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Name of Saber ???

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05-30-2004, 4:42 PM
:vamp1: I seek the name of the sabre "Heart of guard"
For my MOD, when I call the file "w_lsabrepurp01", the purple sabre is modified, "w_lsabrered01", the red sabre is modified, ... But I can't how apply the MOD to the "Heart of Guardian"? :vamp1:
 Darth Khasei
05-30-2004, 4:50 PM
How about Harbinger of Death(darkside only). I'd make it myself except I am a little too technically challenged in modding atm. That has an especially nice ring to it:D
05-30-2004, 4:51 PM
Try w_lsabregold01 I think that should replace the heart of the guardian with whatever color you made
05-30-2004, 4:57 PM
:vamp1: Thanks maverick187 :vamp1:
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