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script : give upgrade item to weapon

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07-06-2004, 6:29 PM

how can I give upgrade item to a weapon

I try CreateItemOnObject(oWeapon, "upgrade_item")

but I think it is not the right way because it doesn t work correctly, the weapon get the upgrade item but if I go to see in the weapon wich upgrade item is installed, the upgrade item slot of upgrade item installed by my script is grayed (can t see the upgrade item) and I can t uninstall the upgrade item

and I would try ActionEquipItem but there is no slot for upgrade item of weapon, I think

if somebody know

07-06-2004, 7:32 PM
I think you could try using functions like:

EffectBlasterDeflectionIncrease(int nChange);
effect EffectDamageDecrease(int nPenalty, int nDamageType=DAMAGE_TYPE_UNIVERSAL);

Combined with ApplyEffectToObject
(search nwscript.nss for more functions)

But I never tried it and it may not work.

Other most possible solution would be to create a new .uti file with an object that has the stats you wish and use a script like the one I give you the other day to replace the old item:

void main()
object oNPC=GetObjectByTag("npc_name");
object oNewobject = CreateItemOnObject("my_item_name",OBJECT_SELF);
if (GetIsObjectValid (oOldobject))



Hope this helps :)
07-07-2004, 6:34 AM
I done that, this script find wich upgrade items is installed in the weapon in every hand, and replace these upgrade items when recreate weapon after destruction.

but with CreateItemOnObject :

for exemple if vibrations cell was installed in my weapon (or other upgrade item), vibrations cell is replaced in the new weapon but when I open workbench screen, I see vibations cell slot, empty but grayed and I can t use this slot. I think, it works but it is not the right way to do that.

void main() {
object oNPC=GetObjectByTag("Zaalbar");
object oOldright=GetItemInSlot(nSlot, OBJECT_SELF);
object oOldleft=GetItemInSlot(nSlotb, OBJECT_SELF);
object oNewobject=CreateItemOnObject("jr_w_vbroswrd01", OBJECT_SELF);
string sOldleft=GetTag(oOldleft);
string sOldright=GetTag(oOldright);
object oNewleft=CreateItemOnObject(sOldleft, OBJECT_SELF);
object oNewright=CreateItemOnObject(sOldright, OBJECT_SELF);
object oOldupgradea=GetItemPossessedBy(oOldleft, "g_i_upgrade007");
object oOldupgradeb=GetItemPossessedBy(oOldleft, "g_i_upgrade008");
object oOldupgradec=GetItemPossessedBy(oOldleft, "g_i_upgrade009");
object oOldupgradeaa=GetItemPossessedBy(oOldright, "g_i_upgrade007");
object oOldupgradebb=GetItemPossessedBy(oOldright, "g_i_upgrade008");
object oOldupgradecc=GetItemPossessedBy(oOldright, "g_i_upgrade009");
if (GetTag(oOldleft)=="g_w_vbroswrd05") {
AssignCommand(oNPC, ActionUnequipItem(oOldleft, TRUE));
AssignCommand(oNPC, ActionUnequipItem(oOldright, TRUE));
AssignCommand(oNPC, ActionEquipItem(oNewright, nSlot, TRUE));
AssignCommand(oNPC, ActionEquipItem(oNewobject, nSlotb, TRUE));
if (GetIsObjectValid(oOldupgradea)==TRUE) {
CreateItemOnObject("g_i_upgrade007", oNewobject);
if (GetIsObjectValid(oOldupgradeb)==TRUE) {
CreateItemOnObject("g_i_upgrade008", oNewobject);
if (GetIsObjectValid(oOldupgradec)==TRUE) {
CreateItemOnObject("g_i_upgrade009", oNewobject);
if (GetIsObjectValid(oOldupgradeaa)==TRUE) {
CreateItemOnObject("g_i_upgrade007", oNewright);
if (GetIsObjectValid(oOldupgradebb)==TRUE) {
CreateItemOnObject("g_i_upgrade008", oNewright);
if (GetIsObjectValid(oOldupgradecc)==TRUE) {
CreateItemOnObject("g_i_upgrade009", oNewright);
if (GetTag(oOldleft)!="g_w_vbroswrd05") {
AssignCommand(oNPC, ActionUnequipItem(oOldleft, TRUE));
AssignCommand(oNPC, ActionUnequipItem(oOldright, TRUE));
AssignCommand(oNPC, ActionEquipItem(oNewobject, nSlot, TRUE));
AssignCommand(oNPC, ActionEquipItem(oNewleft, nSlotb, TRUE));
if (GetIsObjectValid(oOldupgradeaa)==TRUE) {
CreateItemOnObject("g_i_upgrade007", oNewobject);
if (GetIsObjectValid(oOldupgradebb)==TRUE) {
CreateItemOnObject("g_i_upgrade008", oNewobject);
if (GetIsObjectValid(oOldupgradecc)==TRUE) {
CreateItemOnObject("g_i_upgrade009", oNewobject);
if (GetIsObjectValid(oOldupgradea)==TRUE) {
CreateItemOnObject("g_i_upgrade007", oNewleft);
if (GetIsObjectValid(oOldupgradeb)==TRUE) {
CreateItemOnObject("g_i_upgrade008", oNewleft);
if (GetIsObjectValid(oOldupgradec)==TRUE) {
CreateItemOnObject("g_i_upgrade009", oNewleft);

I search in nwscript.nss file and I find nothing but perhaps I done a bad search, I will search again.

I search a script corresponding to workbench use, because the workbench do the thing that I want but I don t find that.

If you get some informations later, tell me

07-07-2004, 10:38 AM
Hey Darth333, look at this guy. I think jrc24 has emerged as the new script-slinger in town. :D

Wish I could be more help, jrc24. If I find something I'll let you know.
07-07-2004, 10:54 AM
Originally posted by tk102
Hey Darth333, look at this guy. I think jrc24 has emerged as the new script-slinger in town. :D
:D :D :D et en plus il parle franŠ·ais :D

Hey JRC24 I think I found something interesting here but i haven't tried it yet (and have no means of testing it where i am right now).
Perhaps you could try using these inventory slots for the upgrades ( i think they correspond to weapon upgrades but I am not sure):

07-08-2004, 3:26 PM
that does not seem to be the good solution

thank you nevertheless

I continue to seek through

if you get informations later....thanks
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