Originally posted by tk102
Let's see an 80GB HDD runs about $65 (
3 people have already donated to Fred. I think he could cover the rest. ;)
It's one thing if Fred just wants to be reimbursed for KT but he should just say so. Saying that $ is needed for a new HDD is kind of a weak excuse. :rolleyes:
If it the drive was only an 80, I'd be close, but still short some $$. Unfortunately, it's a 300 that's the problem, and it didn't come with a 3-Year warranty. The problems come at a bad time for me, as I've just moved and don't have money to spare, so I just put up with the drive as it is and have moved a lot to CDs until I can replace it.
Something to remember is that I haven't asked for donations, I merely indicated that folks could make them if they'd like to help me out. If I felt that I needed to be reimbursed for KT, I would ask for a shareware or similar fee, which is something folks are supposed to pay (though few do, in my experience). I may yet.
If I were asking for donations as payment under the guise of needing an HD, that would be in pretty poor character, indeed. In my case, I'm just in a bad postion and if folks want to help out, great, (and thanks to those who have!) if not, well, that's fine too.