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my item pack preview

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08-13-2004, 2:05 AM
Originally posted by stingerhs
quick question: why would fazza's store be listed as "kas_fazzastore" instead of "tat_fazzastore"? i'm guessin that fazza was originally intended for kashyyk instead of tatioone. hmm, i hope that doesn't affect my mod.........
(stupid lazy devs that thought no one would mod their game....grrrrrrr!!!!)
The two headed guy opposite the exit of the Ebon Hawk on Tattoine (near the Gizka guy) is named kas_twostroe.utm , i thought "thats stupid!" when i was doing stuff for him but then saw he used them in game so just shrugged and left it.

Darth : definately looking towards your pack of unused stuff when you get around to releasing it , hopefully there are some nice stuff we can play around with
08-13-2004, 2:33 AM
Originally posted by Jackel
The two headed guy opposite the exit of the Ebon Hawk on Tattoine (near the Gizka guy) is named kas_twostroe.utm , i thought "thats stupid!" when i was doing stuff for him but then saw he used them in game so just shrugged and left it.

Darth : definately looking towards your pack of unused stuff when you get around to releasing it , hopefully there are some nice stuff we can play around with

DOH!! Just realized that I missed a merchant on my reference sheet. Guess what I'm not doing tonight :D
08-13-2004, 2:43 AM
Originally posted by Achillies
DOH!! Just realized that I missed a merchant on my reference sheet. Guess what I'm not doing tonight :D He hardly got anything for sale anyway so it shouldnt take to long to check him out.

Just checked , 34 items only.
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