How fun are those games so far? I'm still looking for some more games for my Xbox 360 that are worth getting.
How good is Spiderman 3, really? I heard it sucks compared to SM2.
Some stuff I've read:
The camera is horrible
The webbing has been really dumbed down. It no longer does the cool stuff from SM2. Like if you swung under or near a streelight, the web just goes through it. Apparently it just latches onto buildings.
The city has been dumbed down. You can't stand on fire escapes and such. Peter's aparentment is the exception.
The pedestrians has been cut down. They no longer say stuff when you swing by. Spiderman doesn't make comments either.
The city missions are just as lame as SM2.
People complain about the graphics not being next-gen, but that doesn't bother me. As long as they're at least SM2ish, I can live with it.
Is it really worth $60? Or should I wait til it drops?