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May I have your attention please

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 Purple Squid
10-01-2005, 5:09 PM
Please... See Milla and Sasha want you to post it, too

The witch and her eyeless zombie

Sasha: Milla, I can't see
Milla: Hey I didn't force you to come
Sasha: yes, you did
Milla: oh yeah, here hold my hand
Eyeless zombie, eh? >:3 Why, this is a totally awesome reference to my less-than-awesome fanfic!

Milla is cute. :0
And in the first picture Sasha's face is great. It looks like... adorable.
 Purple Squid
10-01-2005, 5:21 PM
Sasha's ipod
kinda scary
On Psychonauts day you are allowed to dance like robot. But only in your own mind.
10-01-2005, 7:14 PM
Sasha's ipod
kinda scary
Aww, did you take my idea of Sasha dion' the robot with an ipod? I love it!!! Happy Psychonauts day!!! I've been playing a game !!! Yay!!
 Purple Squid
10-01-2005, 7:26 PM
On Psychonauts Day, you can do what you've always wanted...

Dedicated to Darth_Ave, for she is the one responsible for the first Psychonauts Day ever. Plus, she's quite fond of Sasha. I figured she'd like to see him ROCK-STARIFIED.
(Hee, 30 second scribble!)
10-01-2005, 7:35 PM
Really, REALLY wish I had a scanner... so much art... so little use.
 Purple Squid
10-01-2005, 7:41 PM
I will dedicate a scribble to you, Smon, if joo want.
 Purple Squid
10-01-2005, 7:44 PM
Sasha finds comfort in the fact he can set me on fire with his brain. :3
10-01-2005, 7:44 PM
Hm... I want a drawing of a censor on vacation.

Just to see it would make my day.
 Purple Squid
10-01-2005, 7:50 PM
Mkay. Hang on, homedawg...
 Purple Squid
10-01-2005, 8:03 PM
Censors are freaking hard to draw. That's it, I don't care if you are Vocabulor, Master of Words. You're going to get something else.
10-01-2005, 8:09 PM
I actually find Censors quite easy.... they're bodies are just... boxes. and their arms don't really have elbows so they're just big curves. Their heads are simple as well, just a box with half a triangle and two circles for eyes.

But ya know, whatevers good.

The butcher waiting for a job interview would be funny... just sorta sitting outside a door all gigantic in a suit and tie holding a briefcase... hehe.
 Purple Squid
10-01-2005, 8:12 PM
Well, it's very difficult doing the faces. For me. Know why?


Can't you be just a little sensitive of my issues?
10-01-2005, 8:14 PM
My bad.


(I'm SO going to hell...)
10-01-2005, 8:18 PM
Purple Squid..nothing for me? I dedicate this chicken I'm eating to you. Scratch that...I'm dedicating my Boyd fanfiction to you.

Smon, your freakin post count is 666. You are going to hell.
 Purple Squid
10-01-2005, 8:32 PM
My bad.


(I'm SO going to hell...)

Post count=Ironic.
 Purple Squid
10-01-2005, 8:32 PM
Purple Squid..nothing for me? I dedicate this chicken I'm eating to you. Scratch that...I'm dedicating my Boyd fanfiction to you.

Smon, your freakin post count is 666. You are going to hell.

Hang on. I'm going to post this picture. It will be dedicated to YOOOOOO.

Smon has to wait. Haha, Smon. HAHA.
10-01-2005, 8:36 PM

Yeah happy Psychonauts day, I'll draw better when I have a good idea.

I know his face looks like Micheal Jackson diseased skin - had to make some quick changes.
 Purple Squid
10-01-2005, 8:41 PM
I've got to say, I like the eyes on him. :3

OKAY. KLIA. Dis' iz fur joo!
Milla saves Townsville. Or... Coolsville?
10-01-2005, 8:41 PM
Hang on. I'm going to post this picture. It will be dedicated to YOOOOOO.

Smon has to wait. Haha, Smon. HAHA.

I'm going crazy over the suspense.
See this is my happy face. :sithk:

Yeah happy Psychonauts day, I'll draw better when I have a good idea.

I know his face looks like Micheal Jackson diseased skin - had to make some quick changes.
He does not look like Micheal Jackson. He's a cute older raz.
10-01-2005, 8:43 PM
I've got to say, I like the eyes on him. :3

OKAY. KLIA. Dis' iz fur joo!
Milla saves Townsville. Or... Coolsville?

Or is it super-happy-Klia-jumps-out-of-her-seat-town?

Dude, her shirt is happy. Happy like the sun.
 Purple Squid
10-01-2005, 8:44 PM
Or is it super-happy-Klia-jumps-out-of-her-seat-town?

Dude, her shirt is happy. Happy like the sun.
Could be. X0 Since this is dedicated to you, you can name the town.

10-01-2005, 8:45 PM
Could be. X0 Since this is dedicated to you, you can name the town.


See the powerpuff girls are over the little 8/10 mark.

And Milla is over here at the million/10 mark.
 Purple Squid
10-01-2005, 8:47 PM
Hawrhawr. Those girls must be so jealous. And you know what? Sasha looks like the Professor. GHASP. :0
10-01-2005, 8:48 PM
Hawrhawr. Those girls must be so jealous. And you know what? Sasha looks like the Professor. GHASP. :0

A punky professor. One that is oblivious to his predictament.
 Purple Squid
10-01-2005, 8:51 PM
I've got more 'arts' for everyone!

This would be easier if it was 'Psychonauts Day(s)'.
10-01-2005, 8:53 PM
I've got more 'arts' for everyone!

This would be easier if it was 'Psychonauts Day(s)'.
Work harder damnit! Over here you have three hours left.
10-01-2005, 8:54 PM
what was the professor doing making little girls, anyway? GASP.
10-01-2005, 8:56 PM
what was the professor doing making little girls, anyway? GASP.

Your post count is 123.

Anyway I'm just glad that they got superpowers.

It would have made more sense if he made a wife or something. Add something sterotypically womanly and there you go.

But then the show would not exist.
 Purple Squid
10-01-2005, 8:57 PM
what was the professor doing making little girls, anyway? GASP.
Don't think like that. D:

I like him. :3
 Purple Squid
10-01-2005, 8:57 PM
Work harder damnit! Over here you have three hours left.
Well, over here I've got four. HAHA. Wait...
10-01-2005, 8:59 PM
Well, over here I've got four. HAHA. Wait...

Let me guess it was 8:59.
 Purple Squid
10-01-2005, 9:05 PM
Hang on... again. More stuff.
10-01-2005, 9:09 PM
This waiting is becoming tedious. I may have to actually work on something productive.
 Purple Squid
10-01-2005, 9:11 PM
 Purple Squid
10-01-2005, 9:12 PM
...and he's even looking at your avatar! XD
10-01-2005, 9:13 PM
Where did he get that magic jacket?

He looks as if he's afraid of me killing him.

He better be! This concept Raz will kick his ass.
 Purple Squid
10-01-2005, 9:15 PM
Oh, snap. Don't kill him! He may be poorly drawn, but he has feelings too!

The magic jacket is just OLD SKOOL.
10-01-2005, 9:17 PM
Alright, since everyone else posted up their pictures I'll post up my picture I'm drawing...

When I finish it
and when I get to a person's house that has a scanner.

It's a quick two hour drawing replicating a serpent from a merry-go-round.
10-01-2005, 9:18 PM
Oh, snap. Don't kill him! He may be poorly drawn, but he has feelings too!

The magic jacket is just OLD SKOOL.

Oh, snap? XD

Old Skool is the new school and everyone knows that.
 Purple Squid
10-01-2005, 9:20 PM
Alright, since everyone else posted up their pictures I'll post up my picture I'm drawing...

When I finish it
and when I get to a person's house that has a scanner.

It's a quick two hour drawing replicating a serpent from a merry-go-round.
Quick two hours?

You feeling alright?

And no, New Skool is Old Skool only to the New Skoolers, who think they're Old Skool but are really New Skool, and the Old Skoolers are too old to try and be Old Skool, so they settle with making fun of the New Skoolers.
10-01-2005, 9:22 PM
Quick two hours?

You feeling alright?

And no, New Skool is Old Skool only to the New Skoolers, who think they're Old Skool but are really New Skool, and the Old Skoolers are too old to try and be Old Skool, so they settle with making fun of the New Skoolers.

AHH! The mind puzzles.

My longer picutres take about 7-9 hours to do. So this is quick.
 Purple Squid
10-01-2005, 9:24 PM
Oh, snap. That's crazy! Maybe I'm just used to churning out bad pictures in under 30 seconds...
10-01-2005, 9:27 PM
Oh, snap. That's crazy! Maybe I'm just used to churning out bad pictures in under 30 seconds...

Bad? Dude, I love them to death! I wish I was a cartoonist.
 Purple Squid
10-01-2005, 9:30 PM
Eh... I've done better. I like drawing these Super Millas, though. A series, perhaps? 8l
10-01-2005, 9:35 PM
Eh... I've done better. I like drawing these Super Millas, though. A series, perhaps? 8l

May I request a picture of Super-Milla?

Hmm...I can't think of anything. Except for Super-Milla. So yes, a series would be awesome.
 Purple Squid
10-01-2005, 9:36 PM
Yes. I'll do a request Super Milla. What do you have in mind?

I'll do it because I love yooooooooooou.
10-01-2005, 9:38 PM
Yes. I'll do a request Super Milla. What do you have in mind?

Her pitted against the super-censor of Sasha's mind. The scale of that thing would be enormous.

Of course there is no explanation as to why the super-censor is there and why she's battling it but it's cool.

At least in my eyes.
 Purple Squid
10-01-2005, 9:39 PM
Why does everyone want censors? I can't do censors!


I'll draw you something...possibly...equally cool.
10-01-2005, 9:45 PM
Why does everyone want censors? I can't do censors!


I'll draw you something...possibly...equally cool.

Because censors..




Fred is cooler than censors though. So is Crispin.

A Fred and Crispin picture? They're people who love to hate eachother.
 Purple Squid
10-01-2005, 9:49 PM
Aww.... you have to be SO difficult. You people are so picky!

NO. NONONONONONONONONO. I've already started this Supah-Milla picture and I'm going to finish. AND YOU AREN'T GOING TO COMPLAIN. GOT IT? D'X
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