Thank you for informations Emperor Devon. I read the same.
What I am trying to say is, that there is (probably) no Live Planet 6 as is stated
in planetary.2da
Originally posted by StormTrooper789
It could be that LP 6 is unsupported, maybe you miscounted, or LP 6 could be Reserved meaning it is not available for use and/or not implemented yet. I really don't know. Perhaps you could be more informative?
Ok. If you look into planetary.2da there are entries for Live Planets 1 - 6. LP 1
is Yavin. LP 5 is already RedHawke's ORD Mandell. LP 2 - 4 and LP 6 are "free
to mod".
Next you can enable LPs as is said in tk102's thread ( Now you should see hidden planets (just locations to go, no new modules except RedHawke's) in game. So how many LPs do you see? There should be white squares if you didn't do
the trick with planet icons.
Summary: 2da states 6 LPs, game shows 5 LPs (including Yavin), there is also missing entry for LP 6 in galaxymap.gui file.
Conclusion: If nobody is able to add new planets via planetary.2da and galaxymap.gui, there are only 3 planets left for new modules of planetary character. What I am talking about is compatibility.
Imagine 2 people who would create mod for LP 2. You would have 2 mods
for 1 planet. In my opinion it's weird to change files in modules and override folder during gameplay just for opportunity to visit all 2 mods without cheating.
I started this thread to assure if I am right or not. And to tell modders there are probably only 3 planets left (without compatibility issues) until February :) for PC users.
Well, I am most likely troubled for nothing