I offer to be a moderator at the off-topic board.
I'll make sure everybody follows the rules. And i'll make sure everyone has a good time at the off-topic board.
Here is the description of this forum.
"Give the GB.com staff members your thoughts on both the site and these forums."
Besides, asking to be a moderator is the best way to be ignored, in case you didn't know. If this was a joke, then please do not do it again here. This is spamming.
it was no joke. I forgot to say how good these forums were, and how easily i got to feel at home in this site. I'm glad to be here on the site's bday, so in a few years from now, when people come in this site, they'll say 'wow, how long have you been here?' and i'll say 'since the day this site was made'. btw, these forums are very nicely made, and i can get around easier. Don't change the look of them, it takes me 4ever to adjust to new settings, i still haven't adjusted to the way jk.net looks after it was changed.
That's better :D
Seriously, we're not looking at the possibiility of changing the look anytime soon! Glad you like it.
ok good. I am used to it already and like it. it doesn't have too many boards or too less. You've done a great job on it and i'd like to congradulate you with a ship picture from rogue squadron of your choice, here's the link for details:
Ummm... thanks, but I wasn't responsible for the design. You'll have to congratulate Swoosh and The Jackal for that. I just moderate around here.
Do all the admins like know each other or something? Or are they just cyber-buds? I've always wondered how that worked with all these sites they set up?
Well, if you really want to know, I'm a cyber bud, I do not know them outside the net. I live near Montreal, Canada...
The best way to become part of the staff is to contribute to the advancement of the community by posting intelligent posts. Never ask them to be part of the staff, you have to earn it. They will choose you, not otherwise.
But now I already spoke too much :D
You didn't spoke to much. You motivated people to post intelligent things ... I like that. There are slugish boards enough.
Ok, thanks Sherack.
PS. I'm not trying to become one, i'm really just wondering.