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dead npc's

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05-30-2004, 1:16 PM
Ok one easy question. How do I make an npc die and his body stay there for a long time. I need this for my upcomeing map(s) The Attack on Cornet. Can someone plz help me !!!!!:confused: :band: :atat:
05-30-2004, 5:28 PM
I have heard that if you use the kill script command to kill the NPCs they will stay right where they drop dead. I haven't tried this myself (I think it's perfectly natural bodies mystically disappear in mere minutes), but it's definitely worth a shot.

Happy scripting!
05-30-2004, 7:11 PM
ok thx ill try that :)
05-30-2004, 7:23 PM
ok I tryed but Im a complete nube when it comes to scripting so how do I do what you said??? also do you know how to make new weapons plus I have one more problem. I accidently opened my map in notepad so now all my maps are in notepad so do you know how to change it back ????
 Samuel Dravis
05-31-2004, 12:35 AM
How do I make an npc die and his body stay there for a long time. To make bodies stay for a long time, just use the g_corpseremovaltime command. Make your mod activate a script with the command set to an appropriate value. It's default is 10 (seconds).
I have one more problem. I accidently opened my map in notepad so now all my maps are in notepad so do you know how to change it back ????
Press shift when rightclicking on the map file, then select "Choose Program...". Choose gtkRadiant, and check the checkbox that says "Always use this program to open this type of file.". Fixed!
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