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Jedi War

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 Empire's best
09-30-2004, 2:27 PM
Name: Darth Vader (Count Dooko's apertaince)
Age: 29
alignment: Jedi Knight, dark jedi
ranking: 2nd best
Lightsaber: dullblast both red
Forcepowers: Heal, Shock, force repel, mind powers, super speed.
 Evil Dark Jedi
09-30-2004, 5:35 PM
(Um no this is set after the 2nd Death Star is blown up if you read my first post. So change the name.)
09-30-2004, 7:13 PM
Name: Lykaios
Age: 24
Race: Human
Alignment: Jedi (loose affiliation), Smuggler
Ranking: Jedi Knight
Weapon: Dual Sabers (primary, Blue)(off-hand, Yellow) Blaster Carbine
Force Powers: Push, Grip, Jump, Pull, and Lightning
09-30-2004, 7:23 PM
Lykaios brings his small, Correlian freighter The Sparrowhawk out of hyperspace only to find himself surrounded by warships.

He looks at his system controls briefly and curses. Yep he isn't off course. This is Rhen Var but something has gone terribly wrong. Lykaios sighed to himself and set destination to the closest city below on the planet's surface.

As the some freighter descends the planet's atmosphere Lykaios frowns. Something is terribly wrong. The Force is strong here. Almost as if every force user in the galazy had assembled here. The Jedi turned smuggler almost thought of turning around and punching in the coordinates for hyperspace. However he stays his hand.

If the Jedi are in trouble then it is his obligation to help them. But will their help be accepted. Every since Lykaios entered the Jedi Academy the Masters shunned him because of the anger within the boy. Would the Jedi accept him now?

Lykaios takes his blue lightsaber and hooks it on his belt for what seams like the first time in a milennia. As an afterthought he takes the blade of his old Jedi Master, a yellow one, and hooks it beside his own.

Lykaios descends into the city...
10-01-2004, 5:29 AM
Name: Grim
Affiliation: Sith Master
Equip: AT-AT,AT-ST
Sabers:Dual Staffs Both Red
Age: 20
Powers:All You Could Want and More
As He Flew Into The Air He Saw A Man With A Jetpack
10-01-2004, 7:46 AM
Following his instincts Lykaios landed his ship outside the city and approached the walls on foot. As he nears the city walls the Force warns him of evil to the south. He walks south and sees a Sith scout crouching behind a rocky outcove. Before Lykaios can hide the Sith sees him and draws his lightsaber, the energy blade pulsing a violent red.

Lykaios lifts his own saber from his belt and allows the blue blade to extend. The Jedi/Smuggler rushes forward and delivers the first blow. Sparks fly as the red and blue blades connect, sending shivers of the impact down Lykaios' arms. The Sith is caught off balance by the blow and as he teeters on rocky outcropping Lykaios kicks the dark-robed sith in the stomach, sending him plummeting downwards.

Blue blade crashes on red as Lykaios slides down the slope, striking out with a vengeance against the dark Sith. Despite not having the upper ground the Sith affectively parries each of Lykaios' blows. Without warning Lykaios leaps over the Sith and lands behind him, driving his blade backwards into his unprotected back. With a cough the Sith scout dies and Lykaios puts his lightsaber back on his belt. He continues walking towards the city.
10-01-2004, 3:10 PM
Ranito Immediatly Spotted The AT-AT Preparing To Attack. So He Pulled Out His FuisonCutter And Sliced A circkle In The Back Half. Entering In Stealth He Ignited His Sabers And Killed Two SIth Padawans Including Grim's Padawan: Marx Belbe. Meanwhile Grim Was Totally Unaware That Ranito Was There Until The Door Opened Up And Ranito Attacked. :atpilot:
10-01-2004, 3:55 PM
I heard a fusin cuter trying to enter My AT-AT I thought it was my lead padawan: Marx Belbe Trying To see what the problem with our core was. When I Heard Lightsabers igniting I knew that my padawan's were winning. I thought wrong. The Stranger Had Skillz I had'nt seen before but I knew that style he was using. He Was Using The Flaming Sith Style. I Used Force Push And Jumped Out My Window. What A Fall. I was getting bored so when I landed I Jacked Evil Dark Jedi's Jet Pack And Flew Away,without him noticing. :devburn: :jumpfire:
 Evil Dark Jedi
10-01-2004, 4:14 PM
(Wah. Ok you cannot have a an AT-AT or AT-St and I dont have a jetpack.)
10-02-2004, 6:15 AM
Name: Marcus LeCoy
Age: 23
Allignment: Jedi
Ranking: Jedi Knight
Lightsaber: Single, Teal
Force Powers: Heal, Push, Pull, Sense, Absorb, Speed

When Marcus arrived... he found a Sith waiting for him.
They both fought for a long time... :lsduel:
finally the Sith caught Marcus off guard and knocked him over....
and the sith :sithm: was ready to finish him off....
 Jaden Malip
10-02-2004, 6:59 AM
OOC: Man, this is getting confusing now.

IC: The Sith were here. Jaden commanded some of the Jedi to force push, as many of the Sith had jumped towards them. More of them were getting through.

The war had begun.
10-02-2004, 10:17 AM
Lyakiaos had found a way into the city. Using his Force powers he was able the sense the location of other Jedi and quickly made his way over to them. As soon as he found the Jedi, Sith began to pour into the city. Many of the Sith were Force Pushed back by the Jedi defenders but a few got through. Lykaios parried a Sith lightsaber with his own and struck the evil Sith down.

"Who's in charge here?" yelled Lykaios to the other defenders.
 Jaden Malip
10-02-2004, 10:58 AM
Jaden killed two sith that had attacked him. One, with a saber thrown into his head. The other, stabbed, and then pushed off onto the ice. He jumped down and met the other Jedi. "Zoric's in charge. But I don't know where he is."
10-02-2004, 12:00 PM
(Yes I Can! Youre Just Mad)
And He Prepared to cut off Evil Dark Jedi's Head :p :p :p
10-02-2004, 12:20 PM
i kno this is gettin confusing but u guys r probably gonna start fighting if one of u kills the other or something...:p
10-02-2004, 12:27 PM
(TommyGunner You Are Correct! So Let Me End It Now)

As Grim Sliced off Evil Dark Jedi's Head Ranito Fell To the ground and kicked Evil Dark Jedi's Head into Space.

(Eat That!):p :p :p :p :p :p :p :p :p :D
 Evil Dark Jedi
10-02-2004, 5:42 PM
(Just ignore him.)

Zoric walked to the front where there where jedi and sith fighting. Zoric ignited his two sabers and used speed to run at a sith that was sneaking into the city. Zoric caught him off guard and killed him. Zoric turned around and saw a jedi with a singl clear blue saber he had never seen before. He ran up to him grabbed him and sped into the city. When he stopped Zoric said "I am Zoric. Who are you?"
10-02-2004, 6:47 PM
Originally posted by Grim_Reper
(TommyGunner You Are Correct! So Let Me End It Now)

As Grim Sliced off Evil Dark Jedi's Head Ranito Fell To the ground and kicked Evil Dark Jedi's Head into Space.

(Eat That!):p :p :p :p :p :p :p :p :p :D

No more of this, please. Read the rules ( before posting, if you're unclear on them. Thanks.
10-02-2004, 6:57 PM
Lykaios turned towards Zoric.

"My name is Lykaios Relivaur. I was a Jedi Apprentice 8 years ago but was expelled from the Order. If you wish my help you have it. What are their numbers and what are ours?"

Before Zoric could answer two Sith Lord leaped in front of the two Jedi. Lykaios lifted his shimmering saber and cut through the first Sith and raised his hand towards the second.

A small gurgle escaped the Sith's throat as the renegade Jedi lifted his body into the air using the Force. Within a few moments the Sith's body began to convulse and finally hung limp, stranded in the air. Lykaios let the body fall to the dusty street.
 Evil Dark Jedi
10-02-2004, 9:12 PM
"Nice work. Would you like to become my apprentice?Anyway, our numbers equal 1500 theres 3000" said Zoric as two more sith jumped out. One was an apprentice one a master. Zoric said" You take the apprentice. I will take the master." Zoric ignited both his sabers as the master activated his single saber. Zoric deignited his green saber and put it back on his belt. He jumped at the sith and swung down. The sith blocked easily. Zoric landed behind the sith and used Push. The sith flew forward. Zoric pulled him back and lunged forward. The sith somehow turned around and parried. Zoric took another swing hitting the sith legs. The sith swung at Zoric. Zoir parried and knocked the saber out of the siths hand. Zoric stabbed forward and killed the sith.
 Jaden Malip
10-03-2004, 5:25 AM
"Not bad," Jaden said to Zoric "but they massively out number us. We outskill them, but not every Jedi here can take down two Sith at a time." Once he had said that, a Sith came up behind him and tried to hack his legs off. Jaden backflipped over the Sith and kicked him in the back of the head, before landing.
 Evil Dark Jedi
10-03-2004, 5:38 AM
" I know that but we must hold out hope. We have the New Republic on our side on this planet so lets keep fighting" said Zoric who watched Jaden attack the sith.

(I really dont want to end this RPG here)
10-03-2004, 2:26 PM
lol sorry guys just remember wat i said if u get mad:D
 Evil Dark Jedi
10-05-2004, 5:32 AM
Zroic went back to the battle and started to attack a sith apprentice.
10-05-2004, 12:46 PM
(Sorry) and he thought about it but flew away insted
 Purple Wolf
10-09-2004, 9:16 PM
Name: Purple Wolf
Age: 20
Alignment: Jedi
Ranking: Jedi Master
Lightsaber: Dual, Purple
Force Powers: Jump, Pull, Push, Drain, Heal, Lightning, Grip, Crush, Throw.
 Purple Wolf
10-09-2004, 10:13 PM
The sith lunged at the apprentice next to Purple Wolf, the apprentice just managed to block in time. Purple Wolf stepped behind the sith and cut him in half. Without seeing the the apprentice was alright he turned and lunged at the closest sith. He flipped over a sith and stabbed into the siths unprotected back while parrying with the other lightsaber. he brought the other lightsaber forward and while the sith couldnt parry stabbed him.
He found himself next to Zoric, but didnt pay him much notice as both of em were busy dealing with the sith.
 Chrono Squad
10-11-2004, 12:45 AM
Name : Ben Skywalker
Age : 17
Alignment : Jedi
Ranking : Jedi Padawan
Lightsaber : Dual (Green & Blue)
Force Powers : Push, Pull, Jump, Heal, Speed, Absorb.
10-12-2004, 6:00 AM
The sounds of sabers clashing could be heard out side of the building, as Renz approached a doorway on the 8th floor in the stairway. Scanning the room ahead, he saw a large light blue stained window that over looked the city below.

With the butt of his T-21, he smashed the lower corner of the window plan. Shattering glass echoed through the halls of the floor. Renz scanned the around one last time of anyone else.

Placing his E-11 by his side, he took aim through the scope of his trusty T-21 as he kneeled next to half shattered window.

Multipule targets could be seen, but still no sign of his mark.
10-12-2004, 8:17 PM
name:Gon Swinn
ranking:jedi padawan
forcepowers:lighting,forcegrip,push,pull,speed,hea l,mindtrick,absorb,protect.

Gon Swinn heard a voice yell "AAAAAAAAAHHHH" then he ran out of his room he saw jedi and sith fighting a sith jumped behind him
Gon did a back flip and turned his saber on.They started fighting then all of asudden Gon was losing focus in the force.The sith kicked him down Gon force pushed him.And the sith hit the wall rock fell down.The sith bust out of the rocks and charged and Gon.Gon didnt kno wat to do.Then Gon picked up rocks with the force and threw them the sith threw them back.Nothing can stop the sith now.His heart was full with anger aand hate.Gons right arm was sabered off by the sith.He screamed in agony.then Gon jumped out of the jedi temple into the lake,and the stream carried him away intoo a waterfall.noone ever saw him again that day.Nobody noticed they were all fighting.:confused: But he is still alive somewere.
 Evil Dark Jedi
10-13-2004, 1:49 AM
(^^ We are on Rhen Var now not Yavin. You musnt have read the whole story. I know it is long.)
 Sith Queen
10-16-2004, 7:50 AM
Then Tommy T the greatest sith of all time jumped from his starship the Balamarexia, he descended from space (while holding his breath) and killed everyone by throwing multiple lightsabers at their heads! He was then proclaimed by all survivors to be a Sith Queen and a true american hero! He married an ewok and they had a child which they named Britney Spears after a close wookie friend.


Then he flew back to Congo Prime (his home planet) in the monkey star (a primal variation of the death star) but was killed by Optimus Prime aided by Megatron who piloted the Megazord just after he defeated goldar and the ninja turtles.

OPTIMUS PRIME FOR PRESIDENT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :ewok: :ewok: :ewok: :ewok: :ewok: :ewok:
10-16-2004, 10:17 AM
((now that was the stupidest thing in the world....

learn to role-play, and maybe you can come back))
 Evil Dark Jedi
10-16-2004, 9:58 PM
(Huh yeah do what Marcus said. Learn to RP then come back.)
10-16-2004, 11:01 PM
((Dude. o.O That's trolling. No trolling.

Not to, you know, be an echo or anything. ;)))
 Evil Dark Jedi
10-20-2004, 3:00 AM
(Ok back to the RP)

Zoric jumped up and swung down killing a sith. He turned around and hit a sith in the back with a piece of rubble.........
10-20-2004, 9:10 AM
Ranito saw Grim and approched him his eyes filled with hate. he pointed his red staff at Grim and said "you and me got buiseness and not the type you want" ranito raised the sabers above his hed and prepared to attack. :barf:
10-20-2004, 9:21 AM
I don't know if I can win this fight Ranito thought as he started to swiftly put his sabers in to attack position "EAT THIS" Ranito yelled! "HOW ABOUT SOME RED IN YOUR LIFE"he continued "BLUE,BLUE,BLUE!" Finally his dark rage ended leaving him weak and vunerable to attack. He lowered his sabers and awaited almost certain death.:lsduel:
10-20-2004, 9:33 AM
When Ranito saw grim studder he took full advantage he started swinging wildly into the suprised sith. Ranito began to use force lightning and shot huge blasts of blue-white lightning. :lightning while using a level 3 force grip to hold him over the cliff "Join Us Or Die!" he said and prepared to throw his saber at Grim's neck.
 Evil Dark Jedi
10-21-2004, 3:27 AM
(Why didnt you post all of them in one post?)
10-21-2004, 8:00 AM
ranito raised his sabers and slashed downward destroying one of grim's staffs.
10-21-2004, 8:05 AM
little did ranito know i was staling time for my worst attack kown:smirk2: :smirk2: :fire3: :fire2:
10-21-2004, 8:05 AM
But Ranito countered with force push and Ranito threw him into the bottomless chasm of DOOM. Ranito looked down and spat into the chasm and went off to hunt his next target ; Marcus LeCoy.:bdroid1: :bdroid1: :bdroid1:
10-21-2004, 8:10 AM
Ranito rushed to his Y-Wing and dropped his most powerful Atom bomb into the chasm, It exploded killing all within 40 kilometers. Then he set his GPS to the last known coordanintes of Marcus Lecoy :D :rolleyes:
10-21-2004, 8:12 AM
he tought i was dead i said to myself using level 3 force jump laffing at his foolish attempets to distro me.:vamp1: :vamp1: :vamp1: :devburn:
10-21-2004, 8:15 AM
Ranito swooped in and attacked Marcus lecoy
10-21-2004, 8:18 AM
i used a level 3 force speed to get out of the atom bombs range and running to ranito's last cordnets.:punch1 :shadow :imp: :devsmoke: :dev11: :dev9: :vamp1: :vamp1:
10-21-2004, 8:45 AM
ranito didn't care
10-26-2004, 1:21 PM
Originally posted by Evil Dark Jedi
Zoric sees Therk and Jaden dualing.Zoric runs over and pushes Therk away.He landed near the sith dropship collecting sith apprentices."What the"said Zoric.Zoric jumped over to the dropship and killed all sith in his way.The dropship took off with Zoric on it.Zoric killed all the sith in the dropship and killed the pilot.He then turned the ship around and jumped out.He watched it go down and crash into the sith army killing over 500 sith.

((Do you not know how to use spacing correctly, or are you just to lazy to put a space after each period? :rolleyes: ))

Name : Namin Katarn
Age : 19
Alignment : Sith
Ranking : Sith Warrior
Lightsaber : Dual (Red & Purple)
Force Powers : Push, Pull, Jump, Sense, Lightning, Grip, Mind Trick.

Nami's sabers were a blur as he spun, ducked, and stabbed in both directions, bringing down unfortunate Jedi who came too close. He saw a Sith Lord nearby being surrounded by a pack of Jedi, a circle of glowing green and blue. Namin raised a hand, using Mind Trick on the nearby Jedi. To their eyes, he vanished out of thin air, and he storde through the crowd unnoticed. When he reached the circle of Jedi, he head them saying to the Sith, "Join us and work for goodness rather than evil!" Namin rolled his eyes and lifted both hands, sending torrents on lightning into the Jedi. They flew through the air, lightsabers skittering. Namin strode to the one that had spoken before and put a saber to his neck. "Now you see the real power of the Force." A moment later, the Jedi's head rolled across the floor and Namin smirked, igniting his other lightsaber to rejoin the battle.
 Evil Dark Jedi
10-28-2004, 3:22 AM
(Eh I was too lazy but I am not know.)
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