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The coolest Psychonauts-related dream ever!

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 Purple Squid
09-26-2005, 10:26 PM


It took forever for my stuff to get here.
09-27-2005, 7:25 AM
The mind does weird things to you.

Which is strange considering that our brain is where we think and how we process our thoughts. When we dream it's just freew-form. Then when we wake up our mind processes the dreams and we think about how we thought..

It's almost impossible to describe.
 Purple Squid
09-27-2005, 11:37 AM
Metaphor the crap out of it.

The mind is like... EMPEROR PALPATINE. When no one is looking, it does weird things. And when you ARE looking, it tells you about it, but it's lying.

09-27-2005, 3:19 PM
Wow, so intelectual.
10-21-2005, 2:16 AM
Okay you must read this I'm psychic right? Well I had a vision in my dream it's so cool. all I can say (plus the vision) is THERE'S. A. SEQUEL!!!!!!!!!!!

"Okay here it is: It I think is toward the end. Raz steps up and he turns into big orange psyRaz or whatever and Loboto walks up in a straightjacket and says "Die!" he turns big and then he's got triangular goggles and all you see is big him and his brain floating where his head should be in the purple power PsyLoboto and they battle and you beat Loboto and then he knocks you down and prepares to psyblast you into oblivion and then Dart Comes and turns big and green and kicks Loboto's butt you control him!!! But Loboto dies because Raz and Dart have a mental link and are big and blue and you beat Lobto and then you see Lili and she's like "my hero" because she was trapped in Loboto's mind where you fight then Loboto turns big in the real world and his mental arms come out of the straightjacket and supposedly they burned up in the fire all but his claw and you fight him as big blue and Lili cheers you on and you beat him and Lili kisses you and you and Dart become agents of the elite Psychonauts and that's all I got. Sorry 'bout the punctuation here I'll make up for it ...... !!!!!!??????,,,,,,"""""":::::: and last ((((()))))

I don't know about the last thing but they win something like a badge. So maybe you get to learn how to control your psychic energy where you turn big and orange!
10-21-2005, 12:45 PM
Oh come on people you have to @ least say something about this.
10-21-2005, 1:40 PM
...Dr.Loboto is not psychic so it seems sorta farfetched, its just that noone wants to say anything negative.
10-21-2005, 1:44 PM
Well so sue me I was friggin' dreamin' don't ask me nothin' about it anymore than youm do. I just got the dream and wrote it down. (I mean typed typed it down).
10-21-2005, 3:13 PM
Okay you must read this I'm psychic right? Well I had a vision in my dream it's so cool. all I can say (plus the vision) is THERE'S. A. SEQUEL!!!!!!!!!!!

"Okay here it is: It I think is toward the end. Raz steps up and he turns into big orange psyRaz or whatever and Loboto walks up in a straightjacket and says "Die!" he turns big and then he's got triangular goggles and all you see is big him and his brain floating where his head should be in the purple power PsyLoboto and they battle and you beat Loboto and then he knocks you down and prepares to psyblast you into oblivion and then Dart Comes and turns big and green and kicks Loboto's butt you control him!!! But Loboto dies because Raz and Dart have a mental link and are big and blue and you beat Lobto and then you see Lili and she's like "my hero" because she was trapped in Loboto's mind where you fight then Loboto turns big in the real world and his mental arms come out of the straightjacket and supposedly they burned up in the fire all but his claw and you fight him as big blue and Lili cheers you on and you beat him and Lili kisses you and you and Dart become agents of the elite Psychonauts and that's all I got. Sorry 'bout the punctuation here I'll make up for it ...... !!!!!!??????,,,,,,"""""":::::: and last ((((()))))

I don't know about the last thing but they win something like a badge. So maybe you get to learn how to control your psychic energy where you turn big and orange!

10-21-2005, 3:19 PM
...Dr.Loboto is not psychic so it seems sorta farfetched, its just that noone wants to say anything negative.

Well, actually, that'd be a really cool twist. But even if he is, hes probably just too insane to use it.

Just my 2 cents.
 Purple Squid
10-21-2005, 3:22 PM
Eh. Psychic Loboto? Doesn't sound too cool to me. Although he would've gotten more screen time, I'm sure.
10-21-2005, 3:39 PM
Eh. Psychic Loboto? Doesn't sound too cool to me. Although he would've gotten more screen time, I'm sure.

Well Psitanium makes psychics go more crazy....
10-21-2005, 3:49 PM
Well Psitanium makes psychics go more crazy....

I thought it just made them more only made people who were already unstable somehow more unstable. (Case in point, Morry.) Although it seems to have the opposite effect on Cruller--making him more stable. Weird.
10-21-2005, 3:57 PM
I know, do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do!!
10-21-2005, 4:17 PM
I thought it just made them more only made people who were already unstable somehow more unstable. (Case in point, Morry.) Although it seems to have the opposite effect on Cruller--making him more stable. Weird.

I've always had the theory that to become unstable you have to already have something wrong with you. Now I don't think Loboto was at the camp site and was driven mad by it or that he is psychic. But when it says that for reasons unknown he became insane it brought back memories of Ford saying Psitanium driving people mad.

I'm not sure if it works on non-psychics.
10-21-2005, 4:57 PM
I don't know I just had the dream I'm guessin' w/ you. Um I think it's because he had Lili in his mind he might've been feeding off the psitanium deposit. Because in my dream when there outta the mind there not @ the camp but there was about the same theme to the place. Like I think there's a part of the camp they were in that we didn't see this game. Oh and @ the end there's this guy that walks up to Lili and the two hug and Lili says "Dad!" So I'm guessing the guy is Truman Zanotto. Wait this sounds odd but maybe Loboto took Zanotto's power. But don't ask me I just put it up here to try and learn what it means. I think Dart in the game sounds cool and awesome!!!! Then I thought that Dart meant it wasn't a vision so maybe it's not a vision of mine but it could be something I'm gonna ask my grandma and dad they're psychi too. I kinda hate being in a psychic family everyone looks @ you weird. Then they won't believe you about anything. But I'll ask them about this and come back w/ my answer.
 Purple Squid
10-21-2005, 5:11 PM
Well Psitanium makes psychics go more crazy....

Yeah, but it doesn't make people psychic. :0 Unless you were saying something else.
10-21-2005, 5:13 PM
Ewwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww!!!!!!! There are yioung ones on the board. (poiunts @ the trolls)
 Purple Squid
10-21-2005, 5:15 PM
Ewwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww!!!!!!! There are yioung ones on the board. (poiunts @ the trolls)

...what? Did I say something gross?
10-21-2005, 5:21 PM
Klia said it made people go more "crazy" and you said it didn't "make psychics" or something like that and then you said if she was talking "about something else." So it sounded kinda kinky to me and if you don't mind but kinda perverted.
 Purple Squid
10-21-2005, 5:25 PM
Klia said it made people go more "crazy" and you said it didn't "make psychics" or something like that and then you said if she was talking "about something else." So it sounded kinda kinky to me and if you don't mind but kinda perverted. you always think it's kinky when someone asks a question?

Or were you talking about something else?
10-21-2005, 5:26 PM
Oh forget it and change the friggin' topic before I go mad.
 Purple Squid
10-21-2005, 5:28 PM
I was kidding in the aformentioned post.

I do that. I think it's funny. Teehee.
10-21-2005, 5:31 PM
Yeah okay whatever I'm kinda bored and you recently got 100 posts and it's not even the end of the day yet.
10-22-2005, 12:10 AM
Man I had a wacked up dream to it goes like this I started in my own mind kind of freaky is what I thought and a lot of meat to rap it up and then I saw Razputin psi blasting me into hell and then Sasha nein waz huge or I waz tiny and he grabbed me and then I said put me down but he woudn't listen and then I waz being smashed by the mega censor and that's only the beginning homie and then I waz in the colletive uncnchis and I kep falling over and over again and it's like it never ends I waz a personal demon in Coach Oleander's mind and before you know it my head waz blown up and like I said it never ends and I waz taking over the world meat and waz being mean to me then the camp used tk to lift me and then they threw me and then they used levitatation balls to bowl and I think that's it
10-22-2005, 12:25 AM
Wow. That was one sentence.
10-22-2005, 12:28 AM
Wow. That was one sentence.

I wonder how he could say all that without passing out from lack of oxygen.
10-22-2005, 12:29 AM
Man I had a wacked up dream to it goes like this I started in my own mind kind of freaky is what I thought and a lot of meat to rap it up and then I saw Razputin psi blasting me into hell and then Sasha nein waz huge or I waz tiny and he grabbed me and then I said put me down but he woudn't listen and then I waz being smashed by the mega censor and that's only the beginning homie and then I in the waz colletive uncnchis and I kep falling over and over again and it's like it never ends I waz a personal demon in Coach Oleander's mind and before you know it my head waz blown up and like I said it never ends and I waz taking over the world meat and waz being mean to me then the camp used tk to lift me and then they threw me and then they used levitatation balls to bowl and I think that's it

Hehe. WHERE'S THE PERIOD? But, hey, I sympathize. Weird dreams can do that to a person. That's how I tell people about my dreams when I'm speaking--I don't think I take a breath from beginning to end.
 Purple Squid
10-22-2005, 12:30 AM
I had a dream where I was at a drive-in movie, and it was like... a Psychonauts movie. Except in my dream I didn't care. Also Bill Nye was there, but he was sitting in the car next to us, so I didn't care much about that either...
10-22-2005, 12:43 AM
I haven't had a Psychonauts dream. Unless you count daydreams. I've had many of those.
10-22-2005, 1:10 AM
Trust me. Cara if you look @ my vision/dream and the conversation about it you'll know about the sequel. I THINK!!!
10-22-2005, 11:25 AM
My dream was of Grim Fandango but that's not Psychonauts.

And one boy who never played Psychonauts said he had a dream of Oleander saying "Psychonauts." the way he does in the opening cinematic.
10-22-2005, 11:28 AM
I had a dream, it involved the SuperBestFriends on an adventure to save Mr. Pokeylope from Dr. Loboto's clone.
10-22-2005, 2:19 PM
Huh you mean the evil Mentokk? And the SuperBestFriends can do it!!!

*Heroic Theme Music Playing* Go superbestfriends!!!
10-28-2005, 8:00 PM
I had this really odd dream last night centering around the asylum gang. Basically, Boyd, Fred, and Edgar have all moved into Gloria's mansion. (She just has one, don't ask why.) And then the whole thing was sort of set up as a reality show, like glimpsing into thier everyday life and wacky antics.

There were some wierd "episodes" I thought up of. Like Boyd going ballistic over milk when Gloria's just trying to have a peaceful breakfast. Edgar the starving artist always being interuppted by Fred. And then Crispin made a guest-star appearance.


And the wierdest part was, the whole show was animated. They weren't the CG asylum inmates we know and love.
 Purple Squid
10-28-2005, 8:03 PM
Like a cartoon? Can you recall... what they looked like? THINK, CHILD. THE FATE OF THE WORLD. IS ON. YOUR SHOULDERS.
10-28-2005, 8:11 PM
I had this really odd dream last night centering around the asylum gang. Basically, Boyd, Fred, and Edgar have all moved into Gloria's mansion. (She just has one, don't ask why.) And then the whole thing was sort of set up as a reality show, like glimpsing into thier everyday life and wacky antics.

Actually, I think Gloria does mention buying a seaside mansion at one point in her memories...she may have sold it after her mother's death, though. (Too many bad memories and all that.) But she's probably rich enough that she could just buy another one.

And your dream sounds remarkably like the fanfic I've been thinking about writing for a few weeks now--basically, they all get out of the asylum and go, "...wait. We have no homes, and we're broke. Uh, Gloria...? Could we crash at your place for forev--uh, for a few weeks?" We must be sharing brainspace or something. o.O

Now I have the strangest urge to have a scene where Fred goes to the fridge and wonders aloud, "Why are we always out of milk?" Boyd not-so-stealthily tosses the carton into the garbage can out back. *g*
10-28-2005, 8:12 PM
Like a cartoon? Can you recall... what they looked like? THINK, CHILD. THE FATE OF THE WORLD. IS ON. YOUR SHOULDERS.

Wow. I didn't think anyone would respond to this so quickly. Okay, I'll try to remember.

Hmm...they were all like flat and animatedish. Boyd looked kind of funny. And so did everyone else. And it was all cheery and happy except for the milk...okay this isn't helping much. But my mind is really messed up and hard to explain.

Just think of a regular cartoon show, with the heart of some crappy "real world" reality televison. You know, the cameraman running after people as they try and get some privacy, the yelling the screaming, the heartaches. All that jazz.

The world's doomed.
10-28-2005, 8:14 PM
Actually, I think Gloria does mention buying a seaside mansion at one point in her memories...she may have sold it after her mother's death, though. (Too many bad memories and all that.) But she's probably rich enough that she could just buy another one.

And your dream sounds remarkably like the fanfic I've been thinking about writing for a few weeks now--basically, they all get out of the asylum and go, "...wait. We have no homes, and we're broke. Uh, Gloria...? Could we crash at your place for forev--uh, for a few weeks?" We must be sharing brainspace or something. o.O

Now I have the strangest urge to have a scene where Fred goes to the fridge and wonders aloud, "Why are we always out of milk?" Boyd not-so-stealthily tosses the carton into the garbage can out back. *g*

Woah. *Tries to tune brain*. Thats wierd. But so funny! I would just love it if somehow somewhere some lonely producer decides to take up this idea and make a cartoon series out of it. Or at least have Steven Speilberg make a box office hit movie out of it. Is that too much to ask?

And I really like the idea of Boyd going all ballistic over milk when everyone is just so thirsty. :)
 Purple Squid
10-28-2005, 8:15 PM
Wow. That would be the greates cartoon ever.

That's all I can say. I'm not sure I like the fact that the world is ending. :[
10-28-2005, 8:16 PM
Wow. That would be the greates cartoon ever.

That's all I can say. I'm not sure I like the fact that the world is ending. :[

me neither. See, I'm not a very responsible person. The world just can't be trusted in my hands.
 Purple Squid
10-28-2005, 8:17 PM
me neither. See, I'm not a very responsible person. The world just can't be trusted in my hands.

But it was on your shoulders! Shoulders, and you still can't handle it! Geez.
10-28-2005, 8:18 PM
But it was on your shoulders! Shoulders, and you still can't handle it! Geez.

Aww, see I knew I was forgetting something. I'll make a mental note.

*hands, not shoulders ><*
 Purple Squid
10-28-2005, 8:20 PM
Too late now.

We're all dead, remember?
10-28-2005, 8:21 PM
OOh, yeah. Forgot about that. That would be important.

Oh well. *Listens to her electronica*
10-28-2005, 8:22 PM
I think it would be great if the world depended on my stomach.

Intensely fatal dream there, m'dear.
 Purple Squid
10-28-2005, 8:23 PM
Now that we're all dead, wanna go... play Psychonauts? Like a Psychonauts party?
10-28-2005, 8:24 PM
Aww, I thought I had a humorous dream when all along it was a lethal one. Go figure.

Lets go par-TAY!
10-28-2005, 8:31 PM
I'm sure the dead can play Psychonauts.

Oooh, once I'm dead, maybe I'll be able to put myself in the Psychonauts world. Because... I don't know. It just seems like that's how it should be.
10-28-2005, 8:32 PM
You'd be all zombified!
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