A list of questions!
Will there be model/ level export tools for 3ds max?
Lots of soft image mentioned, whats the model file format, and can it be exported in games file format without soft image.
How much mod support will there be.
Looking at the last games info, there was much reference to a kind of here are the tools and adios mentality. Will lucas arts or pandemic provide tutorials or guides for modding.
www.doomlab.com) is doing a great job for battlefield 2, and Dice/ea have been releasing video tutorials.
How comprehensive will the modding tools be.
In other words, is creating a total conversion mod for this thing total fantasy.
Will the game support a variety of character skeletons.
Will different races have different base character skeletons. Will differrent units have different infantry skeletons ( i doubt this for bandwidth reasons but hey i gota ask.)
Will modders be able to change camera positions.
I ask this cos i understand the fundamental reason there might not be cockpit views. For each cockpit view to be done in detail you need to have a seperate model for the cockpit. Thats a lot of vehicles for a start, the interiors of which have never been concepted. It also adds a mass of modelling work for the dev team, not to mention any increase in in bandwidth for online play required. If the texture maps can do transparancy (and it will be a bad job if they cant... ) then 1 model can be used for both interior and exterior in say fighters. The exterior models windows can be opaque, but cos the polygon is one sided, the pilot can see out from the inside. As long as the pilot cant look around, the cockpit controls etc can be replaced with an image of a highly detailed cockpit model. its better than no cockpit view at all in my opinion. Push to shove and you cant select different camera views at all, then you just choose for each vehicle what you want, cockpit view or external.
Oh and to all the people weeping in agony over the most trivial stuff imaginable.. e.g. oh no!! a laser bolt instead of a beam!!!
Guys, your lucky your being handed the game in the condition its in. When battlefield2 came out, everyone knew there would be stuff that would be there for gameplay reasons that needed changing. Hand grenades able to damage tanks, sniper rifles not a one hit kill etc. It was called vanilla bf2, and in short order it was modded out. If all you have to worry about is the odd sound effect or laser bolt.... just be more respectful and thankful for what your getting.