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my item pack preview

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08-08-2004, 1:50 PM
hey guys, i still have a ways to go yet with a couple of things, but here is a quick preview of a couple of items i'm releasing. by the way achililles, you might want to take notice on the wookie items.

Jamoh Hogra's Needler (hold-out pistol)
Damage 4d10 Physical
On hit, Poison, deadly DC 18
Critical Range 17-20x2
This is an early weapon of Hogra's that was used exclusively to cause extreme pain and a slow death. He later sold this pistol in favor of more powerful weaponry.

Cassus Fett's Sniper Rifle
Damage 9d24 Physical
Bonus 1da10 Energy
Feats granted- Sniper Shot, Advanced Sniper Shot, Master Sniper Shot, and Sneak Attacks 1-5
Awareness +12
Attack +9
Critical Range 17-20x2
Range 50m
This is the bounty hunter's personal long range weapon. He used it for several high ranking assasinations including 3 senators. Its disruptor qualities make it both highly sought after and illegal.

Wookie Wooden Sword (reskin included)
Damage 2d12 Physical
Attack +4
Critical Range 17-20x2
This wookie sword is made from the bows of the massive Kashyyk trees. In order to protect the blade from energy attacks, the sword has been hammered to the point that it is harder than durasteel, and a weave reminiscent of the cortesis weave has been intertwined with the blade.

Wookie Long Sword
Damage 3d13 Physical
Dexterity +3
Attack +3
On hit, Poison, minor DC 14
Critical Range 17-20x2
This wookie designed sword is made from an unknown alloy that makes it very strong and lightweight. Its design allows the wielder to both attack and defend with increased effectiveness. It also has a small vial near the hilt that secretes a small amount of poison gathered from an unknown creature in the Shadowlands.

anyway, that is a couple of what i'm gonna include in my pack. questions and comments are welcome (that would be why i posted it in the first place :D ). for the rest of it, you'll just have to wait until i release the pack.
08-08-2004, 1:58 PM
Originally posted by stingerhs
by the way achililles, you might want to take notice on the wookie items.

Very cool. I like that you did your research (wooden sword). Can't wait to see them!
 Doc Valentine
08-08-2004, 1:59 PM
Good work, keep it up.
08-08-2004, 2:39 PM
How did you change the weapon range? I didn't know we could do that.
08-08-2004, 2:45 PM
Originally posted by Mono_Giganto
How did you change the weapon range? I didn't know we could do that.


I started to make some blasters for Mission that would allow her to take advantage of her high dexterity/sneak attack by making them short range weapons. Maybe I should finish those....
08-08-2004, 2:51 PM
Originally posted by Achillies

I started to make some blasters for Mission that would allow her to take advantage of her high dexterity/sneak attack by making them short range weapons. Maybe I should finish those....

arrgg, ya beat me to it. anyway, just so ya know, thats not the only sniper rifle i'm including (now ya know what i do when i play any fps). :D
oh, and achillies, those pistols sound like a great idea, maybe we could collaborate a bit...
08-08-2004, 2:55 PM
Originally posted by stingerhs
arrgg, ya beat me to it. anyway, just so ya know, thats not the only sniper rifle i'm including (now ya know what i do when i play any fps). :D
oh, and achillies, those pistols sound like a great idea, maybe we could collaborate a bit...

They're actuall about 95% complete. I just need to put the finishing touches on them. What did you have in mind?
08-08-2004, 3:02 PM
Originally posted by Achillies
They're actuall about 95% complete. I just need to put the finishing touches on them. What did you have in mind?

perhaps we can make it easier on everyone else who downloads and combine both item packs into one so that people won't have conflicts and such.
08-08-2004, 3:03 PM
Originally posted by stingerhs
arrgg, ya beat me to it. anyway, just so ya know, thats not the only sniper rifle i'm including (now ya know what i do when i play any fps). :D
oh, and achillies, those pistols sound like a great idea, maybe we could collaborate a bit...

Heh same here, sniping can be fun!
08-08-2004, 4:23 PM
hey, i gotta go 2 work soon, but tommorrow (or tonite if i'm not too tired) i'll post some of the items i'm workin on. c-yall then.
08-08-2004, 4:41 PM
Keep up the good work! :)
08-08-2004, 4:42 PM
Originally posted by stingerhs
perhaps we can make it easier on everyone else who downloads and combine both item packs into one so that people won't have conflicts and such.

I'd like to host mine on my site (I'll be happy to include yours if you'd like), but if you want to put it on PCGM's, I'll probably ask to keep mine separate.

Without a doubt though, I'd love to collaborate the 2da files? Please send me your files and I'll add my lines onto yours.

PS: Here are the stats for my weapons:

*Mission's Blaster*

<Taris, Undercity - Found in Mission Vao's inventory>

Feats Required: Weapon Proficiency - Blaster Pistol

Damage: Energy, 5-10

Damage Bonus: +2 Sonic

Range: 10m

Critical Threat: 20-20,x2

Attack Modifier: +3

Upgradeable, Ranged

Working with few resources and the help of her brother, Griff, Mission Vao turned this basic blaster into an exceptional weapon almost as adaptable as she is.


*Galduran's Heavy Blaster*

<Location TBD>

Feats Required: Weapon Proficiency - Blaster Pistol

Damage: Energy, 6-13

Damage Bonus: +3 Ion

Range: 10m

Critical Threat: 20-20,x2

Attack Modifier: +3

Upgradeable, Ranged

Most Scoundrels know that there is no match for having a good blaster at your side and Galduran Calrissian was no exception. His most prized posession, he vowed that the only way he would part ways with this blaster is if someone pried it from his cold, dead hand.
08-08-2004, 4:43 PM
Wookie sword Rulez! Very good work:fett:
08-08-2004, 7:08 PM
Originally posted by Achillies
*Mission's Blaster*

<Taris, Undercity - Found in Mission Vao's inventory>

Feats Required: Weapon Proficiency - Blaster Pistol

Damage: Energy, 5-10

Damage Bonus: +2 Sonic

Range: 10m

Critical Threat: 20-20,x2

Attack Modifier: +3

Upgradeable, Ranged

Working with few resources and the help of her brother, Griff, Mission Vao turned this basic blaster into an exceptional weapon almost as adaptable as she is.

Achilles : if you want to put that on Mission along with my armour for her so that they can be compatible I can send you the files I modified , Let me know and Ill send them off to you.
08-08-2004, 7:27 PM
Originally posted by Jackel
Achilles : if you want to put that on Mission along with my armour for her so that they can be compatible I can send you the files I modified , Let me know and Ill send them off to you.

I'll probably make it a separate "patch". I think it's a good idea to make these mod compatible whenever possible.
08-08-2004, 10:24 PM
I remember in a post about lightsaber crystals that it would be hard to update the non-color crystals (can't remember what to call them). I am guessing that it would be the same for the upgrade components for blasters.

Would you still have to update many .utc files in order to do this?
08-08-2004, 11:14 PM
Originally posted by nacho35
I remember in a post about lightsaber crystals that it would be hard to update the non-color crystals (can't remember what to call them). I am guessing that it would be the same for the upgrade components for blasters.

Would you still have to update many .utc files in order to do this?

The problem with managing upcrystals.2da is the volume of lightsabers themselves. Every few days a new lightsaber (or two) comes out which means keeping the required 2da files updated would almost be a full time job.

On the flipside, not that many mods require editing Mission's utc file. This means that one or two mods can be tracked/managed. I wouldn't want to make a habit out of it, but it can be done.

Does that help to clarify?
08-09-2004, 12:25 AM
ok folks, first off, thanx 4 the good comments. second, its midnite, i really, REALLY need sleep, and i'm still at holowan about 2 post Part II of my preview. (either i need a new life, or i'm just a tad obssessed). anyway, heres part 2 of the preview as promised.

Heavy Repeating Disruptor
Damage 2d23 Physical
Attack +2
Critical Range 20-20
Special, Upgradeable, Ranged
This prototype weapon was developed by the Mandalorians before the Mandalorian War, but it never saw production. Due to its high rate of fire, this weapon has been known to rip tagets apart, thus making extremely illegal just to own it.

Prototype Tenloss Disruptor Rifle
Damage 8d20 Physical
Bonus 1d7 Energy
Feats- Spiper Shot, Advanced Sniper Shot, Master Sniper Shot, Sneak Attacks 1-8
Awareness +15
Attack +12
Critical Range 12-20x2
Range 55m
The emerging Tenloss Corporation introduced this weapon as a testbed for its targeting system. It was never meant to go beyond prototype phase, but do to the demand from mercanaries, and even several militias, Tenloss decided to sell the prototypes to the highest bidders, only to find themselves and their products banned from most Republic planets.

Idorian Vibroaxe
Damage 7d22 Physical
Bonus 2d12 Energy
On hit, Stun, 9 sec DC18
Critical Range 19-20
This ferocious weapon reflects the Idorians malace and cruelty towards their victims. The vibrator coil is designed to send shockwaves through the victim, which causes extreme pain. This easily stuns most victims, allowing the Idorian to feast on the victim's live flesh.
(i know its a bit gruesome, but the idorians in-game are just as bad. just check out the dialog on manaan for the bar by the courtroom.)

oh well, time to sleeeep **falls off chair** zzzzzzzzzzz.......

p.s. achillies, i'll send you the .2da's in a couple of days. too much to do............AAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!
08-09-2004, 12:40 AM
Originally posted by stingerhs
p.s. achillies, i'll send you the .2da's in a couple of days. too much to do............AAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!

Get some rest man. Modding will take over your life if you aren't careful :)

I'll probably start the party without you re: the mod, but I'll be more than happy to assist once you finish up your parts.

08-10-2004, 12:37 AM
just a quick update, i may post 2 seperate item packs. one would contain all the stuff i've had in my override since..., since...,...
oh who cares how long i've had it. this may allow me some more time to really work on my new items, rather than work to combine them all up. i may change my mind, 2. just keep jumping up and down in anticipation. ;P
08-10-2004, 12:53 AM
What we need now is someone making some ew Axe models so we can have different types of Axes in game , Achilles even expressed interest in making some.

Oh and have you noticed , the females dont really hold the axe properly , it sort of goes through thier hand.

And i did find something funny , put two single hand weapon on to your character , now replace the right hand weapon with an axe , its now a one handed axe. I found that by accident last night.
08-10-2004, 12:57 AM
Originally posted by Jackel
What we need now is someone making some ew Axe models so we can have different types of Axes in game , Achilles even expressed interest in making some.

Oh and have you noticed , the females dont really hold the axe properly , it sort of goes through thier hand.

And i did find something funny , put two single hand weapon on to your character , now replace the right hand weapon with an axe , its now a one handed axe. I found that by accident last night.

Someone insinuated that T7nowhere was working on one. What would be cool is if someone made a Force Pike so that I didn't have to use a quarterstaff for my mod. I will admit thought, I wished that I had tried those out before. I don't know why I think that animation is so cool on a melee weapon.
08-10-2004, 12:58 AM
Originally posted by Jackel
What we need now is someone making some ew Axe models so we can have different types of Axes in game , Achilles even expressed interest in making some.

Oh and have you noticed , the females dont really hold the axe properly , it sort of goes through thier hand.

And i did find something funny , put two single hand weapon on to your character , now replace the right hand weapon with an axe , its now a one handed axe. I found that by accident last night.

hmm, sounds like a follow-up project...

btw, i'll have to try that trick tonite, but i have to wonder how out of proportion it has to look. ;P
08-10-2004, 1:01 AM
Actually the Axe looks perfectly fine when hes holding another weapon in his other hand , though you cant hold two axes. Which would be one of the first things id do if we had more models of them. two hand axes plus mandolorian assualt armour would look good.
08-10-2004, 3:13 PM
The Heavy Repeating Disruptor sounds like it would be the repeater to end all repeaters.
I love it! Soon when I get my other hard drive I will of course upgrade it above and beyond intisa-kill and in to a blaster with a 25m blast radius:D Oh the sith I will kill:p
08-11-2004, 12:21 AM
hey hybris, while your waiting for my pack, check out achillies disruptor pack. those disruptors are seriously sweet.
08-11-2004, 1:05 AM
Originally posted by Achillies
Someone insinuated that T7nowhere was working on one. What would be cool is if someone made a Force Pike so that I didn't have to use a quarterstaff for my mod. I will admit thought, I wished that I had tried those out before. I don't know why I think that animation is so cool on a melee weapon.
Im the one tyhat mentioned T7 working on models , i didnt saw specifically axes though ;)

It would be nice if he would make them though. i know i would like a two headed axe . ie

axehead handle axehead

basically the double bladed sword but with axe heads.
08-11-2004, 1:18 AM
Originally posted by stingerhs
hey hybris, while your waiting for my pack, check out achillies disruptor pack. those disruptors are seriously sweet.

Aaaa...the sweet sound of street cred. Thanks for the honorable mention :)
08-11-2004, 12:33 PM
hey achillies, how did ya get the weapon range to work on your blasterpack? i've done everything i can think of to get things to corrolate, but its not working. i also tried just comparing the baseitems.2da and your .uti files you included in your blaster pack, but i can't see where those lines match up to make things work properly. i know they work, i just don't know how.

Edit: by the way, i dl fred's latest version of kt, and my .2da's work fine now, and if anyone else out there knows what i'm taking about, please feel free to speak up.
08-11-2004, 3:33 PM
Originally posted by stingerhs
hey achillies, how did ya get the weapon range to work on your blasterpack? i've done everything i can think of to get things to corrolate, but its not working. i also tried just comparing the baseitems.2da and your .uti files you included in your blaster pack, but i can't see where those lines match up to make things work properly. i know they work, i just don't know how.

Edit: by the way, i dl fred's latest version of kt, and my .2da's work fine now, and if anyone else out there knows what i'm taking about, please feel free to speak up.

If you look at Baseitems.2da you'll see that I added lines 92 and 93. What I did was take lines 12 and 13 (blaster pistol and heavy plaster) and make duplicates. Then I renumbered them, changed the Label, and then reduced the maxrange entry from 23 to 10. Then I opened the blaster pistol uti and changed base item from 12 to 92. Lastly, I opened the heavy blaster uti and made a similar change from 13 to 93.

That's it. Please let me know if that doesn't help.
08-11-2004, 5:50 PM
hmm, didn't think of that. thanx, now the sniper rifles are done. :evil1: all i gotta do now is make it so they can be found ingame. this shouldn't take long.
08-11-2004, 8:03 PM
excelent can't wait
08-11-2004, 8:06 PM
Originally posted by stingerhs
hmm, didn't think of that. thanx, now the sniper rifles are done. :evil1: all i gotta do now is make it so they can be found ingame. this shouldn't take long.

I put together a break down of all the merchant inventories and posted it on my website. Since a majority of merchants sell the same items (each merchant might sell a small selection of unique items) you might want to consider putting it up for sale somewhere. Fazza on Tattoine might be a good choice :)

Just a couple suggestions. Good luck finding a suitable place.
08-11-2004, 8:22 PM
You could also set your own custom merchant ;)
08-11-2004, 8:41 PM
Originally posted by Darth333
You could also set your own custom merchant ;)

That might be my next major undertaking.
08-11-2004, 11:17 PM
Originally posted by Darth333
You could also set your own custom merchant ;)

good idea, the only problem is that i would like to release the items asap, and that might take some time. also, my items are just a tad on the expensive side due to their fairly powerful nature. this probably won't be a problem with cheaters, but for people like me, puttin down 6000+ creds for a good weapon is well worth it, but it drains the ol'walllet mighty fast.
08-11-2004, 11:40 PM
Originally posted by stingerhs
good idea, the only problem is that i would like to release the items asap, and that might take some time. also, my items are just a tad on the expensive side due to their fairly powerful nature. this probably won't be a problem with cheaters, but for people like me, puttin down 6000+ creds for a good weapon is well worth it, but it drains the ol'walllet mighty fast.

Three words:

08-12-2004, 12:13 AM
would it be possible to change what some of the wookies fight with during the game to one of my weapons? if so, how? (please don't let it be scripting.....)
08-12-2004, 12:23 AM
Originally posted by stingerhs
would it be possible to change what some of the wookies fight with during the game to one of my weapons? if so, how? (please don't let it be scripting.....)

Should be a few easy utc mods.

Find the appropriate .utc files
Click on the Inventory button
Double click on the slot you want the weapon to go in
Enter the templateresref for your custom weapon
Click ok.
Save the utc to your Override folder
Repeat as necessary.

I hope that helps.
08-12-2004, 1:41 AM
OK, this should be my final announcement reguarding my item pack. first off, a big hats off to achillies for giving me ideas and helping me out. thanx very much, achillies, and i mean that. :D second, all i have left is to find the placeables for a couple of weapons and modify a couple of merchants. so, my pack should be within 2 days tops. just a note: don't bug me about NOT including an item overview in my readme. there's too many items, and not enough time. go figure. anyway, i'll post them @ btw, achillies, i'll send you my baseitems.2da if ya want it. thanx folks!!! :snipe1:
08-12-2004, 1:50 AM
Originally posted by stingerhs
OK, this should be my final announcement reguarding my item pack. first off, a big hats off to achillies for giving me ideas and helping me out. thanx very much, achillies, and i mean that. :D second, all i have left is to find the placeables for a couple of weapons and modify a couple of merchants. so, my pack should be within 2 days tops. just a note: don't bug me about NOT including an item overview in my readme. there's too many items, and not enough time. go figure. anyway, i'll post them @ btw, achillies, i'll send you my baseitems.2da if ya want it. thanx folks!!! :snipe1:


It was my pleasure to help you. Congratulations on completing your mod! :D

As for the 2da, I did finish my mod first...perhaps you could add your stuff to mine instead of vice versa? It does only seem fair :) People may have already downloaded my mod and if I make the changes, they would have to download your mod AND download my mod a second time to be up to date.
08-12-2004, 2:01 AM
Originally posted by Achillies

It was my pleasure to help you. Congratulations on completing your mod! :D

As for the 2da, I did finish my mod first...perhaps you could add your stuff to mine instead of vice versa? It does only seem fair :) People may have already downloaded my mod and if I make the changes, they would have to download your mod AND download my mod a second time to be up to date.

oh yeah, knew there was a reason ya asked me for it BEFORE you posted your pack. oh well, my baseitems has your stuff in it anyway, so they work together. YIPPEEEE!!! (can ya tell i'm a little lacking in the sleep department?? :wornout: )
08-12-2004, 2:07 AM
Originally posted by stingerhs
oh yeah, knew there was a reason ya asked me for it BEFORE you posted your pack. oh well, my baseitems has your stuff in it anyway, so they work together. YIPPEEEE!!! (can ya tell i'm a little lacking in the sleep department?? :wornout: )

Hehe, yeah. Good news though. Glad you were able to work it all out. Now get some rest.
08-12-2004, 11:36 AM
quick question: why would fazza's store be listed as "kas_fazzastore" instead of "tat_fazzastore"? i'm guessin that fazza was originally intended for kashyyk instead of tatioone. hmm, i hope that doesn't affect my mod.........
(stupid lazy devs that thought no one would mod their game....grrrrrrr!!!!)
08-12-2004, 11:54 AM
Originally posted by stingerhs
quick question: why would fazza's store be listed as "kas_fazzastore" instead of "tat_fazzastore"? i'm guessin that fazza was originally intended for kashyyk instead of tatioone. hmm, i hope that doesn't affect my mod.........
(stupid lazy devs that thought no one would mod their game....grrrrrrr!!!!)
I would verify the kashyyyk files to see if there is a store with the same name (this is what they did with Bandon .utc file: same name on Manaan and the Endar Spire but not the same contents..arghhhh!:mad: ).
If you don't find it, then you should be safe.
08-12-2004, 12:01 PM
Originally posted by Darth333
I would verify the kashyyyk files to see if there is a store with the same name (this is what they did with Bandon .utc file: same name on Manaan and the Endar Spire but not the same contents..arghhhh!:mad: ).
If you don't find it, then you should be safe.

merci, madame!!!
08-12-2004, 1:01 PM
Originally posted by Darth333
I would verify the kashyyyk files to see if there is a store with the same name (this is what they did with Bandon .utc file: same name on Manaan and the Endar Spire but not the same contents..arghhhh!:mad: ).
If you don't find it, then you should be safe.

Nope, the Ithorian merchant (Janos) on Kashyyyk is listed as Kas_Janosstore.utm.

More fun with .utm files. On Korriban, there was another merchant planned. Not sure who/what/where it was supposed to be, but you can check out the inventory in koltokorriban.utm.
08-12-2004, 1:16 PM
Originally posted by Achillies
On Korriban, there was another merchant planned. Not sure who/what/where it was supposed to be, but you can check out the inventory in koltokorriban.utm.
Yes, I have seen this. I am currently revising the rim files to see if there is more stuff like this that we could restore in the game (Deadeye Duncan per example). I found a few ones on Taris and Dantoine, including an Iriaz and a dialog with a Hutt. When I'll be finished, I will release a small pack of unused files.
08-12-2004, 11:35 PM
Originally posted by Darth333
Yes, I have seen this. I am currently revising the rim files to see if there is more stuff like this that we could restore in the game (Deadeye Duncan per example). I found a few ones on Taris and Dantoine, including an Iriaz and a dialog with a Hutt. When I'll be finished, I will release a small pack of unused files.

That sounds really cool Darth333! :D

Duncan on Manaan is really cool, I have no idea why Bioware left things like that out of the game. :confused:
08-12-2004, 11:43 PM
Originally posted by RedHawke
I have no idea why Bioware left things like that out of the game. :confused:

Time constraints, flow of the story, and play time reduction, I imagine. It's kinda fun to play through and look for hints of things that never made it into the game. Bioware has talked about a lot of stuff that had to be changed or removed to keep the game at a "reasonable" length. Give us more to do I guess.
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