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Achilles' Lightsaber walkthrough

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03-23-2005, 10:55 PM
ignore my last post, i have figured it all out.

i was getting the w_lsabre<color>xx.tga and w_lsabre<color>xx.txi files confused with the iw_lghtsbr_xxx.tga file.

i got it working, my white malak sabre :p
03-24-2005, 12:15 AM
Yup, you really got to keep track of what tga does what... once you get the hang of it, making a saber is a really fast process.

I'm glad you got it all sorted out, and I could be of help. ;)

 Wai Ki
08-12-2005, 1:36 AM
I'm new to modding and I finally made my own lightsaber. It's working and everything, but it doesn't look correct. The blade is there, but there is also black stuff around the blade, and the icon for the saber is a white square...
also, I can't seem to upgrade it on a workbench: I select "lightsabers", then i could see my own "Wacky lightsaber", but it can't be selected...
can someone help please? thanks
08-12-2005, 1:57 AM
Did you add a .txi file with the necessary info. Your blade is blocky because your .txi file either has an error or is missing. Additionally, your icon is white because the texture is either labelled incorrectly or is missing. Finally, the steps necessary for making your lightsaber upgradable are not included in that walkthrough (outside the scope of the document). Try Mavericks187's tutorial for that.

Let us know if you have any more questions.
08-21-2005, 4:45 AM
I was using your walkthrough and it was smooth sailing until the hex part. i have a hex editor and used it and it cam out like this: Traditionally associated wiht the Jedi....blah blah blah all that description (I didnt change it) crap and then it sed: g_w_lghtsbr27 (which is wat i named my custom lightsaber) 1.0.1900.40262" Sunday August 21 blah blah wen i made it. PLZ help me i really want to make a custom saber
08-21-2005, 5:16 AM
Sorry i musta inhaled some crack or something im getting it figured out now (i don't know what i was thinking)
08-24-2005, 12:02 AM
What are the file names for the saber crystals in TSL? Im looking for g_w_lghtsbrxx.uti but I dont see any in templates.bif <I should be looking under the "Blueprint: item" tab riiiiight?> whaaaaaa? Ive found the saber .uti's but not the ones for the crystals :(
08-24-2005, 12:10 AM
You have all the file names on our website:

(directly ripped off from the BIFs>Templates.bif>Blueprint,item )
08-24-2005, 3:30 AM
I got to the part where you use a hex editor, and when I used it, nothing came up except gibberish, and few lines of normal stuff. I thought that maybe it was the HEX editor so I got another one, but the same thngs came up, and I searched and theres was no "01". Maybe its the file that I used, but I followed everything that you did.
08-24-2005, 5:03 AM
Do a search for words like sabre for instance, you have a better chance of finding it thats how I do it :r2d2:
08-24-2005, 5:13 AM
Also, make sure that you're searching the text string and not the hex string. (
08-24-2005, 5:51 PM
I searched for sabre and 01 and nothing came up.
08-24-2005, 5:59 PM
What file are you looking in?
08-24-2005, 11:07 PM
w_lghtsbr001.uti, but ive also looked in everything else (w_lsabreblue01, iw_lghtsbr_001, etc.)
08-24-2005, 11:10 PM
Problem're looking at the wrong file :D
Try reading that section again. ;)
08-24-2005, 11:19 PM
Am i supposed to be looking at a .mdl? And if I am where do I find it? I looked at where you found it, and theres only a .uti file in there.
08-24-2005, 11:38 PM
That information is also in the walkthrough...almost at the beginning, in fact :D
08-24-2005, 11:47 PM
:confused: :confused: :confused: :confused: :confused:
08-25-2005, 12:07 AM
Files that you will need to extract using KT:
*Note: xxx represents the model #

Templates – Assign properties to the item(s). Use the file reference to determine what files you need. For instance g_w_sbrcrstl14 is the code for Blue Lightsaber Crystal. Knowing this information will help ensure that you extract the correct files.

• g_w_sbrcrstlxx.uti <BIFs/templates.bif/g_w_sbrcrstxx.uti>
• g_w_lghtsbrxx.uti <BIFs/templates.bif/g_w_lghtsbrxx.uti>

Models – Used to render the image of your item in-game

• w_lghtsbr_xxx.mdl <Bifs/items.bif/w_lght_xxx.mdl>
• w_lghtsbr_xxx.mdx <Bifs/items.bif/w_lght_xxx.mdx>

Images (or “skins”) – used to skin the model in-game (ie they’re what make the blue lightsaber file appear as a blue lightsaber in your game)

**Note: Rather than use the Extract button to save these files, you will double click them to open the Image Viewer window. Use the Write File button to extract the file to your save folder.

***Note: In KT open Tools<Options and set the program to automatically convert .tpc files to .tga format. Make sure that Tpc2tga.exe is in the same directory as KT for this to work.

****Note: If there are any “special instructions” in the Image Viewer window, you will need to copy them into a .txt file in your save folder. You will modify the format of this file later.

iw_sbrcrstl_xxx.tga <ERFs/texturepacks/swpc_tex_gui.erf/iw_sbrcrstl_xxx.tpc>
iw_lghtsbr_xxx.tga <ERFs/texturepacks/swpc_tex_gui.erf/iw_lghtsbr_xxx.tpc>-w_lsabre<color>01.tga <ERFs/swpc_tex_tpa.erf/w_lsabreturq01.tpc>

Other Files

*Required* w_lsabre<color>01.txt – You should create this file in your save folder and copy the special instructions from w_lsabre<color>01.tpc into the body of the file. You will change this file later.

*Optional* upcrsystals.2da <bifs/2da.bif/upcrystals> - This property table is used to make lightsabers upgradeable in-game. Although optional it is highly recommended that select this option. More details will be available later in this tutorial.
08-25-2005, 12:18 AM
I still don't understand what I'm missing. Hmmmmmmmmm.........I'll figure it out on my own I'm taking too much of your time.
08-25-2005, 12:20 AM
It's all right there, spelled out, step by step, with the paths and everything. I'm not sure what more I can do to help you. Set up your screen with KotOR Tool on one side and the walkthrough on the other. See if that makes things any easier.
08-25-2005, 12:26 AM
Alright, I'll do that.

EDIT: This is where i get lost:
• w_lghtsbr_xxx.mdl <Bifs/items.bif/w_lght_xxx.mdl>
• w_lghtsbr_xxx.mdx <Bifs/items.bif/w_lght_xxx.mdx>
The files i have are .uti files, not .mdl/mdx files like yours. Everything else is fine, as far as I can see.
08-25-2005, 1:23 AM
Alright, I'll do that.

EDIT: This is where i get lost:
• w_lghtsbr_xxx.mdl <Bifs/items.bif/w_lght_xxx.mdl>
• w_lghtsbr_xxx.mdx <Bifs/items.bif/w_lght_xxx.mdx>
The files i have are .uti files, not .mdl/mdx files like yours. Everything else is fine, as far as I can see.

the mdl's and mdx's are not in the item.bif...

the mdl's are here: BIFs > models.bif > Aurora Model
the mdx's are here: BIFs > models.bif > mdx
08-25-2005, 3:28 AM
Is this for KotOR or TSL? This tutorial was written before TSL was even announced and I haven't updated it for TSL. For KotOR, you want the path given above. (
If it's for TSL, then use the path provided by TheOssusKeeper. (

Considering that items.bif in the KotOR tree contains no .uti files and that there is no items.bif for TSL, I'm very confused as to how it was you were able to come across the problem described above.
08-26-2005, 1:20 AM
I just assumed you meant Blueprint, Item......*slamming head on desk* I'm stupid...Thank you very much for all the help I really needed it :DDDDDDDD (and thx for the screenies)
10-25-2005, 8:02 AM
hmm I think I will leave this stuff to those of you who do it so well I read this and felt like I was back in HS algebra(I am horrible at math though I try not to be). I am great with hardware but software is something I never could get right. if there was a step by step tutorial program out there i could probably learn it well enough to mod different color crystals to do something other than color the blade. I was gonna make red more damaging than others but as a result make you also more vulnerable to ranged attack and things like that.
10-25-2005, 7:07 PM
hmm I think I will leave this stuff to those of you who do it so well I read this and felt like I was back in HS algebra(I am horrible at math though I try not to be).

It may read like that, I thought the same thing when I first start but it is very very easy I assure you. Achilles did a good job putting this tut together, just test a little bit it gets easier and easier each time you do it.
10-26-2005, 7:53 PM
Ok, I downloaded everything, so I have Hex Editor and a GFF and KT and all that. Then, I find what I wanted in KT, extracted them somewhere, then I open the GFF thing. It doesn't look like it is supposed to, it won't let me put in numbers, there isn't anything there that looks like what you describe. What is wrong?
10-27-2005, 1:15 AM
Which gff editor are you using? As I'm fully noob, I personally found kgff to be confusing. Right now I use the gff editor from Bioware. To my recollection you need to open the GFF editor then file>open the .uti you need to edit. Once its open you should see multiple numbered structs, and at this point you should be able to continue with Achilles's <???>tut. It seems frustrating, but read the tut over a few times and it will start to make sence. At least it did for me.

Oh and BTW thanks Achilles!
10-27-2005, 3:32 AM
You're welcome.

Although I'm glad to see that this old thing still gets used, I have to point out that if you're just going for straight item editing, all you really need is this ( tutorial. This lightsaber walkthough was written when you couldn't edit items using KT. Once Fred updated the tool, basic item modification via GFF Editor became obsolete (although it is still necessary for some stuff). I hope that helps.
10-27-2005, 12:11 PM
I downloaded the KGFF or whatever Editor, so I guess maybe I should go download Bioware's. What update of KT allows you to edit items? I think that I got it.
10-27-2005, 12:34 PM
Well the other tut that I referenced was written in July 2004. Therefore every version released over the last 15 months has that capability.
10-27-2005, 1:26 PM
Well, I think I am going to download Bioware's GFF Editor anyways, I already signed up, so I guess it won't hurt to go through this walkthrough and learn how to do it.
 Clone L68362
10-29-2005, 2:40 AM
Ok, if I extract g1_w_lghstbr001 (orange saber) then do the models for the saber and image that I extract also have to be for an orange saber too? Or say I extract the image for a blue saber, would that matter? Because I can't find the image for an orange saber...
10-29-2005, 3:28 AM
No, you just have to change the model var to reference the blue lightsaber. Remember that the blade color is directly tied to the model. w_lghtsbr01 is blue while w_lghtsbr07 is orange. If you don't make the correction in the .uti file, the game will get confused (and might even crash).
 Clone L68362
10-29-2005, 3:23 PM
*Required* w_lsabre<color>01.txt – You should create this file in your save folder and copy the special instructions from w_lsabre<color>01.tpc into the body of the file. You will change this file later.

Here I don't know what to do...
10-29-2005, 3:35 PM
Ok, what part of that are you struggling with?
 Clone L68362
10-29-2005, 4:45 PM
Darn I took too long to reply. Come back Achillessssss!!!

The part I don't get is where that file is and what you mean by "You should create this file in your save folder" Basically I just don't know how to get that file.
10-29-2005, 5:21 PM
What you do is extract the actual lightsaber blade texture and your gonna be renaming it to say for example w_lsabregren01.tga to w_lsabregren02.tga then later you will be using the hex editor to edit your mdl file to reflect these changes. You want to do this when its in your save folder or whatever folder your using to do your saber in.

These are found in ERFs>TexturePacks>swpc_tex_tpa.erf>W

If you want the gren part to say something different you must use the same number of characters for example. w_lsabregren01.tga to w_lsabrejedi02.tga same number of letters :) Hope this helps
10-29-2005, 5:29 PM
Darn I took too long to reply. Come back Achillessssss!!!

The part I don't get is where that file is and what you mean by "You should create this file in your save folder" Basically I just don't know how to get that file.
The one that you create? :eyeraise:
10-29-2005, 5:31 PM
Achilles I have a question, you put required next to it why is it required why couldn't you just use the default slots?
 Clone L68362
10-29-2005, 6:30 PM
Ok, I've extracted all the files I think I need. Now when I open the GFF ediotr and then open the saber crystal file, there's nothing I can do really. The only thing there is is a drop down thingy called type...
10-29-2005, 7:06 PM
Achilles I have a question, you put required next to it why is it required why couldn't you just use the default slots?For the txi file? There is no default txi file to extract, so you have to make one. Thanks to modern technology you can get around this by using the game's default tga file.
10-29-2005, 7:07 PM
For the txi file? There is no default txi file to extract, so you have to make one. Thanks to modern technology you can get around this by using the game's default tga file.

No I was talking about the original w_lsabre<color>01.tga the .tga itself..
 Clone L68362
10-29-2005, 7:08 PM
Ok I extracted everyithing I think I need, so when I opened the GFF editor and the sabercrystal file, there wasn't anything I could do. All there was was a drop down thing called "type."
10-29-2005, 7:16 PM
Ok I extracted everyithing I think I need, so when I opened the GFF editor and the sabercrystal file, there wasn't anything I could do. All there was was a drop down thing called "type."

For the TXI, Achilles said there is no way to export the default but its not necessarily true when you export your lsabre<color>01.tga theres a check box thats says export TXI, you can hit that and it should export the TXI for you all you would have to do is rename that and you'd be good to go. The GFF editor is for UTI files, which basically gives the parameters for the crystal/saber your using like the model variation #, name in game, etc.

The TXI is in essence a txt file with a different extension, it tells the game what to do with the texture.
 Clone L68362
10-29-2005, 7:30 PM
Ok I bet I don't have everything I need extracted. Let me list the files I extrcted so far, so someone can help me with this.

g1_w_lghtsbr01 (I want my saber to be orange so all this stuff is probably orange BTW)
w_lsabregold02 (renamed it from 01 like you said YAY I understood that)

Would that be everything I need?
10-29-2005, 7:40 PM
Ok I bet I don't have everything I need extracted. Let me list the files I extrcted so far, so someone can help me with this.

g1_w_lghtsbr01 (I want my saber to be orange so all this stuff is probably orange BTW)
w_lsabregold02 (renamed it from 01 like you said YAY I understood that)

Would that be everything I need?

For Example:
g_w_lghtsbr99.uti <---the info on your saber
g_w_sbrcrstl99.uti <---the info on your crystal (u_l_colo_07.uti when you extract it)
w_lghtsbr_099.mdl <---model file #1
w_lghtsbr_099.mdx <---model file #2
iw_sbrcrstl_099.tga <---crystal icon
iw_lghtsbr_099.tga <---saber icon
w_lghtsbr_099.tga <--saber model texture

These are pretty much the files you need, I used 99 as an example since that was the example used in Achilles tut.

Make sure you have the uti files for said saber and crystal, it looks like you have everything but you didn't include extensions which is kinda important.

I'd worry about the upcrystals.2da after you get it in game, and know everything is working right :)
 Clone L68362
10-29-2005, 7:46 PM
So I need to change all the numbers to 99 or something higher than 20 right? And extensions? Huh? Modding for the first time is so confusing....
10-29-2005, 7:49 PM
So I need to change all the numbers to 99 or something higher than 20 right? And extensions? Huh? Modding for the first time is so confusing....

.uti, .tga, .txt, .txi are examples of extensions you didn't inlcude them in the files you extracted up there so I couldn't tell if you had the right stuff or not.

You can use any # over 10 I believe, but to be safe use something maybe in the 30's or 40's to keep it compatible with other sabers mods.
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