Are you talking a physical camera or like what the camera sees?
Cos first one's to insert a model... the second involves scripting.
me, I'm interested for the second :)
um i think go here
and i mean just to show players passing thru
it is possible to make (in MP) a button when you use it you see (in fullscreen) what the camera see?
Yep, check out t1_sour for a good example of how this works.
because i'm tetarded is that one of the sample maps or what
it's one of the SP maps. you'll probably need to decompile it to get it into the editor.
I find something on t1_fatal :
place a trigger, or a func_usable who trigger a misc_camera. But it work only in sp :(
is there an issue for MP??
so is there a way to make cameras in MP??
They will work if you use OJP (