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MC: AotE: Old Friends and New Jobs

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02-17-2006, 2:01 PM
"Jana, This Reibe, Has obviously been keeping somthing from you. Hell, she's changed her name various times and ain't aged in over a decade." Nic said leaning against the wall next to her door. "Look it's over now, We'll proberly never see again."
02-17-2006, 3:58 PM
When Nic left the common room, Beryl took the opportunity to pour herself and Cloud another drink. "To forgiving captains, and a clean conscience," she said, raising her glass. She downed the shot, then smiled with relief. "Ah! Nothing beats Corellian ale."

She rose from the table. "I'll be right back. Got to go and look up the freq to contact my brother."

In the corridor, Nic was standing directly across from her door, talking to Jana's. "C'mon Jana, this ain't the first time someone stabbed us in the back."

Beryl raised her eyebrows, but slipped into her own room without comment.

Ooh....not getting involved, not getting involved, NOT getting involved.... Could end up in a lover's spat. Not getting involved! I can talk to Jana later. Much later. Rayne's freq. Datapad with Rayne's freq. Ah! There it is.

Beryl came out of her room, a datapad in hand. Nic was now leaning up against the wall.

Uh, oh. Bad sign. Looks like he's preparing to set up camp. This could be a long one. Unless, of course, Jana opens her door and throws something at him. But I'm not hanging around for that.

"Jana, this Reibe has obviously been keeping something from you," Nic was saying. "Hell, she's changed her name various times and ain't aged in over a decade. Look it's over now. We'll probably never see her again."

Beryl bit her lip to keep from commenting on that one, although she did give Nic a 'just-who-exactly-do-you-think-you're-kidding' look before she headed off to the bridge.

It didn't take her long to contact her brother Rayne. He ran a transport company. He had comm repeaters stationed all over the main corridors.

As soon as she and Rayne had exchanged greetings, she wasted no time in explaining her situation. "I was having a discussion with some of my friends, and wondered if you could resolve a slight problem to settle a bet between us. I said they could use Preevay's Formula to optimise engine output. They thought that Vimer's Formula was the only right one to use, but their figures seem a bit high to me. What do you think?"

There was a pause.

"I agree with you," Rayne's staticky voice answered. "Vimer's would work, but Preevay's would work better. But only if you substitute the first constant in tandum with the the calculated variable for the type of fuel you are using. What fuel are you using?"

"A medium grade plasmotic."

Another pause. "Then you should get away with using 2.4 as your constant, and 8.65 for your variable."

"2.4 and 8.65?"

"That's right."

"Thanks, Rayne. You've earned yourself a commission!"

She disconnected the comm and turned to Jack. "My brother gave us a safe place to land on Corellia without being detected by any Imps or Corellian security. When you come out of hyperspace, approach on vector 24 and set a course heading of 86. Land in Hanger 5. I'll let Nic know." She turned to leave. "Oh, and I've opened my last bottle of Corellian ale," she added. "Feel free to join us."

On her way off the bridge, she thought she heard Jack utter a grunt. She sighed. One of these days, I'm going to have to ask him if that's a good grunt or a bad grunt. Still can't tell.

She rejoined Cloud in the common room. "Now, where were we?"
02-17-2006, 4:11 PM
"We were going to do another toast." Cloud said. "And you're right. Nothing beats Corallian ale." He took a deep drink from his glass like before. He puts his glass down. Once again, he gets the feeling Sephiroth is near. "Something is wrong." Cloud says in an under-his-breath-so-that-only-Beryl-can-hear-voice. "I can feel it."
02-17-2006, 4:36 PM
"Sure," Jana muttered, finally opening the door. She looked more angry than anything. "Fine. It's done. She's gone. We'll move on."

She forced a smile and said, "I think I'd just like a few minutes alone. I'll be out later. Don't let the others go crazy while I'm in here."

Without waiting for an answer, she shut the door again.
02-17-2006, 4:40 PM
Beryl frowned slightly. She had been feeling that something was 'wrong' ever since they picked up Ryshana, but she wasn't about to say anything about it. People might think she was...well, spooky. She had premonitions now and again, part of why she was such a good pilot, but she didn't dare mention it to anyone.

"What's wrong? What do you feel?" she asked him.
02-17-2006, 5:09 PM
"Sephiroth." Cloud said to Beryl. "He's near."
02-17-2006, 5:24 PM
"Who's Sephiroth?" Beryl asked. She never figured Cloud for having enemies. He was too nice of a guy.
02-18-2006, 3:57 AM
As Jana's door slammed in Nic's face he turned around and headed down the ladder, as he went down he heard a strange Buzzing noise coming from the cargo hold. Nic stepped on to the catwalk and looked down over the Cargo Holds floor.

Ryshanna was doing what Could only be described as an odd Dance with a lightsabre. "Careful there Jedi, you could poke someones eye out with that thing."
02-18-2006, 5:37 AM
I dont beleive i've ever been to Corellian before Jack thought to himself as he brought the ship out of hyperspace. Jack hit the inter-com and said into the microphone "We're here. Proceeding to the cordinants Beryl gave me!"
02-18-2006, 8:05 AM
"It's a long tale, Beryl." Cloud said. "I'm not sure you'd be interested."
02-18-2006, 9:43 AM
There were thousands of them in Ryshana's mind. They were all coming for her and trying to kill her. Thousands of stormtroopers. Time after time, she was blocking bolts, performing acrobatics, stabbing and slicing, and on occasion, parrying other sword attacks.

"Careful there Jedi, you could poke someones eye out with that thing."

As Ryshana heard Nic speak, she suddenly stopped. Bringing the lightsaber to bear by her head, she deactivated it. "I perfectly aware of what's going on in this cargo bay, Captain. Besides, it doesn't hurt to get a bit of exercise."
02-18-2006, 10:38 AM
"It's a long tale, Beryl," Cloud said. "I'm not sure you'd be interested."

Beryl gave him a reassuring nod. It was obvious to her that Cloud was uncomfortable discussing the matter at the moment. "Well, perhaps this isn't the right moment to discuss it," she said diplomatically. "But despite being a 'gregarious Corellian,'" she said, grinning, "I am a good listener when I need to be. And I can keep a secret. And, if this Sephiroth is on Corellia, let me know if there's anything I can do to help. This is my homeworld. I've got connections."

"We're here!" Jack's voice came over the comm. "Proceeding to the cordinants Beryl gave me!"

"Wow, that was quick!" Beryl rose, but not before checking the bottle of ale. It was almost gone. "Might as well finish this up," she said to Cloud. "I'll pick up some more while we're here." She split the last of the ale between their two glasses, then downed hers quickly. "Now, I've got something to 'discuss' with our first mate before we land." She started to leave, then paused. "Oh, say," she said over her shoulder. "Why don't you make up a list of parts that we need--you know, the ones that Nic won't fork out for? I'll 'convince' my brother get them for us. He's rich. He can afford them."

She headed down the corridor towards Jana's room. Nic was no longer there, apparently had given up his seige, broken camp, and moved on. Unless he was inside....

Beryl frowned a bit, then leaned her ear closer to the door. She didn't hear anything. She let out a sigh of relief. If Nic was in there, there would have been some sort of noise.

She rapped briskly on the door. "Open up, Short Stuff," she said. "There's something we need to talk about before we land."

And the topic? Well, Riebe/Tarla/Whatever, of course. Beryl disagreed with Jana on her judgement of the mysterious SithHunter's actions. And Beryl wanted to know the real reason behind why Jana thought Tarla had betrayed them.
02-18-2006, 12:20 PM
"Nope," Jana answered shortly. "I need time alone..." Then, she sighed and her door opened, allowing Beryl to slip in. The room was a mess, looking as if a tornado had touched down. The tornado's name was Jana.

"Bit of a mess in here," she mumbled and went back to sitting on the bed and looking up at Beryl. There was a short period of silence before Jana snapped, "You wanted to talk... so talk."
02-18-2006, 1:27 PM
Cloud got started looking for parts that needed to be replaced. "Hmmm..." Cloud thought. He looked at he engine and started to inspect it. "Cooling tubes, ion inciderator, grav generator," and the list went on and on. When he got done, he went back to his room. He picked up a picture of Sephiroth ( He was going to show Beryl what he looked like so she could watch for him on Corellia.
02-18-2006, 3:33 PM
Beryl raised her brow in surprise at the state of Jana’s room.

Bit of a mess? Bit of an understatement, if you ask me!

Beryl herself couldn’t stand clutter, and it took a lot of effort for her to not start straightening things up right there and then. But it was blatantly obvious that Jana was angry about something. Or at someone.

Carefully avoiding the holovids, clothing, and personal grooming items strewn across Jana’s floor, Beryl picked her way towards an upturned chair in the corner. She lifted an item of clothing off of it before righting it and sitting down, but then did a double take at what she was holding. She let the blouse drape from her fingers. It was one of hers, an expensive one, too, as Beryl recalled, that she had let Jana borrow a few months ago. For a night out with Nic on…on…

Ichtor VIII, wasn’t it? Yeah. The ‘Infinity’ nightclub. That was it. Very plush, very pricey, and very picky about their dress code.

“I take it that you’re done with this now?” she said to Jana, as she neatly folded up the blouse and laid it on the edge of the bed.

Jana merely glared at her.

O-kay, so that’s how it’s going to be, is it? Fine. Then I’ll just jump in with both feet and make a splash.

“Tarla Vel would not betray us,” she said bluntly. “Especially not to the likes of the Empire. I wasn’t up on the bridge, so I don’t know what you saw, but I know she would not betray us. Yes, she probably collided with the stabiliser when she detached, but you saw her ship. It was damaged. I can’t for one second believe that she would do something like that on purpose.” She paused for a breath. “Besides, if she wanted to turn us in, she wouldn’t have helped us against that Dreadnaught. Nevermind the fact that she could have rammed us anytime she wanted to, just like she did that Dreadnaught, if she wanted to leave us helpless and adrift for the Imps to pick us up.

“You may have doubts about the Rebellion and the Alliance, but I don’t. And I’ve got three brothers somewhere out there, fighting along side the rebels, that feel the very same way. The more pressure the Empire puts on planets like Corellia and Alderaan, the more resolved and the more unified the rebels become. And I believe that Tarla, Riebe, or whatever she wants to call herself, knows that, too.” She paused for a second. “I know you’re angry with her right now. But whatever she did, she didn’t do it to betray us. You’re wrong about her, Jana.”
02-18-2006, 3:58 PM
"You didn't know her that well, Beryl," Jana snapped. "Sure, she was a TCTA instructor. But you saw the same things I saw... how many names she's used since then, all of them presumed dead. She betrayed the Jedi and served the Empire before going missing again."

She swore angrily. "And we now have a Jedi aboard. Don't forget that, Beryl. Remember there was that week early in your graduation year that she didn't teach and didn't leave a reason she wasn't there? One of my best friends vanished that week as well... and was found dead later and all evidence points to one of the false names she used."

"Don't tell me she's not capable," she finished icily. Then, she lashed out, unsure of if she actually meant to or if it simply came out. "At any rate, you and I come from very different backgrounds. If you told me you'd seen your own family arrested by Imperials, I'd not believe you... they certainly have enough money to offer bribes!"

She regretted her words, but she couldn't stop. Flinging Beryl's blouse at her, she snapped, "And yes, you can have your blouse back, you spoilt little brat! Go ahead! Live in your riches and leave poor little me alone!"

Huffing for breath, she dreaded Beryl's response...
02-18-2006, 4:38 PM
Beryl's eyes narrowed at Jana, and her grip tightened on the blouse she had thrown at her. "Spoiled brat?" Something snapped. Maybe it was something that Beryl had stepped on as she rose out of her chair, but it really didn't matter. Beryl's didn't tolerate anyone making insults to her family.

"You're the one acting like a spoiled brat! Look at you! Sulking and pouting and throwing things around just because you suspect someone of doing something that you can't even prove! Lots of people use false names. So what? And maybe Tarla just took a vacation that week because she was sick of teaching passive-aggressive nerfherding nitpickers like you! It doesn't mean she had anything to do with your friend's death. And it doesn't mean she betrayed anyone.

"And as for my family? Yeah, they're rich. But that doesn't mean they don't have principles. Something yours was obviously lacking in!"
02-18-2006, 4:47 PM
Jana glared and stood slowly. This was way beyond her 'look'. "The fact that my family wasn't ass rich doesn't mean we had no principles!" she spat. Her glare deepened. "It just means we had a better understanding of the lower end of the scale... something I seriously doubt you could even spell!"

"And if you care to remember..." she went on. "But why would you? You'd gone off and graduated by then. What do you care for your old school? But perhaps you'd care to remember that, whenever Tarla went on vacation, she announced it and scheduled a substitute."

"Passive aggressive?" she snapped. "It's better than full out aggressive, miss "I nearly killed my instructor at Graduation!" She let out a harsh laugh. "And you want to talk to me about principles? Here's a good one you don't seem to have learned: when people help you, you don't hurt them!"
02-18-2006, 5:33 PM
Beryl’s eyes widened with fury. She'd had enough of Jana's looks and inuendos. “Oh is that so? Well, you’re certainly not being very helpful to me at the moment, so I'll assume that's an invitation!”

Beryl dropped the blouse on the floor and decked Jana in the jaw.

The fight was on!
02-18-2006, 5:38 PM
Jana staggered backward slightly, but her reaction was nothing more than instinct. "Lost your pretty, brat!" she snapped, purposefully stomping on the blouse before taking a swing at Beryl's chin. She missed that, but her momentum carried her into Beryl and they toppled, squirming to the floor.
02-18-2006, 5:39 PM
"I hate to interupt.."Came Jacks voice from the intercom "But Beryl we'll be landing at your brother landing pad in several minutes. You can either get ready to meet him or continue trying to that your friend is innocent..." Witch is incredipally pointless
02-18-2006, 6:03 PM
"Shut up, Goren!" Beryl shouted as she wrestled Jana for control. Beryl had been ready for a reprisal, but she hadn't expected Jana to outright lunge for her.

"Ow!" she shouted, as she felt her hair pulled. She tried to kick Jana off her, but Jana being smaller than she was and being on the top of the heap, Jana was latched to her like an Ichtorian Attack Stohl! "Stop fighting like girl, you shutta!" she said by way of insult.

She punched Jana in the gut, hoping to knock the wind out of her, but being on the floor her punch didn't have half the power it would have had she had more leverage.
02-18-2006, 6:07 PM
Though the punch was not strong, Jana did lurch suddenly away, eyes wide, staring at Beryl.

"We..." she panted. A look of astonishment and horror. "Oh..." She hurried out of the room, her half-messed hair sticking out at wild angles as she fled to the only 'safe' place she knew. It was a small opening in the hull, typically used for storing less legal cargo. It was very small. In fact, only Jana of the entire crew could actually fit inside. It was also deep and exactly what Jana needed.
02-18-2006, 6:47 PM
Panting, Beryl lay there on the floor for a moment, then swore as Jana ran out of the room. "Great. Just great. First I lie to the captain, then I beat up the first officer." She closed her eyes for a second, then got up from the floor.

"Ugh," she said, catching her reflection in the mirror. She ran her fingers over the red marks on her neck. She snorted. Hard to believe that hands that small and delicate-looking could leave marks like that. Still, nothing that time wouldn't heal. She ruffled her fingers through her hair, and tucked in her tank top.

"Damn," she said, sighing. She shouldn't have let Jana get to her like that. Nic was going to flip. Good thing they were almost on Corellia. At least she should be able to find another job there.

"Damn!" She went to go and find Jana. She had a pretty good idea where she was.

She picked up the blouse from the floor and headed down the corridor. Halfway between engineering and the ladder she paused. The hatch to the small storage compartment was partially open.

"Jana?" Beryl knelt down. "Jana, I'm sorry. I didn't mean what I said. Really." She paused, listening for any response. "Are you alright? Did I hurt you?"

Beryl sat down next to the hatch, back against the wall. She sighed. She hated conceding just to patch things up. "Maybe... maybe you're right about Riebe. I'm not convinced, but maybe you're right."
02-18-2006, 6:50 PM
"Can't believe I did that," Jana muttered, her voice barely audible to Beryl.
02-18-2006, 7:15 PM
"You can't?" Beryl snorted softly. "Hell, I just decked my first officer. And my friend," she added quietly. "You are still my friend, aren't you?"
02-18-2006, 7:21 PM
There was a slight rustling in the darkness of the compartment. Then, Jana appeared. "Could have you kicked off the crew for that," she offered with a shy smile. "But friends don't do that. Yeah, we're still friends."

She straightened her hair and clothing and crawled out of the compartment.
02-18-2006, 7:40 PM
"Thanks," Beryl said, offering a hand to help Jana up. "Of course, there's still Nic to contend with. I wouldn't be surprised if he kicks me off the ship. If I was captain, I would. At any rate, he's not going to be happy about this when he finds out." She gave Jana a weak smile. "But I'm glad we're still friends. And I'm sorry that I called you a passive-aggressive nerfherding nitpicker. I really didn't mean it."
02-18-2006, 7:43 PM
"He doesn't need to know," Jana answered quickly. "And I'm sorry I called you a spoiled brat."
02-18-2006, 7:57 PM
"Well, I suppose that's partially true," Beryl admitted. "I have never wanted for anything. Not really. Well," she grinned, "not since I joined up with this crew." She winked. She looked at the dirtied blouse in her hands, and then shrugged as if it meant nothing to her. "But, if you're serious about keeping this from Nic, then I think we both should 'freshen up' a bit. We'll be landing soon. C'mon," she motioned Jana to follow her to her room. "Your room's a wreck. We'll use mine."
02-19-2006, 4:18 AM
"I'm sure it don't." Nic replied just before jack informed them they were dropping out of hyperspace. Nic looked around "come on, we best get to the common room."

Nic began to climb up the ladder, as he reached the top Beryl walked past and stood next to Jana's doors. 'thats not a good idea.' Nic thought to himself knowing Jana would not be in the mood. Nic continued to the common room.
02-19-2006, 4:40 AM
"Coreilla" Oliver mumbled to himself in his room. He didn't like the name of the planet. Rather stupid of him, actually. He was a man with many rejudices. But he realised, that he did must talk to Beryl about the Juma juice. He walked to Beryl's room, but there wasen't any there. "Well - maybe she is in the common room?" he mumbled, and walked to the common room.
02-19-2006, 8:39 AM
Cloud was walking to the common room when Nic passed by him. "Nic, I have some bad news." Cloud started. "He is near."

(He is Sephiroth)
02-19-2006, 9:55 AM
((OCC- Me and Extreme have come to the conclusion that inorder for his Bio and timeline to work His Love, Aerith Gainsborough, must have been on the crew. So Oliver, Nic and Jana would've known her, The rest wouldn't have.))

Nic was organising his thought on his plan of action for Corellia when he was walking pass Cloud. "Nic, I have some bad news." Cloud started. "He is near."

Nic knew precisly who he was, Nic and cloud had talked about it a couple of times. This was one of the reasons Nic used to persuade Cloud to return after he left, Nic would let Cloud get his revenge If their travels led to him. "Cloud are you sure about this? You know it won't bring her back."
02-19-2006, 10:10 AM
"I know." Cloud started. "But, it is the only way I'll be at peace with myself. To make sure he never kills another life."
02-19-2006, 10:29 AM
"You know, I fink I could've made a fair hairstyrist," Beryl said, securing a pin in Jana's hair as she held the rest of them inbetween clenched teeth.

After changing clothes and covering up any bruises with makeup, Beryl had helped Jana comb out all the tangles that had formed during their scuffle. But seeing as how they were going to meet her brother in a few minutes, Beryl convinced Jana to allow her to put her hair up. It looked more sophisticated and 'first-officery' that way, she had told her.

"You'll like my brother," she said to Jana while she worked. "He's pretty sharp. Has to be to run a successful business under the Empire. He knows all the ins and outs. He got injured in the Clone Wars, so he came home and really frew himself into his work." She took the last pin from her mouth. "His wife's a real shutta though. Talk about spoiled brat!" She rolled her eyes as she secured the last pin. "Wouldn't trust her half as far as I could throw her. But maybe we'll be lucky and not have to see her."

She pulled a few curly strands loose and arranged them for effect. "There. Can hardly even tell you were in a fight." With a comb still in her hand, Beryl stood back and evaluated the job she had done with Jana's hair. "I like it. It's different, but I like it. Draws more attention to your eyes. But what do you think?" She handed Jana a mirror.
02-19-2006, 1:24 PM
"Sounds like your brother could teach us a few things about being subtle around the Empire," Jana chuckled. She took the mirror and stared into it for a few seconds and nodded slowly. "Maybe I should start wearing it this way more often."
02-19-2006, 1:46 PM
"We all need a little peace in our lives, After we land you can do what need to. I hope you find it" Nic said before he moved to the intercom. "All crew to the common room."
02-19-2006, 1:52 PM
When Oliver heard the message, who runned to his normal chair in the common room. He took a new (and big) juma juice bottle from one of the shelves, and maked drinks to them all. Actually big drinks.

"I have the drinks ready! Hurry up!"
02-19-2006, 1:56 PM
Jana angled the mirror so she could see Beryl. "Oh... sit."

When Beryl sat, Jana worked to smooth out the few spots that had been pulled and then pulled it back in a ponytail.

"Given more time, I'd play a bit more with style," Jana told her. "But we're already a little late. Come on."
02-19-2006, 2:25 PM
Jack leaned in the doorway that conected the common room and the cockpit. He thought it would be best incase something happened and he needed to get to the piolt seat.
02-19-2006, 4:33 PM
Beryl was glad that she and Jana had had a 'girly' moment together. And even though it had taken them blows to get there, Beryl felt a lot closer to her now. Of course, she knew there would still be 'looks' given.

She followed Jana through to the common room. She was excited at the prospect of seeing her brother again. It had been a few years since she had last been home, and she wanted to do some catching up in the little time they were going to be here.

She felt slightly uncomfortable at the prospect of Nic finding out about her 'argument' with Jana, so she took the seat closest to the door--just in case she had to make a quick exit.
02-19-2006, 7:56 PM
Ryshana breathed in deep for a moment and closed her eyes. As she slowly exhaled, she once again cleared her mind. It was an old Jedi technique that she had learned a long time ago as a youngling back at the Jedi Temple in her studies. Interestingly, she didn't feel the same heaviness she had been feeling for quite some time. Perhaps it was just Riebe as she had thought. Still, the uneasiness she had felt hadn't left, and it made Ryshana a bit uncomfortable.

Heading up towards the common area, Ryshana sudddenly remembered that she had forgotten her outer cloak. Smiling for a second, she decided to get it back later. Entering the common room, she went to the cabinets and grabbed a small flask. Filling it up with water, she sat down at the table.
02-19-2006, 9:15 PM
Cloud went inside. He sat down on a chair near Jana and Impe. He looked at his drink of Juma Juice then at his photo of Sephiroth. He took some paper, wrote down something, split it in two, and passed it to Jana and Impe. They both said the same thing:

He is near. Trash this as soon as you're done reading this.
02-20-2006, 12:55 AM
Jana read the slip of paper Cloud had passed her and glanced sharply at him. She balled the note up in her fist and shook her head as if to warn him against foolishness. She knew he'd insist on going after Sephiroth and could only hope Nic knew what was going on and would keep an eye on Cloud so they wouldn't loose him as they had Aerith.

"Sorry Beryl and I are a little late," she said, turning to the captain as if nothing had happened. She gestured to her hair. "Girly stuff... Beryl talked me into trying something new."

She grinned at Beryl and shrugged as if to say, "Can't interrupt stuff like that..."
02-20-2006, 7:34 AM
"Great my first officers all doled up, it may help you with what needs to be done." Nic said turning so he could see most of the crew. "o.k heres our plan, First off we have a Bay full of top of the range swoops and no buyers. So i need Beryl and Jana to find some,We want top price for them so check out the swoop tracks what we can't sell there we'll get Phychos brother to take them off our hands. Meanwhile I'm going to get us some fake IDs, with all the imperial interest we've been having lately we'll need them, Ryshana you'll need to accompany with this one." He looks at Cloud for a few seconds then turns to Jack. "I want to see you and Impe in the cockpit before we land." Nic turns back to the group. "Thats all we want to make this quick, the empire ain't stupid and it won't take them long to work out where we are."
02-20-2006, 9:19 AM
Ryshana took another sip, but that wasn't what she was concentrating on. First, it was the papers that Cloud had distributed and the fact that she didn't get one. Whenever Jana stole a look at the paper she recieved, Ryshana felt a wave of emotion from her. It wasn't very intense, but she did catch the glare she gave Cloud.

After Nic told the group what was going on, she could sense something else going on. But everyone has their secrets. Even I have a few of my own...

Downing the rest of her flask, she got up to refill it.
02-20-2006, 9:54 AM
He took some paper, wrote down something, split it in two, and passed it to Jana and Impe. They both said the same thing:

He is near. Trash this as soon as you're done reading this.

Oliver read the massage in a great hurry, but didn't look like someone, who was in a shock. He could remember the terrible story, and he felt with sorry for Cloud.

Oliver took drinked his juma juice glass in one hit, and looked rather surprised on the others. Why didn't they want to drink?

I want to see you and Impe in the cockpit before we land

Oliver gave Nic a smile, but he did thougt, taht the meeting was going to about himself. Oliver had a suspicion, that Nic maybe didn't like him.
02-21-2006, 12:44 AM
Beryl was curious as to why Cloud had passed a note to Oliver and Jana, but didn’t want to speculate why. Mostly because her feeling that something was ‘wrong’ was getting that little bit stronger, but also because she was the newest member of the crew and that there were things that had happened before her arrival that she felt she had no business knowing. She cast a quick glance at Ryshana. Well, she wasn't the newest crewmember now, of course. But unlike Ryshana, Beryl knew that she had ‘replaced’ someone. It wasn’t that long ago that she couldn’t remember the curious looks from the others when Nic had brought her on board for the first time, nor the feeling that someone else had recently occupied the room that was now hers. She had never asked anyone about the person she had replaced. Somehow, it just never seemed appropriate.

Nic gave his briefing, and at the mention of swoops, Beryl grinned.

“So, if Jana and I are selling the swoops,” she said to Nic, “that means we’ll probably have to give a demonstration…or two, right?” She grinned devilishly. “I think we can handle that.”

She rose to go to the hanger bay, but then paused, and jogged over to the cockpit door where Jack was. “Almost forgot. Just so you know, the docking control at my brother’s hanger will be referring to us as the ‘Preevay’ when they guide us in, not whatever ident we’ve got going now. They do the same thing when they resupply blockade runners. Should give us plenty of time to load and unload without drawing any undue suspicion.”

She headed off to the hanger bay. She needed to decide which one was the best to ride for ‘demonstration purposes.’
02-21-2006, 5:14 AM
Jack nodded and walked to the cockpit where the captain was waiting for him and Impe.

I dought I'm not going like what the captain wants me to do, or he would of told us in the common room

"Captain. What's so important you couldn't tell us in the common room?"
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