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Help on module editing!

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07-03-2004, 6:29 AM
I need help on things

1.How to connect modules?
2.Making doors PERMANENTLY locked (not openable in any way)
3.I still haven't learned how to auto-initiate a dialgoue, as with the Dark Jedi on Tatooine, Anchorhead and Kashyyk, Czerka Landing Port.

Please help! I really need to know this stuff!
 Fred Tetra
07-03-2004, 10:23 AM
Ok, so I'm no expert on this, but here's what I've found:

It appears that when a conversation is "auto-initiated", what is happening is that your character has crossed into a trigger area.

For my example, I will use the Czerka Landing Port. All files referenced are in RIMS | Modules | kas_m22aa.rim and kas_m22aa_s.rim.

In the Triggers_List section of m22_aa.git, there is a Trigger named "kas_zaalbartrig". If we look in kas_zaalbartrig.utt, which is the trigger itself, we see that the ScriptOnEnter value is set to k_pkas_zaaltalk1. Next, looking in the k_pkas_zaaltalk1.ncs script. Looking far down in the script, we see that a conversation is initiated using ActionStartConversation with a value of "22aa_zaalb01_01", which refers to 22aa_zaalb01_01.dlg.

I realize this is a simple example, but perhaps it will help.
07-03-2004, 11:20 AM
I'm pretty sure that the "Do you want to mod SW:KotOR? Then start here!" thread has a link about doing this although the title of that link does not say about doing this kind of task. Good Luck :)
07-03-2004, 11:30 AM
Here is a document concerning the trigger format:
I made a mini guide for this too but it is still incomplete due to lack of time. I could send you what I have when I get home this evening.
07-03-2004, 12:06 PM
Please do so Darth333

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