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Yay My Mod is Up

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05-30-2004, 11:34 AM
I'm just going to say here that my maskless Revan mod, along with all the other stuff, has finally been uploaded to, thanks to Darth333. Just wanted to let you all know. :)

Another thing, if you have a comment, I'd sure like to hear it, but you would have to put it here. :)
05-30-2004, 2:25 PM
Hey, not bad, wierd that you can't get on to pcgamemods have you tried another browser?

I noticed though in appearance-expanded bandon.2da that the last PC row 180 P_MAL_C_LRG_05 the texture is N_DarthRevan not N_DarthBand in texj. this can happen if the last box edited is still highlighted. best thing to do when editing 2da is to select a another box before saving.
also in appearance-revan.2da in row 113 DarthRevanF is pasted twice in modelj I just thought I would mention these minor errors.

Oh and I thought your readme's were quite clear. :)
05-30-2004, 3:32 PM
Nice work Mono_Giganto :)

Here are some Bananas for your monkey:;)
:3headed: :3headed: :3headed:
 Darth Khasei
05-30-2004, 4:31 PM
I like the Scoundrel black sweet.
05-30-2004, 7:08 PM
Hey thanks!

To Darth333: BANANAS!!! MINE!!
To T7: Hmmm... didn't notice that, I'll have to fix it.
To Darth Khasei: First reskin ever glad you like it. :)

By the way, this is going to sound weird, but the scoundrel variations are 6+7, cause I had a lot of other reskins, but they were terrible, and I forgot to rename the file before I sent it to Darth333. Another little mistake...
05-30-2004, 7:43 PM
Hey I thought of a way to fix those careless mistakes.

For the Bandon one, just copy the N_DarthBand02, and rename it N_DarthRevan.

For the Revan one, copy N_DarthRevan, and rename the copy N_DarthRevanN_DarthRevan.

Oh and lol T7, could you maybe PM me next time? It's a little embarrassing when you make little mistakes like that lol.
05-30-2004, 8:42 PM
Originally posted by Mono_Giganto
Hey thanks!

To Darth333: BANANAS!!! MINE!!
To T7: Hmmm... didn't notice that, I'll have to fix it.
To Darth Khasei: First reskin ever glad you like it. :)

By the way, this is going to sound weird, but the scoundrel variations are 6+7, cause I had a lot of other reskins, but they were terrible, and I forgot to rename the file before I sent it to Darth333. Another little mistake...

You can PM or e-mail kengo if you want to update your files. Unfortunately, it's impossible to do it directly. But I did that a few times and Kengo answers right away :)
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