I do sometimes come across strange things that I like to take a screenshot of. Only sometiems do I time things right though. Here's a few:
Severe Head Trauma
This shot was interesting, the 2 trando players tried to blockade my way in to their base by, yep, standing still. I tossed a greande and blew them sky high. The one on the left had a bowcaster, and just as I blew them up, the currently richocheting shot blew up right in front of him.
If it hadn't had been for the aquired DC17 attachment message, this shot would have been niced.
I am in here. The Trandos trampling all over me though. I thought the timing of their shots seemingly at eachother was interesting.
A grenade toss gone terribly wrong. Don't you hate it when it bounces off an enemy and returns to you.
That's it for now.