(Sorry about the large image) Notice the dots in the crosshair. Do you see those ingame?
http://img61.imageshack.us/img61/7730/swbf2weapongraphics5sr.jpg) (
i dont think so, i've never seen them before. I guess its sort of an "on target" kind of function, like when you get the three-prong thing when you score a critical hit
still where are the enemies? Those tanks look pretty lonely...
Section A is from the retail version of the game. It is what I see everytime I play. Section B is from the beta version of the game. I thought my install of the retail game was messed-up and missing the reloading graphics, it appears from the polls (polls on other forums too) that many people also do not have these graphics (choosing A). Could this be a feature the developers removed from the game or a massive glitch that effects most systems? A few people are picking B, so it seems its a massive glitch that effects most of the systems. I've been back and worth with tech support on this and so far nothing. If you picked A, file a report with tech support.
Sorry, i accidently voted B, I don't see them.
I do see them, although they don't stay long, just sort of flash for a second then dissapear.
There are supposed to be the reapol reloading indecators. You can't throw another gernade until they are gone. They also display weapon reloading status when you run out of ammo.
i dont pay that much attention
i dont pay that much attention
Very helpful.
I have the PS2 version and I do see them, the dots disappear one at a time.
I have the Ps2 version too. I don't recall seeing any of the red dots.
Tech support emailed me back when I showed the picture and told me it was removed from the retail version. Would you like it put back in? The graphics show the status of your weapons reloading. It 'counts' down so you don't have to guess when you can drop another det pack, mine, etc...
If I see the dots Commander i'm sure you have the dots as well.
If I see the dots Commander i'm sure you have the dots as well.
Umm...I sold the game. So I can't check. I'll have to wait till I go to my friend's house to play it.
What those are, I think, are the secondary weapon reload notification thingies. They were probably only in the beta because they weren't supposed to be there.
Another email from tech support: "Interesting, the PS2 version does have them still, the PC version they were removed. I have no information as to why. "