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Attack on Cilpar

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 The Master
05-25-2001, 3:05 PM
Two, three and four, stay on me.

*Heads at a flight of defender that are starting to go after two flight.*

Don't worry two flight, we got these defenders. Three and four, circle around and flank them whil I and two follow them up.

*Turns to his R-2 unit.*

Hold on Apprentice.
 Dark Sad Shadow
05-25-2001, 3:33 PM

how rude sir!

okay... im in your tail...

*put shields AFT*

"R2D666" come on little fella give all you got...


When the Dark Angel came to see me... He ripped away my soul...
I lost my humanity...
Iґm a Shadow in this world of darkness...
I`m chasing my shadow inside my own soul...
Iґm the persegutor.
05-25-2001, 4:10 PM
Rogue leader, sir Blips says that his sensors show the port defender has a failure is his upper aft shields recommend you target that area.


"There's nothing like a seeker proton torpedo when you want to reach out and touch someone"
 Wade Vox
05-25-2001, 4:16 PM
Roger that Nine. Torps and lasers linked, sheilds fully forward.
05-26-2001, 12:38 AM
*Barrel rolls to avoid a volley and links lasers.* See ya in hell ya dam Imps. *Starts firing on a TIE Defender that strayed too far from the formation.*

Save me Geebus! Oh, if you're out there save me Geebus!
 The Master
05-26-2001, 1:22 AM
Don't worry two, Apprentice is my R2 unit (named after my orginal apprentice.) Sorry OOS.

Two, ya still with me? It looks like those two ties who broke off are going to go head-to-head. Lets surprise them.

*Comm unit beeps*

*Captain of The Fist of Sullust* Rogue Squadron scanners show that there are three Lazer Turrents positioned around the prison. Please take the out.

*Touches comlink*

No problem. Three Flight take care of those turrents whil One and Two flight takes care of the defenders. Good luck.
 Dark Sad Shadow
05-26-2001, 1:29 AM
ok ok...
/me breaks formation...

lets rock!


When the Dark Angel came to see me... He ripped away my soul...
I lost my humanity...
Iґm a Shadow in this world of darkness...
I`m chasing my shadow inside my own soul...
Iґm the persegutor.
 rebel alliance
05-26-2001, 2:59 AM
alrgiht, let's round 'em up fo rthe executioners. *opnes s-foils, links quad lasers* closes on 3 defenders, gold squadron pick up the other side then 1 and 2 can vape them. hey, 1 get ready for some traget practice *launches a laser blast at a defender to get it's attention* *2defenders com onto my tail* *i pull of a series of snap rolls and loops constantly juking so they can't get a lock* 4, try and keep that third one away from me i have my hands full. 1 and 2, anytime now....*constatnly heaving on controls stick trying to pull random maneavers*
 rebel alliance
05-26-2001, 3:00 AM
oops hehe I am 4, I meant for 3 to occupy that 3rd one
05-26-2001, 5:22 AM
*Attacks ICE's target from the opposite side, the Defender's shields fail*
**switches to missles**
I've got a lock!
*fires, Defender explodes in a ball of superheated gases*
Look out Six, (OOS: ICE, that's you) here comes his wing.

At last we will reveal ourselves to the Jedi.
At last we will have revenge.
 Dark Sad Shadow
05-26-2001, 3:27 PM
/me lock s-foils in pasive position...

blasters? for what?

ok R2-D666 give all you got

/me maneuvers ґtill reach the t/d from behind!

*open s-foils, 2 link blasters!

now come here! the Dark Angel is HERE TO TAKE YOU TO HELL!!

/me begins the blasterґs rain!

what? what is that behind me? !!! hellp!!!!
come on!! get off from my six!

*hey? that is not a T/D!! what the heck is that?
cloaking device?

Ok boys!!! there is something funny... they arent alone!!
cover me!!!!


When the Dark Angel came to see me... He ripped away my soul...
I lost my humanity...
Iґm a Shadow in this world of darkness...
I`m chasing my shadow inside my own soul...
Iґm the persegutor.
 rebel alliance
05-26-2001, 3:46 PM
i'd give you a hand, 2 but I have my hands full. *breaks right as a blaster bolt naoorowly misses me*

[This message has been edited by rebel alliance (edited May 26, 2001).]
 rebel alliance
05-26-2001, 3:55 PM
I can't hold ou tmuch longer i am tired of this. on my way 2. *hits shields fully forward* *transfers power from engines to blasters* *brings up torp launcher* *stands on left rudder pedal and swings his x-wing around to face the persuing tie defender* DIE!!!! *rips of 4 quick blasts from his quad lasers sending a volley straight at the tie* *the tie returns fire as my sheilds are being ruduced* not good! just for that it's game over for you buddy *launches a torp straght at the cockpit of the tie* *it vapes just feet away from my ship* */me equals out sheilds and heads for 2's persuer*
05-26-2001, 5:09 PM
*Rolls to avoid the solar panel.* That was close. *Starts firing lasers at the TIE Defender in front.* ****, I got two on my tail. *Starts swerving around and is unable to shoot at the Defender in front. Opens channel to all.* My shields aren't real good, anyone mind getting one of them off my back?

Save me Geebus! Oh, if you're out there save me Geebus!
05-26-2001, 6:28 PM
3 flight on me, lets go scrap thows ties off of 6.
 rebel alliance
05-26-2001, 7:44 PM
flight comander, canwe get a reading on that ship chasing 2? my scanners aren't advanced enough
05-27-2001, 1:06 AM
*Circles and blast the first Defender with laser fire, it breaks off pursuing Six*

At last we will reveal ourselves to the Jedi.
At last we will have revenge.
05-27-2001, 2:27 AM
Hey, Gold Squadron Leader, can Rogue 3 replace you as "Rogue Three"? He wants to join and it would be kind of weird if he took a puppet slot (Federation Spock or Aaron Celchu) and ended up as Rogue 10 or 11! You can be R10 or R11 depends whether Rogue Nine cares about his puppet remaining, if he does than you can replace Aaron...

At last we will reveal ourselves to the Jedi.
At last we will have revenge.
 The Master
05-27-2001, 3:20 PM
Three flight! Are those turrents gone yet?

*Studies Radar for a moment.*

Rogues it looks like they are throwing the other squadron of defenders at us! Hurry with those turrents so we can take out all these defenders three flight.

*Pulls up behind a Defender and tries to get a target lock, but the Defender side slips. The Master pulls to the starboard and and lines up with the Defender again, but the Defender slows down to try to over shoot The Master's X-Wing. But The Master catches on and slows down, shortening the distance between him and the defender. Then he pulls the trigger, his lazer clips of the left solar panel, and the defender starts spinning to the planet suface helplessly.*
05-27-2001, 5:15 PM
Thanks seven. *Does a loop in the air and fires on the Defender that once pursued me. Sees a small object come out of the Defender's rear.* **** he's got a flare on me. *Starts shooting like crazy trying to take out the flare. Misses the flare but destroys the Defender. The flare slams into my X-Wing's shields.* Crap shields are out, I'm pulling out till they recharge. *Spins around and flies away from the fire fight.*

Save me Geebus! Oh, if you're out there save me Geebus!

[This message has been edited by Grand_Admiral_Ice (edited May 28, 2001).]
 The Master
05-28-2001, 2:07 PM
Good luck 6.

We have destroyed a good amount of the Imps. So let hurry with this. The B-Wings are starting down in several minutes and they want these Imps done with. One flight, that squadron of Defenders is coming up in formation, making it harder for us to hit, lets dive in and start mowing them down. This will be an easy chance to wound the incoming squadron hard.

*Comlink beeps. And the captian of The Fist of Sullust says a few words.*

Rogue they got some trouble above planet that will slow our mission. An Imperial class Star Destroyer has just came out of warp! They want us up there as soon as we are done down here. Lets get this done!
05-28-2001, 3:03 PM
This is Captian Q of the Star Destroyer, The Continuum on all com frequencies. I order you all to surrender imediatly or I shall destroy you all. This doesn't leave any of you with much of a choice.
 Dark Sad Shadow
05-28-2001, 3:58 PM
what the?
an imperial?
R2 D666 can you block that transmision?

RLeader! what are we gonna do?


When the Dark Angel came to see me... He ripped away my soul...
I lost my humanity...
Iґm a Shadow in this world of darkness...
I`m chasing my shadow inside my own soul...
Iґm the persegutor.
05-28-2001, 6:21 PM
Leader, can somebody assist Five? I've got a Defender on my tail!

At last we will reveal ourselves to the Jedi.
At last we will have revenge.
05-28-2001, 6:21 PM
Q you under estimate us, you recall when we of the federation helped Q beat Q in the Continium Civil war, you don't really think we gave up that weapons technology do you. Prepare to DIE
 Federation Spock
05-28-2001, 6:23 PM
Quite so Commander
05-28-2001, 8:58 PM
*Comes out of hangar bay in a new X-Wing. Opens channel.* Why wait for shields to recharge when you can get a new.... Son of a *****, what the hell is that ISD doing here? *Closes S-foils and makes a break for the planet, where the ISD can't really reach the X-Wing.*

Save me Geebus! Oh, if you're out there save me Geebus!
 The Master
05-28-2001, 9:27 PM
Q... I thought he was gone.

Rogues, this is going to be a harder battle than we had anticipated. Save the rest your prton torpedos. We will need them after we finish with the defenders.

*The Masters's R2 unit, Apprentice sends a message opon The Master'[s screen.*

Oh poop..... The Conintuum has deployed a squadron of squints up there. There is going to be a lot of blood shed today.
 rebel alliance
05-29-2001, 12:46 AM
*hammers theright rudder pedal to bring the x-wing in line with the defenders "die b****!" *fires madly with all 4 cannons taking out 3 defenders* "hahaha! scatch 3 defenders!"
05-29-2001, 1:10 AM
Ummm, GAI Imp Stars can enter the Atmosphere

Those who live by the sword get shot by those who don't.
05-29-2001, 6:26 AM
Nice shooting, Four! Any more Defenders out there? Those squints are getting within range!

At last we will reveal ourselves to the Jedi.
At last we will have revenge.
05-29-2001, 10:58 AM
(spins fighter to face incoming squints, and transfers aux power to lasers)

HA, eat this!!

(fires lasers at extreme range in to squint, cycles guns twice, the lasers slowly eat at the TIEs ball cockpit forcing the pilot to try to dodge, running in to his wing man.)


"There's nothing like a seeker proton torpedo when you want to reach out and touch someone"
05-29-2001, 7:59 PM
Hahaha... Rebel Forces, you must understand that you are no match for me. Even if you have Rogue Squadron with you. Come into my parlor said the spider to the fly.

You are all going to die.
 The Master
05-29-2001, 8:30 PM
Come on Rogues, there is nothing that we haven't done before. Let get rid of those squints and then the Destroyer.
 Dark Sad Shadow
05-29-2001, 9:55 PM
ey R1 can i play with that SD?


When the Dark Angel came to see me... He ripped away my soul...
I lost my humanity...
Iґm a Shadow in this world of darkness...
I`m chasing my shadow inside my own soul...
Iґm the persegutor.
 The Master
05-29-2001, 10:08 PM
Negative. Let Q play his little game. We will strike soon enough. The B-Wings are heading to the surface now. We must vape those squints to make sure the mission isn't failed.
05-30-2001, 5:50 AM
OOS: HEY! Get Q outta here...or else I'm going to stop acting "real".

At last we will reveal ourselves to the Jedi.
At last we will have revenge.
05-30-2001, 10:56 AM
(activates comm)
Hay Q, shut up.
(Begins playing loud Verpine music on all imperial frequencys)
HAHAHA, this should drive them crazy!
(fire lasers at squint, melting its solar panel sending it spinning away.)


"There's nothing like a seeker proton torpedo when you want to reach out and touch someone"

[This message has been edited by Rogue-for-Higher (edited May 30, 2001).]
 The Master
05-30-2001, 6:12 PM
OOS. Q, send me a email, we have to discuss this one on one.

Back into story. *Heads straight at the incoming interceptors firing as fast as the lazer cannons could.*

Nothing can stop Rogue Squadron! It would be best for you to surrender Q.
05-30-2001, 6:42 PM
*Joins up with the rest of Rogue Squadron.* So what's next, take out those squints? They could be a real problem for those B-Wings.
R9, Imp stars were designed mainly for space combat, so their atmospheirc capabilities are not as great. Right???

Save me Geebus! Oh, if you're out there save me Geebus!
05-30-2001, 10:11 PM
One TurboLaser shot will still kill an X-Wing GAI

Those who live by the sword get shot by those who don't.
05-31-2001, 3:54 AM
Okay Rogues, let's just ignore Q for now. Take out those squints! *flies toward the line of Interceptors, lasers blazing**

At last we will reveal ourselves to the Jedi.
At last we will have revenge.
05-31-2001, 10:23 AM
(dives in to flight of squints, firing lasers crippling two of them.)

HA! you can't escape me!

(fires lasers destroying other two squints.)


"There's nothing like a seeker proton torpedo when you want to reach out and touch someone"
 Dark Sad Shadow
05-31-2001, 3:26 PM
im standing by...


When the Dark Angel came to see me... He ripped away my soul...
I lost my humanity...
Iґm a Shadow in this world of darkness...
I`m chasing my shadow inside my own soul...
Iґm the persegutor.
 The Master
05-31-2001, 8:01 PM
Rogue 2, form up on me, you are still my wingman remember.

*A squint screeches over head of The Master's X-Wing. He flips upside down and and starts to fly after the squint*

Rogue 2, go and slam that squint in the side with lazer while I chase it. This will be a interceptor painted on your fusalage.
05-31-2001, 8:10 PM
*Flies towards the squints and the ISD shoots at my X-Wing blowing it up into a million pieces.*

Happy now 9??

Save me Geebus! Oh, if you're out there save me Geebus!
05-31-2001, 10:01 PM
*Fires Linked Quads at an Interceptor*
Blows through engines and sends Interceptor Spiraling out of Control.

Rogue 10 on me form up on the Bombers make sure they get through for their attack run.

Those who live by the sword get shot by those who don't.
 Dark Sad Shadow
05-31-2001, 10:08 PM
ok.. ill be behind him..

/me switch 2 lasers,

come on Dark Angel , you can hold baby!!

/me blast that TIE.

one less boys...

ok.. im gonna play with that SD, some one cover me,


When the Dark Angel came to see me... He ripped away my soul...
I lost my humanity...
Iґm a Shadow in this world of darkness...
I`m chasing my shadow inside my own soul...
Iґm the persegutor.
06-01-2001, 5:06 AM
Rogue Seven, pulling away from fight---I've gotta see what I can do for I Six. His X-Wing's totalled.

At last we will reveal ourselves to the Jedi.
At last we will have revenge.
06-01-2001, 10:44 AM
(begins to dodge lasers from a pair of squints)

I just took out seven of there comrades, they must be really P!$$30 at me. I need some help here.

(dodges more lasers)


"There's nothing like a seeker proton torpedo when you want to reach out and touch someone"
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