I wasn't sure what it would reguire that's why I asked the gretat Darth333 *trumpet sounds*
As Achillies said, you will have to set a global variable when you kill the npc. (And you were right too when you said you remember reading it, I think I posted this a few times already)
The script would be:
void main()
SetGlobalNumber("MY_PLOT", 1);
You can replace my plot by whatever you want, it is not important, it won't appear in the game. Just make sure it is not already used by the game. Number 1 is also aleatory but I suggest a logical suite of numbers: 1, 2, 3, 4...
Then, you will have to add a line to globalcat.2da. In the "type" field, type Number.
Then to make the a reply avaibable in a dialog only if you have kill that npc you will have to attach the following script in the active field in the RepliesList of the EntryList of the dialog:
int StartingConditional()
int nResult = GetGlobalNumber("MY_PLOT");
if (nResult == 1)
return TRUE;
return FALSE;
Here is a screenshot of where to attach the script to the dialog (dlg file opened with GFFEditor):
And with DLGEdit:
Hope this helps :)
Originally posted by Darth Dex
No more like:
:jawa I have a price on my head.
:fett: I'll collect that!
I know it isn't helpful, but...
Fett, claiming a bounty on a little Jawa. HAHAHAHA...
(I like the :fett: (I wonder why *cough*lookatavatar*cough*)
HAHAHA... *walks out laughing*
:clap2: Good Job!
Also show us of a screenshot where Zax is talking. I set up his ANIMLIST.
werid, I tried to take screens, but it didn't work. I'll post them later.
Okay, Darth333 or anyone else who's good at scipting, like Stromtrooper793 help me out.
void main()
I made this scipt to attach to my uti files on death scipt. When I try to compile it, I get some error about not reulnizing KOTOR_DEFAULT_EVENT_ON_DEATH is there some way I can change this or something?
SetGlobalNumber("TAT_BOUNTYDEX", 1);
ExecuteScript("k_ai_master", OBJECT_SELF, KOTOR_DEFAULT_EVENT_ON_DEATH);
//Shout Attack my target, only works with the On Spawn In setup
SignalEvent(OBJECT_SELF, EventUserDefined(1007));
You need to add the following two lines of code at the very begining before void main().
#include "k_inc_switch"
#include "k_inc_debug"
I actually think its a great idea your right about the tatooine bar and boutny office being really dull and i would definetly not mind a good mod to spruce things up a bit.
Yeah I got a new idea I'm thinking about addding a death match arena in the Cantina!
I wished I could've helped with the spellcheck because the fewer the errors the better the mod.
Originally posted by Darth Dex
Yeah I got a new idea I'm thinking about addding a death match arena in the Cantina!
YES!!!!! a death match mod is exactely what im talking about
that oughta kick it up a notch lol
an arena would rock this is sounding awsome bountys and dueling I might as well take the engines out of the hawk cause i'm never leaving tattoine
lol, thanks. Well I was getting ready to realease the bounties.:rolleyes: :D, but now I guess I'm not going to.
Argh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Hey Stromtrooper can you be like my co-modder on this and do like all my dialongs? I looked at your dialong and I thought I finally had it figured ot, but no I still couldn't work it right, please, help me.
Hey darth dex just cause they dont post dosent mean that they dont whant it...i have been looking in on this tread sometimes....i really like your mod idea and i will download if it is relesed :D :D :D :D Besides like redhawk said some will like it some wont you cant please everyone :D Mod for yourself first..then release if you like it...... :D
What? Sorry, but your post has nothing do with anything reacent. I was just asking Stroomtrooper if he could help me with the dialongs, because I can't figure them out. :confused:
What it is that you don't get with the dialogues?
wHAT THE.... :confused: :confused: :confused:
i READ COMPLETLY DIFFRENT POSTS.... this is wierd.....
Well I thought I got it after you showed me, in other theard "DLG Edit". Then I saw how Stromtrooper did it, I thought I understood, but I didn't. Even the module makeing thing, by Doom_dealer didn't help :( Hmmm.....these are the to things I still can't figure out:
Starting list
Reply List
You see I can add entries, but not adding text I can never get the text I want or anything. The Entry list is easy (now anyways, but the Reply and Strating is hard).
What do you mean you can't add text? Do you have an error message? What happens?
BTW, if you can add text in the EntryList, it is exaclty the same for the reply list :confused:
Read the other thread again as well as tk102's readme.
ANd this too:
Ohhhhhhhhhhhh, now I get it, I just wasn't doing it, right thanks a ton Darth333!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Once again you have saved the day:D.
Edit- The Strating list is still confusing I read his readme and it confuesed me more. Something about scipts turning True or False, can someone please, make this simpler, because I'm just not getting it?
lol, I must really annoy you with this stuff.
This is what this forum is about :) I prefer to see this type of questions than "sheep pictures"... :rolleyes: :D
Oh yeah, forgot about that....*runs away from Darth333*
Edit- I didn't mean to break any rules, with that, I did post that I was happy with his mod's progress.
Okay, in my arena area I can't dicided should I make jedi or non-jedi?
Jedi wouldn't disgrace themselves by dueling on Tatooine... Make 'em non-jedi. :D
But then wouldn't jedi overpower them?
Okay, I have diecied that this mod is not going to include a areana, due to my lack of interst in it since Redhawe, just made a nice one, so I just plan to release my bounties mod in a day.