^^ Shut up, I have 13 gigs and errr... 7 books of manga.
Got this Wednesday Night (opening day) and played Portal and HL2. Well, I've finished Portal in just over two hours. And after four hours in HL2 I've just gotten out of Nova Prospekt. Achievements wise I got the ones for using only the Gravity Gun in Raven Holm (really friggin hard waiting for the trolley) and I didn't touch the sand once in Sandtraps.
Things I've noticed in HL2:
Vortigaunts look different, they look like they have leathery skin- like a headcrab's, but their eyes look pretty neat.
G-Man's eyes in the beginning look green and more "piercing".
Blood splatter is larger, probably for the console audience to better tell when you hit.
Normal difficulty is pretty easy.
I can still say G-Man's lines in the start before he does, I've seen it so many times.
Vortigaunts' attack effects look nicer (the lighting bits).
There is a new type of combine soldier who is brown with red eyes, they use shotguns.
There is some motion blur.
The technique of "pupil adjusting" in HDR is present.
The flashlight now casts real-time shadows that look really nice. Even self-shadows. It's almost like Stalker quality shadows.
Pistol reload sound is different.
360 controller- Triggers: Primary/Secondary fire; LB: Sprint; RB: Gravity gun short-cut; Y: Light; B: Reload; A: Jump; X: Use/Grab; Back: Order teams.
My personal set-up- RB: Reload (like GoW and H3); Y: Gravity Gun; B: Light
Stationary guns- the fire sound seems bugged.
Airboat and Buggy guns auto-target slightly. Buggy is really easy because you can charge the gun and nail anyone who you see.
The game runs like it's one a high-end computer.
Load times are amazingly short. It may just be my computer but whenever I had to load it would take probably 15-20 seconds. On the 360 it rarely takes over 10 seconds.
As I pointed out to my brother, this game technically has a score of around 48/10 and is worth $130. So if you can, and even if you have played HL2 before, get this game, you'll still like it.