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File names

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01-02-2006, 7:55 PM
is there a limit on how long a file name can be?

I am trying another head mod and the portrait name seems awful long, but I had to make it long to match with the mdl file, but for some reason my head isn't showing up like it should, and I know I've done everything right, so I was curious about the file name length...

 Det. Bart Lasiter
01-02-2006, 9:31 PM
You could try changing the name of the model, it can be whatever you want it to be. Try naming it 'test' and see if that works.
01-02-2006, 9:42 PM
I recall hearing 12 (or was it 16?) characters being bandied about quite a bit. Is your file name longer than that?

I hope that helps.
 Det. Bart Lasiter
01-02-2006, 9:55 PM
I believe that's for resource file names. It's due to the KEY file ( resource data structure. The name of the resource is represented by a 16 character string.
01-02-2006, 9:59 PM
no more than 16 characters and make sure there are no spaces.

Only letters, numbers and underscores are allowed.

edit: jmac beats me :p
 Fred Tetra
01-02-2006, 11:15 PM
Also, that limit applies just to the file name, not including "." or the extension, IIRC.
01-02-2006, 11:20 PM
shoooo... the name I am using is EXACTLY 16 characters long, so that wasn't it...

it turned out that I had forgotten to rename my mdl and mdx file to the file name of the first tga I am using. It works now...

Now I just have to TWEAK! LOL!

I'm glad I figured that out, I was starting to go buggy over that silly head model ;P

Thanks everyone for your help ;)
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