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Mercenary Crew: Age of the Empire

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01-28-2006, 12:23 PM
"Policeman's Captain Elliott Wade," Jana said. "Looks about 35, short dark hair, gray eyes, six foot tall..."

A full minute later, Jana was saying, "And his prisoner... well, we don't know much except the Empire wants him and Alderaan wants him enough to hide from the Empire."

She shrugged. "I'll learn his name and do a full search before he gets on, don't worry."

Then, she said, "The third passenger may be a part of the Rebel Alliance... only reason I see for wanting to avoid Imperials. Her name's Ryshana Uti. Looked about 34..."

She went into great detail in describing Ryshana and when she was finished, she said, "So there you have it. That's our three passengers."
01-28-2006, 12:30 PM
"Interesting, We'll convert G3 Into a cell, deactivate the internal locks and remove anything this guy can use to escape. We'll but the officer into G2 and that Twi'lek into G1 away from the Convicts" He paused for a moment "We don't want to put that nice lady near any unsavoury elements." Nic said with a cheesy Grin.
01-28-2006, 12:33 PM
"I expect not, Sir," Jana agreed, keeping a surprisingly straight face. Then, she smiled. "Now, if you'll excuse me, I'd best be snoopin' into the business of a criminal we plan to be haulin'."
01-28-2006, 12:46 PM
"O.K Jana, Keep me informed." Nic said as a man with too cleaning droids approached him. "You the Cleaners?"

"Yes Sir."

"Start with the corridores then go on to the G rooms, Leave the cockpit and crew quarters alone."

The cleaner nodded. Nic then went in to his room.

The door shut behind him as he went over to one of his desks, The Desk was plain With three weapon stands on it, The one at the back was already holding his favourite gun. The stand had a brass plate with the word Betsy Etched on to it. Nic removed his pistol from the waist holster placeing it on the medal Stand, then he knelt down and took the knife from his boot plaseing it at the front. The desk was close to nics bed, Just incase someone desided to break in he would have his weapons at hand.

Nic then proceeded to his second Desk, This one had a mirror/Computer screen infront of it with a Console on top of it. It also had two holo images on either side. The right one was of him as a child, With an older man and women, this was of his family back on naboo, there was also another person in the image but that part of the image had been corrupted by Nic long ago. The one on the left was of him and Jana Standing infront of the Echo, He Could still remember the day this image was taken, The day he won the Echo and saw it for the first time.
01-28-2006, 1:04 PM
Jana was an expert at sniffing out information she wasn't supposed to know and she loved it. It offered her a thrill... something normal business on the Echo wouldn't much give her. Now, she stared at a hotel door and considered. If Captain Wade was inside, she'd be caught. Slowly, she turned and headed away.

Several minutes later another young woman ran up to the door and started banging on it.

"You can't take my brother!" she shrieked as soon as the door opened. The Police inside were rather astonished at this.

"Tasser Goum has a sister?" one asked another. The woman stopped after hearing this.

"Who?" she asked. Her eyes fell on the prisoner and she blushed. "Oops. Sorry. Wrong place. My mistake."

With that, she backed out of the room and ran off


Ten minutes later, Jana handed over the promised payment and headed off to find a computer. When she found one, she hacked into police files and looked up Tasser Goum. It wasn't hard. He'd left a trail of death and destruction all over the galaxy. He'd murdured four on Alderaan before fleeing to A12-76, chased by Alderaan Police.

"No wonder they want him," Jana murmured, quickly shutting the console down and leaving. She made her way back to the Echo and knocked on Nic's door.

"Hey, I'm back," she said through his door.
01-28-2006, 1:17 PM
Nic was in a daze he wasn't really concentrating on the information he called up onto his console. There were too many rules on the Alderaan docking proceedures 'all ship weapon systems must be shut down 5000 kilometers from the planet' 'No wweapons of any kind are aloud outside the spaceport'. These kinds of things Nic always got tired of so quickly, Nic liked action and the unexpected, Thats why he gambled, Thats one of the reasons he became a Mercenary.

Nic was almost falling asleep when he heard jana call him from outside his room. He pushed the chair out and walked over to the door hiting the open button.

"Hey Jana, So what did you find out about our special 'guest?"
01-28-2006, 1:27 PM
"Our 'guest' is none other than Tasser Goum," Jana told him and got a blank face. "Tasser Goum = Galaxy Killer?" Everyone had heard of the Galaxy Killer, the uncatchable murderer. Jana nodded.

"Yeah, that's right," she said. "Took eight cops to take him down... which sorta disturbs me seeing as there's only one escortin' him back to Alderaan."
01-28-2006, 1:32 PM
"there'll be nothing to worry about, I'm sure we can handle the 'galaxy Killer'. You're forgetting we're professionals. We eat guts like that for breakfast." Nic said In a way ment to inspire confidance. "We'll just take a few extra precautions, I'll get the doc to sedate him for most of the trip."
01-28-2006, 1:34 PM
"I still don't like it," Jana admitted. "But we already agreed, so there's no backing out."

She eyed him steadily. "We don't do that, y'know," she reminded him, remembering at least a few times when they had.
01-28-2006, 1:40 PM
"Oh you won't let me forget about that 1 time we had to back out of a deal. H ow was i suppose to know that the job needed us to be wookies and we got that bounty off our heads anyway." Nic said obviously frustrated with the incident being brought up again.
01-28-2006, 1:45 PM
"That and the time we dumped the cargo and got chased away by the planet's local law enforcement," Jana smirked. "Or the time we actually returned the stolen items..." Her voice trailed off and she looked into his eyes. Her voice and expressions indicated she was dead serious when she said, "But I forgot... we don't count that one... seeing as the people we stole it from needed it more than the people we stole it for."
01-28-2006, 1:54 PM
"Thats because We're the Good guys. Come on The Cleaners seem to have finished and the Passenger can't be to much longer." Nic said as he left his room and headed down to the Cargo bay floor.
01-28-2006, 2:59 PM
"Hey, dont forget the time you did something and ended up with a no piolt" Said Jack, seeming to appear from nowhere "Becareful with our guests captain. Espically the prisoner. I'm going to stay gaurd outside his quaters when the ships on auto-piolt or when we've landed or something"
01-28-2006, 3:13 PM
Nic turns to look at Jack before he reaches the ladder. "The prisoner is psychopahic murderer, Famed for his ability to kill people before they know he's even looking at them. You are the only person who can fly this ship. I'd prefer it if you didn't, anyway thats the police officers Jobs and we're gona lock down the whole room." Nic turns back to Jana. "You two worry too Much. Now let's get ready for these Passengers." Nic Begin to climb down the ladder.
01-28-2006, 3:38 PM
Cloud walked past the G rooms with Beryl. He hears that they ned a cell for a prisoner and he shouts "Have it taken care of." He pulled out a remote and pressed a button labeled 'Cell'. Instantly, a laser shield appeared and covered the entrence of G3. "Like the shield? It's a design of my own. It produces a fireprooof, laserproof, waterproof shield. Also, if something goes in, it can't come out until I press the button or Nic presses his thumb on the gel pad, gets his retna scan, and Nic says something into the mic here." Cloud explained.
01-28-2006, 3:49 PM
Ryashana finished collecting her earnings from the other card players. If there was one thing she didn't mind using the Force for was at the gambling table. Even the slightest advantage can often times lead to massive gains. And so it was with this round of gambling. 8547 credits. This should be more than enough to cover the trip to Alderaan, she thought to herself. Checking the time, she noticed that she needed to get to the Echo so that she wouldn't be late.

Arriving at the Docking Bay where the Echo was stored, Ryshana didn't notice that she was being followed. The man that was following her stopped and went to an information terminal nearby. Unless somebody was actually watching him, nobody would have noticed him using a hidden comlink to notify the Imperials that a Jedi was on the station.

Ryshana entered the bay where the Echo was. She saw the Cleaning Crew as they were heading out, but she didn't see anybody else. "Umm, hello?? This is the ship I'm going on, right??"
01-28-2006, 3:57 PM
Nic Almost made it down the ladder when he heard someone call "Umm, hello?? This is the ship I'm going on, right??"

He turned around and stood on the top of the stairs that led off the cat-walk " You must be Ryshana Uti." He answered as he walked down the stairs to greet his passenger, Nic raised out his hand. "I'm Captain White, but you can call me Nic... Everyone else does."
01-28-2006, 4:31 PM
"I can handel a psychopahic murderer" He said "I'm going to prep the ship for launch off. Just shout to me when your ready." And with that he went to the cockpit. He pressed a few bottens and with the push of a another botten they would lift off. While he waited for his captain to give the order he laied back in his chair and his mind began to wonder to his haunting past.

I'm glad your awake mr.Goren. I must appolgise about your death. There was nothing we could of done for you. Those battledroids killed you too fast. However they killed you in a unquie way, much to complicated for me to explain, all you need to know is that we were able to place your mind into a genetically enchaded body. We've made your apperance pretty similar to your former body. You shall be subjected to a seris of tests. If everything goes well you should soon be the ultimate war machiene.
01-28-2006, 6:50 PM
"Like the shield?” said Cloud. “It's a design of my own. It produces a fireproof, laserproof, waterproof shield. Also, if something goes in, it can't come out until I press the button, or Nic presses his thumb on the gel pad, gets his retina scan, and Nic says something into the mic here."

"Really?" Beryl arched her eyebrows with interest. She looked over her shoulder, checking to see if Jana was anywhere to be seen. With the coast clear, she drew her blaster and fired at the shield. It still made a heck of a noise, but the energy from the blast was instantly absorbed by the shield. Beryl grinned. “I like!” she said to Cloud, as she casually re-holstered her weapon. “Well, now that that’s taken care of, let’s check those hyperdrive engines, shall we?"
01-28-2006, 7:18 PM
"Go easy on the weapons fire indoors, Beryl," Jana warned, slipping past Beryl and Cloud. "Passengers are boarding now."

She kept walking a little way and then turned, "And Beryl? This crew's a family, y'know? We'd hate to loose one of our family. I know how much you enjoy a good fight, but try to stay out of trouble... please?"
01-28-2006, 7:34 PM
Beryl sighed and rolled her eyes. Even though Jana was a couple years younger than she was, she did a really good impression of her own mother's 'don't-play-soldier-in-the-house' voice.

"Ok, I'll try," she replied, in her best 'mom-I-am-really-sorry-that-I-tracked-mud-on-the-floor-you-spent-all-day-polishing' voice. "C'mon, Cloud, let's go. Before I get us both 'grounded'."
01-28-2006, 7:48 PM
Jana nodded and turned to observe the shield in front of what would be the cell. "Nice," she murmured. Thoughtfully, she withdrew a long knife strapped to her belt and jabbed it at the shield. The blade slid in and Jana frowned. When she tried to pull the blade back out, it stuck, refusing to be pulled out.

"Great." She pulled harder only to loose her grip and tumble backward into the door of Cloud's room. Quickly straightening herself, she prepared to work again at retrieving her knife when she noticed the button labeled 'cell'.

"O' course it'd be easy," she muttered, pressing the button and catching the knife as it fell. Then, she pressed the button again, bringing the shield back up. With that done, she glanced around and headed toward the cargo bay. When she arrived on the catwalk, she saw that Ryshana had already arrived.

"Ah, Ryshana!" she said, coming down from the catwalk. "I see you've met the Captain. Welcome aboard the Echo. You'd like a tour, I'm sure."
01-28-2006, 11:36 PM
"You must be Ryshana Uti." He answered as he walked down the stairs to greet his passenger, Nic raised out his hand. "I'm Captain White, but you can call me Nic... Everyone else does."

With a bright smile, Ryshana took Nic's hand and shook it. "Its good to meet you Captain," she said. "Ah, Ryshana!" Jana said, coming down from the catwalk. "I see you've met the Captain. Welcome aboard the Echo. You'd like a tour, I'm sure."

"Thank you, I'd appriciate that," Ryshana replied to Jana.

Meanwhile, an entire platoon of Stormtroopers was being dispatched from the local Imperial Headquarters on the station. Running quickly for the dock where the Echo is, they began to load their weapons....
01-29-2006, 5:02 AM
Seconds later several men of station security surrounding a handcuffed man approached the ship, Nic walked outside. "So this is the Galaxy Killer." He said as he looked upon the tall and muscular Man. "Funny i thought he'd have a beard... We set up a cell upstairs."

The guards escorted The Prisoner up the ladder and Nic deactivated the Cell 'containment' systred to get the Man in after he was plased in the door shut locked and up went the doors shield. All but Captain Wade left the ship...
01-29-2006, 5:14 AM
In the cockpit Jack saw in the platoon of storm troopers enter the hanger. Jack heard Nick locking up the prisoner and saw the gaurds men leaving the ship. "Captain! We've got storm troopers advancing on our location! I'm guessing nows the time we leave?"
01-29-2006, 9:37 AM
Cloud and Beryl when Cloud heard that stormtroopers were advancing in on them. "What the hell?" Cloud said. "Let's hurry and fix this thing." Cloud went as fast as he could, taking part after part off with his wrench and either putting in new ones or putting back the old ones good as new.
01-29-2006, 12:33 PM
Beryl was always impressed at the speed Cloud could perform repairs when he put his mind to it. Like a surgical assistant, she handed him tools & parts back and forth as he used them—hydro spanner, hex extractor, spatial connector, auto-leveling Mag coupler, hydrospanner again, vari-tune flange, diagnostic scanner, fractional welder, hydrospanner once more, carbon polariser…. She grinned. It was truly amazing to see him work.

She knew he’d get the hyperdrive working before they actually needed it. He always did. But it was nice to feel that rush of adrenaline from being pressed for time.

Anyway, the sub-light engines were still on line. The Echo could still leave port if she had to. And if there were some ‘Imperial hurdles’ to jump over upon departure, Nic & Jana could always take care of them with the turrets. And if they couldn’t, well, Beryl was quite happy to dispose of the remainder with the Headhunter.
01-29-2006, 12:41 PM
Nic ran in to the cockpit and Jumped into his seat, He checked the scanners. "Jack it's time to do your thing." Nic continued to look at the sensors then hit the ships internal communicator. "Short Stuff, Psycho. Get to battle battle possitions, we have 12 Ties waiting for us outside... I guess the imps want this prisoner of ours." Nic turns to Jack "As soon as Cloud says we're clear tell Psycho to get back onboard, then hit the Hype."
01-29-2006, 12:52 PM
Jack leaned foward and hit the botten. With no dillay the ships ramp closed and Echo lifted off from the ground and backed into space. He then turned the ship around and activated the thrusters. "Captain, I suggest you get your ass on your turret." He then hit the intercom bottem and said to 'Quick drop hanger "Beryl, you can get out their and help whenever you feel like it!"
01-29-2006, 1:07 PM
"I'd have to agree with you Jack." Nic said as he got up and ran out. He ran strait through the Common Room knocking down a couple of chairs in his haste. He quickly made it to the ladder in the middle of the Corridor and began to climb up to the top turret. Nic sat in the seat and put on the Turrets headset, He switched on the targetting computer. "Ties will be in range in 30 seconds."
01-29-2006, 1:16 PM
"Ready," Jana announced from the lower turret. She saw the fighters lurking and her hand hovered over the targeting computer switch. Sure, it helped, but that wasn't skill. She left it off and moved the turret slightly to the right. The TIE fighters came into range and Jana started firing. After she'd hit two of them, she decided it wasn't time to test skills and switched on the targeting computer. Boom, another down.

"I know the targeting computer makes things faster," she muttered. "But somehow, I feel like I'm cheating this way..."
01-29-2006, 1:31 PM
Some new vormiting sounds come from Olivers room.

"Ohh...i...feel..dizzy..." Oliver mumbles, while he's trying to stand up. "I shouldn't have..." he mumbles before he vomit, again, on the flour.

The stinky smell of vormit spreds out of Oliver's room.
01-29-2006, 1:32 PM
Nic locked on to one before it was in the weapons range, He watched the distance reading quickly count down the meters as the tie got closer. The Reading suddenly hit the turrets range and Nic began to Fire three energy shots, The first missed but that was due to the general inaccuracy of the weapon. The second impacted rigt on the centre causing it to become a fast moving fireball. He quickly changed target and tracked it for a few moments before he took his shot. A direct Hit.

"I know the targeting computer makes things faster," she muttered. "But somehow, I feel like I'm cheating this way..." Nic heard through his headset.

"These 'Eye Balls' need to get some shield, They make it too easy."
01-29-2006, 1:37 PM
"Shields on them would justify the use of the targeting computer," Jana complained. "This is too easy."

Two more shot down and a third targeted.
01-29-2006, 1:52 PM
Cloud continued to fix. It was hard to concentrate with the Imperials firing at the Echo. "Geez, what do these Imps want?" Cloud said while using the hydrospanner. He then connected with Nic's com-link. "Damn, these Imperials are serious. Give me a few more seconds so I can finish up."
01-29-2006, 2:12 PM
"Hey, you guys, leave some for me!" Beryl complained on the comm.

The Headhunter had dropped quickly out of the bay, partially because she had used full reverse thrusters on the way out. A dangerous manoeuvre, but she'd done it so often that it was child's play to her now. And so were TIE fighters.

Now, she was trailing the three remaining fighters. She knew Jana probably had one in her sights. Nic probably had one too. It was hardly worth the effort. Unless...

She fired upon the middle one at the same time Jana did. "Hey, that counts as mine!" Beryl said to Jana, as the Headhunter flew through the aftermath.

As expected, one TIE began to circle around to get behind her while the other flanked the Echo.

She followed the second one, fully aware that she was leaving herself open from behind. Never one to bother with targeting visors much, she took casual aim and fired. Once. The shot was just over the bow, making the TIE turn away from the Echo.

"Boo!" she said for emphasis.

The other TIE was just on her tail now. She grinned. She reversed full thrust on one of her engines, and turboed the other one, a move which allowed her to make a pinpoint turn. Full thrusters on both once more, and she was heading directly toward the fighter as if playing in a game of chicken. Twin engines were good.

With the gap closing, she knew the other pilot would be beginning to panic. Targeting computers didn't work at this close of a range. And Imp's always seemed to rely on the silly buggers. She waited until she saw his 'buddy' swing out to assist him. They were both well away from the Echo now. She fired an array, destroying the strut on the approaching one, which caused it to spin wildly in the direction of the other one. The two small ships collided in a bright flash of sparks and burning fuel.

She fired an array, just for fun, destroying any lingering debris bigger than a womp rat.

"Aw, damn, Nic, they're all gone," she said, disappointedly. "I'm coming in."
01-29-2006, 2:27 PM
Nic Checked the Sensor display in the turret "looks like you're right, Come on in so we can get out of here." Nic then switched the headset com to the ships internal speakers. "Cloud get a move on the Imps have proberly called for back-up and we don't want to go one on one with a dreadnault." Nic Shut all the turrets systems down and moved the turret in to its standby position. He climbed down the stairs and walked over to the bridge.

"Set a course for alderaan, Make sure we stay off the imps radars." Nic said standing behind Jack
01-29-2006, 2:50 PM
Beryl loved her Z-95 Headhunter. Sure it was an older model, but she had made some custom modifications to it over the past few months. Now it was like a comfortable boot. Practical, functional, and could give a powerful kick when needed.

As she waited for the hanger door to open, she did a few barrel rolls and loops, just for fun. It wasn’t as much fun as dodging fighters, but….

The hanger doors were open. Playtime was over. Before entering she checked her scanners to see if anything else was about. All clear, for the moment. She landed without problems inside the Echo, and the door bays shut behind her. Once the hanger was repressurised, she slid back the bubble hatch, reconnected the quick drop triggers, and then headed up to Engineering to see how Cloud was doing.

“We’ll be singing, when we’re winning,” she sang, intentionally a bit off key, as she trotted through the cargo bay and up the stairs to the catwalk. “We get knocked down, but we get up again, they’re never gonna keep us down. We get knocked down, but we get up again.” She paused a moment. Hmm. There was a nice echo going in the cargo bay. “They’re never gonna keep us down,” she continued, heading up the ladder to engineering. “We shoot a trooper down, we shoot a fighter down, we shoot a turret down, we shoot a cruiser down. They take aim at the fighters from the port side, while I shoot the remainder in the backside….”
01-29-2006, 3:00 PM
Jana laughed, hearing Beryl's echoing song and climbed up out of the turret and headed to the bridge. She found Nic there and told him, "I think Beryl's come up with a theme song for us... a little off key, but we can work with it."
01-29-2006, 3:05 PM
Nic laugthed "As long as you're not the one doing the singing it should be fine." Nic Grinned. "Remember the The time we infiltrated the Hutt palace when we where freelance, Never going to play the part of entertainers again. I've never been shot at so many times."

He then looked back down the corridor he noticed the police officer standing outside the door. "Let's go see how our passengers are."
01-29-2006, 3:18 PM
Jana laughed, pretended to be offended and slapped Nic's shoulder. "Hey! You're the one that sang off-key! At the end, I was trying to match you so it would be at least a little less offensive!"

Then, she also noticed the police officer and nodded to Nic. "Yes, let's do that."

She approached Wade. "Captain Wade," she said with a smile. "So glad you made it before those Imperials did. I imagine you are too."

"I didn't think they knew where we were," Wade said, his face pale. "If I had, I'd never have put you and your crew in such danger... I'm sorry."

"We live in danger more than we care to admit, Captain," Jana offered comfortingly. "What we saw back there is nothing new."
01-29-2006, 3:22 PM
Nic waited until Jana finished "and you don't have to worry about them knowing where you are. We used a Fake ship ident before we docked and Our Engineer made a Jamming device so the imps sensor don't have squat."
01-29-2006, 3:24 PM
"Hey captain. I've plotted a course that'll avoid any imperal attention at all. But we're going to need to make a few stops on the way. Tell me when the hyper-thingy is ready"
01-29-2006, 3:28 PM
Wade seemed relieved. "Thank you. I imagine the Alderaanian government will repay you for this trouble."

Jana smiled. "Getting the Galaxy Killer out of business is reward enough."

((Might Nic say something like, "But we'll take whatever they offer, thanks." :D ))
01-29-2006, 3:33 PM
Nic looked down at Jana shocked and quickly stepped inbetween her and Wade. "Yea but if there is a reward it'll be rude not to take it." He turns around and looks at Jana and mouths 'stop being so nobel'. He then turns around and smiles at Wade. "Sorry she's an idealist."
01-29-2006, 3:40 PM
Jana sighed and shook her head. "You see I fight a loosing battle," she told Wade. He laughed.

"Yes, I see that," he said, clearly amused and finally loosening up a bit. He turned to Nic. "You're the captain, right? Maybe you should keep your crew on a tighter leash." He was joking, it was clear and Jana definitely had something to say about that.

"Oh, no, no," she laughed. "If this ship were left to his decisions, it'd be in a million pieces now."
01-29-2006, 3:46 PM
Nic Laughs "Yes, Yes, I'm a terrorable Captain." He joked, "The crew tend to eat together as it's easier for us to stay on the same timetable, It ain't luxury but it'll keep you goin', You and our other passenger are welcome to join us. Suddenly a whiring sound came from engineering. "That's the hyperdrive," he turns to shout through the common room. "Jack let those stars streak!"
01-29-2006, 4:16 PM
"Good job, kid," Beryl said, patting Cloud on the back. "As always." She gave him a wink before heading out the door and into the corridor.

She had plans to go down to the hanger to paint another TIE glyph on her ship, but she paused at the ladder when she heard Nic say, "The crew tend to eat together as it's easier for us to stay on the same timetable. It ain't luxury but it'll keep you goin'."

Beryl frowned, and quickly counted on her fingers. "Damn!" she whispered under her breath. It was her turn to cook. She rolled her eyes. It wasn't that she was a bad cook. In fact, just the opposite. Being from a large family meant that she had had plenty of practice. But cooking for the guys and Jana was one thing. Cooking for passengers was something else. Maybe she could persuade Jana to change the roster....
01-29-2006, 4:53 PM
"What about..." Wade began to ask, but Jana cut him off.

"Not to worry, Captain Wade," she said. "We'll make sure the Galaxy Killer doesn't die on you. You'll get him back to Alderaan alive and kicking."
01-29-2006, 5:00 PM
"Maybe kicking isn't the best word to use, Jana." Said Jack as he walked past "Because as I recall his fith victim was kicked to death. Captain Whats-your-face, I also recall his fourth victim was a good friend of mine. If it doesn't bother you I would like ten minutes with the S.O.B"
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