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Map idea

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06-20-2004, 5:35 PM
Would anyone like to see the Black Mesa research facility from Half-Life made into a map? If you dont know what it is, dont worry, but if you do, what do you think?
06-23-2004, 10:41 PM
sounds great man :)
06-24-2004, 5:03 AM
I almost considered making that once so yes I'd like to see it too.

It's not Star Wars related so it has my vote! :p
06-25-2004, 3:03 PM
I think that you would have to add a load of detail to it, because as far as i can remember there is not a lot in the way of archatecture before the accident.

Makes me think, you should do a before and after
06-25-2004, 4:03 PM
Originally posted by WadeV1589
It's not Star Wars related so it has my vote! :p

Traitor! ;)
06-25-2004, 4:16 PM
Do it. Please. I'm obsessed iwth Half-Life.
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