if i have found a sky texture that comes in 6 pieces.....up/front/right/left/back/down.......is there anyway to turn that into a sky shader using the same textures?
Look at skies.shader and check out how sky textures are referred to in those codes. It's pretty simple, you just type out the name of the sky texture without the _ft, _rt, _dn, etc tags. You can use a set of textures in as many shaders as you want.
that would work if i wanted to make one texture into a sky shader.....but what i have is 6 sky shaders one for each side of the sky box.....and i want to turn those 6 sky textures into a single sky shader.........or are you saying i should make 6 separate sky shaders, one for each of my sky textures???
Absolutely not. Reread what I wrote more carefully, then read this post. Let's say you have 6 images (you must remember the distinction between textures or images, which are static jpg or tga files, and shaders, the special-effects things you define in a shader file--you can't have multiple shaders on the faces of a skybox) you have for your skybox are called yoursky_ft, yoursky_bk, yoursky_up, yoursky_dn, yoursky_lf, and yoursky_rt. A basic sky shader using these images looks like this:
qer_editorimage textures/skies/sky.tga
surfaceparm sky
surfaceparm noimpact
surfaceparm nomarks
skyParms textures/yourmap/yoursky 512 -
The bit underlined is where you specify your sky images. Provide the image path from the base folder, minus the file extension and the _ft, _bk, etc suffixes (as I wrote above).
and this will encorporate all six (6) sky images into one sky shader???
Originally posted by wedge2211
Let's say you have 6 images ... for your skybox called yoursky_ft, yoursky_bk, yoursky_up, yoursky_dn, yoursky_lf, and yoursky_rt. A basic sky shader using these images looks like this: ...