when you create a new head model from an existing head model of twilek or other and you give this head to your player you can put a mask but it do not appear
that's normal I know
I know somebody discussed about that, too
but I don t find the thread
If somebody have the link or know what must I do for fix that, thanks
Not all of the head models have the "hooks" for masks.
If you want masks to show on a NPC you will have to edit the model and add Gogglehook and Maskhook dummies.
Some of the head models do not have animations so it should work, eventually.
I just tried it with Yuthura Bans head. I did get the mask to stick on, but her head kept slipping of her shoulders.
I haven't done much testing with heads, because I thought they all had animations.
When I figure out why the head keeps slipping off I will fix it in the next release of mdlops.
Originally posted by cchargin
I just tried it with Yuthura Bans head. I did get the mask to stick on, but her head kept slipping of her shoulders.
OK thats funny.
But good work on putting the "hooks" on to her head CC.
ok thank you very much for this explanation