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Body Visual Aid?

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01-01-2006, 6:16 PM
Hello guys and gals of Holowan! :D

I was wondering if there is any Visual Aid on Twi'lek Bodies?
I know that Chainz posted a Visual Aid on lightsaber models, and I was wondering, if anyone has posted anything about Twi'lek Bodies?

If someone could point me in the right direction, or give me some help on this, like where the feet are, the shirt, etc. And how to add more cover-up to the legs, shirts, etc. with the same texture, I would be most greatful.

Well, thanks in Advance! :D

-Composite :)
01-01-2006, 6:32 PM
Not that I can think of right off hand. I mainly made the saber visual aids because the in-game's UVmap is ghastly and you can't make heads or tails on what is supposed to be what...

Body skin .tga's however usually have enough distinction in them where you can tell "what is what"...

I usually free-hand most of my skins, but perhaps someone else here on the forums has made a template they'd like to share :)
 The Doctor
01-01-2006, 6:54 PM
What I did to figure out what was what in a skin was place different coloured dots on different parts, the record their location on the person, item, etc.
01-01-2006, 7:01 PM
^ Same here. I did that when I first started skinning heavy armors. I still have the diagrams I drew while studying them (it was a little overkill, but better safe than sorry :p).
01-01-2006, 7:16 PM
^^ hehe... why didnt I think of that? that is a good idea, and maybe later I, or someone else can post a Visual Aid.

hehe... now all i need to know how to do is how to add more cover-up to the legs, shirts, etc. with the same texture. well, thanks for the tips guys! :D

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