Hello to everyone
I have made a tutorial : Installation and Discovery of the Kotor Tool. it's a tutorial for beginners, you can download it at pcgamemods.com
I have also put a french version of this tutorial, but when I want to download it, it doen't work, what can I do ? How can I delete my files ? How can I contact pcgamemods ?
Good to see some tutorials on PCGM's. I seem to recall talk of creating a category for tutorials, but it never happened. Maybe this will be the catalyst for change.
Nice job on the tutorial
One thing I noticed in your tutorial is that you indicate that tpc2tga is needed. In fact, it is no longer required.
It used to be needed to convert the .tpc files, but now that functionality is built in to Kotor Tool directly.
Just thought you'd like to know.
For Fred Tetra,
Thank you for having read my tutorial and correct my errors. Excuse me for the tpc2tga, I didn't know that the functionnality is now built in to the kotor tool directly.
Thank you again for your fantastic tool.
Already know how to use it but thanks anyway and good job on the tuturial.
For Darth_ToMeR
Yes, I know it, but my objective is to make a complete tutorial serie from the beginning to the lastest discoveries, in order to people to make mods easily.
Thanks for having read it.
Originally posted by x8c4
For Darth_ToMeR
Yes, I know it, but my objective is to make a complete tutorial serie from the beginning to the lastest discoveries, in order to people to make mods easily.
Thanks for having read it.
Make sure you don't reinvent the wheel. There are a lot of great tutorials out there already (ala Darth333, Doom Dealer, etc).