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Should I create Version 2 of the "Realistic Effects Mod"?

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06-27-2004, 7:00 PM
Well, if you guys haven't seen it, go here:

Or you can go here:

My question is if I should improve it and create Version 2, which I'd get to work right away on.


06-27-2004, 7:12 PM
Here's my suggestions:

The emplaced gun lasers need to be red. Those emplaced guns are not turbolasers, and even if they were, not all turbolasers shoot green lasers.

The blue flame from the jetpack does not look right with Boba's jetpack. I suggest just make the jetpack effect for multiplayer the one from single player.

The bowcaster lasers look red-orange in your mod... they need to be red.

The thermal detonator explosion is too big. The old explosion was fine. Now when it explodes, it looks like you're blown up in a huge explosion, yet you're unharmed.

Your new "red sparks" are inaccurate. Sparks are supposed to be yellow-orange.
 Amidala from Chop Shop
06-27-2004, 8:39 PM
Shameless advertising. Put this stuff in one of the Editing forums where it belongs.

Like it would stop you from putting out another version even if the poll was 100% NO :rolleyes:
 Master William
06-27-2004, 10:03 PM
:rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes:

Like... duh!
06-27-2004, 10:03 PM
Originally posted by TK-8252
Here's my suggestions:

The emplaced gun lasers need to be red. Those emplaced guns are not turbolasers, and even if they were, not all turbolasers shoot green lasers.

The blue flame from the jetpack does not look right with Boba's jetpack. I suggest just make the jetpack effect for multiplayer the one from single player.

The bowcaster lasers look red-orange in your mod... they need to be red.

The thermal detonator explosion is too big. The old explosion was fine. Now when it explodes, it looks like you're blown up in a huge explosion, yet you're unharmed.

Your new "red sparks" are inaccurate. Sparks are supposed to be yellow-orange.

Actually, don't you remember when you had to use the emplaced guns in the acid rain level? Kyle Katarn said something about going up there and using the turbolasers. Most turbolasers are green too anyway.

The jetpack thing...yes, I'll change it to the one that Boba Fett had in Single Player.

The Wookiee Bowcaster...yes, that does need fixing.

The Thermal Detonator's explosion is supposed to be ENORMOUS!!!! I made it bigger, now I'll make the damage extend farther too.

The sparks...yes...I'll fix that. I was trying to make the blood sparks be red, and the droid sparks be didn't turn out going to the flesh and droid impact, did it?

Amidala: :p :p :p :p

But, if the majority is no, I won't release it (or make it for that matter).

06-27-2004, 11:14 PM
Originally posted by Majin Revan
Actually, don't you remember when you had to use the emplaced guns in the acid rain level? Kyle Katarn said something about going up there and using the turbolasers. Most turbolasers are green too anyway.

Technically, Kyle was wrong. When Raven Software was writing the lines for Kyle to say, they had no idea what to call the turret, so they just had him say "turbolaser." The Raven guys aren't exactly the biggest Star Wars experts out there (just look what they think Stormtroopers look like).

That "turbolaser" on the Vjun mission is just an emplaced turret.

And not all turbolasers are green... actually, the only green turbolasers were the ones on Imperial Star Destroyers. "Most" doesn't mean one kind of turbolaser. You know those big turrets on the Hoth siege? In your mind those are turbolasers, right? They shoot red lasers! :)

And the blasters on AT-ST and AT-AT walkers, that actually are turbolasers, shoot red lasers. Need I list more? :p

And, you also made multiplayer emplaced guns use green lasers too.

Ya know... these:

Those use the same blasters that ceiling turrets and sentry guns use. That is no turbolaser.

Originally posted by majinrevan
The Thermal Detonator's explosion is supposed to be ENORMOUS!!!! I made it bigger, now I'll make the damage extend farther too.

The thermal detonators in this game are Class-E. These have a small blast area. No, not all thermal detonator explosions are enormous. And you can't change the damage areas of thermal detonators in single player at all, and you can't in multiplayer unless you can do some C++ coding and find someone to compile it.

Originally posted by majinrevan
The sparks...yes...I'll fix that. I was trying to make the blood sparks be red, and the droid sparks be didn't turn out going to the flesh and droid impact, did it?

It seems like all sparks are red now.

But anyway, I got all the effects exactly as I want in my SWR - Star Wars Realism mod. :p
06-27-2004, 11:48 PM
Hmm...yes, you are right. About all but the Thermal Detonator...I know how to make the damage radius bigger...I have already done it!! It was changed in the Realstic Effects Mod. Nobody caught it, as it was barely increased.

06-28-2004, 12:26 AM
How do you do that? :confused:
06-28-2004, 6:02 AM
YEah you should make version 2, change all the explosions to the same as the thermal it would be cool.

The lightning is good, but i dont like it red, looks too much like drain. Maybe just change the bolts to a little blue, same for the flash, make it blue. But i like the glow effect of the flash :cool:

also make the smoke trails of the rocket better, if you can
06-28-2004, 4:32 PM
Originally posted by TK-8252
How do you do that? :confused:

LOL, In opened up the weapons.dat file in the most advanced program ever..........Notepad!!

I'll try to change some stuff for all of you guys!!

P.S.- The lightning thing...have you ever read the New Jedi Order Series? Jaina and Jacen both use red lightning...very effective.

06-28-2004, 6:14 PM
Originally posted by Majin Revan
LOL, In opened up the weapons.dat file in the most advanced program ever..........Notepad!!

I'll try to change some stuff for all of you guys!!

P.S.- The lightning thing...have you ever read the New Jedi Order Series? Jaina and Jacen both use red lightning...very effective.


Uh... I see no settings for the explosion area. What setting did you change for bigger explosions?
06-28-2004, 6:21 PM
Here you go:

weapontype WP_THERMAL
weaponclass weapon_thermal
weaponmodel models/weapons2/thermal/thermal.md3
weaponIcon gfx/hud/w_icon_thermal
ammotype 7
ammolowcount 1
energypershot 1
firetime 800
range 10000
altenergypershot 1
altfiretime 400
altrange 10000
missileModel models/weapons2/thermal/thermal_proj.md3
altmissileModel models/weapons2/thermal/thermal_proj.md3
barrelcount 0
chargesound sound/weapons/thermal/charge.wav
chargeforce fffx/weapons/thermal/charge
altchargesound sound/weapons/thermal/charge.wav
altchargeforce fffx/weapons/thermal/charge
selectSound sound/weapons/thermal/select.wav
selectforce fffx/weapons/thermal/select
muzzleEffect thermal/muzzle_flash

Hope that helped!! It seems that the majority wants a newer version, so I guess a newer version it is!!

06-28-2004, 6:26 PM
Oops...I think you were right. I just realized that the "range" part is referring to the range that the person can through it...not the explosion range.

My bad...

07-03-2004, 12:17 AM
Go ahead and do it. Like Amidala said, you don't even have to worry about the poll you started. Improve every aspect you can think of, and add as many features as you can come up with.
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