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TSL 4 The Ladies

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01-01-2006, 7:22 PM
Well, its here after 2 weeks of delay (mostly due to the Holidays) I have released v1 of this mod that all you ladies out there have been dying for ;)

PCGM: Click (

Please leave some C&C :)

Credit goes to svosh for the original 4 the ladies mod for kotor.
01-01-2006, 8:39 PM
not bad, not bad.

couple of things if i could?

1) I wouldnt have added the screenies to the download, just makes the download bigger

2) your readme was blank ;)

The sholders seem much lighter in shade then the rest of the torso, is that what you were going for, or was there a reason you did it? Just curious is all.
 The Doctor
01-01-2006, 8:52 PM
It looks good. Much better than... some similar mods I've seen.......
01-01-2006, 10:35 PM
squeee :)

You have made me very happy :)

Not bad at all... few things could be fixed, but I can do that :)

thank you thank you thank!
01-02-2006, 10:21 PM
Very nice :D Thanks!

...and here's your cookie: :burg1:
01-03-2006, 9:34 PM
My readme was blank? o_O

/me goes back to check my zip file

Anyhow, I find it ironic D333 and mjpb3 love the mod but you guys hate it :xp:
Well, it wasn't aimed at guys anyway so...

I suppose I have achieved victory in my quest. ;)
01-03-2006, 10:39 PM
I think it looks kinda bad, but think you did a good job with what you had to work with :)
04-22-2008, 2:46 AM
Since I can't actually see this, errr...what was it?
04-22-2008, 4:13 AM
It was previously uploaded to PCGM (PC Game Mods) which has gone down. Permanently.

If you really want a copy of this mod I suggest you try to contact "The_Maker".
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