Worth buying for Ps2?? is it fun offline and with friends??
I would buy it, but not for online? Online is supposedly horrible. Never played it online, since I don't have an online adaptor. I think you can only have like 4 players playing and the rest is Ai. But, I may be wrong.
I have tried it online...definitely nothin spectacular.... but if you were a fan of BF1 then Id think youd enjoy BF2. You get to fight as jedi, plus you get to fly the arc-170s in the battle of coruscant ! awesome :)
its amazing online, lots of players on and lots of servers. not too much lag since there are dedicated servers.
Worth buying for Ps2?? is it fun offline and with friends??
Yes it is it's def. worth it buy it now NOW.
The thread is six months old Genral O, not really much point reviving a topic like this that's this old, especially if you haven't got anything particularly insightful to add to the thread. Ahthankee.
Oh go for it, buy it. You got nothing to lose. Besides, it's a pretty good game.
he could lose money if he gets migged on the way to the place hes buying it from :)