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Hayden Replacing Shaw as Anakin DVD Rip

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 Darth Darthy
07-25-2004, 7:13 PM
Yes, the ROTJ DVD rip is up on IRC. This snippet speaks for itself. Requires DivX, no sound.
Haydens Ghost (
07-26-2004, 11:00 PM
I heard that the dvd of ROTJ leaked out with that in it and Naboo citizens cheering at the end of the film when they hear the emperor is dead.
 Darth Darthy
07-27-2004, 12:23 PM
New video clip: Theed Celebration (****ingTFN/theed.avi)

Lightsabers in Throne Room 1 (

Lightsabers in Throne Room 2 (****ingTFN/saber2.avi)

Sound Clips: Temura as Boba Fett in TESB (

Vader and Emperor new lines in TESB (
07-28-2004, 3:52 PM
Complete changes:

Episode IV: A New Hope DVD:

* LightSabers altered for Vader verus Ben Kenobi Death Star duel.
* TractorBeam control now in Aurebesh.
* Han and Greedo scene slightly changed (everyone's seen this).
* Jabba the Hutt redone from Special Edition Jabba.
* Boba Fett still mugs camera.
* Han still steps on tail, "You're a wonderful human being," still there.
(The scene is an improvement over the SE, but still not great.)

Episode V: The Empire Strikes Back

* Emperor replaced with Ian McDiarmid.
Dialogue in this scene has been slightly modified, indicating either that the Emperor knows it was Luke who nuked the Death Star, or that he is Vader's son. Maybe both (source was unclear). Otherwise, dialogue remains in tact. Emperor's theme from Jedi also added into the scene.

Episode VI: Return of the Jedi:

* Hayden Christenson has replaced Sebastian Shaw only in the Force Ghost shot.

* Line about Leia remembering her mother while talking to Luke on the Ewok Village veranda has either been omitted, or modified.

* Naboo has been added to the final planetary celebration montage at the end of the movie. It is a shot very similar to the helicopter shot of Theed in TPM when AATs are moving up the street towards the palace
07-28-2004, 5:53 PM
Got a link with the replacement of shaw. with sound requires quick time. dunno but it gives me this good feeling i have watched it like 30 times now i just think the OT is damn good!

maybe divx requires to sry
07-28-2004, 8:57 PM
Originally posted by Chase Windu
It looks fine with Hayden but the video looks like crap because you can still see traces of Shaw. Same with the video Pontus90 posted.
:confused: I don't see that... perhaps I'm blind, but it looks pretty fine to me.

The only thing that bothers me is that he looks like he hasn't aged a bit...
07-29-2004, 8:04 AM
i know i see some lines that i think are from (old anakins robe)
 Darth Darthy
07-29-2004, 8:12 AM
I think your seeing things. All they've done is horizontally pulled Shaws cloak in and pasted Haydens head in. There was a comparison video going around that demonstrated that.
 Lynk Former
07-29-2004, 8:24 AM
I actually don't mind the changes, a lot of people do though lol.
07-29-2004, 10:46 AM
Well I haven't seen them, but I'm going to issue one complaint and one comment straight out...

1) Don't like the idea of switching Hayden with Shaw. Luke saw Vader as Shaw, not Hayden (expect possibly as a baby, but I'd doubt he'd remember what Hayden looked like). I'm guessing the reason for using Hayden's face has to do with showing how he looked when he was last a Jedi, rather than how he was as a Sith. I figure if he's sacrificed himself for Luke then he's given up his being a Sith and would be considered a Jedi again. As such, he should appear as Shaw. And if they are NOT using Hayden because that's how Anakin last appeared as a Jedi, then why not replace Guiness with MacGregor and use a really young Yoda...?

2) If Leia's discussion about her mother has been changed or omitted, what does this do to episode III. If Lucas desides to base episode III on the dvd release rather than the original dialogue, it potentially opens up a wide door which previous dialogue hindered...

07-29-2004, 11:10 AM
and this is why i think they replaces (shaw asu call him but hes name is anakin) qith hayden anakin : cause anakin "died" when he fell into the lava cause then he wasnt anakin anymore then he became vader.
p.s he fell when he looked like in that clip.
so i think its much better and .i think the old anakin looks weird cause he have brown hair but black eyebrows it looks kinda funny.
 Darth Darthy
07-29-2004, 1:23 PM
^Shaws eyebrows were digitally removed for the DVD to mirror Anakins singed EP3 look.

And the ROTJ dialogue between Leia and Luke about her mother hasn't been changed or emitted, it's the same.
07-31-2004, 2:31 PM
Originally posted by Pontus90
Got a link with the replacement of shaw. with sound requires quick time. dunno but it gives me this good feeling i have watched it like 30 times now i just think the OT is damn good!

maybe divx requires to sry


I'm telling you, GL lost his god damned mind.
 dark jedi 8
07-31-2004, 2:34 PM
one think i noticed is hayden's ghost doesn't look much taller at all compared to kenobi's, wheras shaw's ghost was noticably larger. (and looked like the towering man that was in the vader costume). and i agree, when vader died on the death star he died as a jedi not a sith so shaw should be the ghost luke sees. (the image of what his father would have looked like at the mid forties age when he died).
08-05-2004, 2:46 PM
Apparently all will be explained in EpIII. But I'm going spoiler-free so I'm gonna have to wait. I've got mixed feelings on the change myself. Not sure yet.

I also hear that George talks about the disappearing/coming-back tricks on the RotJ Commentary. And that this bit in itself is quite spoiler-ish for III.

So now I've got to decide if I can wait until next May to watch the DVDs with the Commentaries on. :confused:

08-05-2004, 3:05 PM
This has got to be *the worst* change since Greedo shooting first.
08-06-2004, 7:36 AM
I liked the change, explain yourselfs :(
08-08-2004, 8:43 PM
While this is definatley interesting news (albeit bittersweet for many), I would like to hereby official warn everyone that posting of warez type stuff (that includes dvd "rips" of commercial titles up for download) is against the board rules and may get you (and us) in trouble with LucasFilm and other copyright holders.

So don't post links about where to get illegal materials, don't ask for where to get them and don't brag that you possess them please.

Thank you.

I've seen the screenshots to, I couldn't help it. These could be considered spoilers, though mild ones because we've "all seen the original trilogy."

Use discretion people... that's all we ask.
08-17-2004, 2:18 AM
All continuity arguements aside, I still like the original ending (with Shaw). Anakin looks too uptight and serious in the new ROTJ DVD clip, he's not happy like Yoda or Obi-Wan. Shouldn't you be wearing a smile if you just single-handedly defeated the baddest dark-sider in the history of the galaxy and saved the lives of your children, not to mention countless others? Whether it's because of Hayden's acting ability (or lack thereforce of, in this case) or if GL wanted it this way (to more accurately portray Prequel Anakin's more serious personality?), I have no idea.
08-17-2004, 6:10 AM
for those interested in seeing pictures of the changes then i recommend this place...
08-18-2004, 11:28 PM
Originally posted by Siv
for those interested in seeing pictures of the changes then i recommend this place...

WOW!! I really like what they did with the shots of Jabba. It's a shame that so many of the other changes will probably go unnoticed :(
08-19-2004, 12:37 AM
*gags until dead over the sheer horror*


What? I'm supposed to be dead. No Expand your Imagi-Nation this time.
08-19-2004, 1:31 AM
Nothing OT about this as far as I can tell. I watched the OT when I was a kid. This business of digitally editing films every few years or so, that were just fine the first time around, is quite frankly giving me the sh*ts, and definatelt not "Original" T. You see, it can only be origianl once. This is an original copy. Which is an oxymoron of massive proportions. Meh, I say. MEH!!!
08-20-2004, 8:30 AM
Originally posted by Siv
for those interested in seeing pictures of the changes then i recommend this place...

Interesting reading, thanks for the link Siv! :D
09-09-2004, 1:50 AM
Originally posted by Kain

I'm telling you, GL lost his god damned mind.

I'm with you Kain!! I wish George would leave the original trilogy alone!! All
that time and energy could have been
put into something useful like making sure Episode 3 doesn't disappoint like Episode 1 and 2 did.:)

- JediKenobi
09-09-2004, 8:08 PM
I will say this, for all of GL's "meddling" with the holy trilogy, it seems that all geeks that do and do not like star wars will always be there to watch them in all their incarnations. That is what Luca$film wants and you guys are falling into their trap by buying these dvd's. If they made another star wars i'm sure many of you guys, like it or not would be at the theater opening day as i'm sure many will be spending their ten bucks for ROTS. this is just an observation, not a flame. Me, i could care less what Luca$ does to his movies as they are in fact his. I have and will always be a hardcore star wars fanatic and i actually like what he's done with the films, and yes i truly and thoroughly enjoyed eps 1 and 2 and i'm sure, no positive that 3 will be awesome.
 El Sitherino
09-09-2004, 10:23 PM
I'm falling into no trap, I chose to buy these. :)
09-10-2004, 12:54 AM
apart from having hayden at the end of ROTJ, which hopefully will be explained, i'm happy with all the changes i've heard about.
09-10-2004, 11:33 AM
Originaly posted by jedikenobi- I'm with you Kain!! I wish George would leave the original trilogy alone!! All that time and energy could be spent on something usefull like making sure episode 3 dont dissapoint like 1 and 2 did!


if Luca$ WANTS to make his new ones good too, he should make the PREQUALS more like the CLASSIC TRILOGHY instead of the other way around! IT DOES appear that all Luca$ wants to do anymore is speacal effects and computer animated characters and slacked off on the stories and character development!

On the other hand, its easy to critisize! Maybie Lucas$ is just running out of IDEAS! YOU try to make a movie!

I see BOTH sides!

By the way, "Luca$" is a good name for him!
09-10-2004, 3:04 PM
I got that from Seriously, though, in terms of dialogue and writing i do think Luca$ is lacking. His direction, i think is spotty at times in terms of getting a good performance out of his actors. But from what i understand, with ROTS, he has taken gotten more strict with takes so that he could get a better performance from the actors, but he also lets them bring themselves into their performance more. I think i read that from an interview with Christensen on Really i think Luca$ should exec produce more than anything on his movies in order to allow him more time to fine tune things that should be tuned a la ESB. If he needs to shoot some more scenes he can then direct those. Also, he should have a rough draft outline of what story elements he wants in the movie and then let someone dot he screenplay as Luca$ has admitted that script writing is not his best attribute. But now that it's been confirmed a star wars tv series is in the works, it'll be interesting to see who jumps on board to direct the episodes. Personally i'd like to see some directed by cameron, jackson, and especially spielberg. I think it would be great to see what they could bring to the table, especially if they have stories that they would like to see done in the star wars universe.
09-13-2004, 1:27 PM
meh, not a big deal. You'll notice that most of the changes are VISUAL, the plot is essentially the same, so why worry? It's not like anyone but Lucas owns star wars, and he fought to keep that license, so why get angry when the man decides to mess with HIS OWN work. Just as long as I don't see jar jar up close in any shots I don't care what he altered. After all it doesn't belong to the fans, we just watch it.
Over and over and over again. OCD anyone?:p
09-13-2004, 3:29 PM
Let me see if I can put this in terms you people can understand. Because you're missing the point. I don't think I own the movies. I know George Lucas owns them. Let's say for instance Robert Plant and Jimmy page from Led Zepplin take up rapping, and mixing and scratching. Now lets say that they decide Stairway to Heaven, a classic song that people have felt was done right the first time around, needs to be overhauled with their new...crap. Yeah, it's theirs, so they CAN do with it whatever they see fit. Does that mean I have to like it? Or be happy about it? Certainly not. Does that mean I'll be buying it? HELL NO. Same with this new bastardized SW trilogy.

ps, I hate LZ and Stairway to Heaven almost as much as I hate GL.
09-14-2004, 12:34 PM
Originally posted by Siv
apart from having hayden at the end of ROTJ, which hopefully will be explained, i'm happy with all the changes i've heard about. Apparently the rationale is that when you are in "spirit form" you are in your true form. In Yoda and Ben's case, they are in their true form when they died. In Anakin's case his true form was before he fell to the dark side.

Originally posted by Tyler_Durden
Seriously, though, in terms of dialogue and writing i do think Luca$ is lacking. The dialog isn't great, yes, but part of that is on purpose, I think. Lucas is trying to emulate the old Flash Gordan-like serials which also had campy dialog. Heck, even the original series had poor dialog.

Where I think he is lacking is in directing actors, and is unable to get their best performances. ESB thrived much more in this regard because it had a proven director. By all accounts Portman, McGregor, and Christienson (sp?) are excellent actors, yet it is problably safe to say none of them have provided their top performances in the prequels (although Ewan hasn't been bad).

In the Star Wars: Empire of Dreams documentary, Ford mentions that Lucas's problem with directing is that for the most part he only tells the actors what he doesn't like, and not what he wants.

Originally posted by CapNColostomy
Yeah, it's theirs, so they CAN do with it whatever they see fit. Does that mean I have to like it? Or be happy about it? Certainly not. Does that mean I'll be buying it? HELL NO.
Exactly, if you don't like it, don't buy it. At least you are walking the walk. Most people I see complaining still plan on buying it. :)
09-15-2004, 2:56 PM
It's tough when Lucas refuses to make the originals available. For DVD this is your only choice if you want to see the OT, period.

Or you can try to dig up an inferior and out of print copy of the OT on ebay or something. Or line some bootlegger's pockets.

I heard that the reason Lucas is releasing this now is because he was originally going to wait until after Episode III was released, but did this because of internet piracy.

Well, Lucas, I hate to break it to ya, but you missed the point. People are bootlegging the "originals" (non SE, non 2004 editions), and they will continue to if that's the only way for people to get them. There's a definate demand, and he could end it overnight by releasing the originals alongside his new editions.

Anyway, since I don't want people to get the impression that discussing the illegal rip is something we promote here, I'm locking this thread. Feel free to discuss the trilogy changes in a new thread or one of the other ones out there. I should have locked this earlier, and I apologize.
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