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extract0-3 available

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05-29-2004, 11:31 PM
Hello everyone,

Extract0-3 is now available at:

You should also get the new nwn importer for max and gmax I found at:

Whats new in extract0-3

-Models that previously didn't extract now do (i.e rancor)
-Handles dangly mesh (i.e. Juhanis ponty tail)
-Animations kind of extracted, see below.

skin: OK, if you uncheck the box "convert skin to trimesh" then expect VERY long import times into gmax. On my AMD 2600 it took 2 minutes to import Juhani, 6 minutes to import Mission, and after 1 HOUR of grinding away, I gave up on the selkath.

Animation: animations are NOT extracted by default, if you want them check the box. Most of the animations have glitches. Some of them are totally messed up (i.e rancor). I am sure that the glitches are math related (anyone know how to convert a quaternion to euler?). The totally messed up animations I have no idea what is up with them yet. The gmax import script "nwn_mdl_v03b" will not handle animations, use nwmax.

Have fun!
 Fred Tetra
05-29-2004, 11:35 PM
Excellent work! Amazing what you can do with Perl, isn't it?
05-30-2004, 12:12 AM
Nice job ! Keep up the good work! :)
05-30-2004, 12:22 AM
Excellent! thanks for the new version.
05-30-2004, 12:45 AM
Cool, only problem is juhani's head isn't seeing the tga file. I'm tempted to apply it with blinn but I'd rather have it as it was originaly(even if it was just done with blinn). Any progress on getting any models into the game?
05-30-2004, 1:03 AM

Juhanis head works fine for me. The files I extracted using kotor tool are:


Are you sure you have a .tga file and not a .tpc renamed to .tga?
05-30-2004, 1:07 AM
Excellent work can’t wait to try this bad boy out. Thanks for keeping up your efforts.

 Darth Straker
05-30-2004, 7:05 AM
Like someone said ---> 5 Death Stars out of 5, but you truly deserve 10 out 5. Nice job.
05-30-2004, 7:40 AM
Im glad to see your still working on this cchargin. everyone knows how important and what a boon this is to our community :)

ok now I little report I loaded up Hk-47 and mission.
Mission only had a few animations and the ones she did were kinda wierd Her head started spinning like the exorsist and then it flipped up side down lol. also is there a way to get the the mesh to attach to the bones?

And second hk-47 had about 8000 anims most of which were just him standing still. the onse he did I reconized and worked as you would think they should accept for a couple animations where he started out as a ball then sort of unfolded.

I'm just wondering though If you've taken a look at the area models I know it's not top Priority until we can export the models but it would be helpfull for anyone that wants to reskin an area.

Keep up the great work, you just keep improving it with each version.
05-30-2004, 3:51 PM
hello all,

also is there a way to get the the mesh to attach to the bones?

Do you mean getting the animations stored in s_female03.mdl to apply to Missions model? Right now i think that is a limitation of the gmax importer. The ascii mdl files have the info in them for super models (no, I don't mean those skinny women on magzine covers), the importer just doesn't seem to do anything with it.

If you just mean seeing the bones, then uncheck "convert skin to trimesh", but remember the warning about long load times!

And second hk-47 had about 8000 anims most of which were just him standing still.

I checked out HK and in gmax he has 74 animations totaling 4235 frames of animation. I clicked play and watched all the frames of animation and frame 900 is about where he starts walking/running, frame 1500 is about where he starts firing weapons and stuff.

If you want to see some really weird and messed up animations check out the rancor! It is almost always twisted up into a ball!

If you've taken a look at the area models

Send me the names of the models that don't work and I will figure out what's screwey with them.
06-01-2004, 5:09 AM
I see what you mean about the Rancor, well actually most of the creatures animations are like that. ok for the area model you can load any of the moldels from m01aa_01a.mdl to m50aa_01a.mdl

and here is a screen they all pretty much look like that. I can hide some of the jaggies to reveal what is looking normal but alot is lost.
06-01-2004, 5:21 AM
T7 what exactly is that a screenshot of?
06-01-2004, 6:36 PM
Hello all,

Extract 0-4 is available at:

Area models extract properly now (at least the 3 I tried did)

New feature: When you extract a model a text file is created that lists all of the textures the model requires in alhpabetical order, so it is easier to find them in kotor tool.

For those of you that want to see an Ebon Hawk model try extracting m13aa_01a.mdl and m13aa_01a.mdx
06-01-2004, 11:04 PM
looks great cchargin. keep up the great work.
06-03-2004, 6:04 AM

Do you think we're gonna be able to put the models back into the game in near future?
06-03-2004, 11:45 AM
Extract 4 is working perfectly on area models some need to run thru it twice but they work great thanks again

06-04-2004, 12:21 AM
Hello all,

Extract 4 is working perfectly on area models some need to run thru it twice but they work great thanks again

What do you mean by running through twice?

Could you please give me the name(s) of the problem models?
06-04-2004, 1:21 AM
One was m31aa_00a-out.mdl and the other was m10ab_13a-out.mdl
Don’t worry they came out great after, I guess they were a little stubborn that’s all. I used extract 4 on these and had a similar out come to T7 pic above the vertex were all over the place, flipped edges and I couldn’t get anything out of them. I closed max ran extract 4 on them both again overwrote the file and loaded it up imported and they both worked. By the way the m31aa_00a-out.mdl, m31ab_00a-out.mdl, m31ad_00a-out.mdl are huge and you need a power system just to pan and zoom around them I imported each one and moved them off the pivot axis I have a 3ghz system and a ghz of ram, also imported them bare no texture, to save system memory. If any one has a lower end system don’t even attempt one if these, your pc will grind all night long and you still won’t get it imported. I think they left these out of the game for a reason. ;)

 Arlen Treesong
06-21-2004, 2:43 PM
I can't seem to find the thread so I'm going to ask in here. Where's the program to convert the mdl's to .max or .chr???
06-21-2004, 4:41 PM
hello all,

look at the top of this thread. try the nwmax link.
 Arlen Treesong
06-21-2004, 5:05 PM
I'm a tard. hahahaha. so THATS why I couldn't find the thread cuz it was THIS thread haha :p

Sorry, I haven't slept since thursday, trying to finish my perfect Yoda mod :p
 Arlen Treesong
06-21-2004, 5:31 PM
Ok cchargin, installled an all, but I'm having one problem, I go to MDL importer, I attempt to import and I'm getting the error

"Binary MDL file not decompiled. Check file is valid or NWNmdlcomp is present."

Well the mdlcomp is there I know that. Do I have to extract the .mdl and .mdx to a specific directory???
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