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Newbie/Thanks to MOD makers

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 Darth Khasei
05-27-2004, 4:57 AM
This game was recommended by some of my flight sim buddies as a groundbreaking game with an epic movie type story with kick butt gameplay to match. I was not really sure but I took the plunge. That was a few days ago and I have not stopped playing yet. What a FANTASTIC piece of code.

Now to the ALL of the guys and gals out there in the world making mods I just wanted to thank you for all of your hard work and it has made a total newbie like me get the most out of this game. I hate swoop racing and turret shooting. Thanks for the easy mods to tone the challenge down so I can enjoy the rest of the game/story.

A big thanks to the guys making the Sith Armada mod, I cannot wait for that! To the guys that made the force replication power YOU GUYS ARE TRUE DARK JEDI! I love that power!

Prior to this game I was just a "average" Star Wars fan having been such since I was in high school and Star Wars was released. I have always pulled for the light side. That is until this game. I'm sorry but the Dark Side is just way cooler to play as in this game. Not to mention some of the wicked powers and cool goth type outfits and such. Not that the light side does not have cool stuff they do, but the Dark Sides stuff is the cat's meow.

Currently, I have my original LS male PC and my 2nd PC a male DS on the Korriban world with 4 star maps in hand getting ready to enter the SIth Academy. My 3rd PC is a DS female with a head I found on the net. She is just leaving the jedi world on her quest and is already leaning heavy on the DS(yippie).

The greatest thing about this game is how it plays a different way depending on if you are male or female, LS, DS or right in the middle. Because of this variety, the scenes have played out differently for each of my PC's. I just cannot believe that! OUTSTANDING!

I have just been lurking here but I had to register to give the proper thanks to the developers and to the modding community you guys ROCK!
05-27-2004, 10:35 AM
Wow! It is this sort of response that keeps us modders motivated. :)
05-27-2004, 10:49 AM
Thanks for the nice words. Perhaps you could give it a try too if you haven't already: modding is at leat as fun as playing the game :)

(just a few word concerning DARTH STRAKER DS Armada mod -The mod is Darth Strakers' and i'm just helping with some scripts and a few technical issues - i include this here in order to avoid more questions today and bumping the other thread up: there are some bugs in the mod that have to be corrected before it's released. I didn't do it yesterday because i was just too exhausted to get into this when i got home :nutz3: after work.)
05-27-2004, 3:37 PM
I'd like to jump in on this as well, In all my years I have NEVER learned how to mod, even on NWN!!!!!! But I came here and learned very quickly with help from the great people here, Thanks to T7Nowhere I made my first lightsabre *Overkill!!!* hahaha poison stun etc. I love it! And T102 and his various tools made it more than possible, Everyone here is incredible!

One could search the world over and not find as commendable of a community as this one, I believe there is no challenge that the great technical minds here can not overcome. I owe my new found knowledge of modding to this site, as well as many days of enjoyment and no doubt years to come as well to all of you, Thank you all for your talent, and commitment. But more importantly, Thank you all for your patience and willingness to help newbies like me!
 Darth Visillius
07-19-2009, 8:41 AM
I know it's literally been years since someone posted in this thread, which in all honesty makes me a little sad, but I would just like to reinforce the appreciation. It's amazing what you modders do, Silveredge with Brotherhood of Shadow, Macleod Corp with The Dark Apprentice, the Jedi Temple and the Tomb of Exar Kun. The lightsabers and the reskins, the heads, dialogue alterations, restored content. It's amazing.

When I first got to the website I sought to try to start modding myself. Through...well, many a let down and much research I found the necessary components to finally start. Scripting scared me. It still does, honestly, but because of the tutorials you've been benevolent enough...patient post, I've finally started to have an understanding of it. In all honesty, if it weren't for this community, I probably would have played the game once and shelved it.

Thanks for your committment, time, and most importantly, your patience.
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