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Achilles' Lightsaber walkthrough

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05-22-2006, 8:10 PM
I seem to be having a slight problem here. I can't find a single 'g_w_sbrcrstlX' file in my other .uti files. I can find all the SABERS okay, just no crystals. Did I screw something unkowingly?

Side note: the game itself plays just like normal
05-23-2006, 8:09 PM
Are you looking for that filename specifically? The "X" is supposed to represent a number.
05-25-2006, 12:10 AM
I think found my problem. I don't have the g_w_sbrcrstl## files, I have 'u_l_colo##' and 'u_l_crys##' files instead. It's from one of my mods, and they're the same as the old sbrcrstl ones.
05-25-2006, 3:14 AM
Ah...TSL. The tutorial was written long before that game came out and I never updated the tutorial for TSL naming conventions (mostly b/c it was made obsolete by updates made to KotOR Tool). Glad to hear you got it squared away :D
05-28-2006, 4:07 PM
When using Achilles Lightsaber walkthrough

I assume you can edit the properties (including the lightsaber name) Does this mean that you don't have to open them up later with a GFF Editor?
Does this mean that you extract g_w_sbcrstlxx.uti and g_w_lghtsbrxx.uti exactly as "g_w_sbrcrstlxx.uti" and "g_w_lghtsbrxx.uti" typing in the ".uti"? (below)

• g_w_sbrcrstlxx.uti <BIFs/templates.bif/g_w_sbrcrstxx.uti>
• g_w_lghtsbrxx.uti <BIFs/templates.bif/g_w_lghtsbrxx.uti>

****Note: If there are any “special instructions” in the Image Viewer window, you will need to copy them into a .txt file in your save folder. You will modify the format of this file later.

Can you just check the box that says Export Selection to TXI file instead?

What is the purpose of using the Hex Editor ? I made a lightsaber that worked fine without using it, I changed the name of xxx files when I saved them to my custom number (21). Is that ok ? because when I used the Hex Editor it showed my number 21 where the 01 would be in the tutorial and I didn't know what would be the difference if I changed it to 02 like the tutorial said.

Sorry if that is confusing...
I'm still experimenting
08-18-2006, 1:33 PM
hy all. i tried to do a lightsaber but my model and color dont work. help plz
08-18-2006, 6:12 PM
hy all. i tried to do a lightsaber but my model and color dont work. help plz

Welcome to the Forums :waive1:

If you want any help you're going to have to be more specific, what game are you trying to mod, K1 or TSL? What exactly are you trying to do? Do you have a model you made yourself, or just one extracted from the game? I need more information to be able to provide any help.

04-04-2007, 4:53 PM
Hi there,

I don't know If anyone would read this after such a time :D

I was following your instructions Achilles and my white saber has a few problems. I tried to make a crystal that change color and make some additions to attack or sth too. But:
-Although I had written the description and the name of the crystal in the .uti file, in the game my crystal is unnamed and has no description
-And the most important problem - when I have my white lightsaber and the second lightsaber in second hand, in the game there are two white lightsabers in my hands, why? In the inventory it looks like everything is ok, in one hand I have a huge white space ;), and in the second an icon for e.g. blue lightsaber.

Please help, but I'm sure I made something wrong so please correct me ;)

Sorry if my english is poor, I'm from Poland and I'm just learning it ;)

Oh, and I'm trying to mod K1.

Ok, some new info. The problem with the names and descriptions - it was a problem of my polish version, and I solved it. I also found out, that - the white lightsaber only copy himself when it is in first hand - when it is in a second hand everything is all right - hope you'll help me ;)
11-01-2009, 1:16 PM
EDIT: Fixed it. New question, say I want to make a crystal (like sapith). How would I add it to the effects on the lightsaber? I can't figure out how to add my crystal as an option on the "Upgrade" field.
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