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May I have your attention please

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10-02-2005, 11:36 AM
Oh god. We are going to have to have a Sasha, Cruller, Milla, Loboto...etc days.
10-02-2005, 11:40 AM
Oh god. We are going to have to have a Sasha, Cruller, Milla, Loboto...etc days.
OR each month of the year could be devoted to a different character.. like...

(Month Psychonauts was reaeased)-Raz
(Month GoldenEye was released)-Cruller
(uh... Art Month?)-Edgar
(The month Napoleon died)-Fred
October(Halloween Creepy)-Dr.Loboto

Anything else would be cool. (I'd look the dates up but... I don't wanna)
10-02-2005, 12:04 PM
OR each month of the year could be devoted to a different character.. like...

(Month Psychonauts was reaeased)-Raz
(Month GoldenEye was released)-Cruller
(uh... Art Month?)-Edgar
(The month Napoleon died)-Fred
October(Halloween Creepy)-Dr.Loboto

Anything else would be cool. (I'd look the dates up but... I don't wanna)

That's a pretty sweet idea. I'll figure out the calender days and go over it with you guys after I finish typing up my speech.
10-02-2005, 12:13 PM
10-02-2005, 12:38 PM
#155 (

Click the pic for the full view flick.

He's all like. I didn't do anything. Hehe..see?
 Purple Squid
10-02-2005, 2:05 PM
The SuperBestFriends!

You're like Pringles. Once you start you can't stop. Or Energizer Bunny.
 Purple Squid
10-02-2005, 2:07 PM
OR each month of the year could be devoted to a different character.. like...

(Month Psychonauts was reaeased)-Raz
(Month GoldenEye was released)-Cruller
(uh... Art Month?)-Edgar
(The month Napoleon died)-Fred
October(Halloween Creepy)-Dr.Loboto

Anything else would be cool. (I'd look the dates up but... I don't wanna)
How would we clebrate that? I say we just celebrate every character all week. Like... in general. It would be cool, bu only if we could keep up with character months...
10-02-2005, 2:27 PM
Ahh! I LOVE those pictures of SuperMilla. All of your fanart is awesome. T_T *worship*

Well, no, I don't wroship you, I just love all of your art. And Psychonauts fanfiction.

Anyway, so I missed Psychonauts day? And now Psychonauts week has been created. And now we're discussing specially themed months?

I wonder if this is how months like Black History Month were created...
10-02-2005, 2:39 PM
What about,umm, is there a Crazy orderly month (Crispen) or a national lab assistant month (sheegor) or mutant fish month is august!!
 Purple Squid
10-02-2005, 3:07 PM
Ahh! I LOVE those pictures of SuperMilla. All of your fanart is awesome. T_T *worship*

Well, no, I don't wroship you, I just love all of your art. And Psychonauts fanfiction.

Anyway, so I missed Psychonauts day? And now Psychonauts week has been created. And now we're discussing specially themed months?

I wonder if this is how months like Black History Month were created...
Yes. The rulers of all the holidays got holiday-happy.

And thanks! She's pretty fun to draw.
 Purple Squid
10-02-2005, 3:08 PM
We could celebrate Chops on Canada Day, eh?
 Purple Squid
10-02-2005, 7:47 PM

OMFG. Collur nau!!!!

X-Sasha is getting his face kicked! Haha.
10-02-2005, 7:50 PM
OMG, did u draw that Purple? Why would anyone kick Sasha in the face??? It's just wrong!!
 Purple Squid
10-02-2005, 8:09 PM
Um, Yeah... I drew it.

OF COURSE she wouldn't kick him in the face. Unless he was evil X-Sasha and she was Super Milla!
10-02-2005, 8:13 PM
There's an evil Sasha, is he hot too?
 Purple Squid
10-02-2005, 8:13 PM
Dude, that IS evil Sasha. Why else would he get kicked in the face?
10-02-2005, 8:14 PM
well, when it comes to his looks... take off the lab goggles and we'll talk.
 Purple Squid
10-02-2005, 8:24 PM
Pssh. He doesn't have eyes, remember? And besides, I had to give him goggles. Villains look cooler with goggles.
10-02-2005, 8:28 PM
well, I'd rather have him with no eyes than goggles. I mean he looks like he's gonna go grab some beakers and test tubes in goggles.
 Purple Squid
10-02-2005, 8:29 PM
He's a smart guy type villain. He's GOT to look like that!

Just be glad I didn't draw him with a cigarette.
10-02-2005, 8:32 PM
Yes, no cigarette! I like his goggles though. It's more Sasha like...well okay so this isn't a canon picture but it still kicks ass.

Who doesn't want to see Milla kick Sasha's face?
 Purple Squid
10-02-2005, 8:36 PM
EVERYONE wants her to kick him. HARD.

Because rough Super Milla is badass.
10-02-2005, 8:36 PM
I don't wanna see Milla kick Sasha's face. but Sasha would get mad at milla and they'd never go out, then he could be all mine.. KICK THAT FACE MILLA!!!!!! KICK MILLA KICK!!! KICKY KICK KIC!!! KIIICK!! KICK WOOO HOOO!! Oh yeah I went Crystal and Clem on ya'!!
 Purple Squid
10-02-2005, 8:39 PM
That's Super Milla. And that's X Sasha.


But, yeah. Super Milla is totally HAWT. X3
10-02-2005, 8:39 PM
EVERYONE wants her to kick him. HARD.

Because rough Super Milla is badass.


*spasms* That picture really is awesome. I luff it! I <3 it so much I just lost some of my ability to spell.
 Purple Squid
10-02-2005, 8:40 PM
Thanks. I can SO innuendo this picture.
10-02-2005, 8:42 PM
can you innuendo everything??
10-02-2005, 8:42 PM
Thanks. I can SO innuendo this picture.

HA. I'm sure that would be even more amusing.
 Purple Squid
10-02-2005, 8:42 PM
Yes. It's my super hero power.
 Purple Squid
10-02-2005, 8:44 PM
HA. I'm sure that would be even more amusing.
Sasha likes it rough. Raowr.

10-02-2005, 8:45 PM
My super hero power is... drawing amusing mediocor Psychonauts fanart.
 Purple Squid
10-02-2005, 8:47 PM
My super hero power is... drawing amusing mediocor Psychonauts fanart.
And making it come to life.
10-02-2005, 8:48 PM
cool I could Trick-or-treat with Sasha in a pumpkin costume!!!
 Purple Squid
10-02-2005, 8:51 PM

But X Sasha would steal all of your candy.
10-02-2005, 8:54 PM
not if Milla the witch and President Loboto were with me!!!
 Purple Squid
10-02-2005, 8:56 PM
Well, Super Milla would save you. Nothing to worry about. Now, Cheez has to color this picture...
10-02-2005, 8:57 PM
U know Cheez in real life?????
 Purple Squid
10-02-2005, 8:59 PM

This is a collab pic. I draw it and he colors it.

Now, I need to caption it...
10-02-2005, 9:00 PM
wait, I have a caption for that

"You said you were Sasha!!!! And I made out with you too."
10-02-2005, 9:06 PM
wait, I have a caption for that

"You said you were Sasha!!!! And I made out with you too."

That seems more like something you would jk
10-02-2005, 9:17 PM
HOW DO U KNOW ME?!?!?! Are u a stalker???
10-02-2005, 9:18 PM
Crud...I knew my cover would be blown sooner or later.
10-02-2005, 9:20 PM
who are you?? Y were you in the milkman's grave?
 Purple Squid
10-02-2005, 9:21 PM
wait, I have a caption for that

"You said you were Sasha!!!! And I made out with you too."

And, now that I look back at the pic, it looks like Super Milla was beating up X Sasha in self defense. Sex offender? X0
10-02-2005, 9:21 PM
Weeeeeellll.....those are all good questions....they deserve answers... -walks away-
10-02-2005, 9:27 PM
you get back here Mr. Bunny Bun Bun~uses TK on you~
10-02-2005, 9:29 PM
Sex offender huh...poor X Sasha, he can't get none.

-is grabbed- Why always me? -eye twitch-
10-02-2005, 9:31 PM
Hmm, if X Sasha lost the lab goggles, He'd get some
 Purple Squid
10-02-2005, 9:39 PM
X0 Oh, you guysizzles.

Darth, stop being spirited. X Sasha only wants to make out with Super Milla. He's too busy getting his butt whooped to pine right now..
10-02-2005, 9:41 PM
But...wouldn't he be pining for Super Milla then?
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