You'll be happy to know that I've just played through a completed version of the current build for the mod. All maps, menus, and transitions are working and in their final form. All that is left to do is fix a few broken/missing textues/shaders, balancing, general polish and setting up an installer! Any changes to the maps now will be soley for cosmetic or game balance issues. Barring any more disasters I'd say we're within two weeks from launch, maybe much sooner! Start checking regularly after this weekend!
And just to let you know, the mod is a tremendous amount of fun!
Great!! That is GREAT!! :D
I'm happy that everything will be fine!
I can't wait! :)
G-g-g-g-rrr-r-e-e-a-t-t-t-t-t nnn-n-n-n-n-n-n-ee-e-e-e-w-ss-s-s-s-s-!-!-!!-!-!-!!-!
That didn't sound too fanboyish, did it?