During the next few days, I will be making the name MacLeodCorp private. Since I have started a buisness online, I completely privatized the name. Unfortunatly, I opened up another membership here at, for I didn't see the option to change names. Could you people delete the name MacLeodCorp from the database, so I can use the newly registered screen name.
Thank You,
ic...we will loose all trace of your posts if we delete the MacLeodCorp profile... thie posts will be there but there will be no author... for name changes, normally it's there: . Best thing would be to delete the new profile and change your name IMHO. What do you think?
Give me a second to look at the settings, and I will get back to you with questions. Give me a second.
During the next few days, I will be making the name MacLeodCorp private. Since I have started a buisness online, I completely privatized the name. Unfortunatly, I opened up another membership here at, for I didn't see the option to change names. Could you people delete the name MacLeodCorp from the database, so I can use the newly registered screen name.
Thank You,
As far as I'm aware all you need do is post a request in the name change thread and poof changed ;) at least that's how it worked for me when I was still Sith (Darth Melignous) :D
General Kenobi
You're more than two months late GK and this has been solved a while ago! ;)
You're more than two months late GK and this has been solved a while ago! ;)
Hee hee hee OOPS!
Aah well that's what I get for not paying attention to post dates :D
General Kenobi
If you cancel your account, someone else might be able to use the name on the site, won't they? If you want to privatize the name, keep the account open so nobody can use the name.
You can't have two accounts. Check the rules. Ask for a name change if you get tired of your user name.
That's only if you have two accounts active, right?
Yes, two accounts are very bad. ;) You'd technically be able to post responses to your own mod and the like. I bet it would also be a very good way to end up on one of the moderators hit :D
General Kenobi