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Near death experiences and visions of the after life

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09-15-2004, 9:24 AM
Does the mind merely created these illusions as its shutting down because thats what the mind has been taught to believe? Or do they really experience the sensesastion of afterlife?

Personally, I believe the mind is just showing the person what they want to see so the brain can shut down easier.
09-15-2004, 6:54 PM
Originally posted by Kain
Does the mind merely created these illusions as its shutting down because thats what the mind has been taught to believe? Or do they really experience the sensesastion of afterlife?

Personally, I believe the mind is just showing the person what they want to see so the brain can shut down easier. its not hard for your brain to shut down... its like a computer, pull the plug and its off, no big deal.

people who DONT believe in the afterlife have had these experiences also, this is not just some "religious brain washing"
09-15-2004, 7:20 PM
Originally posted by ZDawg
its not hard for your brain to shut down... its like a computer, pull the plug and its off, no big deal.

Ah, but a computer has to "want" to shut down before it powers off...your brain can't just pull the plug, you have to want to pull the plug. When your subconscious feels you're about to die and it's time to turn off, it creates an option to turn's a pleasurable thing to move towards in your mind, but it is possible to resist and reject if you have a strong enough reason to live. Sorta like when Sheridan died at Z'ha'dum.
09-15-2004, 9:03 PM
Originally posted by ZDawg
people who DONT believe in the afterlife have had these experiences also, this is not just some "religious brain washing"

I never intended it to be seen as 'religious brain washing vs liberal thinking'. Everybody has to believe in something, and most people, whether they admit it or not, believe in Heaven or some form of Heaven, and so their brain creates this illusion to ease the body and conscieness into death. Thats how I feel atleast.

For the record: I don't believe in incarnations of Heaven, I believe in astral projection.
09-15-2004, 9:36 PM
Originally posted by Kain

For the record: I don't believe in incarnations of Heaven, I believe in astral projection. '

What is astral projection? (Sincere, I'm curious)
09-15-2004, 11:12 PM
Originally posted by Kain
I never intended it to be seen as 'religious brain washing vs liberal thinking'. Everybody has to believe in something, and most people, whether they admit it or not, believe in Heaven or some form of Heaven, and so their brain creates this illusion to ease the body and conscieness into death. Thats how I feel atleast.

For the record: I don't believe in incarnations of Heaven, I believe in astral projection. I have still seen and heard of story of hardline athiests having after/near death experiences
 El Sitherino
09-15-2004, 11:17 PM
Originally posted by ZDawg
I have still seen and heard of story of hardline athiests having afterdeath experiences zombie atheists? :eek:

yeah, and he wasn't saying anything against that, he was just asking about what people thought they could be.
09-16-2004, 12:48 AM
Originally posted by ZDawg
I have still seen and heard of story of hardline athiests having after/near death experiences

As have I, but you're missing the point. Even an atheist believes that if Heaven does exist, its warm and gentle and easy to go to, thus the mind interprets that as what they need to see before it is able to shut them down.

What is astral projection? (Sincere, I'm curious)

When you die, your consciencess flows from your body back into the world, but you exist merely as an apparition - a ghost, polturgeist(sp?), or some other manifestation of your conscienceness. Now, if I'm right(not saying I am), then there are billions of billions of ghosts haunting. True, but since most were able to pass on without regret/anger, they don't manifest themselves as anything but maybe a bit of luck around their children or other loved ones, or maybe just a breeze when you pass a place of great emotion for them. Some just choose to wander aimlessly, not manifesting at all. More manevolent spirits haunt and cause ruckus, though fun loving ones do so as well.

Well, thats my belief atleast.
 Mike Windu
09-16-2004, 6:16 PM
That scares the hell out of me.

I don't want to know some dead dude is following me.


*rocks himself to sleep*
09-16-2004, 9:25 PM
Originally posted by Mike Windu
That scares the hell out of me.

I don't want to know some dead dude is following me.


*rocks himself to sleep*

Would you rather have the same dead dude watching from yon-high? Either way your being watched by some entity that you have no way of knowing is there.
 El Sitherino
09-17-2004, 5:35 AM
well if he sees all, then he is.
09-17-2004, 7:13 AM
nice one sithy. But, does he watch all because he likes to see peopel make out, or because he simply sees all at once? in that case, he has no other choice, even if seeing you masturbate makes him puke.
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