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03-20-2001, 1:13 AM
As the battle for the galaxy rages in Messeges, an even greater danger emerges at Lt Cracken's Jedi academy. A brilliant student Rogue 9 1/2 delves dangerously into the dark side of the Force and unleashes the spirit of an ancient master of the evil order that warped Santa Clause himself---Darth Jared Maul. Working together, they may become an enemy greater then any the galaxy has has ever seen...more powerful than even a Jedi Master can face.
I am the Sith Lord Darth Jared Maul..........

Sorry, i accidentally deleted the first topic I was trying to edit it.

fear...fear is my ally

[This message has been edited by Jared (edited July 05, 2001).]
03-20-2001, 5:42 AM
What is this supposed to be?

At last we will reveal ourselves to the Jedi.
At last we will have revenge.
03-20-2001, 1:40 PM
Luckily R9 is here, and I was instumental in the final defeat of Exar Kun
 Lt Cracken
03-21-2001, 12:06 AM
*The moons is asleep, except for Cracken and Jared, who stand alone on the Massassi Temple. He has instructed all the students to stay inside, and not to interfere. He wears a cloak with clothing similar to Obi-Wan's clothing. Silver lightsaber clipped to his belt, he loos at his student. Dresses entirely in black, with a black cloak, and his lightsaber drawn, his darkness is felt by all the students at the academy through the force. Cracken stands motionless. Years, and years of training, and fighting off rogue dark jedi have provided all he knows on dealing with the Dark side. He muses for a moment. this is first true encounter with a "Sith", even though it's only a pupil, not Sith Lord himself.*

Where is your master? why are you doing this? this is not the true way! You're actions here today could lead to millions of innocents lost!

[This message has been edited by Lt Cracken (edited March 20, 2001).]
03-21-2001, 3:11 AM
I Helped kill a 3000 year old Sith Lord, I think I can help with a student thankyou very much
 Wing commander Urtt Yurtt
03-26-2001, 12:21 PM
Well, err.. i am a sith lord!!! (???)

 rebel alliance
03-26-2001, 4:47 PM
messa blowupa sith lorda oops this isn't the one when we blow up jar jar. oh well... messa blowupa........
03-27-2001, 3:25 AM
Rogue9 1/2 should have stayed here while he had the chance...

At last we will reveal ourselves to the Jedi.
At last we will have revenge.
 rebel alliance
03-27-2001, 7:37 PM
04-23-2001, 7:30 AM
Whoohoo, a dead story (because Jared's too lazy to come back more than every month) what shall we do with this? ***rubs hands together, grins wickedly***

At last we will reveal ourselves to the Jedi.
At last we will have revenge.
 rebel alliance
04-23-2001, 10:33 AM
08-05-2001, 8:29 PM
Originally posted by Lt Cracken:
*The moons is asleep, except for Cracken and Jared, who stand alone on the Massassi Temple. He has instructed all the students to stay inside, and not to interfere. He wears a cloak with clothing similar to Obi-Wan's clothing. Silver lightsaber clipped to his belt, he loos at his student. Dresses entirely in black, with a black cloak, and his lightsaber drawn, his darkness is felt by all the students at the academy through the force. Cracken stands motionless. Years, and years of training, and fighting off rogue dark jedi have provided all he knows on dealing with the Dark side. He muses for a moment. this is first true encounter with a "Sith", even though it's only a pupil, not Sith Lord himself.*

Where is your master? why are you doing this? this is not the true way! You're actions here today could lead to millions of innocents lost!
(edited March 20, 2001).]

It is the way of the dark side. Btw I had no Idea this topic existed.....I would have replied months ago.......But if my teacher Crackface does not reply he is defensless and I will destroy him And thus the final end of this topic........

"You killed my father!! Oh. Wait, I don't have a father. Well, Your Ugly!!! So die!!"
08-06-2001, 8:25 AM
OK. Have it your way.
Jared ignites his lightsaber and stikes Lt. Cracken down in an instant. And thus the end of this pathetic little story I just love a happy ending, don't you?

"You killed my father!! Oh. Wait, I don't have a father. Well, Your Ugly!!! So die!!"
08-06-2001, 7:56 PM
Brilliant ending, i love it. He just gets killed.

Anyone interested in acting a lightsaber battle, contact me. Actualy, i think i will make a topic regarding this... BRB...

Saber One

"I came, I saw, I Fragged."
 Lt Cracken
08-06-2001, 11:06 PM
not l337. but i guess that's what i get.

Evil overruns the galaxy once again, blah, blah, blah.....
08-06-2001, 11:09 PM
Laughes evily as the galaxy is blown to bits becouse of his former master craken's folly.
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