my camps there as I scouted to look for safe landing zones for the fleet. I needed to be quick for the fleet would be arriving within two months at the very latest.

I was on one of my scouting trips when I met a strange little person. I was actually trying to evade capture by a patrol when the speeder I was on crashed, taking out my pursuers. I landed hard and fell unconscious. I awoke to find a strange and small creature looking at me. He was dressed like a warrior who had been living here a long time. He was rather hairy, almost like a Wookiee and looked like his full height was up to my waist. He had a spear pointed at me as I woke up and just stared at the thing. I sat up and instantly regretted it.

My head felt like it had split in two but my body felt worse. I propped myself up on one elbow and concentrated on healing a bit. I was greeted by a spear in my face and a slight growling. I slowly stood up, his eyes never leaving me and he muttered something in a strange language. I walked slowly saying, “I’m not gonna hurt you,” and sat on a tree log. I ran my fingers through my blonde tinged hair, my two stubborn locks falling back into place.

The little creature scampered onto the log and stood with his spear pointed at me. We just looked at each other. He spoke again and my ears picked up on his language. It was an interesting dialect. “Well I guess I had a hard landing though I’m not sure I know where here is. Maybe you can help me.”

The creature just looked at me obviously not understanding what I was saying. For once I was desperate for HK’s translation skills. At least he could put together a basic rudimentary vocabulary. I sighed and ran my fingers through my hair again. I was hungry so I pulled my ration pack out of my belt and began to munch on some jerky. I noticed the creature was sniffing so I offered some to him. He put down his spear long enough to grab at the piece and munch on it as he sat next to me. Some progress.

Two hours later I was being chased through the forest by a huge beast that I had only read of in the archives. How in space did terenteks get on Amshrey? The thing was huge! I would have needed at least two other Jedi to help me bring it down. I kept a fairly good pace ahead but was distracted when the furry creature fell down. I made a reach and grabbed the thing and flung him into the trees. That cost me a few seconds and I was greeted with a sharp clout to my back that sent me flying into a brush.

That hurt like bloody hell. I felt a torrent of rage at that thing and I could feel it burning through my body. I gritted my teeth and I pulled out my lightsaber. With a rumble of the brush and a tremendous amount of power behind it, I gave a huge Force Leap out and ignited my blade. The terentek roared at me and I brought my blade up. Now was the time for battle.

The terentek swung at me with its deadly claws and I managed to duck them as best as I can. I would give a few good burning clouts with my lightsaber but it seemed to make the thing angrier. In its anger, it lashed out and nearly ripped my arm out of the socket and left a deep and bloody gash. I was getting angrier myself and ignored the pain and the blood loss. I swung hard and down and made a deep gash into the right arm of the terentek. It roared and I let out a roar that matched it exactly.

The thing stared at me as I lowered my blade and stared back. I was a mess with all my robes bloodied and ripped but I kept my stance. It looked at me and roared again. I roared right back at it while staring at it in the eye. It growled at me while continuing to stare at me. I cocked my left brow at it while maintaining my gaze. I had no clue at what I was doing but it was pure reaction and instinct. I was taking what I normally did to get animals to trust me to a different level.

After what took like minutes I heard a rustling and a war cry of some sort. Then it was raining furry creatures as more of the one that I had met this morning jumped out and landed on the terentek and began their attack. I was snapped out of it and was staring rather dumbfounded at the scene in front of me. Dangerous living I guess. I jumped in to help them with my lightsaber. It was a lot easier than going at it by myself.

We finally managed to take down the terentek and the furry things were cheering. I deactivated my lightsaber and attached it back to my belt. I was aware of the pain I was in and sat on a fallen log. I pulled out a medpac and injected it and held my breath until the healing effects took place. I was interrupted when I was surrounded by the fuzzy creatures and they began talking to themselves. They kept pointing at me and speaking in their strange dialect. I was too tired to use the Force to focus on their intentions so I just watched.

At one point one who was apparently a leader of some sorts said something. The others responded and a strange sound emitted. It was strange but it sounded almost like a chant. I didn’t know whether or not to bolt or just stay there. I was saved from either choice when the creature who found me pulled my hand and beckoned me to follow. I was led by the whole group up into the trees.

We walked through the trees along a platform. It distinctly reminded me of holos I had seen of Kashyyyk. I made a note to ask Zaalbar about his homeworld as I was led through the walkways. The pain had subsided from the clouts that the terentek had given me and there was nothing I could do for my robes as they were badly shredded. We continued until we came to this main square or platform. Either way it was the center of the village. Standing at the center was the actual leader of the group.

I wasn’t listening to their conversation as I was distracted by a several of the furry creatures carrying what was unmistakably a piece of terentek. They prepared to put it on a spit on an already blazing fire. I thought to myself, Boy, and I thought Jolee had a strange taste in food. I banished that thought when I realized that in order to survive on this world, you had to take what you could. It wasn’t going to change my mind about teasing Jolee about his cooking but it did put into mind the circumstances surrounding his meal choices.

I was brought back to the conversation when several of the creatures began pointing at me and jabbering in their language. I felt compelled to say something and I spoke in the warrior dialect and asked what was going on. They looked at me and they began to jabber excitedly. One pushed me into a seat and another shoved a plate of fruit in my face. I again asked what was going on and they continued jabbering. I realized that it was going to take a lot of work to try and communicate. I was going to explode when a female voice sounded in my left ear and said, “Don’t mind them. They are honoring you.”
 Diego Varen
07-26-2006, 2:51 PM
Another two good Chapters. Keep it up.
 Jae Onasi
07-26-2006, 3:31 PM
The battles with Eomeros and Serena were exciting--loved the 'just put your feet down' line while she was in the water. It's very Star Wars to have a bunch of little guys cooperate to take out the Empire's soldiers, even if Ewoks were a little too cutesy for my taste in RotJ.

Let's see, in the last few chapters--2 scenes from RotJ, 1 from Wrath of Khan.... :)
07-26-2006, 5:47 PM
I can't say anything that hasn't been said already. Keep up the good work.
07-26-2006, 8:16 PM
Jae: What do you mean from the Wrath of Khan? It was my intention to foloow through with Robin Hood Prince of Thieves with Serena's fight scene and where he roara at the terentek comes from the Jungle Book. Yes I did take stuff from ROTJ, my fav of the OT. Well thanks for the reading and here is another chapter out of the kindness of my shovelbum heart. Just to let you guys know, it was very hard to think of how to write this and the last eight chapters. I had to erase so many things just to get it right. *Sigh* I should have stuck with poetry.

Chapter 13: Allies and Rendezvous
Two months went by rather quick yet I had twice as much information than when I did when I was scouting on my own. My interpreter was a female human named Sarna who had lived with the Shreyites, the furry little creatures that I met. She taught me their dialect which was roughly similar to the warrior dialect. That explained why they were so excited when I spoke to them like that when they showed me to their camp. I finally figured out why they were chanting at me. They believed me to be some sort of god or something. It made me chuckle when I found out because it was not what the Jedi stood for. I also laughed at the thought that Kirabaros was back at work, again.

Two months of being addressed with respect and dangerous living and dressing like a native warrior, I was ready to transmit my information to the fleet. It was nerve racking to send it with the possibility that it could be intercepted by the Rashikians but nothing happened. I did receive a transmission from my family which I downloaded onto my personal datapad with a smile. I relaxed once the message was away and I hoped that everything would work out. I went back to the village and sat to listen to the holovid of Michaela and Tulre telling me how much they missed me. There was even a blip of Revan with Mission. It was heartwarming and gave me strength though I was filled with apprehension about what had happened with that terentek. It had bothered me ever since that night and I desperately wanted to talk to Jolee about it.

Sarna came to my side and looked at the images of my wife and son. She smiled at my son and proclaimed him a ‘cute little sprat.’ She also voiced that my wife was beautiful. I just smiled at her comment. She was a companionable piece in that she was bluntly honest about her opinions and she had spunk. I learnt that she had been living on Amshrey for the last ten years after she crash-landed on the planet’s surface. She spoke of her time surviving on the planet and her friendship with the Shreyites. In return, I told her of myself and what I was doing in this war and what was my intention on the planet. I gave my name as Kirabaros and it struck me as a surprise that she didn’t recognize my name. It was because she was from Republic space and I guess sometime during the Mandalorian wars, her ship got separated from her squad and she wandered into the Forbidden Stars and crash-landed. It was familiar like Jolee’s story but then again he said the ship was a rust bucket.

Our talks included our friends who were agreeable to help us. They wanted to help. Apparently the Blood King had been killing them off and plundering their resources. We may not agree on things but our common goal was to depose the Blood King. They were allies but it was a matter of getting them to accept my friends. The confrontation with the Blood King had me in slight fear. I knew that the longer I stayed with the Shreyites; I would be endangering the mission. I was torn in two and it was disturbing. I decided to make the choice of getting my friends introduced and then I would head off to meet him.

Two weeks later I got my wish. I was away with Sarna and Gorky, the Shreyite who found me, and we were scouting out near the shield base that protected the Rashikian fleet and the fortress. An odd innovation but effective. The shielding was too strong for blasters and it needed to be taken down. It was a hideous thing tucked within the foliage of the forest but nevertheless it was there.

We were surveying the area when my attention was drawn to a landing platform on the far side of the compound. It was near the fortress of the Blood King. The fortress wasn’t what had my attention; it was the shuttle that had just landed on the platform. Emerging down the descending ramp was him. I recognized him by the eagle headdress from my dreams and his posture. The Blood King looked well, more bloody than the last time I saw him. My eyes were locked on his figure as he descended the ramp and headed for a speeder that was waiting for him.

At one point, his gaze turned towards my direction. We were too far away for him to see us but I had the distinct feeling that he knew I was there. It looked as if we locked our eyes in a gaze that could have melted carbonite. After he glanced in our direction for a while, he turned and headed to a speeder that was waiting for him. My gaze followed his speeder all the way to the fortress. Sarna had to bring me out of my gaze when she said that we had to go. I gave a backwards glance back at the fortress and then turned to head back into the forest.

There was a big commotion coming from the village when we were approaching. There was much cheering and jabbering about a big catch and that another god had approached them. One voice sounded above all of it. It was the unmistakable voice of a droid that two months ago I would have given my last credit to have. I had to suppress a chuckle when he said, “Statement: It appears Republic meatbag that you and the other meatbags are to be the main course of a banquet in mine and the Animal God’s honor.”

The response was that of a growl from a Wookiee. I also heard grumbling from Jolee and Juhani. Carth was saying, “HK do something.”

As we approached closer, the way was paved for us with welcoming murmurs from the Shreyites. I asked what was going on in their language. They confirmed HK’s statement that I heard before when we were approaching the village. I glanced to where Carth was being hung upside down over a pit that was being prepped to be lit. I thought fast and said to HK that they were to be set free. After he tried and failed he replied, “Observation: It appears that the furry meatbags don’t appear to listen very well. Shall I blast them now Handsome Meatbag?”

“You better do something kid or I’m gonna have to start busting some skulls soon,” Mandalore was saying.

I then spoke in their language. I said that if they didn’t do as I and HK wanted, we would become angry and use our magic. It was a spur of the moment thought but I figured it was worth a try. I hope some Jedi in the future or even a prissy sissy droid doesn’t use this. As soon as I said that, the whole village became silent. When I finished my declaration, they just turned back into their preparations. Mandalore said, “Somehow I get the feeling that didn’t help us very much.”

I ignored him and everything and began to concentrate on the Force. HK was sitting in some makeshift chair and I concentrated on lifting it. I also concentrated on myself. We both rose high into the air. I stood mid air with my arms crossed as I made HK in his chair spin. It was not my intention to frighten them so badly but it did the trick. They released everyone amidst the groaning of HK to be allowed to be put down so he could blast some meatbags. I slowly lowered myself and HK back down. I turned to see T3 chasing one of the Shreyites with one of his appendages, shocking him. I began to laugh.

“I see you haven’t lost your touch of playing tricks on an old man sonny,” a gruff voice sounded.

I turned to face Jolee and grinned. “I wasn’t the one who decided to get myself caught for dinner.”

“You have a Wookiee’s stomach to thank for that.”

“Oh and I’m sure they were just dying for some old man all nice and chewy.” I had a smirk on my face that sent Carth into chuckles.

“If you weren’t such a talented Jedi I would have sent you to detention.” Jolee was spluttering.

“Come off it old man at least he got us out of this mess,” Carth was saying.

“Nah, it’s all thanks to HK,” I replied.

We all turned to watch as HK was threatening to shoot the meatbag responsible for that ‘exhilarating’ ride through the air. I just shook my head in a bemused way. Finally I managed to get two groups together. Whether they would be allies or not was another story.

It was a late night as HK was telling the story of how we got here. I was slightly bemused that he never failed to mention his murdering tendencies and his various meatbag names and he never failed to embellish. He told of the war and his eventual involvement and reunion with his master Revan. He spoke that she was trying to end what she started during the Mandalorian Wars. I cocked my brow at his descriptions of Revan and everyone and wanted to laugh.

At one point the chieftain asked where Revan was. I quickly stepped in and explained that she was involved with the troops back home. It was hard to speak of politics. At first I thought HK was going to blow it when he said that his master was staying for other reasons. Lucky he said it in Basic but I knew that Carth would bug me later. So instead I said that it was the official line of business. That seemed to satisfy the leader and he asked for HK to continue.

The story was said and done and the Shreyites agreed to help by making us a part of the tribe, I think. I left when the music started and walked out into the cool night air. I walked to one of the main platforms and stood to gaze at the landscape. My mind drifted to the last night I spent with Michaela.

The stars were bright and warm as we gazed up at them. Michaela leaned against me with my arms wrapped around her waist and my head resting one her head. Her hands were placed over mine gently and she stroked my hand. She said to me, “What do you want in life?”

I just rested my cheek on her head and said, “Freedom. For you, for Tulre.”

“And you?”

“Just you,” and I turned her gently around. My eyes gazed into hers and I placed a kiss on her lips. She responded in her sweet way.

She broke the kiss and held up her arm. She said, “When we first fell in love we were already one.”

I gazed fondly at the draigon pearl bracelet and just pulled her into a hug.

I was interrupted when Sarna asked, “Anything wrong?”

I didn’t turn and continued to gaze out. I replied, “No. Just remembering before I go.”

“What do you mean?”

I turned to face Sarna. I looked at her and said, “To face the Blood King.”

She looked at me with a puzzled look as if she couldn’t understand. She then asked, “Why?”

I lowered my gaze. “I have to face him. I am the one he seeks.” Then I raised my eyes to hers.

“He seeks you?”

“Yes,” I replied with a downward nod. “He killed me before.”

She just looked at me with a confused look. She couldn’t comprehend it and I didn’t expect her to understand. She left without saying anything to return to the main hut. She passed Carth who came up to ask, “What’s going on?”

I sighed and replied, “She’s not taking it well that I have to go now.”


“He’s here and he’s come for me. I need you to lead the troops.”

“Wait a minute. You are leaving? Because of him?” Carth looked surprised but I could sense the subtle hints of betrayal in his emotions.

“Yes. As long as he lives he will continue to wreak havoc upon the worlds here and eventually into Republic space. I have to face him.”

Carth wanted to say something but he couldn’t. I could see in his mind the similar situation where Revan told him to stay behind and keep the Republic strong. The dйjа vu was a reoccurring constant but you have to have those constants in order for the galaxy to flourish in its state off flux between the light and the dark. He then said, “Just come back Jacen,” and he held out his hand.

I took his hand in a warrior grasp. I knew that he knew that I went by the name Kirabaros. He just said my other name because he was putting forth all his concern and fear into that name. It was the caring part of him. I gave his wrist a firm shake and turned and walked down the walkways. Whether I or anyone else liked it of not, I was going to do what had to be done.
 Jae Onasi
07-26-2006, 11:06 PM
Ah, you know I'm just dying to know if Carth makes it back in time to see his baby get born, almost as much as wanting to see what happens during the battle between Kirabaros and the Blood King. :D

Wrath of Khan line--Khan says to Kirk "Revenge is a dish best served cold, and it is very cold in space...." One of Ricardo Montalban's finest moments. I was watching it in the theater on a huge screen, and when he said it, I got chills.
 Diego Varen
07-27-2006, 4:22 AM
Another good Chapter.
07-27-2006, 11:52 AM
Jae: I wasn't thinking about that. Thanks for pointing that out. 20 cool points for you!
As to Carth's little bundle of joy, well, just wait and see.
07-27-2006, 1:06 PM
Here is the next chapter. It took me forever to figure this chapter out so be gentle.

Chapter 14: Surrender
The night air was crisp and cool as I rode one of the wild beasts that the Shreyites used towards the imposing fortress of the Blood King. Along the way, I thought about my abandonment of those that I had led these last few months. I thought of a lot of things. I guess in the back of my mind, I figured that it was better if I gave myself freely. It was a foolish thought on my part but it was because I cared so much.

The weaverbirds were singing their nightly song. It was strange that such beautiful creatures were on a planet that reeked of darkness. It was neither the planet’s fault nor the natives that inhabited this place. Evil is present everywhere but this threat greatly threatens the delicate balance of good and evil. I understand why Revan wouldn’t want to be there but did it make sense for me to be there? It was hard to answer but the answer lay in that fortress. As I rode on, I continued to listen to the weaverbirds while my gaze kept to the fortress.

As I got nearer, the stallion that I was one got more agitated and I knew why. The shadows of the night became darker and did not dance playfully as they did near the Shreyite village. I could no longer hear the weaverbirds sing their sweet songs and instead I heard the wind whistling menacingly through the blackened trees, sending chills down my spine. I was brought back to the memories of the mental and physical tortures that I had been put through as a boy when I was an orphan. It also brought back the familiar emotions that I thought that I had long since buried.

I was blubbering quietly in my corner on my bed in the little kids dormitory when the Judge walked in with two of his mates behind him. It was an imposing trio, enough to scare any little kid. The other kids were lying in their bunks not saying anything but I could feel them watching me as the Judge approached me.

The Judge looked like a giant, as he was rather large for his sixteen-year-old self. He gazed at me with his cool, cruel blue eyes as he looked at me. He asked in the taal, his native dialect, “You know what J.C. stands for?”

I shook my head slowly in response. I was too scared to say anything. My face was tear stained.

He smiled and answered his question, “Jorscop,” then he switched to Avalonian, “Slop Head.”

I realized that he was making fun of me and insulting me. Being an innocent kid I wanted to correct him. I replied, “No it doesn’t. It stands for Jacen Credo Cirrus, that’s my name.”

The Judge just smirked at me. He suggested to his mates, “Let’s slop the Jorscop.” He chuckled slightly and picked me up. His mates were jeering at me as he carried me to a darkened corner of the schoolyard where there were three buckets waiting.

I was too scared to resist as he carried my little body. I didn’t move even when he placed me down in the corner. How could I resist? I was too little. The next thing I next I was covered in slops and I heard the cruel laughter of the Judge. He then spat on me and said not to worry that I would get some more tomorrow. I watched quietly as they left and the little kids who followed peered at me and whispered. I was ashamed and I was scared. It gave me a chill down my spine and I vowed that no one would make me cry.

The memory was still a raw scar on my mind as were many others, as I got closer to where the main fortress gates were. That was when I first developed my fear. It wasn’t when I heard about how my father had died. I was already afraid when I came home. My hatred arouse when he killed something that I loved dearly, my pet draigon Manzibique. Manzibique! That was Revan’s Mikkades name! It didn’t occur to me then that Inkosi Kanji had given her the name that I had given my pet draigon so long ago. I had a sudden bolt of fear that maybe Revan would suffer the same fate as my draigon but the rational side in me said that it wasn’t the same thing. I forced my thoughts and feelings of this deep down as I approached the guards.

The guard, a rather decrepit looking Rashikian, held up his rather look and razor sharp spear and barked, “Halt! Who goes there?”

I slowly dismounted my stallion and stepped into the light. I said, “In the name of the Four Winds, I surrender.”

He must have thought it a joke for he kept his spear jabbed at me. He barked, “What in the name of the Force are you?”

I stepped forward, more into the light so it shown on my face. I replied, “One of the Bushida warriors. I am Kirabaros.”

That seemed to get the ball rolling, I think. The Rashikian didn’t lower his weapon but gave me a rather sadistic grin. My heart went out to him in that he had fallen so far. I held no rancor for the Rashikians for I felt the same as they did, the pain, the loss, the anger, the fear, the hate; the same poisons that ran through every other sentient. I said nothing as he inched his way forward and seized my katana and my lightsabers. He said, “Well, my lord has been waiting for you. In fact he was actually expecting you.” He gave me a cursory glance and said, “Though you look nothing like what he described.”

I gave a hard steely smile. No doubt the Blood King had told of the scared boy I was. That I was weak and dishonored the spirit of the true warriors. I replied with a calm, “Times change as do seasons.”

The Rashikian had motioned to two others who came forward and slapped a pair of restraints on my wrists. I thought they might put a neural inhibitor to prevent me from summoning the Force but they just jabbed my back with the butt ends of their spears. The decrepit lead the way holding my lightsabers and my katana into the dark fortress. I reeled in my mind the calming exercises but they were not necessary. In fact I felt a peaceful calm as I walked forward, heading towards something I knew I had to finish.

Tvark had an intense hatred in his eyes as I fought him to keep him from harming Gulas and Michaela. It spouted like fire from his eyes as he told me that they only way he would stop was when he killed me. I threw everything I got into my punches. I fed my anger, my fear and hate into each strike. All I could think of was that he took from me and he was attempting to do it again. Then I remembered, ‘First with the head, then with the heart.’ It kept me calm as I struck methodically.

He was unconscious as I dragged in each step my body to my beloved wife and friend. But I wasn’t completely unawares. I sensed his hatred for me as he rose to strike me. I responded with a lightsaber throw that was thrown with defense in mind, no malice. I still felt restricted in my breathing. The first person I killed directly was my tormentor.

The viewing platform would have made a beautiful sight if it were for all the sharp and deadly figures decorating it. On it was one lone figure that was hard to forget. He still wore his headdress and stank of blood and death. I also sense a sadistic pleasure of reveling in it. I repressed a shudder as I was butted towards him while following the decrepit Rashikian. I said nothing as I stopped behind my lead captor. He was saying in the accursed dialect, “This is a Bushida warrior that surrendered to us. He denies that there are more of them.”

The Blood King turned to look at me. If he was amused, he hid it well. He responded, “He lies. There are more.”

“I request then milord a further search of the area. He was armed only with these,” and the decrepit Rashikian handed over my weapons to the Blood King who looked at them with a slightly interested look.

He glanced at me and replied, “Good work Commander. Leave us. Conduct your search and bring his companions to me.”

“As you wish milord,” and with a bow, the Rashikian turned and left followed by the two who butted me.

Not a word was spoken until the last guard left. The Blood King had the advantage since I was restrained so I didn’t harbor any thoughts of attack. I just followed him as he walked across. He said, “I have been expecting you.”

“I know Tvark.” I had replied with the calm that I had when I had first entered the fortress.

“So you know my name.”

“I know that you are the eldest and heir apparent son of Tvark Sigun, the one I call the Judge.”

A strange and sickly voice emanated from the Blood King that was sickly familiar but I didn’t flinch. He said, “That weakling name no longer has any meaning for me.”

I realized that two different people were fighting over the same body. Both were hell bent on revenge but it differed to certain degrees. I responded while looking into his eyes, “It is the name of your true self. You have only forgotten. You have allowed this ancient evil to feed off of you but you haven’t lost your humanity completely.” I then walked to the rail and placed my wrists on the rail and gazed out. I said, “That is why you couldn’t destroy me the last time we met though you did kill me. That is why you won’t take me to your master now.”

“I serve no one but me,” the same sickly voice sounded. It then paused as it looked at my lightsaber, the one that I had lost after my fall. He ignited it and said, “I see you have acquired a new lightsaber and a katana.”

I didn’t turn around but instead kept staring back out. It was a foolish gesture as he could have struck me down then and there. I think it was strange that I had come willingly into the beast’s lair. I heard the powering down and the comment that was as powerful as my predecessor. I then turned to look at him. I said, “Then let go of your hate.”

“Still spouting the wisdom of the Jedi I see,” and then he made a motion and two Rashikian guards came. He looked into my eyes and said, “I will show you the true meaning of the Force. Soon you will bow and call me master.”

I simply said, “That is something I will not do.”

“Take him away.”

I was led away to a dark and dank cell where I was thrown unceremoniously but not without have sensed the discord that that I had started in the Blood King. When the time came, it might give me the advantage.
 Diego Varen
07-27-2006, 1:10 PM
Another good Chapter. I liked the descriptions and the memories of J.C. Looking foward to more.
07-27-2006, 2:45 PM
Chapter 15: Battle and Meditation
While in the cell, I felt a strange sensation mostly in my stomach. I concentrated on it to find the source. Sitting there, gazing out the only window, it came to me. It was near time, she just didn’t know it. Funny how the Force works and I chuckled at the anticipation that awaited at home. I settled into the familiar sitting position I had sat in when I was a prisoner on Citadel Station. I closed my eyes and concentrated on the Force to talk to me.

The Ebon Hawk flew like a dream as it wove its way in between the Republic Capitol ships and the ships of Avalon. Behind it were hundreds of fighters, Republic and Avalonian. It looked like a graceful dance as they moved into position for the jump to lightspeed.

I was suddenly in the cockpit standing behind Atton with Visas sitting in the copilot’s seat. In the other seats were Avalonians monitoring the systems. Atton was saying into the comm, “Hey are we ready to go or not? All wings are accounted for.”

“Proceed with the countdown. All groups prepare attack coordinates.”

“Here goes nothing.”

“Hey Atton. Don’t worry about it. I’ve got you back,” Darius’ voice sounded through the comm.

“Don’t do anything crazy. Even the Mental Jedi isn’t that good.”

“It’ll all work out. There is no emotion…”

“There is peace. Alright this may be the shortest offensive ever known.”

“Just don’t have any rough landings or Revan will kill ya.”

“Crazy Jedi,” and Atton keyed the Hawk. He pulled the lever and the Hawk slipped into hyperspace. The fighter squadrons and the rest of the fleet followed it. The first phase was complete. The others will follow. It is the will of the Force.

I opened my eyes and placed my chin on my knees. The fleet was on its way. I could only hope that the ground forces would have a good mobilization. I decided to go into meditation and talk through the Force. There was only one person I truly wanted to talk to and I had taught her well. I unwound my body from its sitting position and did a slight stretch. I then moved the center of the room where I felt the most calm and kneeled in the meditative position. I gently pressed my hands together with just the tips touching and concentrated on the Force. I called to her all the way at the villa, Michaela.

No response but I felt a subtle probing within the Force. It wasn’t Michaela I knew but it was a familiar probing and my heart surged with pride at the response, Dada?

Tulre? What are you doing little sprat?

I want you Dada. Marmar busy. I miss you.

I miss you too my little warrior. You being good?

For you Dada.

Darling? A new presence entered. Apparently Michaela had sensed Tulre talking to me and decided to find out to whom.

My heart felt lighter than it had been. I responded, I am here my love. I called to you but our little sprat answered first. I couldn’t hide my pride. I had known that Tulre was Force Sensitive, just how much was a mystery until now.

He thinks he can be like you.

Marmar, I am like Dada!

Hey, since does when my Kanamoto argue with his mother?

Sorry Dada, Marmar.

Darling, why are you calling? Is something wrong?

No. I just needed to talk to you. I needed to hear your voice even if it is through the Force. I miss you.

I too. Things have been difficult but the alliances are holding. Revan is a good diplomat. I wonder where she picked that up from? There was a hint of humor in her voice.

I must have had a smile on my face as I took up her joke, I have no clue. After all they did teach us the formalities within the Jedi Order. We have some new friends and a possible new world that may become an ally.

Is the psycho droid teasing Dada?

No. He’s been a good droid. And are you teasing me?

No Dada.

Good. I want to be able to see how big my Kanamoto has grown when I come home.

When Dada?

Soon. You will know. Now you be a good boy and take care of your mother.

All right Dada. Good-bye, I love you and I’ll see ya soon.

His little presence gone I turned my full attention to Michaela. I let my love pour through our bond to her and she responded with love of her own. I spoke gently, I am afraid but I am not. I know that going to face him is right.

I know. We, the sisters, all know. I know this is old but it is your destiny, the destiny of Kirabaros.

I know and I am glad to know that you are safe and taking care of our son. He is strong but you are his anchor.

Liar. He worships you more than you know. Thank you for telling me the truth.

Always. I have to go soon.

All right. Though you didn’t ask, she is doing fine. Mission watches out for her.

I will keep my promise.

I love you.

And I you.

I opened my eyes slowly and reflected on the conversation that I just had with my family. I missed my wife but it was overpowered by the sheer joy I felt when I felt the strength of my son’s connection to the Force. I knew that soon the Jedi from Coruscant or Avalon will come for him but I won’t let them have him just yet. I had a feeling that someone else may be up to the task.

I looked around my cell and noticed that it was early morning on the planet. I again marveled how time could fly when one is elsewhere with the Force. I stood up slowly to stretch my stiffened muscles and my right kneecap popped. I ignored the sound and walked silently to the barred window and looked out. I could see the landing platform that was near the bunker that had to be disabled. I looked at the ground below and watched as the Rashikians were going through morning exercises. They were primed and ready for battle, primed for the kill. It was disturbing that there were so many here whereas I thought there would be more in the fleet guarding the planet. I focused back to the landing platform. I was focusing so hard that I could see what was going on.

Carth led the way in after one of the Bushida warriors took the armor off the Rashikian armor of the warrior that they killed and posed as the guard. He had his blaster out and was followed by Mandalore, Juhani, Jolee, Sarna, Zaalbar and a few warriors. I couldn’t see the Shreyites or the droids. They must be left behind.

They made it to the main control. They backed the technicians into the corner with Zaalbar guarding him. I hope he doesn’t kill them with his bad breath. Carth was moving towards the main panel while Juhani moved to another. She said, “Carth we must hurry. The fleet will be here any moment.”

“Ok. Hand me the charges,” Carth replied to one of the warriors who tossed him a bag. I knew that bag. They were the special thorium charges that I made with Mira’s help when I was recovering just before she died.

I was then transported to a view outside as if I were standing near HK and T3 with Gorky. I saw as a group of troops run in. HK raised his rifle and said, “Statement: Ready! Time to kill some meatbags!”

T3 was beeping but Gorky ran off into the brush. I just stood there watching. I gazed up at the sun and noticed that it was later in the morning. I was seeing the future.

I was broken out of my vision when the door to my cell opened. I turned with an indifferent gaze to face three Rashikians, including the decrepit one who took my weapons. Another held out a pair of restraints. I offered no resistance as they placed them on my wrists. I kept my gaze as the decrepit one said, “My lord wants a word with you. Personally I hope he guts your sorry carcass.” He walked out in front and the two guards shoved me from behind.

I said nothing as I followed the decrepit one who was obviously a commander now that I could see so clearly. I kept my face straight ahead but I allowed my eyes to wander and examine the gaudy and gauche dйcor that made the fortress what it was. Underneath all of it, I could see that original Avalonian design existed underneath. It made me wonder if the building became corrupted as the Blood King, the Judge’s son, took residence here. The darkside could warp a normal man into the very evil that he commands so why not a building? It made sense to me but I kept that thought to myself.

I noticed that the halls seemed designed to be constricting. It was almost as if they wanted those dedicated to the light to feel constricted as if they had no room to maneuver. It was a mental ploy and could be quite effective. In fact all the observations I made kept my mind occupied and would later serve as one of the many mind blocks that I would employ when I faced the Blood King. I also began one of the interesting ploys that Darius taught me. I began to play pazaak in my head. I had never liked the game before but it was strangely comforting as I felt two others playing as well, two good friends.

We made our way to the elevator that would take us to the top level. I took a deep breath, stepped in and watched as the doors closed.
 Diego Varen
07-27-2006, 2:49 PM
Another good Chapter. War seperates family. You've portrayed that well.
07-27-2006, 3:50 PM
Yes war does separate family. I figured I might as well show it since his family is the key to his survival. Something worth fighting for.

Chapter 16: Traps and Wheedling
The elevator stopped at the topmost level of the fortress. I didn’t have to read the indicator on the panels to know that I was going to a place that was virtually off limits to everyone except those summoned at the Blood King’s request. I just stared straight ahead keeping calm and playing pazaak in my head. It wasn’t Darius playing with me but it was Atton. Apparently he was using it to keep cool himself while waiting to come out of hyperspace. I almost smiled but I resisted. I could hear him in my mind, You’re really crazy you know. Why would you be playing the +3 card? Bring it on. Mental, definitely mental.

That cheered my spirits as I continued to play while maintaining my stoic face. The doors opened to reveal a darkened room, I think. It was difficult to tell because so little of the morning light came in the room and the crude structures of support looked like the craggy crevices of the barren mountains of the east. I was led up to a series of stairs as the Blood King turned from his watch post at the one of the few windows. He waited until I was up to the same level as he was before he said again in that sickly voice I had heard before, “Welcome young Kirabaros. As I have said before, I have been expecting you. You no longer need those.” With a slight movement of his fingers he undid the restraints and they fell to the ground.

My response was the same stoic look that I had when I entered the elevator. One addition was that I cocked my left brow. I guess that gave him some measure of confidence or gave him the impression that I was confused. I was in truth wary of what he did. I didn’t dismiss the option that he wanted a fair fight like we had the last time. He would want to rightfully earn his prestige as the one who killed Kirabaros. I just kept my brow cocked at him as he dismissed the three that brought me. I didn’t move but just stood there. He said, “I look forward to making you turn. In time you will call me ‘master.’”

“You’re gravely mistaken. You won’t turn me as you turned Tvark or Eуmeros,” I replied rather solemn.

The Blood King seemed to chuckle as he approached in a slow, methodical manner. It was an attempt to intimidate me but it didn’t work. He responded, “Oh no. I believe you are the one mistaken about a great many things.” He then produced my lightsaber, the main one that I used. He continued, “Your lightsaber. A Jedi’s weapon. So like the ones that I have taken from those that I have killed. By now you must know that you can never escape the clutches of Sith and the absolute power of this place. Soon will be the end of you, the last defense.”

I then blurted out, “Your overconfidence is your weakness.”

“Your faith in your friends is yours,” and he sat in the seat that was at the center of the platform. He said, “You will come to know my ways soon enough.”

I gave a maddeningly calm smile. I replied, “You’re wrong, soon I will be dead as will you with me.”

The way he laughed at me confirmed what I had seen before I was summoned to him from my cell. The sadistic, rich and sultry laughter that was common among Argonons nearly chilled my spine as he used the Force to bring me forward to the viewing platform where he sat in a rather uncomfortable looking chair. He said, “You must be referring to the eminent attack of your pitiful fleet. You know your friends out there in the forests are walking into a trap as well as your insignificant fleet.”

I knew then that I had to play act. I thought for sure that he didn’t know about Bastila so I had to tread carefully. My face contorted into one of surprise mingled with alarm. I didn’t have to say anything. The expression on my face was enough.

Seeing the look on my face, the Blood King leaned forward and said, “It was I who allowed you to gain a general survey and know the location of the shield generator. Believe me an entire legion of those dogs you call Rashikians are out there right now waiting for them.”

The view in front of me melted away as I had another vision. I knew that they were going into a trap but this seemed to be a continuation of the previous vision. I kept up my game of pazaak to remain calm. I swore that I could smell the outdoors of the forest and the odors of the various creatures as the scenery came into focus.

Carth and everyone were being led out into the clearing near the opening of the base. Surrounding it were hundreds or maybe thousands of Rashikians along with various forms of weaponry waiting out there. There was a huge beastie that two of the Rashikians were riding and heading into the forest to patrol. It would have been an amazing sight if those weapons hadn’t been pointed at everyone.

My friends moved forward when ordered and stood in the center with their hands raised. All the Jedi had been stripped of their lightsabers and everyone else had their weapons confiscated. They were clearly at the mercy of the Rashikians. The general proceedings were interrupted when none other than HK-47 came out of the brush weaponless shouting, “Statement: Come and get me you smelly meatbags.”

A small squad was sent to where he was at with T3 where they were waiting. HK by then had picked up his rifle and had it pointed at them. The commander said, “Freeze or you’re scrap.”

HK cocked his rifle, “Ready!”

Then dozens of furry Shreyites came out of the brush and jumped on the group of Rashikians. It was rather comical as two small Shreyites took on a full grown sentient and if I were there I would be laughing. HK and T3 moved away to a better position as the horns were sounded. Out of the brush popped up thousands of Shreyites and they opened fire upon the Rashikians.

I made a small grin. Apparently the Blood King noticed it and frowned. I could sense that he was trying to wheedle his way into my thoughts. All he came across was my pazaak game with Atton. Amazing how a person could keep afloat of two things at once. He got slightly angry yet bemused. I thought he was going to strike me. He did release me from the grip he had on me from using the Force. He spoke harshly, “You think that this is all some giant pazaak game?”

I gave a slight smile. It was going to get hard if he kept trying to probe into my emotions. “I do what I must. Life has always dealt me a bad hand. This way I can improve on my luck.”

That made him mad that I made everything seem like a big joke to me. He remembered me as someone who would fight, not a person who cracked jokes. He gave me a hard backhand that sent me flying into a bunch of crates. I hit them like a ball hitting a few cans and they collapsed around me. I had no clue if I agitated Tvark or the Sith spirit inhabiting him by my wisecrack. He spoke in that sickly voice of his, “Your luck has run out in and out of the pazaak den my young Jedi. As has it with your faith in the lightside of the Force.”

I managed to get the crates off of me and get up in a standing position. I was sporting a cut on my wrist where it had struck the sharp corner of one of the crates. I replied, “I don’t think my luck has run out. In fact I may have been dealt a good hand this time around.” I gave a smile that would have made anyone mad.

The Blood King growled at me but sat back in his chair. He just sat there as I stood there pondering what he was thinking of. I just looked at him from where I had fallen. I noticed that he had placed my lightsaber on the armrest of his seat. I wondered if it was a ploy to get me to lash out in anger. I weighed the possibilities as I stood there and decided to wait for the opportune moment.

I must have let on to what I was thinking for the Blood King said, “You think you can outsmart me. Don’t you?”

“Possibly. I know I have an ounce more of intelligence than your father did. Did you ever know what he did to get himself thrown out of school?” Now it was time for my fair share of wheedling. I had begun to sense that the fleet was about to come out of hyperspace. I could tell because Atton had begun to switch tactics during his game and a new player entered, Darius.

The Blood King sneered at me. It was the Tvark showing through when he said, “Shut up or I’ll change my mind about keeping you alive.”

“He was nothing but a blery coward. He strung me up and I was a seven-year-old boy who couldn’t defend himself. In fact you want to know what the headmistress called him when she demanded to have me released?”

“I said SHUT UP!” and with a huge surge of anger, he sent a powerful Force Wave towards me.

It caught me full force in the chest and sent me into the bulkhead. I hit it on my back, the back of my head hitting it the hardest. I slid to the ground and shook my head to clear the daze in my eyes. I looked at the Blood King who appeared to be talking to himself. He seemed distracted and I noticed the first ships appear out of hyperspace, the Ebon Hawk in the lead. I turned my attention to the Blood King who was arguing with himself. The Tvark part of him was saying, “He insulted my family. He murdered my father and he will pay for what he has done.” The Sith or Naga Sadow part of him responded, “Shut up fool. He is no use to us dead. He will turn for his friends are doomed.”

I watched this scene before me unable to comprehend what was going on. I had an idea but it seemed so different. I guess my own trap and wheedling finally did him over the edge.
 Diego Varen
07-27-2006, 3:54 PM
This Chapter reminds me of ROTJ when Palpatine is with Luke. Great Chapter. Is this the end?
 Jae Onasi
07-27-2006, 3:59 PM
I liked the little Force conversation. Always nice to know the ones you love are supporting you.
I liked the weaverbird thing--made me feel like I was in a jungle, and then when it stopped singing because of the darkness there, I thought that was a cool image.
You're killing me with the suspense, you know. :)
07-27-2006, 4:57 PM
I know. Pottsie, so you stop cursing me if it's the end, this part has a grand total of 22 chapters and a nice little epilogue. I think I'll give another chapter just to keep the ball rolling.

Chapter 17: Space Battles and Anger
The Ebon Hawk had come out of hyperspace and headed towards the main command ship of the Rashikian fleet. Atton was peering at the ship and he said, “I have a bad feeling about this.”

Visas replied, “You may be right. There appears to be a disturbance in the Force. It could be the shield generator.”

“Well we should be able to get a reading on that shield, up or down. The ship’s sensors are registering nothing.”

“It could be that they are jamming us Atton.”

“How could they be jamming us if they…” Atton looked at the scene, “…they don’t know if we’re coming.”

“What was that Atton?” Darius’ voice sounded over the comm.

“Darius break off the attack. The shield is still up.”

“Darius, Atton is right.”

“Alright, all craft pull up. The shields are still up.”

All the small fighters and the Hawk were able to pull up with amazing agility. They had to break formation to avoid becoming space dust. The larger vessels had a hard time doing the same but they managed to barely clear the shields. However they were waiting for a big surprise.

The Hawk was met by a formation of large cruiser vessels. From them tons of Rashikian and supposedly Sith fighters emerged and began firing upon the Avalonian fighters. Darius blazed right through them. He gave a general observation, “Fighters coming in heading for the med frigate.” He then turned to give pursuit.

The Hawk followed providing backup. Atton was doing a good job. I guess somebody was able to keep him sober enough to be able to pilot the Hawk without crashing it. I suspect some of the crew that traveled with Darius still teased him about that crash landing though I think he missed it coming from Mira.

The blaster fire painted the black void of space like a crazy painting. The different colors of energy bolts reflected the colors found in a person’s aura. It was almost mesmerizing as the various fighters weaved in and out of the large cruiser vessels. The Sojourn was holding up remarkably well. She should considering that she is one of the best vessels the Republic had to offer.

My eyes were drawn to the space battle in the sky. Even though it was light and the vessels were hard to see, I could make out several highlights of ships. Behind me a holo showed of the ongoing space battle. The Blood King, now back in control of the Sith spirit thing motioned while speaking to me in that sickly voice, “Come Jedi, see for yourself.”

Still sore from the Force Wave I resisted letting out a hiss of pain as I made my way to the image projector. There I saw clearly the space battle going on above us. I watched as the Avalonian fighters made their way, bobbing and weaving, often in perfect synchronization between the enemy vessels trying to draw fire away from the capitol ships. I saw as the Ebon Hawk made her graceful turns. I could tell that the turrets were firing and briefly wondered who was firing them. I gazed intently with my green and gold-flecked eyes.

The Blood King just smiled and adjusted the robe he was wearing. I hadn’t noticed it before but it was probably because the last time I saw him he was trying to kill me. He said, “From here you will witness the final destruction of the Jedi and the end of your insignificant Republic.”

I gazed hard at him. I felt a slight fire burn deep within my soul. I recognized it as the anger and hate that I harbored for so long for the Judge. Something else was mingled with it. It was a different kind of fire. It was weak but it looked as if that if released it could be a firestorm. It didn’t have the feelings of evil and the kinds of emotions that could lead to the darkside. It was familiar though. It was floundering against the raging torrent of hate I felt for the man before me. I desperately tried to think of something to distract it by searching with my eyes. My gaze fell upon my lightsaber as it lay near the Blood King’s hand. I felt a desperate need to grab it.

The Blood King had seen my gaze travel. He asked in a nonchalant voice, “You want this,” and he patted my lightsaber. “The hate is swelling in you like a raging firestorm. Go ahead, take you Jedi weapon. Use it. I am unarmed. Strike me down with it and give in to your anger.”

I hated that wheedling tone that he was using on me. Funny, playing pazaak in my head kept him from probing into my mind but that didn’t protect me from the jibes he was giving me. I had to turn my gaze from him and the holo image. I turned to gaze at the platform where I could see the smoke rising from the firing that was going on.

It was apparent that the Blood King thought it amusing that I was suffering. He continued on his wheedling, “With each passing moment you make yourself more my servant.”

I turned my head to gaze intently at him. I had a flare of that dwindling fire shoot a spark. I felt it as I said firmly, “No.”

For a moment, the Blood King looked at me intently. It was as if he were trying to perceive who I was. He had no idea what he had done to me two years ago nor had any clue as to what I knew. As quickly as he paused, he continued, “It is unavoidable. It is your destiny.”

I wanted to laugh when I heard that. I was so sick and tired of hearing of my destiny or the destiny of the great Kirabaros. I heard it from Old Petronius, I once heard of it from Jolee, half a dozen other Jedi but lastly, I heard it from…I then calmed myself. The last person who told me of destiny was Michaela. She spoke of the sisters. It then clicked: she was speaking of the Bushida Handmaidens. I remembered that the sisters did nothing but made sure the Force’s will was carried out; at least that was what I thought. I reverted my gaze back out to the battle waging in the forest. I barely heard the Blood King say rather softly, “It is pointless to resist, young Jedi.”

I still felt the raging firestorm that the Blood King had mentioned. I knew he could sense the powerful surge of emotions since he made mention of it. I came to recite the Jedi Code even though I never followed it. Heck I fell in love and got married and had a son. It was comforting to recite it and produced the calm needed to hold the firestorm at bay. It also allowed that other side that I was so reluctant to release to breathe some.

“Is that the Jedi Code I hear spouting through your thoughts? You can be so pathetic at times.” The jibe nearly made my anger boil out of control once again.

With my gaze still riveted at the platform where all the smoke was rising, I replied, “Though flawed, it bears some truth. You may see it too if you let go of your hate and come back to the light.”

“And I thought I had you all figured out. First that surge of anger makes you as near as possible to the human condition and then you start spouting the wisdom of the Jedi like a broken holovid. I wonder if you really are the legendary Heart of the Guardian, Kirabaros…Jorscop.”

It looked like it was going to be a long and difficult road.
07-28-2006, 12:11 PM
Ok here is another chapter. This may be interesting for it leads up to big battle with the baddie.

Chapter 18: Victories and Losses
I was still gazing out of the glass window. I was catching glimpses of the battles on the ground and in the sky by using the Force. I realize that it could be extremely draining but I needed to know what was happening.

There was smoke everywhere, mostly from all the blaster and cannon fire that was going on. Carth was with Juhani who was trying to input the code for the bunker to open. They were pinned and taking heavy fire but with Carth’s deadly aim, he was able to keep the return fire down to a minimum. Juhani shouted above the noise, “The code’s been changed Carth. We need T3.”

Carth nodded and looked for the terminal. He opened it up and said, “Here’s the terminal.”

Juhani nodded and spoke into her comm, “T3. We need you at the bunker right away.” She had barely just finished talking when she saw a Rashikian fire his blaster. She used her bright blue lightsaber and deflected it right back at him just as Carth shot at another.

Elsewhere Jolee was with Caelos as they were chasing Rashikians through the forests. Other Bushida warriors were racing through giving chase as well. They had no problems except for an occasional blaster shot crashing into one of the huge trees near them. They were trying to clear the way for Zaalbar. They had the idea to try and commandeer one of the huge beasties with a huge cannon strapped to it. Zaalbar was going to take two of the Shreyites. If anything it was a job for a Wookiee and two Shreyites.

Mandalore was charging like a Mandalorian would. His Mandalorian warriors followed. It was interesting to watch these seemingly vicious brutes fight for in the end, they revealed that us Republics and Avalonians were no better than they were in battle. His gray helmet gleamed in the sun as they plunged deeper into the forest chasing Rashikians.

T3 managed to make it to the bunker without so much as a scratch. True to his orders, HK stayed with T3 or rather he was following him trying to protect him. The psycho droid had been unleashed. It would have been amusing to hear him say his various statements like, “Unnecessary Threat: Die smelly meatbag scum!” and “Eager Threat: My gears are quivering with the joy at killing meatbags!” T3 on the other hand was busy at the terminal. He managed to hack into the outer systems but it was complicated and the time he took wasn’t good for a flash sent Carth and Juhani crouching for covering and they didn’t see the blaster shot that had hit T3 and sent him spinning in a circle. They both watched as T3 sparked moaning and beeping.

I broke my gaze from the platform after witnessing what I had just seen. I knew that with T3 down, Carth or someone would have to hotwire the terminal to get in. I also could feel the deaths of the Shreyites, as they were not accustomed to having blasters. It disturbed me and yet I felt slightly proud that they kept fighting. Either that or it was Mandalore or something. I was distracted from this by a sharp pain to my abdomen.

It was a familiar pain that I had sensed earlier when I was in my cell. I felt it again only more sharper. Damn Force Bonds. They can take effect at even the most inopportune moments. I tried extremely hard to not let out gasps of pain but it felt like someone was running me through or beating me with a huge stick. It was distracting but I felt a surge of joy. It further fueled that dwindling fire and I knew that a sweetened victory would be won with that battle. When another sharp pang occurred, I decided that it was enough. I concentrated on dulling the pain and when that didn’t work, I forced my gazed to look at something, anything. It settled on the holo of the space battle. I concentrated, drawing on the Force.

Atton was having a heck of a time trying to avoid the heavy cannon fire coming from the ravenships. They were the equivalent of a Republic capitol ship. Atton was calling into the comm, “Watch out Darius! Three from above!”

“Got it!”

An Avalonian fighter drew fire and made many steep turns causing its pursuers to crash into their own ship’s shielding. Darius called again, “Three coming in point oh five.”

The Hawk followed suit and blasted away. As it emerged from underneath one of the Republic ships, it was nearly blindsided by a huge blast coming from a fighter. Atton’s frustration was beginning to break through and it was mingled with anger at what he called cheap and dirty tricks. He was voicing it by cussing it out in Huttese when he was brought out of it by Visas. Even though she was blind as her species was, she had amazing perceptions. She softly spoke, “Perhaps if you calmed down, we wouldn’t be hitting every single blaster bolt.”

“Right. When Banthas fly sister.”

“There is no emotion…”

Atton let out an annoyed sigh but he finished it, “There is peace.”

After that, the Hawk began to fly much more better and taking out more fighters. It is true what Davik once said of her. She is the fastest ship in the Outer Rim. Even with all the beatings she had taken, she was a tough little ship.

I was brought out of my gazing by the low menacing voice of the Blood King. He spoke, “Now you will witness the firepower of the most powerful starship in the galaxy.” I watched as he moved his hand to a button on the projector. He activated the comm and said, “Fire at will Admiral. Do what must be done. Do not hesitate and show no mercy.”

I watched the holo image with a sick feeling in my stomach. I couldn’t tell if it was the pain I had felt earlier but it was nauseating. I watched as the huge command ship powered up its main gun and fired upon some of the smaller vessels of the Avalonian fleet. I watched as the ships were burned into space dust. It was nothing compared to an atrocity that would be built millennia later but it was sickening. I was powerless to say anything thing and my eyes were glued to the images produced.

At one point I thought I could hear Atton speaking to Darius about the weapon and that we have to retreat. I resolved my will to be strong. All I was thinking of was that they had to hold the line. Carth would get the shield down and that he needed more time. I don’t know if that did anything but it made me feel slightly better as I watched as the command ship shifted course to maneuver for a different position. I saw as it again charged up the main gun and selected another target. I watched again as it fired and destroyed yet another Avalonian ship and damaging a Republic vessel nearby.

I was struggling against the sick feeling in my stomach. I tried hard not to let it show. I nearly missed the softly menacing voice of the Blood King. He said softly, “Your fleet is lost and your friends near the generator will not survive.”

I reverted my gaze to lock my eyes onto his. He seemed amused that I was being defiant in the wake of heavy losses. I composed a firm statement, “I see your fate and I sense that a change will come.”

He ended up chuckling. He then closed his eyes and said, “Good. I can feel your anger. It makes you focused. It makes you stronger. You will not stop me, not at your pathetic rate of power.” He then opened his eyes and looked at me. He continued, “Take your weapon. Strike me down with all of your hatred and your journey towards the darkside would be complete.”

That last statement was firm. If he had used a bit of Force persuasion in it, it probably would have worked on a weak minded sentient. It was true that I had a lot of anger. It was so close to coming loose. I reverted my gaze quickly back to the holo image and I seemed to pause. With a quick movement I extended my hand to summon my lightsaber. I came quickly and I ignited it. I brought it down upon the Blood King who was equally quick and deflected it with his crimson one. He began cackling.
 Diego Varen
07-28-2006, 2:35 PM
Sorry about cursing, it's just this has been an enjoyable Fic for me, since I started (This was created a month after I joined) and I've been with it for this long.

Anyway two good Chapters and I'm looking foward to the remaining four Chapters and the Epilogue.
07-28-2006, 5:39 PM
Thanks a ton Pottsie. I know you have been a loyal member of the critic crew. Well just for you and all my other readers, here is another chapter.

Chapter 19: There Is No Conflict
I couldn’t take the jibes anymore so I reached out and summoned my saber. The bronze blade gleamed as I struck at the Blood King’s crimson one as I slipped into the Makashi lightsaber form. It was the best form to use against another Force wielder and it was one that allowed me the most freedom of movement in terms of my parries and strikes. Master Cronus had made sure that I had learned all of the lightsaber forms even those that were restricted to the Jedi guardians and Weaponsmasters. Being young and foolish at the time, I would actually combine the forms in different manners, experimenting with them and causing no end of frustration, especially with Master Vrook when I went to Coruscant.

I kept to the Makashi form as I parried and struck with my lightsaber. It was difficult because I was forced to battle on the stairs that led to the viewing platform. The smoke was rising from our incessant clashing and occasionally sparks would fly as we locked our sabers. I still felt the anger and hate for the Judge but surprisingly, it wasn’t as severe as before when he was taunting me. I controlled it and forced it deep down as I drew on the Force to guide my blade. At one point I saw an opening and I summoned my katana, which sailed effortlessly into my left and I twirled into attack position. All the Blood King said was, “Good. The Force is strong within you.” He swung from above.

I countered with my katana, which sparked on contact and spun and struck with my right. I looked at the Blood King with an inquisitive look that was mingled with a challenge to it. I replied to his comment, “The Force is my ally. It always has been.”

“Much like what your predecessor said. By now you must surely know that even the strongest of heroes eventually fall. It is inevitable.” The Blood King adjusted his position.

I just watched his movements with my eyes, my muscles tensed. I don’t think he knew about lightsaber forms but then again he was housing a Sith spirit, a former Jedi who probably knew them and much more. He then charged and I stepped to my left. I was next to one of the walls and I placed my right foot on the wall. I followed with my left and it looked as if I were stuck to the walls. I was moving quite fast as I used my feet to push off and sail over the Blood King’s head just as he swung. I landed with my back towards him but I managed to counter the strike by placing my katana behind my back. I then twisted my blade and lashed out with my lightsaber. The Blood King said, “Impressive. Most impressive.”

I was unprepared for the kick he delivered to my knees that sent me falling down the stairs. The falling hurt more than the kick did but I had little time to wonder if I had bruised my body on the way down. The Blood King swung hard towards the ground with the intent to sever my body in half. I reacted the same way I had done when Mandalore did the same move: I placed my hands on the ground like I was going to do a pushup and used my legs and feet to push off the ground. I spun in a tight circle as I arced my body away and landed in a standing position but I wasn’t done yet. Once I landed I pushed off again and gave a huge jump to land behind the Blood King who whirled around with his blade. I blocked and gave him a sidekick that sent him tumbling down the stairs.

I gazed down at him and took a moment to use the Force to heal any of the bruises. I felt a sharp pang in my abdomen but kept that in. The Blood King was slowly rising to his feet and was laughing at me. I figured that it was an attempt to get me angry so I didn’t rise to the bait. He said, “Good. Use your aggressive feelings. Let your hate flow through you.”

I looked at him confused. There was no hate flowing. It was more of a collective calm. True that I had to react quickly but it didn’t make sense. I checked my mind and realized I was still playing pazaak in my head with Atton and Darius. My mind was detached in a way that I wasn’t aware of it until I gave a cursory sweep of my mind. Amazing at what the power of the Force can do. I just continued to gaze at the Blood King at the bottom of the stairs. I deactivated my saber and held it limp in my hand.

I sensed the confusion from the Blood King but it wasn’t evident in his voice as he began a slow advance up the stairs. He said, “Tergis has taught you well.”

How he knew of Master Tergis, I had no idea but that was a moot point at the moment. I replied, “I will not fight you Tvark.” I had hoped that by using his real name that I would be able to make a connection with his true self.

The Blood King continued his slow advance with his lightsaber drawn. When he was close enough he said, “You are unwise to lower your defenses,” and he lashed out with his crimson blade.

The movement was quick as I countered with my katana while activating my bronze blade. I swung that in an arc towards the Blood King’s side. He was quick to block. He attempted to strike at my leg, the same one that he struck me in two years ago. Apparently the bastard remembered that battle as well as I did. I blocked and switched my stance so I could protect it better. I wasn’t about to let him have an advantage. I decided to change up my line of attack. I led off with the two-sword bite; the most difficult one to master and only a few of the Bushida masters can perform it without chopping off their fingers. I finished off with the five point thrust and nicked the Blood King on the arm.

I looked at him as grabbed his upper arm. He growled at me but smiled in that sly way of his. He said, “Impressive. A Jedi and yet you do not follow their ways of combat.” He rubbed his arm, the blood on his fingertips. He gave a shrug and raised his blade.

I was personally amazed that he could shrug it off but then again I have shrugged off worse. I didn’t reply but instead brought my blades up ready to attack. I took an involuntary step backwards and steadied my footing. I had a slight cramp in my abdomen yet again I brushed it aside but I sensed something in the background. I didn’t have time to dwell on it for long for the Blood King came at me with a hard strike. I began to notice that the Blood King was using familiar Jedi techniques yet he seemed to have trouble countering my Bushida moves. I spat out, “When one is in tune with the Force, anything is possible.”

He growled and swung hard. We clashed for ten seconds. We then became locked with our lightsabers crossed. He had me other wrist gripped tightly in his hand. I could smell distinctly the stench of death on him and could smell the thousands he had killed. I could actually hear their screams in my ears and their cries for justice. It hurt so much in my ears that I wanted to get away. I distinctly remember Darius once telling me about that feeling and I wondered if that was how bad it was. I also sensed a conflict within. True that there was hatred and anger but there was also someone who had some good in him.

I didn’t have time to dig deeper but it was enough for me to catch a glimpse. I gave a knee to the Blood King’s stomach and pushed away. I stepped back and gave a quick glance backwards to see what was behind me. He came at me with a swipe at my feet. I jumped up and back, landing on a stack of crates. He growled again and came with his blade raised. Using the Force, I gave a push off the crates and did a back flip to land on one of the many catwalks crisscrossing the upper ways. I sheathed my katana and deactivated my lightsaber and stood there. He stood there staring at me with his blade drawn. I gazed down at him. I said, “Your thoughts betray you Tvark. I feel the good in you, the conflict.”

“There is no conflict,” he replied. He twirled is blade and walked along the catwalk.

I followed still gazing at him intently. I replied firmly, “You couldn’t bring yourself to kill me and make sure I was dead before. I don’t believe you would destroy me now.” I had come to stop right next to one of the support beams that held the catwalk up. I was hoping that I had struck the right nerve with my comments. I knew that I wasn’t wrong in that there was still good in him. Heck if Eуmeros could be saved after all he’d done, why couldn’t Tvark?

The Blood King continued to gaze at me. It was hard to read his emotions for he had started to block them from my sight. He replied, “You underestimate the power of the ancients and the darkside. If you will not fight, then you will meet your destiny,” and with a quick motion he threw his still lighted lightsaber at me towards my head. I ducked to the side and the saber struck the support I was next to and the one behind it. In a shower of sparks and the groaning of heavy metal, the catwalk collapsed and crashed into some crates and structures taking me with it. The last thing I heard was a chuckling or laughter that was not from the Blood King.
 Diego Varen
07-28-2006, 5:46 PM
Another good Chapter. I liked the duel between J.C. and the Blood King. Description is good once again.
07-28-2006, 5:55 PM
Thanks. Then maybe you will like this twist.

Chapter 20: The Return of Kirabaros
The shower of sparks and the crash of the catwalk sent me into one of the dark corners of the upper levels. I heard laughter and an oddly feminine voice saying, “Good. Good.” I also heard the hiss pop of a lightsaber being activated. I hid in one of the darkest corners and tried to collect my thoughts. I closed my eyes and for a moment I saw what was going on at the generator. I saw that they were close to blowing the whole thing up. When that happened, I wouldn’t have much time. I almost started to panic but forced a calm.

The Blood King was using his lightsaber to light the way in that darkened corner. I was calming myself when he said, “You cannot hide forever Jorscop.”

The name stung like nettles in my mind but I forced my voice to remain even. I replied, “I will not fight you.”

I could hear the menacing chuckles rumbling within his chest as he replied, “Give yourself to the darkside. You know it is the only way you can save your friends.” I heard a slight hiss and I concentrated fervently on my game of pazaak. He continued, “Yes, your thoughts have betrayed you. Your feelings for them are strong, especially for…”

I tried to vamp my feelings, thoughts, everything concerning my friends and family. I was struck with a pleasant image at that moment. The Judan trees were in full bloom and I saw a young woman with soft brown eyes tinged with gold and a young man under the tree. Dammit! Not now! I tried hard to repress the image deep within my mind. Then I heard him. He said, “Family, the future. So you are protecting your family and their future. Well your feelings have now betrayed them too. You were clever in trying to hide them from me. Now your failure is complete. If you will not turn to the darkside, then perhaps Tulre will.”

“NEVER!” I shouted and moved from my hiding spot with my bronze blade lit. I swung hard.

The Blood King grinned at me. He replied, “You are even a bigger fool than I imagined.”

I then realized that I had struck in anger and made a foolish move. I tried to concentrate but was hit full force with a Force Wave that sent me barreling into some grotesque statues. I groaned a bit in pain but I could sense his satisfaction in his being able to hurt me. I had a fleeting memory of his father beating me on Mikkado. I squeezed my eyes shut to block out all my negative feelings. I distinctly began to hear someone else in the room. It was that same feminine voice I had heard earlier. I suddenly recalled it from when I was on Duxn. She was saying, “Kill him and the balance will be tipped in our favor.”

I squeezed my eyes tighter shut and laid there on the ground. I forced my mind to recall the vision I had the night before I left for war.

I saw Kirabaros standing before me. He looked at me and I at him. He said, “The time is now. You know what you have to do.”

I nodded and knelt in front of him and closed my eyes. I saw the very core of my being. That small flame that I had felt trying to grow stronger was engulfed by everything that had bound it: my hate, my fear. I breathed methodically and let it go. The binding surrounding the flame grew weak. I tried harder and it broke free and the small flame took over. I heard the singing of the People. They were singing the song of the Heart of the Guardian. It began to resonate louder into a consistent pulse that began to beat through my heart. It grew stronger and stronger…

I opened my eyes wide and they narrowed. Though I didn’t know it at the time, my eyes had changed. They had become more gold, like fire. I was later told this by my friends when I saw them again but that was later. I heard the Blood King chuckling and getting ready to strike. He brought his blade down and I whipped mine up to block. He seemed surprised by my reaction. I used the Force and jumped to my feet.

Distinctly I heard the drums of my people and I assumed the Makashi stance. I swung hard and fast in a series of parries and strikes at the Blood King. He tried in vain to block them but I was driven by what had been buried since the day I was born. I kept swinging until I had backed the Blood King into one of the railings. I kept swinging until I struck right at his right wrist and made a deep cut in it almost as bad as the one he gave my leg. I then gave a stab into his side. His lightsaber fell with a clunk onto the floor along with him. I stood over him and gazed at him. It was then I heard laughter coming from the dark corner and a weakened chuckle from the Blood King.

I turned round to find no one behind me but when I turned back, I saw the Blood King still on the ground and standing next to him was an old woman. She looked blind with a dark hood on. It was she that spoke, “Good. You’re hate has made you powerful. Now take your enemy’s place. Finish him and I will guide you.”

My gaze reverted to the Blood King and his missing hand. I frowned and nearly had to gasp for breath. I sighed and powered down my lightsaber. I said, “Never. I will not turn. You have failed for I am Kirabaros, the Heart of the Guardian.”

The old woman gave me a murderous gleam. She spat with such disdain, “So be it, Kirabaros.”
 Diego Varen
07-28-2006, 6:12 PM
So J.C. is the Heart of the Guardian? Nice. Anyway, it was good Chapter and J.C. staying with the Light Side reminded me of Luke in ROTJ. I'm looking foward to more.

Also, if you're doing Broken Wounds Heal (It needs to be put in your Sig), will you finish The Lost Tales of Revan? Has Mach reviewed this yet or have you asked him not to until you've finished?
07-28-2006, 11:23 PM
I've been too lazy to put Broken Wounds Heal in my sig. Mach has reviewd the Lost Tales but I am going to rewrite the chapters I have already done. I have to do some heavy duty thinking about it. Well here is the next chapter.

Chapter 21: Confrontation
I could tell I made the old woman angry. I could sense that she wasn’t real, that she had been dead for some time. She was surprisingly familiar and I immediately recalled her from that time I zoned out on Duxn when I was trying to convince Mandalore to join us. She was staring at me with her eyes that were black pools and yet it looked as if she couldn’t see through them. I was gazing at them both. She spoke, “Always the sentimental fool. You turn away from such power yet you will not live.”

I was hit with a wave of lightening that sent me tumbling into one of the statues that had not been destroyed. The pain was intense as I gave a pained look at the Blood King who managed to stand and send that wave of lightening. I just groaned, much to my displeasure.

The old woman continued, “Your feeble attempts are no match for the darkness that rules to the farthest reaches of space.”

I was ready for the second bolt and it didn’t affect me as much. I somehow was able to bring my hands up to catch the bolt and absorb it into a ball of light, which I gently squeezed out. I stood slowly, regaining my footing and gave a long stare. I responded, “We are the true battleground and it is our choices that define us. You said that yourself before you died.”

I expected the lunge from the Blood King. Despite his injuries, he came at me with renewed energy, his crimson blade swinging. The old woman had disappeared as we clashed our lightsabers. He seemed to be fueled with a more intense fury than I had first seen. I allowed myself to be backed on the outdoor platform after we had smashed some of the control panels. We were oblivious to the shots that were raining down from the sky. Some of Darius’ fighters had penetrated through and were targeting the fortress.

I ignored my muscle fatigue and the pain of the lightening was wearing off as I fought back with a renewed energy. I felt an inner warmth that mostly stemmed from the strong love I had for my wife and son. I guided the fight to the eastern end of the platform, the one that had been hit at some point by one of the fighters. We were surrounded by debris and more was falling as I tried again at bringing back Tvark, “You can still be saved. Our people will welcome you back.”

“As a slave? I would rather die,” he growled back and swung. I missed one and he gave me a jab on my upper arm.

Surprisingly it didn’t hurt. I looked at him and said, “I have failed you if you refuse to change. I have failed you.”

“I should have known that you would try something pathetic as redemption.”

“What you have done to your own people…it’s evil.”

“Spare me your rants. To get to power, you have to take what you can and give nothing back.”

“A Sith would deal like that,” I said matter of factly.

“Much like she did,” he attempted a taunt at me.

I knew that he was referring to Revan but I never blew up over it. The reason being because that wasn’t her now. I knew about Darth Revan but heck that is a totally different person and I made that point after I had met Revan. I didn’t rise to the bait. I instead replied rather sadly, “Then you are lost.”

That made him mad and he began to swing wildly. I counterattacked with all the skill that I could muster. I could tell that he wasn’t going to return to the light so I tried to survive as best as I could. We were distracted from our battle when a large explosion sounded and the platform we were on shattered. I grabbed on to one of the railings that had bent and were dangling over the edge. My lightsaber had fallen off to the side and my katana had fallen right in front of me. I looked down to see a long drop into a deep pool. I looked up when I heard laughter.

Somehow the Blood King managed to avoid the blast. He was standing above me gazing at me with a look of cruel amusement his eyes. He nudged my katana over and I watched it drop. That brought the familiar sick feeling but it quickly dissipated with my will to live. I returned my gaze to the Blood King who continued to gaze at me with that sickly smile. He said, “This is familiar somewhat. Well it looks like I am in a position to kill you,” and he took a swing with his lightsaber.

I didn’t flinch as he swung. He created sparks by striking the grating that I was hanging off of. He was also weakening it and I realized that he was attempting to send me to the depths. I kept trying to adjust my grip so I could better try to get up. The sparks were showering over me as struggled. I finally caught a glimpse of my lightsaber in the corner. I looked up at the Blood King with an intense gaze. I clouded my mind with nonsense.

It must have worked for the Blood King looked confused. He also scowled at me. It was now my chance. With all the power I could muster, I pushed off of the grating that was hanging below me. Using the Force, I arced my body while summoning my lightsaber. I activated and swung. I heard a low groan and saw the spray of blood. The Blood King looked at me with a look of surprise and yet satisfaction. He fell backwards into the gully, split in half. I watched as he fell. I deactivated my saber and continued to gaze down. I had killed the Blood King.

“I never could see what Tergis saw in you but he must have done something right,” a familiar voice sounded beside me.

I didn’t have to look to see that it was the old woman from before. I replied, “You’re still trying to convince me. I’m afraid that you will hit nothing but a bulkhead, Darth Traya.”

“There must always be a Darth Traya just as there must always be a Kirabaros,” she replied.

“Just to keep everything in balance.”

“Yes and no. Jedi, Sith, merely titles. Titles are something one clings to.”

“Hmm. I suppose then that these titles are used to create the two extremes? Still for now the light will reign.”

That was one of many conversations I would have with the ghost of Darth Traya. I was a servant of the light but the years after that I developed an attitude much like Jolee’s. It would serve me well at times and it would become a gift and a curse to those of my family line that would come later

Talking to Darth Traya, I realized that this business about the True Sith was not just this fortress, it was within. The conscious is the battleground. It felt disconcertingly right and wrong at the same time but I couldn’t deny it. I heaved a sigh as I turned to go, feeling content that I was satisfied with who I was but saddened that I felt like I had failed. . For now, the confrontation that had been a long time in coming had come and been dealt with. I had tried to redeem him but he chose not to.
 Jae Onasi
07-29-2006, 1:11 AM
I enjoyed the duelling scenes--that's some excitement. Interesting to see Traya show up there. Now to see how the rest of the battles are resolved, and get Kirabaros and Michaela, and Carth and Revan back together.... :)
 Diego Varen
07-29-2006, 4:35 AM
I liked the duel scene. This time it reminded me of ROTS. As Jae said, it was interesting to see Darth Traya.

I'm sorry, I said my other question wrong. Has Mach reviewed the Heart of the Guardian?
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