I am trying to do an apperance.2da edit for KotOR but Werf's 2da editor isn't working everytime I try and open appearance.2da that I extracted using KotOR Tool I get some message that says "List index out of bounds (1)"
Can Someone please help.
Nevermind, forgot to decompile it LOL. Thanks anyway.:p
Werf's 2da editor? That's old school! Almost forgot about that tool. Hey if you ever have the need to recompile, let me know and I'll revive the link (from my very first post! (
Originally posted by Fearless_Jedi
I am trying to do an apperance.2da edit for KotOR but Werf's 2da editor isn't working everytime I try and open appearance.2da that I extracted using KotOR Tool I get some message that says "List index out of bounds (1)"
Can Someone please help.
You should have a look at the Guide for the Newbie sticky for the tools you need.
and tk102, I think I still have that tool somewhere on my comp :D
Originally posted by Darth333
You should have a look at the Guide for the Newbie sticky for the tools you need.
and tk102, I think I still have that tool somewhere on my comp :D
I have it on my machine as well however I never have had much luck with it and when I discovered KOTOR Tool handles all we need for this werfs has become a dead space program.
Not to mention that KotOR ran fine with the .2da files decompiled.... there was never a need to recompile them.... :D
Hey I was a newbie too!
Everyone was - - - ґ(And some is)
However, i've never heard of that tool, might it be usefull?
Has it got other features that kotor tool hasn't?
Werf's 2da editor transformed the v2.b file format of the 2da files to the v2.0 format (which is human readable/notepad editable). KT is more effecient because it handles everything in v2.b format internally.
My v2bmaker util just changed v2.0 back to v2.b.
What??? You can edit 2da files with KotOR Tool...damn I didn't think it was possible, it can do everything cant it.....kudos to the creator.
Originally posted by Fearless_Jedi
What??? You can edit 2da files with KotOR Tool...damn I didn't think it was possible, it can do everything cant it.....kudos to the creator.
Yes you can infact Fred is so great he provides a button on the face of kotor tools control panel and an option in the pull down menu's. make sure you have downloaded his latest edition of kotor tool at his website as this has the most features.
Actually, 2da editing was what Fred originally designed KotOR Tool to do, before he made it our Swiss Army Knife tool, I think. :)
And *.bif file extractions....
Is anyone else getting nostalgic. :)
Originally posted by Mono_Giganto
Actually, 2da editing was what Fred originally designed KotOR Tool to do, before he made it our Swiss Army Knife tool, I think. :)
Very good! So you're the one who read the Readme.txt file! :)
Originally posted by tk102
And *.bif file extractions....
Is anyone else getting nostalgic. :)
You are also quite correct! 2DA files, then Bifs, then..... :)
Actually, I've been working on a new "engine" for the Module Editor, one that uses DirectX to handle the drawing so it isn't so slooow with large maps.