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Psychonauts: A Great Year at WR RP topic (Read rules!)

Page: 3 of 5
10-07-2005, 7:41 PM
Spiders were comming at Renee fairly quickly.

"Ooooh hell no!"Renee cried as she kicked a spider.
 Purple Squid
10-07-2005, 7:43 PM
Having hath overcome the roadblock that was 'learning-how-to-shoot-stuff-with-her-mind', Gwen was shooting spiders from atop a small rock, apologizing to each one...
10-07-2005, 7:46 PM
"Don't apologize to the damn things Kill 'em, 'cause they're trying to kill us!" Renne screamed madly.
God this is fun... I gotta go.
 Purple Squid
10-07-2005, 7:48 PM
"I'm sorry! I can't help it!" She said as she shot another spider, her head feeling lighter by the second. "Uh, I can't do this much longer... Where's everybody else?!"
10-07-2005, 7:50 PM
"I don't know!" Renee cried.
 Purple Squid
10-07-2005, 7:53 PM
"I... can't...shoot...thingies...more...wooh." Gwen fell off of the rock in a daze, fainting into the small crowd of spidery-nastiness.
10-07-2005, 9:13 PM
Jake got up not sure of what happend but suddenly everything came back in a flash of light "great a one hit k.o" Jake surronded his fist with ice "ok mr spider no more mister nice....!" a whole barrage of spiders where attacking Renee and Gwen "well better get to work" he ran full speed freezing anything in his path and dodging a few pincers "heh to easy he froze a spider sneaking up on Gwen.
10-07-2005, 9:13 PM
Sokolov had followed suit down the crater after hearing the screaming coming from below. He pulled out his camera and charged the flash... it was dark down here. As he reached the bottom, he snapped a picture in the general direction of a spider which caused the thing to immediately shriek and flip into a twitchy fit on the ground.

"So, light hurts them..." he thought, re-charging his flashgun.
 Purple Squid
10-07-2005, 9:18 PM
Gwen sat up quickly, rubbing her head.

"Apparently I can't do that for long." After realising where she was and what was happening, she screamed and jumped back onto the rock where she had sat before. There she kicked at the spiders, wishing they would leave.

"Ugh... oh, and thanks, Jake! I'd help, but, uh... I'm a little busy."
10-07-2005, 9:40 PM
Just then, four men cloaked in dark black capes emerged from nowhere. They approached the group quickly, as just then the new boy and Raz jumped down from seemingly nowhere. Vernon followed quickly as well, pushing back the spiders and beasts. "Wait," said Raz, "where'd you come from?"

The boy looked at Raz, taking off his visor. "First of all, I have a name. It's Robert. Robert Benton Awaoru. And second," he said, looking up with pure red eyes (as in, not just the pupils, but complete red.) "I'm as much in control of this mind as my dad."

More spiders, and some antlions came from burrows in the ground, and he lifted one of them up, ripping it open with his mind. He flung its rock-hard cold parts into the crowd, warping into the crowd and bringing his fists down, flinging the beasts around. "Get ready for the really weird part," he said. "This is his childhood memories."

They entered a battlefield - a gigantic dead battlefield. "He was a junior medic. He had to get all the wounded into medical stations. He got shot in the eye, too."

As he walked further, grass turned to sand, and giant beasts came from all sides, waiting for their chance to strike. "Don't take your eyes off them," he said. "Welcome to the Fistful of Sand."

Raz, Vernon, and Robert all marched at the front of the line, keeping close eyes on them. "If even one of them is watched, they won't jump us. Don't blink." Just then, a dust storm kicked up, and they were blinded. In the silence and blackness, the three were suddenly surrounded.

"Oh christ, this is what I was afraid of," said Robert.
 Purple Squid
10-07-2005, 9:50 PM
(Cheez, what do we do? The other peeps?)
10-07-2005, 9:52 PM
(Help with the big anty-evil-guys.)
 Purple Squid
10-07-2005, 9:53 PM
(Right on. I might need a starter sentence, though... help?)
10-08-2005, 9:04 AM
Jake looked around a sand storm had started "uggh..hey is that Raz he started to run over there but spiders started to surround him "oh crap this is'nt going to end well"
10-08-2005, 4:28 PM
Jake looked around a sand storm had started "uggh..hey is that Raz he started to run over there but spiders started to surround him "oh crap this is'nt going to end well"
"Jake hang on!" Renee cried avoiding a spider's bite.

"There sure are a lot of these things." Renee hissed through her teeth.

She saw Gwen struggling(sp?) with the spiders that surrounded her. Jake was freezing the spider's around him,but Renee knew that he couldn't keep that up for long.

Anger surged through he as the light apperared again. The spiders shrunk away trying to get away from the light.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~

Tag to anyone.
10-09-2005, 5:59 PM
Jake looked over towrds Renee "WTF?" he thought as the light made them shirnk away "hmmmm.. I got hey Renee aim the light at this" Jake made an Ice prism and started to point at it "quickly"

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~
tag Renee
10-09-2005, 6:24 PM
Jake looked over towrds Renee "WTF?" he thought as the light made them shirnk away "hmmmm.. I got hey Renee aim the light at this" Jake made an Ice prism and started to point at it "quickly"

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~
tag Renee
"OK I'll try!" Renee cried trying to focus the light on the prism. After a couple of tries(sp?) Renee was finally able to focus the light on the prism.

Light exploded from the prism in every direction hitting the spiders and making them shrivle(sp?) up like rasins(sp?).

The spiders dissappeared and suddenly there was a rumbling noise.

"Ahhh! What the hell!? Robert what's going on?" Renee asked grabbing Gwen and Jake's arms. Renee, Jake, and Gwen ran over to Raz, Robert, and Vermon.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~
Sorry for controling your characters for a moment guys, but it just seemed to fit.

Anyway tag to Robert.
10-09-2005, 6:36 PM
I needed to replace some things.

Insted of Renee ran over to Raz I wanted to put. Renee And the others jumped over the evil things.

Also Renee heard Robert say don't blink and told Jake and Gwen this.

sorry my computer won't let me edit so sorry for this post.
10-09-2005, 6:54 PM
as they landed Jake let out a yell "ouch Renee don't pull so hard" as he rubbed a wound on his arm he saw Raz,Robert and Vernon fighting some people "we should help them"
10-09-2005, 7:24 PM
Robert produced a psychic weapon from his mentality, and struck forth at the beasts, and Vernon psi-blasted others way. Raz pushed all his telekinesis to shove one of the beasts away, and Robert flung his pole into the sand. Everything drained out, like a giant bathtub. As the color was sucked out of the world through a vortex in the sky, Robert lit up a thought bubble torch and held it above him. It was, in fact, a giant floodgate. "Just what I thought. We're going through Aquatic Horror. We've been cursed never to swim."

"...So have I!" claimed Razputin, shocked.

"Great," groaned Robert. "Two of us can't swim, and Dad's on the wrong side of this mess." Tears welled up into his pure red eyes, and he lowered his visor and turned it slightly to the side. "Here it comes." The gates began to explode, and as they were forced into the water, the Hands of Galochio reached for all of them. Through his tears, he forced a path through the water. As a Hand reached into the path, he store intently at it, and it snapped, breaking into just normal water. He saw at the far end his father, being carried away by black cloaked beasts. Though his tears, he lost control of the water.

They were sucked back in, and the boy swam towards the airlock. He held on to Raz, shoving the Hands out of his way. Vernon casually swam behind, as the Hands parted for them. The airlock swung open, and they all came inside, those behind were sucked in. Pressurized air blew down, and the airlock disconnected from the very earth, into space.

"We're going in," said Robert, jamming open the sliding double-door combo with his Psychic Staff.
 Purple Squid
10-09-2005, 7:49 PM
(totally not going to be able to play for a while, homies. Sorry! Pretend I'm here... or not.)
10-09-2005, 8:02 PM
Jake stood up "what the heck just happend" he sadi while wringing out his shirt "I could have swore we were fighting spiders in a desert and then water came out of know where" Jake looked around nobody was there "great i'm alone" he thought to himself he made a mental note of his surroundings and started to walk


tag anyone
10-09-2005, 9:13 PM
Jake stood up "what the heck just happend" he sadi while wringing out his shirt "I could have swore we were fighting spiders in a desert and then water came out of know where" Jake looked around nobody was there "great i'm alone" he thought to himself he made a mental note of his surroundings and started to walk


tag anyone
"Where the hell am I?" Renee asked picking herself off the ground.

Renee noticed that she was in a room... alone The shadows seemed to be alive... begging her to come closer. Three doors appeared in front of her all of them were making some strange sound.

The door on the left was making some weird breathing sound. The door in the middle was making a growling sound. The last door was making a hissing sound. "They all sound soo inviting(sp?)" Renee said sarcacticly(sp?). "Which one should I go through?" Renee asked herself.
10-09-2005, 9:19 PM
Jake kept walking and heard footsteps behind him he turned around but no one was there he kept walking and then the footsteps came back he started to jog the steps kept in pace then he ran they were still behind him he made a left and a right then another left turned around while still running he heard the steps but no one was there then he crashed into Renee he got up and continued running and forgot to apologise to Renee he ran into the middle door.
10-09-2005, 9:49 PM
Jake kept walking and heard footsteps behind him he turned around but no one was there he kept walking and then the footsteps came back he started to jog the steps kept in pace then he ran they were still behind him he made a left and a right then another left turned around while still running he heard the steps but no one was there then he crashed into Renee he got up and continued running and forgot to apologise to Renee he ran into the middle door.
"Wait!" Renee cried, but it was too late. Jake opened the middle door too reveal a lion-like monster that had armor that looked like it could deflect anything.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~
Tag to Jake.
10-09-2005, 10:02 PM
Jake did a backflip and dodge the lions claws by an inch "what the heck first i'm being chased by footsteps now this" Jake made an icycle and threw it at the lion it hit him but it did'nt hurt him jus distracted him "come on Renee" Jake ran threw the middle door
10-09-2005, 10:22 PM
Jake did a backflip and dodge the lions claws by an inch "what the heck first i'm being chased by footsteps now this" Jake made an icycle and threw it at the lion it hit him but it did'nt hurt him jus distracted him "come on Renee" Jake ran threw the middle door
"Comming!" Renee said trying to follow Jake, but the lion blocked her way.

"I guess I have to go a different way!" Renee called after Jake.

Renee ran through the door that was hissing. A Giant Serpent came out of the door just barely missing Renee.

Without a second thought Renee jumped onto the serpent's back and slid down it.

"Ahhhh... Wait a second... WEEEEEEEE!"Renee cried happily.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~
Sorry I had to do that.
Tag to Jake.
10-09-2005, 10:27 PM
Jake stood in a big opening in the back of the cave with three tunnels "i'm guessing this is where the doors end" he sat there and waited for Renee to show up "hope shes ok" Jake thought to himself "I guess I should apologize for running into her"
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~
tag Renee
10-09-2005, 10:36 PM
Jake stood in a big opening in the back of the cave with three tunnels "i'm guessing this is where the doors end" he sat there and waited for Renee to show up "hope shes ok" Jake thought to himself "I guess I should apologize for running into her"
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~
tag Renee
"WEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!! Ouch!" Renee cried landing on Jake.

"Wow sliding down the serpent's back was fun, but the landing could use work." Renee giggled.

"Ohhhhh." Jake moaned.

"Huh? What was that? Who's there?"Renee cried jumpping to her feet which were now on Jake's head.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~
once again I had to do that.
Tag to Jake.
Gotta stop for the night. later
10-09-2005, 11:00 PM
"well I was going to apologize but I guess this makes up for it" Jake tried to get up but Renee's feet where on him "please get off" she stepped down Jake got up and looked around the three hallways where gone and the room had no exit "oh great" Jake started to move his hand across the walls slowly "I saw this off t.v once hey start looking for a switch" Jake motioned for Renee to join him
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~
tag Renee
10-10-2005, 9:40 AM
Up above them still in the station, Raz, Robert and Vernon marched through the pathway, Robert emminating a red glow. As he saw some shadows pass through a door, he produced another psychic weapon, a halberd. He used it to break open the door, chasing after the shadow. It turned to him, and its face was his own.

He growled. Both of them moved like a mirror, mimicing eachothers' moves as they paced in a circle. Each intimidating move closer was done routinely, each slight movement, an eye twitch to a miniscule facial movement. Nothing was unexpected. The shadow struck out first, quickly and suddenly, and Robert grabbed its hand and threw it to the ground. However, the shadow was omnipotent, and as he went to step on it, it moved its form around his foot, reforming just away from him.

"I am everything that went wrong in your upbringing," said the shadow, laughing. "We are all the Nine Guilts of Jin Awaoru." Quickly it smothered him, crushing him into the wall, and it laughed. As it took a step back and pummeled the defenseless Robert, an anxious Vernon dove forward to tackle it, furious.

"I'm tired of all you bullies pushing everyone around," he droned, bringing his fists down on it. "I'm tired of you beating up people you know you can, just for fun." He stomped it into the ground. He tore it apart, as a white shell of it shed out the sky out the Psycho-Portal. Robert got up, and stared straight at Vernon, who looked straight for the door, walking out and opening it, without a word. As they walked further, they met up with Renee and Jake.

They brought the group forward to a dark room, where a shadow lie in the floor. It slowly got up, rotating its head like it were on an axis at the front of the neck. It groaned senselessly and approached the group.

"Battle time," said Robert once more.
10-10-2005, 4:25 PM
Jake took a step forward "now this shouldn't be to hard" Jake ran straight at the shadow which took his form "just because your me doees't mean I can't beat you" Jake swung a kick straight for it but the shadow caught it with one hand and threw him back into a wall then the shadow turned back to normal and faced the group
10-10-2005, 5:41 PM
Renee stepped back preparing to battle the shadow and was going to attack the shadow when when her foot sunk in to the ground. A tick was heard.

"Um guys? I think I found a switch." Renee said as a trap door opened from under her. Renee tried to levitate(sp?), but the switch's hole her foot sunk in had her foot captured. The trap door slamed against the ceiling of the next room and broke off.

Renee was falling through the darkness. In to an unknown area.

Renee Knew the other would follow, but the second the door slamed against ceiling the entryway was instantly closed so that no one could enter.
Tag to Jake or Raz.
10-10-2005, 5:55 PM
Jake got up steaming mad "ok first kill this jerk then save Renee" Jake threw off his hoody "ok you shadowy freak dodge this" Jake summned a snow storm which turned to hail and aimed it at the shadow it dodged the first few but was hit with the rest the shadow then excaped into a different room "coward" Jake yelled as he aimed the hail at the spot where Renee fell the trapdoor burst open "you three go ahead i'm going to save Renee" Jake now extrmely tired put on his hoody and jumped threw the hole "i've never used that attack for so long I hope I can make it" Jake said as he fell into the darkness.
10-10-2005, 6:20 PM
I was hoping Renee could be alone for a while, but I can make this work. They'll just go in to different areas.
Renee fell onto the floor of a hallway.

"Ow... where am I?"Renee asked getting up off the floor. Dark brown brick walls almost completely surrounded her.

"It looks like I'm in some sort of hallway." Renee said looking around. Doors were lined down the hallways as far as the eye could see.

"Wow there's a lot of doors here!" Renee exclaimed.

Then an idea came to Renee. "Maybe one of these door will lead me to Jin! If I happen to find Raz and the others first well then okay!" Renee cried happily.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Tag to Jake.
10-10-2005, 6:28 PM
(oops sorry)

Jake hit he ground hard "ouch" Jake staggered a bit and looked around "wow looks like a scooby doo chase scene he said to himself"
he walked towards the first door and opened it a train was speeding right for him "yikes" he said as he slammed the door "this place reminds me of a cartoon" he walked over towards a second door "hmmmmm... i guess this looks safe" Jake walked into a meadow of flowers " I can rest here" Jake sat down in front of a tree and fell asleep
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~
tag anyone
10-10-2005, 7:46 PM
s'alright... we all make mistakes sometimes.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~
Renee opened the first door she came to. There was the same medal lion creature. It glared at Renee with it's bright yellow eyes. Renee wanted to close the door, but something made her keep from closing the door.

It was the lion's paw a sharpe peice of a 2" by 4" was in the lion's paw.

Renee felt sorry for the poor creature and slowly walked over to it. After all this creature almost took of Jake's head.

The lion, who was sitting down at the time, lepted up on all fours, but quickly sat back down and glare hatefully at it's paw.

"Do you want me to pull it out?" Renee asked gently.

The lion growled in distrust and tried to back away from Renee.

Renee stopped and looked at the lion in pity. "Please... let me help you." Renee said as gently as she could.

The lion did nothing as Renee Stepped up to it's paw."This is gonna hurt for a while." Renee said as she pulled on the stick with all her might. The lion roared in agony.

The stick moved a little bit , but it still wasn't even close to being out of the paw.

"Hang on I have another idea, but you have to keep the paw as still as you can. Alright? Can you do that for me?"Renee asked soothingly.

The lion nodded and put it's other paw on the wounded one.

Holding the piece of wood with her mental hand Renee managed to pull the piece out of the paw. Quickly Renee reached into her med pack and pulled out some bandages. Bounding the lions paw Renee said gently."There you go all fixed up!"

Renee walked out the door with the lion's watchful eyes watching. "See you later." Renee said and was about to close the door when the lion walked over to her and nugged her arm.

Renee looked at the lion as it layed down. "You want me to ride you?" Renee asked gently.

The lion nodded.

Renee lepted onto the lion's back and sped off
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~
Tag to anyone.
10-10-2005, 7:54 PM
Jake woke up "*yawn* that was a nice......" the once flowery meadow Jake was in before was now a graveyard and some of the bodys weren't buried Jake tried to move but his entire body was limp "grrr.. this is why I hate using that attack" some of the bodys started to move and moan "oh crap" some of the zombies started to move towards him Jake tried to stand but couldn't "this looks bad I can't move" Jake looked around more and more zombies were moving towards him
10-10-2005, 8:24 PM
The lion stopped and glared at a door.

"What is it?" Renee asked opening the door from the lion's back.

It was a graveyard and Zombie's were moving towards something... that something Renee noticed was Jake.

"JAKE!!!" Renee cried fearfully.

Jake looked around trying to see who said his name.

The Lion roared and charged at the Zombies, while Renee tried to free Jake.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~
Tag to Jake.
10-10-2005, 8:48 PM
Jake looked at Renee "heh I came down to rescue you and it turns out the other way around.......uhh whats with the lion" Jake saw the lion ripping apart the zombies easily with his teeth "wow glad that was'nt me"
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~
tag Renee
10-10-2005, 9:42 PM
Razputin, topside, led the original trio onward, and came to a hall of three doors.

"Well. We're splitting up now. Vernon, Left. Raz, Right. I just have a sense that I'm gonna go center, and trust me, I have to be the one to save my dad." They walked into the doors, and suddenly Robert was in a giant flaming inferno. It was Milla's full nightmare. A blazing house, children running and screaming, and he cried. He couldn't change history, but he could stop her nightmare while she dreamed. He guided the children outside of the house, and climbed up the stairs. He knew up in Milla's head she was having a good dream. As he ran through a hallway, rafters fell from the ceiling, and part of the floor collapsed. He ran to see his father tied to a support pillar.

"Dad!" He quickly summoned a Psi-Blade and cut through the rope, as his father quickly broke free. "I've seen this all a thousand times, thank god you're here. We've only got a few seconds before it hits the propane tank, and the combustion blows the whole place up.

Robert looked to the gigantic stained-glass temple wall at the edge of the mansion, grabbed his father, and ran. "This is a stupid idea," he growled between breaths, "but there's no way to get out with a smart idea." As he dived out, the explosion blew him forward, out of the eerie blackness into a gigantic cavern. The entrance caved down upon them due to their collision into the wall.

"There's gotta be another way out of here," Robert said, noticing that Gwen had tagged along the whole time. (just cuz Purple isn't here.)

"Dad, are we almost out of your mind?"

"No, this is just the beginning."
10-10-2005, 10:40 PM
Jake looked at Renee "heh I came down to rescue you and it turns out the other way around.......uhh whats with the lion" Jake saw the lion ripping apart the zombies easily with his teeth "wow glad that was'nt me"
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~
tag Renee
"Yeah... I helped him so he decided to help me." Renee said freeing Jake.

Renee whistled and the lion instantly came. Renee threw Jake onto the lion and then climbed into him. "Let's go Leion Region!" She cried leading Region out of the zombie infested graveyard.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~
Tag to Jake.

I got the lion's name form another game I played It's called Unlimited Saga. Oh and just so people are on the same page as me the lion is actually a giant lion.
10-11-2005, 4:19 PM
"thanks for the save Renee and uhh...thanks Legion" the lion merely growled at Jake as feeling came back to his arms he let out a relieved sigh "good i'll be able to move in a couple of minutes"
10-11-2005, 5:38 PM
"thanks for the save Renee and uhh...thanks Legion" the lion merely growled at Jake as feeling came back to his arms he let out a relieved sigh "good i'll be able to move in a couple of minutes"
"Well that's good news." Renee laughed as Leion Region stopped once again.

Renee looked ahead and saw a shadow."Jake can you move now?" Renee asked as the shadow started to move towards them.

Leion Region roared ferociously at the shadow baring his teeth and slashing at the shadow with his mighty claws.

The shadow did nothing, but stare at Renee.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~
Tag to Jake.
10-11-2005, 7:02 PM
"yeah a little" Jake stood to his feet "unggh that hurts" he looked ahead "hey its that shadow again damn and used my most powerful attack on him too" Jake staggered back but regained his footing "hey Renee this guy is tough he can shapshift so I hope your ready for one heck of a battle" Jake was about to run at him but stopped he thought to himself "wait the last two times I attacked first I got smashed this time he comes to me" Jake stood in a ready position to make a move at any time
10-12-2005, 5:41 PM
"Hey Jake that's a shadow isn't it?"Renee asked quickly trying to keep Leion Region still.

"Yeah so?" Jake answered still waiting for the shadow to move.

Renee smiled and and put her hand over her heart.

The shadow backed away as if knowing what would come next.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~
Tag to Jake.
Hee hee... I left you guys in a cliffy!
10-12-2005, 5:52 PM
Jake looked over to Renee and thought "wtf is she doing.......wait is she going to" with that Jake stepped back and covered his eyes "great thinking if hes a real shadow then light should destroy him"
10-12-2005, 7:09 PM
Jake looked over to Renee and thought "wtf is she doing.......wait is she going to" with that Jake stepped back and covered his eyes "great thinking if hes a real shadow then light should destroy him"
"That's right Jake! Now close yours eyes and cover Region's ... this is gonna be bright!" Renee cried joyfully.

Jake quickly ran over to Region and covered the lion's eyes, but had some difficulty. Since the lion wanted to see what his new found friend was up to. When Jake managed to do this task Jake closed his eyes, while Renee slid off of Region.

Renee covered her heart with both hands and then, glaring at the shadow, thrusted her arms towards the shadow.

A box made of pure light flew at the shadow and, with a few times of trying to catch the now fleeing shadow, managed to catch the evil thing.

"In a few a few seconds that shadow will be gone for good!" Renee laughed happily.

There was a terrible shriek coming from inside the box and then in almost an instant it stopped. The box disappeared and Renee sighed thankfully.

"It put up a good fight, but in the end I won."Renee said smiling at Jake who now opened his eyes. "It just goes to show that light always prevails over the dark." Renee finished as Jake uncovered Region's eyes.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~
Tag to Jake.
10-12-2005, 9:04 PM
"sweet much better than any psychic power I have" instantly Jake started to shiver "great looks like the worst might not be over " Jake looked around "how the heck do we get out of here" Jake looked at Region "you know the way out right?"
10-13-2005, 5:47 PM
The lion growled and nodded as Renee climbed on him. Jake was about to follow Renee's motion when Leion Region suddenly sped off and was leaving Jake behind, but luckily Jake grabbed onto Leion Region's tail.

Renee, not noticing the Jake was hanging onto Region's tail, screamed joyfully as they sped down the hallway.

Suddenly A dark pit appeared before the trio. Leion Region ran strait for it.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~
Tag to jake. sorry it's short. gotta go.
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