Fist of all I think you should more frequently use Google to search for tutorials, guides and answers in general. It isn’t very difficult. Icarus scripting language is well documented by Ravensoft, look for it in the game SDK.
I’ve made a small tutorial/demo map with the elevator you need. You should analyze it and use it as a tutorial or a guide.
My scripts have comments to make their analysis easier. I don’t use Raven’s script editor so you must use ibize.exe to compile them. There’s a batch script that will do it for you, just copy ibize.exe to c:\windows\system32 etc.
If you want to modify these scripts and/or create you own in the future make sure to delete any auto saves before you test them. Game engine caches scripts in the auto save files and you won’t notice any changes till you remove these files.
Use "seta g_ICARUSDebug 5" in the game to turn on an internal script debugger. It will help you to see how your scripts work in the realtime and help you to find potential problems.
Tutorial/Demo map, both source and pk3 version included:
Good luck.