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In need of Item Placement help

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12-03-2004, 8:30 AM
Hey there I just recently started modding. I downloaded all the necessary programs and have created a custom upgradeable lightsaber that I would like to place in the game. I researched tutorials and I found conflicting answers and I am wondering if anyone out there could please help?
Placing custom Items in the game (in a locker or on a body) can I use KOTOR TOOL or do I need to script to do this? I am trying to add the item with out removing existing items. Any help is appreciated! :)
12-03-2004, 8:44 AM
It depends where and how you want to place them in the game. Where exactly do you want to place the items?

Scripts give you more flexibility. If you want to place an item in a locker with Kotor tool, you have to make sure the locker is unique or you'll end up replacing the content of all lockers with the same name.
12-03-2004, 8:46 AM
Originally posted by MysticTeal96
Placing custom Items in the game (in a locker or on a body) can I use KOTOR TOOL or do I need to script to do this? I am trying to add the item with out removing existing items. Any help is appreciated! :)

BOTH! :D (confusing this game is hehe)

Achilles has a nice tutorial on how to add items to the game without using scripts (the easy way):
(Tutorials Section)

As for scripts, there's tons depending on how you want to incorporate it into the game. Mention the word script and I'm sure tk102 or Darth333 will come running ;)

::EDIT:: SEE! Darth333 beat me to the punch in mid-type ;)
12-03-2004, 9:05 AM
Well I was trying to add it to Nemo's Body on Dantooine, but I couldn't figure out how to add it without replacing what was already there. I tried the placement made very easy tutorial but it seems as though I have to replace an Item rather than just add one.
Trying it the easy way first...but you never know after that...
12-03-2004, 9:07 AM
I've got the giveitem template sitting around here somewhere, if you can tell us where you want the item placed, we can help you. Darth333 would probably beat me to it though.

There's two ways to use KotOR Tool, edit a UNIQUE placeable, or you could add it to the inventory of an npc, preferably a unique npc.
12-03-2004, 9:09 AM
Originally posted by MysticTeal96
Well I was trying to add it to Nemo's Body on Dantooine, but I couldn't figure out how to add it without replacing what was already there. I tried the placement made very easy tutorial but it seems as though I have to replace an Item rather than just add one.
Trying it the easy way first...but you never know after that...

You should be able to add stuff to Nemo's body. One of my Mods (I think it's Revan's Items) has a modified nemo .utp file? Are you using Kotor Tool to add it?

::EDIT:: depending if you're familiar with GFF editor, it may be easier for you to just copy and paste a line from the dan13_nemobody.utp and edit it to show your item instead....
12-03-2004, 9:14 AM
You posted while I was typing, well anyways, try this script here.

void main()
CreateItemOnObject("your_item_tag", GetObjectByTag("dan13_nemobody"));

This might be wrong, if it is, Darth333 let me know. :D

Insert your item tag where it says, compile it, then yuo need to attach it to a dialogue. The only dialogue in the module that would work is with the ancient droid, so attach it to that. Hope this helps.
12-03-2004, 9:24 AM
Thanks for all your help guys!
I'll try adding it to a modified Nemo.utp file first if that doesn't work then it is on to scripting tutorials (It is bound to happen sooner or later).

Thanks again. Everyone here is real nice!
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