This thread is an experiment that may or may not be successful.
If it is, then it'll be a spawning point for a number of other threads.
The theory is this: many visitors to the Senate Chambers ( have opinions about different things every day, but may be hesitant to start a new thread. That's okay. I often have the same problem... it's a natural tendency to not want to start a thread that will ultimately flop.
I'll sticky this thread -temporarily at least- then, if it's successful, I'll leave it as a sticky.
How to Participate
Things to do:
Create posts that reflect something you've thought of after reading a news story or watching a news program, reading a book, engaging in a conversation with co-workers or classmates, etc.
Try to provide some links so others can see the source information and formulate some opinions and perhaps start a discussion.
If a discussion emerges (more than 3 or 4 posts that look like a discussion will take off), I'll split those posts out and create a new thread with a relative title/topic.
Adhere to the Forum Guidelines ( for the Senate Chambers and perhaps take note of the Debate Strategies and Tactics ( thread.
Things to avoid:
Avoid spam posts. I'll probably edit/delete these pretty heavy to keep the chatter and overall thread-length to a minimum.
Also, try to avoid responding to more than one topic in this thread at a time. If you notice in the thread two emerging topics -one on politics and one on religion for instance- try to respond separately in two different posts, even if the two topics are of the same person or even in the same post. That'll make it easier for splitting out the topic if an interesting enough discussion emerges.
I'll update this first post from time to time if the need arises.
In the mean time, feel free to start the process. Or, if no one posts, I'll come up with a post or two. Also, post questions about the Free Thoughts on Serious Topics thread here.